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D&D 3E/3.5 Best Way to Improve a Wizard's AC

My base stats (after increases at 4th and 8th level) are:

Strength 11
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 12
Charisma 9

Olaf the Stout

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Penguin Herder
My favorites:

- alter self -- Very flexible. Troglodyte and Lizardfolk are your best two forms; roughly comparable, since Trog gives +6 NA but -2 Dex, and LF gives +5 NA with no Dex adjustment. Trog gives Multiattack, so if you plan on doing that, your decision is done. LF gives +2 Str, which is nice if you want to escape a grapple... anyway. Roughly comparable.

- shield -- Too bad about that duration. Rod of Lesser Quicken, I choose you!

- Mithral Buckler -- Hey look, it's 0% ASF and -0 ACP. Get the cleric to cast magic vestment on it every day.

- Dex boosters (including cat's grace if you're poor). Duh!

- haste -- (but pretend it's a buff for the rest of the party, and ask for gold.)

- mirror image -- I can't stress enough how nice it is to not get hit.

Cheers, -- N

EDIT: Do you use a lot of Touch spells? If so, consider Combat Expertise.

Mithril buckler requires you to be proficient with said shield. Not happenin if you are a wizard. Great if you were a clr/wiz MT tho :)

Ok - I see 5 "must haves" right away seeing your stats.

1. Headband of intellect +2 (if we can get this to a +4, better, If you play the character beyond 8th level, I want that bonus 5th level spell STAT)
2. Gloves of Dexterity +2
3. (Nonstandard, but an Item of My own invention) Vest of Constitution +2
4. Ring of Protection
5. Potions of CLW

that's 12,000 gp + Ring of Prot

+2 Ranged Weapon
+2 Melee Weapon
- I would need to know your race for options here... being an elf = Composite longbow.

about 9K, spending the "change" on the basic necessities, like a backback, waterskin, ect.

= 21k plus ring of protection.

Can you discount "items crafted yourself" 30% (1/2 cost to create, and treat the XP cost as an added gold cost)?

I would be spending any extra cash on extra spells.

Eschew Materials (1st)
Improved Initiative (3rd)
Craft wondrous Item (5th bonus) (especially if you discount all of those magic items!!!)
Scribe Scroll (Automatic) (extra spells would be discounted)
Craft Arms and Armor (6th) (Especially if you discount)

Spells in spellbook (free)

All Cantrips -
9 1st level
4 2nd level
4 3rd level
4 4th level


Rules Monkey
Gerion of Mercadia said:
Mithril buckler requires you to be proficient with said shield. Not happenin if you are a wizard. Great if you were a clr/wiz MT tho :)

Nope. Mithril buckler has a -0 Armor Check Penalty, and 0% Arcane Spell failure. Thus, no penalty for being non-proficient, and no penalty on spellcasting. :)


Rules Monkey
Olaf the Stout said:
So spells are the best way to go rather than permanent magic items?

Olaf the Stout

For sorcerer with their greater number of spell slots, spells are usually the most cost effective way.

For wizards, they are still good, but with the free crafting feats and limited number of spell slot, crafting permanent AC boosters that you can supplement with a few spells is often a better deal for you.

Nifft covered most of the basic AC boosts. Looking to the future, if you plan on focusing on AC, look at Argent Savant from Complete Arcane or Abjurant Warrior from Complete Mage. Both of them increase the AC boost from Greater Mage Armor and Shield.


[Matrix]When you're ready, you won't need to have an Armor Class[/quote]

Seriously, as a number of people here have suggested, raising AC is only a small part of the solution. The best thing to do as a wizard is to avoid ever having to use your AC. Displacement, mirror image, greater invisibility, etc. are the best way to go.

Gerion of Mercadia said:
Mithril buckler requires you to be proficient with said shield. Not happenin if you are a wizard. Great if you were a clr/wiz MT tho :)

No, it doesn't require you to be proficient. If you're non-proficient, you can use it but have to apply its armor check penalty to many things. Since the mithral buckler has an armor check penalty of 0, that's not a problem.


First Post
Another thing to consider:

CR 8 opponents have an average attack bonus of +14 (MM 3.5e). In later supplements and modules, the attack bonuses are higher. It may be the case that you can never get your AC high enough to make a difference.

In which case: don't bother with AC, and concentrate instead on miss chance and avoiding melee.


First Post
I didn't see if anyone added the shiled spell but that is another way of adding AC.

However, remember this adage from many martial arts studios. The best way to defend against a hit is to not get hit in the first place. Play smart, stay back and get them before they get you!

The problem with most AC boosting items is the cost.
Mage armor add +4 to AC , for 8 hours at level 8=cost, nothing
Bracers of Armor +4...same AC bonus, but check the cost on those bad boys--16,000gp!

Seriously though, My last wizard spent most of levels 8-13 with no more than mage armor up most of the time and was extremely effective. Start a fight invisible and flying, stay away from the melee types. Cast Greater Invis asap. nothing wrong for the wizard to fight the fight invisivble and flying. remember, your the SMART one in the party.

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