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Assassination! DM: FourMonos Judge: Renau1g


Chael stays with the soldier, trying to make him comfortable until some healers can arrive. "I'll send Dusk with you." Chael shouts to the others from the tavern. *Dusk. See if you can get a scent on the dark cloaked one that was just here.*

"Tell me more man. You must tell me all that you know of this if I am to stop it."

Minor: Dusk Perception
Move: Dusk move out
Standard: Heal check on Soldier to keep him alive until help arrives.

23 Dusk Perception smell, 14 Chael Healing


[sblock=stat block]
Chael - Female Longtooth Shifter Hybrid Battlemind | Sentinel Druid
Advantageous Conditions: 5 temp hit points at the start of all encounters (Psionic Vigor)
Adverse Conditions:
Initiative: +4 Passive Insight: 26 Passive Perception: 26
Senses: Low Light Vision
HP 66/66
Bloodied 33
Surge Value 17; Surges Per-Day 12/12
AC 28 Fortitude 23 Reflex 19 Will 22 Speed 5
Action Points: 1
Second Wind: Not Used

HP: 33 Senses: low light vision
Speed: 6, Initiative: equal to Chael's
AC: 21, Fortitude: 23, Reflex: 19, Will: 15

At will:
Battlemind's Demand
Conductive Defense
Forceful Reversal
Magic Stone
Melee Basic
Mind Spike

Camouflage Cloak
Guardian's Counter
Healing Word
Longtooth Shifting
Psionic Vigor
Second Wind
Wind Wall

Aspect Of Elevated Harmony
Wall of Thorns

Trained: 11 Athletics, 13 Endurance, 16 Insight, 16 Perception
Untrained: 2 Acrobatics, 5 Arcana, 4 Bluff, 4 Diplomacy, 9 Dungeoneering, 9 Heal, 5 History, 4 Intimidate, 11 Nature, 5 Religion, 2 Stealth, 4 Streetwise, 2 Thievery

Hybrid Talent
Heart of the Blade
Melee Training (Wisdom)
Mark of Warding
Longtooth Spirit Shifter

Magic Items:
Belt of Vigor
Boots of Fencing Master
Amulet of Protection +2
Twilight Heavy Shield
Blood Fury Longsword +2
Dragonrider Scale +3
Siberys Shard of the Mage
2 Potions of Healing
Companion Defender

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Skill Challenge"To Catch a Killer" Round 1/3
Rohna, Goliath Fighter 8

Though the spirit bear was a good idea, her placement so far ahead of the assassin as to give the foe a chance to make a wider circle around the obstacle without really hindering his movements too much. A growling groan escapes the fighter and her eyes smolder red brighter this time. A forlorn look transforms face of Mitra down the street as she feels a break in her connection with her long time companion. The massive spike-shod hoof pawing the ground draws the attention of the littlest goliath, and a dark smile slowly creeps across her stony face.

As Rohna gracefully glides around and through her companions, over to her freshly groomed and rested dire boar, her armor once again flows off of her compact form so her movements aren't impeded in any way during these furious first moments of pursuit. She grabs the reins with her free hand, unwinding them from the hitching post with a practiced flip of her wrist, and effortlessly slides into her custom saddle as she simultaneously wheels the heavily armored mount toward the fleeing assailant. The steel tusked boar immediately settles when mounted, the dragonmark on his rider's chest flaring red for a moment as she mounts up.

[sblock=Combat Actions]Free: Athletics DC30 (Success)
Minor: Unsummon Armor
Move: to Olaf
Standard: Practiced Rider to mount.[/sblock][sblock=Rohna]Rohna—Female Goliath Fighter 8 Resist all 1
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15
AC: 24 (26), Fort: 22, Reflex: 15 (17), Will: 17 — Speed: 5(6), 9 when mounted
HP: 76/76 (0THP), Bloodied: 38, Surge: 19, Surges left: 13/13;
AP: 1/1, Second Wind: Unused, Milestones 0
Powers -
Crushing Surge
Pass Forward
Practiced Rider
Passing Strike
Rhino Strike
Hydra Charge
Stone's Endurance
World Speaker's Command
Villain's Menace
Rain of Steel
Speak with Spirits

Vanguard Mordenkrad +2 "Kordestad" (daily)
Flaming Warhammer +1 (daily)
Onyx Dog (daily)
Antipathy Gloves (daily)
[sblock=Pals]Olaf—Dire Boar 6
Resist 10 all; HP 85/85(0THP); Bloodied 42 AC 20; Fortitude 21, Reflex 17, Will 16, Speed 9. Property: Rabid Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of 6th level or higher; at-will) Mount; When he charges, Olaf makes a gore attack in addition to Rohna's charge attack. Furious Charge; When Olaf charges, his gore deals an extra 5 damage, pushes the target 2 squares, and knocks the target prone on a hit. Death Strike (when reduced to 0 hit points); Olaf makes a gore attack. Powers: Gore (standard; at-will); +9 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage, or 1d10 + 9 damage against a prone target.

Gretta—Construct 4
Initiative +7; Low-light, Passive Perception 17
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 13 — Speed: 8
HP: 9/9(4); Bloodied 4

(standard; at-will)
+7 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage.​
[/sblock][/sblock]OoC: Just doing a little roleplaying as to the separation of Rohna and Mitra since I'm retraining shaman multi to barb multi at lvl 8. And she is going bye bye next round for good.


First Post
Alexia hurries to follow the others, moving quickly despite her heavy armor. She calls upon her knowledge of the nearby streets, plazas, and alleyways, trying to predict where the attacker might attempt to lose his pursuers.

[sblock=ooc]Streetwise to aid another: 24. Haha, I should have just made a normal check. Well, next person to use Alexia's knowledge of the city gets a +2 to their roll.[/sblock]


First Post
Taking Alexia's directions of the obvious routes the man may have taken, kal'Tarron looks for the signs his master's servants will have left for him along the assassin's trail. He spots a number of signs and portents, and dashes after the killer.

Perception +12 +2(Aid) +2 (primary) = +16
Perception (1d20+16=34)



First Post
The Chase, Round 2

The heroes take off in great haste after the assassin. Despite the speed and astute observations of the group, the assassin seems to stay easily ahead of you and out of reach of any of your potent abilities.

In truth, it is only keen eyes of kal'Tarron and Malehan which prevent the assassin from losing you completely. His knowledge of the streets is unsurpassed, and he moves quickly through alleys to other venues.

[sblock=KarinsDad] The guard has slipped into unconsciousness. No further information can be gained from him. The chase is starting to get away from the Tavern... [sblock=ooc] Only one roll per round please per character. I will use Chael's heal roll, which fails, but remember, no negative outcomes for failure :) . [/sblock] [/sblock]

[sblock=Neurotic] While the assassin's path seems to be to lose the heroes, it is clear he has a destination in mind. He is not mindlessly fleeing, he is going somewhere... [/sblock]

Just as the group appears to be closing the gap, the assassin crosses the Justicar Skybridge, moving from the Dura Tower to the Central Tower. The man in black pauses briefly at the opposite column, activating the retraction mechanism. The sky bridge breaks at the center and starts to retract.

With a casual wave, the man and black turns and heads further into the Central Tower.

[sblock=Free Knowledge Checks]
[sblock=history 15] The sky bridge retraction abilities are infrequently used. The last time this sky bridge was used was when the mass of Lyrandar airship armada was on display in Sharn. [/sblock]

[sblock=acranca 15] The activation of the sky bridges is no easy task. One must either have an astute mind for techo-magic or a very high activation rune key... [/sblock] [/sblock]

[sblock=Skill Challenge]
Recap: This challenge uses the Obsidian Skill Challenge system

There will be 3 segments. In each segment, every player posts 1 action and can make a Skill Check. At the end of 3 segments, if you have a total of:

Round One: Successes: 5

12 or more successes: Victory!
10 or 11 successes: Partial Victory.
9 or fewer successes: Failure.

The DC for each Skill Check is 23. Yes, that's pretty high. So you'll want to increase your chances by being creative. Here are some options you have to increase your chances:

Good Roleplaying: If your action is exceptionally clever or well described, I'll give you a +2 to your skill check.

Primary Skill: If you use one of the primary skills for the challenge (see below), you get a +2.

Aid Another: You can skip your roll for the skill challenge to roll an assist instead. The DC for this roll is 14. You get no successes towards the challenge, but the next player to roll gets a +2, as long as their action is related to the skill you rolled (it doesn't have to be the exact same skill).

Critical Success: If you roll a natural 20, it's an automatic success and you get an extra success! (2 successes total.)

Bold Recovery: You may spend an Action Point to reroll a skill check. (Only one point per challenge, just like it's one per encounter for combat.)

Unburdened: You may spend a healing surge to ignore the Armour Check Penalty for one skill for the rest of the challenge. You can spend more healing surges to do this for more skills.

Go For Broke: In the third and last segment of the challenge, before anybody rolls, the group can decide that they're going for broke. In this case, all rolls are at -5, but if you succeed you get an extra success. (So if you crit, you get 3 successes!)

Rituals and Powers: Appropriate rituals will give either an automatic success or a bonus to a roll. Same with use of a Daily Power, if you can figure out how it would apply out of combat. Use of Encounter powers generally give a +2 if I feel it's appropriate, but they can only be used once during the challenge.

Primary Skills: This round, primary skills are Streetwise and Arcana to either circumvent or stop the bridge from closing. Still, this just means you get a bonus to use these - be creative with your skills.
Last edited:


First Post
Skill Challenge"The Chase" Round 2/3
Rohna, Goliath Fighter 8

As she closes on her life long spirit companion, the look in the bear's burning eyes tells the full story of the end of the friendship, how she just can't keep up with her rapidly evolving charge. The fighter rides strait through the spirit bear breaking apart her ectoplasmic form, a sense of pride that her cub can take of herself, as Mitra's eyes are all that's left and they merge into Rohna's own. Every ruby red gemstone on her athletically curvy body flares so bright the little points of light leave trails in the vision of all onlookers. "Be at peace old friend, your spirit will live inside me now..." she whispers to herself as she finally begins closing on the killer.

While the others weave through the crowd, bouncing and diving between bodies of pedestrians, animals and carts, Rohna has the completely opposite tack. The thundering hooves of Olaf shod in blackened steel and spiked echo off the paved streets for hundreds of yards. The attention of every person on the road, not in the chase, is drawn by either that or the impossibly deep and bellowing yell of, "Clear the Road!" by the stony black fighter waving her behemoth mordenkrad 'Kordestad' in wide and sweeping circles over her head with one hand. People yelp as they jump out of the center of the winding causeways on the approach to the bridge.

Seeing the bridge slowly begin to pull apart, she only pours on the speed. Yelling at the top of her lungs as she closes on the gap. "Cityguard! Get that bridge closed! Your citizens are gonna fall to their deaths if anyone can just flip a switch to open it!" The party can easily see that Olaf is just as crazy as his rider as all four of his spiked hooves leave the street and go soaring over the widening maw of empty space. As the dire boar's descent makes it look like he will fall short, his back hooves crumble the far edge and he scrambles across the other side with a snort of relief.

[sblock=Combat Actions]Free: Athletics DC21 +2 Primary skill, +2 Creative? (DC 23-25 Success), Speak
Minor: ...
Move: To Bridge, Over Bridge
Standard: ...[/sblock][sblock=Rohna]Rohna—Female Goliath Fighter 8 Resist all 1
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15
AC: 24 (26), Fort: 22, Reflex: 15 (17), Will: 17 — Speed: 5(6), 9 when mounted
HP: 76/76 (0THP), Bloodied: 38, Surge: 19, Surges left: 13/13;
AP: 1/1, Second Wind: Unused, Milestones 0
Powers -
Crushing Surge
Pass Forward
Practiced Rider
Passing Strike
Rhino Strike
Hydra Charge
Stone's Endurance
World Speaker's Command
Villain's Menace
Rain of Steel
Speak with Spirits

Vanguard Mordenkrad +2 "Kordestad" (daily)
Flaming Warhammer +1 (daily)
Onyx Dog (daily)
Antipathy Gloves (daily)
[sblock=Pals]Olaf—Dire Boar 6
Resist 10 all; HP 85/85(0THP); Bloodied 42 AC 20; Fortitude 21, Reflex 17, Will 16, Speed 9. Property: Rabid Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of 6th level or higher; at-will) Mount; When he charges, Olaf makes a gore attack in addition to Rohna's charge attack. Furious Charge; When Olaf charges, his gore deals an extra 5 damage, pushes the target 2 squares, and knocks the target prone on a hit. Death Strike (when reduced to 0 hit points); Olaf makes a gore attack. Powers: Gore (standard; at-will); +9 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage, or 1d10 + 9 damage against a prone target.

Gretta—Construct 4
Initiative +7; Low-light, Passive Perception 17
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 13 — Speed: 8
HP: 9/9(4); Bloodied 4

(standard; at-will)
+7 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage.​
[/sblock][/sblock]OoC: R.I.P Mitra. Your name will live on as my next parcel ;p


First Post
GM: My apologies if it wasn't clear, but the primary skills can (and have) change each round. This round, the skills are Streetwise and Arcana. That doesn't mean you have to use them, you just don't get the bonus.


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Malehan see the skybridge starting to retract. He suddenly stop, not wanting to fall into the void. He search around and spot a cable over the bridge, probably a permanent safety in case the bridge is broken and need perilous repair. Malehan walk back and climb on a cart before climbing on the cable. He then start to move with ease on it, but for Malehan, it is not different than his years walking on cable on ships.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Assassin's Creed time! Acrobatics (1d20+16=33)[/SBLOCK]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Being one of the last to follow the assassin, the priest simply follows Olafs trail of disgruntled pedestrians. Somewhat winded from running after the beast, Venakhad manages to appear at the scene just as Rhona gets her command out.

He approaches the officer of the guard, smoothing potential conflict at being given commands from an outsider.

"Captain, the man running has commited a murder most foul and these citizens are trying to bring it to justice. If you would follow with us, you can see the justice done in accordance to Sharn law and DolArrahs light!"

Diplomacy to urge the guards to act immediately (1d20+12=23)

Voidrunner's Codex

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