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The creatures scatter to the winds, quite literally, as Corragan's powerful spell knocks the kruthik creatures to their backs. Upon instinct, most of them burrowed into the ground in fear of the unknown assailants that knocked them over. Only the newly formed hatchlings, swarming around Ignatz, and the Queen herself, remain above the packed rock and soil floor. The Queen sprays a blast of acid upon Ignatz and Sha'kar, leaving them weakened and burning.

Kruthik Queen:
Move- Moves to R46.
Standard - Uses Acid Spray vs Ignatz & Sha'kar, rolling 24 vs Ignatz Fort, and 19 vs Sha'kar's Fort, dealing 5 acid damage, ongoing 5 acid & weakened (save ends) to both.

Kruthik Princess:
Recharge acid spray - fails.
Move - Moves from Q44 to S45, triggering Corragan's secondary attack and falls prone.
Move - Burrows into the ground, disappearing from sight.

Standard - Charge Ignatz (moving to R47), hitting AC 27 for 10 damage (see queen's aura).
NOTE: At the beginning of Ignatz turn, he will take 6 damage from the swarm's aura.

Move: Move to S46, triggering Corragan's secondary attack, causing the swarm to fall prone.
Move: Stand up again.
NOTE: At the beginning of Ignatz turn, he will take 6 damage from the swarm's aura.

Move: moves to P47, triggering Corragan's secondary attack, causing it to fall prone.
Move: Burrows into the ground, disappearing from sight.

Move: Moves to Q47, triggering Corragan's secondary attack, causing it to fall prone.
Move: Burrows into the ground, disappearing from sight.

Terrain: All of the rocks are difficult terrain unless you have a climb speed or can hover/fly over them.


Ignatz: 47/48 damage. STATUS: Bloodied, Weakened & Ongoing 5 Acid (save ends both), Beast Form, Thunderhoof Rage! Within aura of two swarms. Will take 6 damage from each swarm at start of turn.
Sha'Kar - 5/46 Status: Weakened & Ongoing 5 Acid (save ends both).

Kruthik Queen - Normal
Kruthik Princess - Prone; Burrowing; Hidden
Kruthik Sentinel (P45) - DEAD
Kruthik Sentinel (R45) - DEAD
Kruthik Sentinel 3 - Prone; Burrowing; Hidden
Kruthik Sentinel 4 - Prone; Burrowing; Hidden
Kruthik Swarm (W56) - DEAD
Kruthik Swarm (R47) - Normal
Kruthik Swarm 3 - 40/55 damage; Status - Bloodied.

Sentinels: HP 32; AC 16 Fort 14, Ref 16, Will 13

Swarm: HP 55; AC 15 Fort 15 Ref 15 Will 12; 1/2 damage from melee/ranged damage; vulnerable 5 from area/burst/blast attacks.

Princess: HP 110; AC 20, Fort 20, Ref 19, will 16

Queen: HP 148; AC 22, Fort 21, Ref 20, Will 17

Kruthik Queen Stats:
HP 148 AC 22 Fort 21 Ref 20 Will 17
- MBA: Claw +11 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage
- Hive Frenzy (Aura 2): Kruthik within the aura deal double damage with basic attacks.
- Acid Spray - At Will. Close Blast 5 (enemies); +9 vs Fort; 1d6+4 acid damage, ongoing 5 acid & weakened (save ends).

Kruthik Princess Stats:
HP 110 AC 20 Fort 20 Ref 19 Will 16
- MBA: Claw +9 vs AC; 1d10+4 damage
- Hive Frenzy (Aura 2): Kruthik within the aura deal double damage with basic attacks.
- Acid Spray - recharge 5/6: +7 vs Fortitude; 2d6 acid damage & ongoing 5 acid + weakened (save ends both)

Kruthik Sentinel Stats:
HP 32 AC 16 Fort 14 Ref 16 Will 13
- MBA: Claw +7 vs AC; 1d8 damage and the target is grabbed. While grabbing a target, the Sentinel has +2 AC and Reflex, but can only attack the target grabbed. The target being grabbed takes 6 damage (instead of 2 damage) from it's Gnashing Horde aura if it ends its turn adjacent to the Kruthik Sentinel.
- Gnashing Horde (Aura 1): Enemies who END their turn adjacent to the Sentinel take 2 damage (see MBA above for exception).

Kruthik Swarm Stats:
HP 55 AC 15 Fort 15 Ref 15 Will 12; 1/2 damage from melee/ranged damage; Vulnerable 5 from area/burst/blast attacks.
MBA: Claw +7 vs AC; 1d6 +2 damage.
Aura 1: Enemies who START their turn adjacent to the Kruthik swarm take 6 damage!



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Son of Meepo

First Post
Dina moves forward, helping Ignatz stay on his feat, before conjuring a watchful eye over the battlefield. The eye glares unblinking at the kruthik.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Q52
Minor: Inspiring Word (1d6=2)
Standard: Conjure a Punishing Eye in S49[/sblock]

[sblock=Healing]Ignatz spends a healing surge an heals 14 damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Punishing Eye]Effect: You conjure an eye in a square within range. It lasts until the end of the encounter. Enemies within 3 squares of the eye do not benefit from concealment, and when an ally attacks an enemy within 3 squares of the eye and hits, that enemy takes 5 psychic damage. You can move the eye 3 squares as a move action.[/sblock]

OOC: I healed Ignatz, but he's going to take 17 damage at the start of his turn, so unless someone heals him more, he's going to drop.

[sblock=Dina's Stats]Dina - Deva Artificer-Warlord 3
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 16
AC 19, Fort 13, Reflex 17, Will 18
HP 38/39, Bloodied 17, Surge Value 8, Surges 5/7
Speed 6, Initiative +3
Action Points: 0, Second Wind []
At-Will Powers: Magic Weapon, Commander's Strike
Encounter Powers: Provocative Order [x], Phantasmal Henchman [], Phantasmal Henchman Attack [], Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [], Use Vulnerability [], Curative Admixture [], Inspiring Word [x], Adaptive Stratagem [x]
Daily Powers: Punishing Eye [x], Philosopher's Crown [x][/sblock]


On the subject of Ignatz, if we can move him (1 square, anywhere), there's two swarms who are vulnerable to AOEs and 1 Queen all in a nice compact area again... Grasping Tide or Thorn Spray look good here...


First Post
Sha'kar throws another infusion to Ignatz, boosting his armor this time, but the barbarian immediately absorbs the effect to regain health instead. Sha'kar then moves back to join the group and launches a bolt at the queen, but the shot goes wide.[sblock="actions"]Minor: Healing Infusion Resistsive Formula on Ignatz - He gains +1 ac, which he immediatly ends the effect (free action) to gain healing surge +4 temporary hit points.
Move: To U55
Standard: Magic Weapon vs Queen - miss[/sblock][sblock="Stats"]Sha'kar Menoth Male Genasi Artificer
Initiative: +2, Passive perception: 20, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Normal

AC: 19, Fort: 17, Reflex: 16, Will: 16
Resist 5 Psychic

HP: 46/46, Bloodied: 20, Surge Value: 11, Surges Left: 4/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused

Allarian, Tsugo

Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +4 vs AC - Quarterstaff 1d8
Ranged Basic Attack: +5 vs AC - Point Blank Repeating Crossbow +1: 1d8+1

At-Will: Magic Weapon, Thundering Armor
Encounter: Burning Weapons, Shocking Feedback, [-]Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture[/-], [-]Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula[/-], Void Assumption
Daily: Icebound Sigil, [-]Restorative Infusion[/-]
Item: Point Blank Repeating Crossbow +1 (Encounter), Warmage's Uniform Leather Armor +1 (Daily), Alchemist's Fire (0/0), Tethercord (1/1)

Quarterstaff - 1d8
Point Blank Repeating Crossbow +1 - 1d8+1 (Equipped)
Current magazine: 6 bolts
Full Magazines Remaining: 13


Crossbow Caster - Use Crossbow as implement for implement attacks
Voidsoul - Resist 5 Psychic damage
Arcane Empowerment - Empower magic item once per day + once per milestone (Augment Energy or Impart Energy)
Augment Energy - A weapon gains a +4 bonus as a free action once. A weapon can't be infused twice (lasts until next extended rest or until used)
Impart Energy - Recharge a daily magic item. An item can't be recharged twice in a day.
Arcane Rejuvenation - When an ally uses a daily magic item they gain 4 temporary hit points.[/sblock]

Son of Meepo

First Post
Using evasive fighting maneuvers, Ignatz ends up at the other side of the Kruthik queen, his strike is unable to penetrate the queen's carapace. He then puts a little bit of distance between himself and the queen.

[sblock=actions]Ignatz is at 15 hp + 16 temp hp
Start of Turn: Ignatz takes 17 damage and is at 14 hp.
Standard: Pressing Strike, Ignatz shifts through the queen to Q45 before the attack. Pressing Strike (Queen) (1d20+9=15, 4d6.minroll(2)+1d6+7=30) (MISS)
Move: Shift to Q44.
End of Turn: Saving Throw (1d20=2) (FAIL)[/sblock]
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Son of Meepo

First Post
When Ignatz misses with his attack, Dina uses that moment to summon a phantasm to fight the kruthik.

[sblock=Immediate Interrupt]Phantasmal Henchman
An ally within 10 squares of you misses an enemy with an attack.
Dina conjures a phantasmal henchman in an unoccupied square adjacent to the target of the triggering ally’s attack. The phantasmal henchman remains until the end of Dina's next turn. Dina's allies can flank with the phantasmal henchman. As a move action, Dina can move the conjuration 6 squares. Once before the end of Dina's next turn, the phantasmal henchman can use the Phantasmal Henchman Attack power.

Summoned in S47.[/sblock]


First Post
With a guttural command a shadowy shroud surrounds the queen. Boris' sword flares with white light. "The Blessing of the Sun!"

Boris charges amidst the swarms directly towards the queen striking with all his might.
An instant later he seems to blink out of existence causing the air around him to explode. He appears a safe distance away seconds later.

[sblock=Actions] FreeAction: Shroud on Queen
Minor Action: Bless Weapon
Move: to U49
Standard: Charge with Eldritch Strike
Action Point: Otherwind Stride
Effect: Teleport to N52
Hit: Both swarms are immobilised TENT


[sblock=The Cursed One]

Human Hybrid Paladin | Warlock 3 (temporary)
Passive Perception/Insight 10
AC:19, Fort:16, Reflex:15, Will:16, Speed:5
HP: 37/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:7/11
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1 (encounter): USED


MBA: Eldritch Strike +9 vs AC, 1d12+5 damage

Divine Challenge:
Warlock's Curse:
Eldritch Strike, Ardent Strike, Dire Radiance

Blade of Crimson: USED
Valorous Smite:
Otherwind Stride:
Asassin's Shroud: 1/2 uses left
Second Wind

Crown of Stars:
Bless Weapon: Active: +1 atk, +1d6 radiant dmg til end of encounter
Fullblade of Defense:

Combat notes: Fullblade of Defense: Resist 1 vs All dmg;
TCO will use his Fullblade of Defense Daily power to halve damage of an attack will reduce him below 0.
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OOC: Sorry for the delay guys, RL has been a little hectic for a couple of days. Should settle down now though

Corragan stands his ground and slams his staff to the floor, summoning roots that dig through the rocks to ensnare the visible Kruthik. Then he shifts his focus, his jaw extending and teeth growing to sharpened points as he takes the form of a panther, ready to pounce into combat.

Standard: Grasping Tide centered on S47. Elven Accuracy on the Queen - misses
Move: Move to R53
Minor: Wild Shape

Queen: Not hit
Swarm in R47: HIT = 10 damage + 5 vulnerability. If it moves outside of the area of the Grasping Tide, I get an attack +8 vs Reflex, or it falls prone.
Swarm in S46: May already be dead from TCO's attack. If not, takes 10 damage + 5 vulnerability, and can provoke the same opportunity attack as R47.
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Son of Meepo

First Post
Queen: Not hit
Swarm in R47: HIT = 10 damage + 5 vulnerability. If it moves outside of the area of the Grasping Tide, I get an attack +8 vs Reflex, or it falls prone.
Swarm in S46: May already be dead from TCO's attack. If not, takes 10 damage + 5 vulnerability, and can provoke the same opportunity attack as R47.

OOC: Don't forget the extra 5 psychic from Punishing Eye.

Voidrunner's Codex

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