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Artificer (Warlock-Based)


I'm getting ready to run an Eberron game, so I have been working on some new player options. I have never been a fan of the Artificer as a Wizard traditions as from UA; after looking at the original class, I though Warlock would be a good template. I'd love to get some feedback.

[h=1]Artificer[/h]Artificers illustrate the evolution of magic from a wild, unpredictable force to one that is becoming available to the masses. Magic items are part of everyday life in the Five Nations of Khorvaire; with an artificer in your party, they become part of every adventuring expedition.
[h=3]Magic and Technology[/h]Artificers treat mastery of magic like a technical skill. They see patterns in energy and matter, and they understand how to manipulate the flow of magic in and around objects and creatures. Artificers channel energy into items using magical components, diagrams, and complex chains of sigils. Their skills let them assemble a magic device for any situation.
[h=3]Explorers and Researchers[/h]Artificers adventure for a variety of reasons. They seek deposits of rare minerals and dragonshards to use in their creations. They search for hidden arcane secrets related to making magic items or constructs. They face danger to acquire money to buy or make magic items. Like any other adventurers, they might also be motivated by a desire to fight evil or gain power, or by any of a host of similar reasons.
LevelProf. BonusFeaturesCantrips KnownSpells KnownSpell SlotsSlot
Infusions KnownCraft Reserve
1st+2Artifice, Scroll Mastery2211st
2nd+2Eldritch Infusions, Craft Reserve2321st22
3rd+2Artifice Studies2422nd23
4th+2Ability Score Improvement3522nd24
6th+3Focused Concentration, Artifice Studies Feature3723rd36
8th+3Ability Score Improvement3924th48
9th+4Extra Attack31025th59
10th+4Item Mastery41025th510
11th+4Unlock Schema (6th level)41135th512
12th+4Ability Score Improvement41135th613
13th+5Unlock Schema (7th level)41235th615
14th+5Artifice Studies Feature41235th616
15th+5Unlock Schema (8th level)41335th718
16th+5Ability Score Improvement41335th719
17th+6Unlock Schema (9th level)41445th720
19th+6Ability Score Improvement41545th823
20th+6Master Artificer41545th825
[h=3]Creating an Artificer[/h]As an artificer, you might be a formal student of magic who became interested in artifacts and arcane items. Alternatively, you could be a tinkerer who devised magic tools in a musty basement. Or perhaps you are an explorer who found your knowledge in the forgotten places of the world. Whatever the source of your talents, a passion for the technical components of magic drives you to perfect your art.
[h=2]Class Features[/h]As an artificer, you gain the following class features.
[h=3]Hit Points[/h]Hit Dice: 1d8 per Artificer Level
Hit Points at First Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per artificer level after 1st
[h=3]Proficiencies[/h]Armor: Light armor, shield
Weapons: All simple weapons
Tools: Thieves' tools, and one type of artisan's tools or the herbalism kit
Saving Throws: Wisdom and Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation, and Perception
[h=3]Equipment[/h]You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
· (a) a light crossbow with 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
· (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack
· (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
· (a) thieves’ tools or (b) a set of artisan’s tools (any) or (c) an herbalism kit
· Leather armor, a simple weapon and a dagger
[h=2]Artifice Magic[/h]Your research blends magic and science, giving you the ability to cast a limited number of spells related to the craft and enhancement of items.
[h=3]Cantrips[/h]You know two cantrips of your choice from the artificer spell list. You learn additional artificer cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Artificer table.
[h=3]Spell Slots[/h]The Artificer table also shows how any spell slots you have. The table also shows what level those slots are; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your artificers of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slots. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest.
[h=3]Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher[/h]At 1st level you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the artificer spell list.
The spells known column of the Artificer table shows when you learn more artificer spells of your choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s Slot Level column for your level.
[h=3]Spellcasting Ability[/h]Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your artificer spells. You use your Intelligence whenever an artificer spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an artificer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
[h=3]Spellcasting Focus[/h]You can use an arcane focus (found in chapter 5 of the PHB) as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells.
[h=2]Scroll Mastery[/h]You can cast any spell from a spell scroll, regardless of whether or not it is on you spell list. If the spell is not on the artificer spell list, you must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check as part of the action to attempt to use it. The DC for this check is 10 + the spell’s level.
[h=2]Eldritch Infusions[/h]In your studies, you have unlocked the secrets of infusing magic into mundane objects to craft magical items.
At 2nd level, you can two eldritch infusions of your choice from the list at the end of the class description. When you gain certain artificer levels, you gain additional infusions of your choice, as shown in the Infusions Known column of the Artificer table.
Additionally, when you gain a new level in this class, you can choose one of the infusions you know and replace it with another infusion you can learn at that level.
[h=3]Craft Reserve[/h]You have a store of magic energy which you can use to infuse items with magic, as shown in the Craft Reserve column of the Artificer table. The craft reserve is a pool of points you can expend to use eldritch infusions. After completing a long rest, you regain half your total craft reserve.
[h=3]Artifice Studies[/h]When you reach 3rd level. You choose an area of study, shaping your specialty as an artificer. You may select Student of Alchemy, Student of Binding, or Student of Engineering.
Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th.
[h=3]Ability Score Improvement[/h]When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
[h=3]Focused Concentration[/h]At 6th level, select one artificer spell you know of 2nd-level or lower that requires concentration. The spell no longer requires concentration.
[h=3]Extra Attack[/h]Beginning at 9th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
[h=3]Item Mastery[/h]At 10th level, you can attune to one additional magic item.
[h=3]Unlock Schema[/h]At 11th level, you unlock the secrets of a magical formula called a schema to expand your magical abilities. Choose a 6th-level spell from the artificer spell list as this schema.
You can cast your schema spell once without expending a spell slot. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
At higher levels, you gain more artificer spells of your choice that can be cast in this way: one 7th-level spell at 13th level, one 8th-level spells at 15th level, and one 9th-level spell at 17th level. You regain all uses of your schema when you finish a long rest.
[h=3]Master Artificer[/h]At 20th level, you can tap into an inner reserve of magical power to regain your expended spell slots. You can spend 1 minute of focus and concentration to regain all your expended spell slots from your Artifice Magic feature. Once you regain spell slots with this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.

[h=1]Artifice Studies[/h]Different artificers focus their studies into magic in different areas of focus. Although there are other variations, most artificers are students of alchemy, elemental biding, or engineering.
[h=2]Student of Alchemy[/h]You have studied the world of chemicals and reagents to master the craft of potions, poisons, and alchemical devices.
[h=4]Expanded Spell List[/h]Your studies into alchemy let you chose from an expanded list of spells. These spell may manifest themselves as potions and alchemical concoctions.
Spell LevelSpells
1stdetect poison and disease, purify food and drink
2ndlesser restoration, protection from poison
[h=4]Bonus Proficiencies[/h]When you select this branch of study at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with two of the following—alchemy tools, herbalism kit, or poisoner’s kit.
[h=4]Alchemist Savant[/h]At 6th level, select one of the following tools with which you are proficient: alchemy tools, herbalism kit, or poisoner’s kit. During downtime, you can craft potions and items that require that set of tools in half the normal time.
[h=4]Alchemist’s Resilience[/h]At 14th level, your mastery of chemicals improves your defenses. You gain resistance to poison damage.
[h=2]Student of Binding[/h]You have studied the gnomish art of binding elementals to objects.
[h=4]Expanded Spell List[/h]Your studies into elemental binding let you chose from an expanded list of spells. Many of these spells appear in the Elemental Evil Players Companion.
Spell LevelSpells
1stabsorb elements, ice knife
2ndearthbind, pyrotechnics
3rdflame arrows, wall of water
4thelemental bane, conjure minor elementals
5thtransmute rock, conjure elemental
6thInvestiture of flame, Investiture of ice, Investiture of stone, Investiture of wind
[h=4]Bonus Proficiency[/h]When you select this branch of study at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with one type of Vehicle (air, land, or water).
[h=4]Elemental Pilot[/h]Starting at 3rd level, you can expend Craft Points to control the bound elemental in elemental vehicles. You can control the vehicle for 8 hours.
Craft PointsVehicle
1Elemental land cart, elemental waverunner
2Elemental airskiff
3Elemental earth sled, lightning rail
4Elemental galleon, elemental tumbler
5Elemental airship
[h=4]Binding Savant[/h]At 6th level, you become skilled in crafting elemental items. During downtime, you can craft elemental wondrous items in half the normal time. Examples include brazier of commanding fire elementals, elemental gem, cap of water breathing, ring of djinn summoning, or ring of elemental command.
[h=4]Elemental Resilience[/h]At 14th level, you become attuned to a particular element. Chose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. You gain resistance to that type of damage.
[h=2]Student of Engineering[/h]You have studied the art of smiting and construction. Using whatever materials are on hand, you empower weapons and armors and even create allies.
[h=4]Expanded Spell List[/h]Your studies into engineering let you chose from an expanded list of spells.
Spell LevelSpells
1stmage armor, Tenser’s floating disk
2ndlocate object, Nystul’s magic aura
3rdLeomund’s tiny hut
[h=4]Bonus Proficiencies[/h]When you select this branch of study at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with a set of artisan’s tools and medium armor.
[h=4]Armorer Savant[/h]At 6th level, select one type of item: armor (including shields) or weapons. During downtime, you can craft mundane and magical items of that type in half the normal time.
[h=4]Conjuration Master[/h]Prerequisite: 7th level, student of binding
The duration of your conjure minor elementals and conjure elemental spells is doubled.
[h=4]Find Structural Weakness[/h]At 14th level, you become so adept at understanding various devices that you can figure out exactly where to hit them for the best effect.
As a bonus action, make an Intelligence check who’s DC is 10 + half the target’s challenge. On a success, your next successful attack is a critical hit. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.

[h=2]Infusions[/h]If an infusion has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it. You can learn the infusion at the same time you meet the prerequisite.
[h=4]Artificer’s Googles[/h]You create a pair of goggles that allow you to see in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.
[h=4]Artillery[/h]Prerequisite: 5th level
You can cast conjure barrage once using an artificer spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
[h=4]Eldritch Sight[/h]You can cast detect magic at will, without expending a spell slot.
[h=4]Elemental Graft[/h]Prerequisite: 5th level, student of binding
You can bind tiny elemental to a creature. You spend 10 minutes focusing your magic on a willing creature and expend points from your craft reserve to infuse it with magical energy. The creature retains its graft for 6 hours. As the graft is infused, the host of an elemental graft takes damage equal to the craft points spent, or half as much with a successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw.
You can infuse only one creature at a time; if you infuse a second one, the first immediately loses its graft. The number of craft reserve points you expend determines the type of graft you can infuse.
Craft PointsElemental Graft
5Elemental flesh
7Earth glider, oceanic adaption, whirlwind form
9Hands of flame
11Stone hide
Earth Glider. This graft transforms the creature’s arms, hands, and fingers into tough burrowing tools. As an action, the creature can attune their hands to the earth, providing a burrow speed equal to the creature’s speed.
Elemental Flesh. This graft infuses a creature’s flesh with elemental essence, giving an elemental appearance—air makes the skin pale and translucent, earth resembles sand or stone, fire flesh becomes hot and takes on a red or ashen hue, and water flesh has a blue cast. When the graft is infused, the artificer selects one of the following energy types: acid (earth), cold (water), fire, lightning (air), or thunder (air). The creature gains resistance to the chosen type of damage.
Hands of Flame. The host’s hands become limned with flame. As an action, the host can increase the intensity of the heat so their hands become weapons. The host’s unarmed attacks deal 1d6 fire damage, and any flammable object it touches catches fire. Any metal weapon the host wields conducts the heat, causing it to deal an additional 1d4 fire damage.
Oceanic Adaption. Elemental water is grafted to the host’s arms, giving the flesh fishlike scales; gills form on the heck as well. The graft grants the host a swim speed equal to its speed, as well as the ability to breathe underwater.
Stone Hide. The host’s skin hardens into rocky plates. While the graft is active host has resistance to slashing and piercing damage, but tasks that require fine tactile details, such as disarming traps or opening locks have disadvantage.
Whirlwind Form. The host of this graft is wreathed in a churning whirlwind. As an action, the host activates the whirlwind, which allows it to float a foot off the ground and ignore difficult or dangerous terrain. The host’s speed increases by 10 feet as the winds propel it, and ranged weapon attacks against it have disadvantage. Due to the whirlwind, the host suffers disadvantage to its own ranged weapon attacks as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks. While the whirlwind is active.
[h=4]Extended Infusion[/h]Prerequisite: 5th level, student of engineering
You can extend the life of any item you create. Triple the length of time an infusion lasts by spending twice the normal points from your craft reserve.
[h=4]Flexible Charge[/h]Prerequisite: charge object cantrip
You permanently expend 2 points from your craft reserve. This point cannot be regained by any means. Select a different type of energy from the options for the charge object spell. When you cast charge object, you can select either type of energy.
You can select this infusion multiple times. Each time you select it, the craft point cost increases by 1.
[h=4]Graft Permanence[/h]Prerequisite: 9th level, student of binding
You can opt to permanently expend points from your craft reserve to make an elemental graft permanent. Points expended in the way cannot be regained, unless the graft’s host is killed. The host’s hit point maximum is reduced by one half the number of craft points for the base graft.
[h=4]Homunculus Master[/h]Prerequisite: 5th level
You master the creation of homunculi. You may have more than one homunculus, and you learn how to craft new types of homunculi.
Artificer LevelTotal Homunculi
More advanced homunculi require downtime to craft and have a material cost, as shown on the table below. Certain types of homunculi are only available to more experienced Artificers.
Homunculus TypeMin. LevelDays to CraftCost
Standard125 gp
Arbalester6th71,000 gp
Dedicated Wright6th10500 gp
Expeditious Messenger5th5250 gp
Furtive Filcher8th5500 gp
Homunculus TypeMin. LevelDays to CraftCost
Iron Defender8th7750 gp
Packmate5th5250 gp
Persistent Harrier6th5250 gp
[h=4]Improved Charge[/h]Prerequisite: charge object cantrip
You permanently expend 1 point from your craft reserve. This point cannot be regained by any means. When you cast charge object, add your Intelligence modifier to the damage it deals.
[h=4]Infuse Alchemical Mixture[/h]Prerequisite: 9th level, student of alchemy
Whenever you craft an alchemical item (acid, alchemist’s fire, antitoxin, etc.) or potion you add an additional property by spending points from your craft reserve.
The alchemical item loses its potency after 1 week. You can create up to three such items at a time; creating a fourth causes the oldest currently active one to immediately lose its effect.
Craft PointsProperty
1Sleepy—the effected creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 minute. The target awakens if someone spends and action to wake them, or they take damage.
2Nauseating—the effected creature must also make a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns the target can attempt the saving throw again to end the effect.
3Binding—the effected creature must also make a Dexterity saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. As an action the target can make a Strength check against your spell DC to break free.
4Maximized—any damage or healing dice are maximized.
[h=4]Infuse Elements[/h]Prerequisite: 9th level, infuse weapons and armor student of binding
Whenever you infuse a weapon, you can opt to infuse the weapons and armor with elemental power. By spending 10 additional craft points when you infuse a weapon or armor, you choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. For the duration of the infusion, an elementally infused weapon deals 1d6 additional damage of the chose type. Elementally infused armor grants resistance to that type of damage.
[h=4]Infuse Homunculus[/h]
You can draw from your craft reserve to improve a homunculus. You spend 30 minutes focusing your magic on a homunculus and expend points from your craft reserve to improve the homunculus. The construct retains the improvement for 24 hours. You can infuse only one homunculus at a time; if you infuse a second one, the first immediately loses its improvements. The number of craft reserve points you expend determines the improvement you make.
Craft PointsImprovement
1The homunculus +2 to one skill in which you are proficient
2+1 to Armor Class
3Double the homunculus’s hit points
4+2 to Armor Class
4The homunculus gains a flight speed of 30 feet.
5Select a cantrip you know or have on a scroll (which is expended). The homunculus can cast this cantrip as an action. It has a recharge of 6.
6Triple the homunculus’s hit points
[h=4]Infuse Item[/h]
Prerequisite: 15th level
Your mastery of magic allows you to produce a variety of magic items. You can create a single item chosen from Magic Item Tables A and B in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. It takes you 1 week to produce such an item, and you must rest for 1 month before using this ability to craft another item.
[h=4]Infuse Potions[/h]You can produce magic potions. You spend 10 minutes focusing your magic on a vial of mundane water and expend points from your craft reserve to transform it into a potion. The potion loses its effectiveness after 1 week. You can create up to three potions at a time; creating a fourth potion causes the oldest currently active one to immediately lose its potency. If that potion has been consumed, its effects immediately end.
The number of craft reserve points you expend determines the type of potion you can create. See chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for complete rules on potions.
Craft PointsPotion Created
1Climbing, growth, or healing
3Mind reading or greater healing
5Invisibility, superior healing, or water breathing
[h=4]Infuse Scrolls[/h]You can also tap into your craft reserve to create spell scrolls. You must finish a short rest, then spend 10 minutes with parchment, quill, and ink to create a spell scroll containing one spell chosen from those you know. Subtract the spell’s level from your craft reserve. The scroll loses its effectiveness after 1 week.
You can infuse a scroll for spells from another person’s known spells as well. The other person must be present and expend the spell slot for the spell. The process takes twice as long.
[h=4]Infuse Spells[/h]You can expend craft reserve points to instantly regain spell slots. As a bonus action, expend a number of craft points equal to your maximum spell slot level to recover one used spell slot.
[h=4]Infuse Weapons and Armor[/h]Prerequisite: 5th level
You can produce magic weapons and armor. You spend 10 minutes focusing your magic on a mundane weapon, suit of armor, shield, or bundle of twenty pieces of ammunition, and expend points from your craft reserve to infuse it with magical energy. The magic item retains its enhancement for 8 hours or until used (in the case of magic ammunition). You can infuse only one item at a time; if you infuse a second one, the first immediately loses its potency. The number of craft reserve points you expend determines the type of weapon, armor, or shield you can create.
Craft PointsItem Created
3+1 ammunition (20 pieces)
5+1 weapon or +1 shield
7+1 armor
9+2 weapon or +2 ammunition (20 pieces)
11+2 armor
[h=4]Item Permanence[/h]Prerequisite: 7th level
You can opt to permanently expend points from your craft reserve to make an infusion permanent. Points expended in the way cannot be regained, unless the item is destroyed. If the item is destroyed you recover 1 point of your craft reserve after each long rest.
[h=4]Limb Replacement[/h]Prerequisite: 7th level
You can craft a warforged arm or leg, and replace a limb lost by another creature. You spend 8 hours, 100 gp worth of components and parts, and permanently expend 2 points from your craft reserve to create and affix the replacement limb. The limb functions as a normal limb for the recipient, who retains the same ability scores, but permanently increases their hit points by +2. A creature with a warforged limb can benefit from the repair damage spell, but it only restores half the normal amount of hit points. Upon attachment of the warforged limb, the recipient must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 24 hours.
[h=4]Ritual Casting[/h]You learn how to cast rituals. Choose two 1st-level spells that have the ritual tag from the wizard’s spell list. You transcribe these spells into a ritual book and don’t count against the number of spells you know. As long as you have access to your ritual book you can cast the chosen spells as rituals. You can’t cast the spells except as rituals, unless you have learned them by other means. You can also cast any artificer spell you know as a ritual if it has the ritual tag.
On your adventures, you can add other wizard ritual spells to you book. When you find such a spell, you can add it to the book if the spell is equal to or less than half your artificer level (rounded up) and you can spare the time to transcribe the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 hours and costs a number of craft points equal to the spell’s level.
[h=4]Superior Brewer[/h]Prerequisite: 5th level, student of alchemy, infuse potions
Your potions last for two weeks and you can creature up to four potions. Furthermore you can create additional types of potions.
Craft PointsPotion Created
4Speed, philter of love
6Fire breath, heroism, hill giant strength
10Supreme healing, frost/stone giant strength
[h=4]Superior Armorer[/h]Prerequisite: 9th level, student of engineering, infuse weapons and armor
You can create a second magic weapon, suit of armor, shield, or bundle of ammunition using your Infuse Weapons and Armor ability. Attempting to infuse a third item causes the oldest one to immediately lose its potency. You can also create one additional potion or scroll using Infuse Potions or Infuse Scrolls.
[h=4]Volatile Charge[/h]Prerequisite: charge object cantrip
When you use charge object as a bomb or grenade, you can spend 1 point from your craft reserve to increase the area of effect by 5 feet.
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Artificer Spell List
Charge Object (new)
1st Level
Alarm (ritual)
Craft Homunculus (new)
Detect Magic
Magecraft (new)
Repair Damage (as cure wounds, but only applies to constructs, vehicles, and objects)
Searing Smite
Shield of Faith
Thunderous Smite
2nd Level
Arcane Lock
Cordon of Arrows
Enhance Ability
Heat Metal
Magic Weapon
3rd Level
Blinding Smite
Dispel Magic
Elemental Weapon
Glyph of Warding
Lightning Arrow
4th Level
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Staggering Smite
Stone Shape
5th Level
Animate Objects
Swift Quiver
Wall of Force
6th Level
Blade Barrier
Globe of Invulnerability
Total Repair (as heal, but only applies to constructs, vehicles, and objects)
Disable Construct (as harm, but only applies to constructs)
7th Level
Create Golem (new)
Mordenkainen’s Sword
8th Level
Antimagic Field
Dominate Construct (as dominate monster, but only applies to constructs)
9th Level
Prismatic Wall
Shapechange (constructs only)

Artificer Multiclassing
Prerequisites: Intelligence 13
Proficiencies: Light armor, simple weapons
Artifice Magic: If you have both the Spellcasting and Artifice Magic class features, you can use the spell slots you gain from Artifice Magic to cast spells you know or have prepared from classes with Spellcasting class feature, and you can use spell slots you gain from the Spellcasting class feature to cast Artificer spells you know.

New Spells
Charge Object
Transumatation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: 1 minute
When you first learn this cantrip, select one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
You touch a small object such as an arrow, coin, or stone and imbue it with your chosen type of energy. The object is infused with energy until the duration ends, the object is used, or you cast this spell again. You or someone else can use the charged object in one of the following ways.
Ammunition. You or someone else can fire the ammunition from a bow, crossbow, or sling to its normal range. If someone else attacks with the ammunition, that attacker adds your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker’s, to the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 damage of your chosen type instead of the normal damage for the weapon.
Bomb. You or someone else can place the object in any space. At the end of the duration, or when you use an action to detonate the object, it explodes. Even creature within 5 feet of the object must succeed a Dexterity saving this or take 1d6 damage of your chosen type.
Grenade. You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with the charged object by throwing it to a range of 60 feet. If someone else attacks with the object, that attacker adds your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker’s, to the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 damage of your chosen type. Each creature within 5 feet of the target takes damage of your chosen type equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
At Higher Levels. The damage dealt increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Craft Homunculus
1st-Level transmutation (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 5 feet
Components: S, V, M
Duration: Instantaneous
You build and animate an artificial life form known as a homunculus through an archaic ritual. The spell fails if you already have a familiar or a homunculus. At the conclusion of the procedure, you gain a homunculus as described in the Monster Manual, to which you are linked by telepathy. It always follows your commands (no action required) and rolls its own initiative in combat. You can't have a familiar in addition to a homunculus.
The material components for a standard homunculus are a mixture of clay, ash, mandrake root, a pint of your blood, and 25 gp worth of alchemical raw materials, which the spell consumes. The loss of blood deals 5 damage.

Create Golem
7th-Level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 10 feet
Components: S, V, M (a humanoid form crafted of wood and other materials and 1,000 gp worth of alchemical raw materials, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Instantaneous
You give life to a wood golem (see below) that is under your control.
As a bonus action of each of your turns, you can mentally command the golem if the construct is within 120 feet of you. You decide what action he golem will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the golem only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once an order is given, the golem continues to follow it until its task is complete.
The golem is under your control for 24 hours, after which time it stops obeying any command you have given it. To maintain control for another 24 hours, you must cast this spell on the golem before the current 24-hour period ends. This use of the spell reasserts your control over the golem rather than creating a new one, and as such requires no material components.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using an 8th-level; spell slot you can create a helmed horror instead of a wood golem (double the material cost). When you cast this spell using a 9th-level spell slot you can create a flesh golem (triple the material cost).

Medium construct, unaligned
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 40 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft.
18 (+4) 9 (−1) 14 (+2) 3 (−4) 8 (−1) 1 (−5)
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t adamantine
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 9
Languages understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons. The golem’s weapon attacks are magical.
Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

1st-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (artisan’s tools)
Duration: 24 hours
You gain advantage on ability checks made using the artisan’s tools used at the material focus.
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Keith baker also used the warlock chassis for his vision if the warlock

I was curious so I looked it up. It appears Keith Baker considered the Warlock, but ultimately decided in the Cleric. It was interesting to read his thought process, but I'm not convinced. I may steal a few ides though. I also find it interesting that he also rejected the idea of using the wizard.


Interesting. And still his sample character in the adventure I got for donating the artificer is a rescinned warlock... seems like an older version then...
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