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Armageddon: Rise of the Nephilim -- IC

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Shin -- San Antonio

It's a quiet evening, closing in on closing time at Mr. Martin's. Mr. Martin walks the aisles, giving inventory the once-over, as he has for many years. It's quiet, and the last of the customers have started making their way towards the checkout counters.

A few (OOC: count = 4 + the leader) young men enter the store just prior to closing -- they've been here before, and Mr. Martin has shown them the door immediately in the past. Seeing them enter, he makes his way quickly to the front, heading off the young men before they make it to the aisles.

"I know I told you boys not to come in here anymore," Mr. Martin says to the lead youth. "I told you I don't want any trouble, and I don't want you and your friends hanging around my store. Mrs. Quixoles..."

"Don't lecture me, old man," the boy in front shouts, cutting the owner off in mid sentence. "We just here for munchies, essa, so back off me and my boys... we paying customers, man," he says, pushing Mr. Martin back. His friends giggle at their leader's bravado, and start to fan out and around him, into the store.


First Post

"'Always better to have a gun and not need it than not have a gun and need one,' Tony had said... but what's a girl to do when circumstances just won't let her go anywhere without the gun," Serendipity said to herself dryly, as another volley of automatic weapons fire thumped harshly into her cover. She had just walked out of the restaurant at the street corner when the van catty-corner from the place opened fire on her from the passenger side window. She barely made it to the side of her car before the second gunman opened up from a rooftop across the way.

"Youse gonna make a nice trophy for da boss -- Silano's girl all nice and dressed up in holes" one of the gunmen taunts from across the street. "Just come on out, girly, and we won't hurt youse -- we just take you to da boss 'n let him make ol' Tony an offer."

OOC: The gun is still in the car.
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First Post

Evening... it's always peaceful at twilight, just before dark -- the flock rushing back from their daily bustle to their families... the darkness not quite upon them yet, and the dangers that darkness brings still held at bay. The wind is calm, and the night is cool from your vantage point atop the low-rise office building overlooking the Hudson Bay in Churchill.

"If they only knew what they were facing," the Watcher says, walking up behind you unexpectedly, breaking your reverie. "What evils lurk in that darkness... and what we protect them from. It's good to see you again, Jonathan -- it's been too long. The Shepherd, his Scribes, and the Eldest send their greetings as well, especially his Scribes -- they still speak constantly of your efforts in finding us when we failed to wake at this Breaching."


First Post

Mordane76 said:
"I know I told you boys not to come in here anymore," Mr. Martin says to the lead youth. "I told you I don't want any trouble, and I don't want you and your friends hanging around my store. Mrs. Quixoles..."

"Don't lecture me, old man," the boy in front shouts, cutting the owner off in mid sentence. "We just here for munchies, essa, so back off me and my boys... we paying customers, man," he says, pushing Mr. Martin back. His friends giggle at their leader's bravado, and start to fan out and around him, into the store.

Shin listens to the confrontation from behind a shelf where he has been busy restocking canned goods. Nothing bothers him as much as listening to the local punks harrassing the good, honest people of the neighborhood. He peeks around the corner and recognizes this particular bunch. Shin estimates that they're just stupid enough to be a risk to themselves and others if provoked.

Shin briefly looks down at himself. Dressed in dirty jeans and a muscle tee, with tattoos and scars running the length of his arms, he realizes that he would easily blend in with the punks. A few years ago, he was one of them. Shin takes a brief moment to thank whatever spirits had watched over him and guided him down the path of maturity at a relatively early age.

He hefts two cans of beans, one in each hand, and then steps calmly around the corner and into view of the others. Shin stares down the leader, glancing only once at the others to judge their positions.

"Yo, amigo," he says. "The boss says you're not welcome. Listen to the man. Besides, it's closing time." He casually and meaningfully tosses one of the cans in his hand.


First Post
Mordane76 said:
Evening... it's always peaceful at twilight, just before dark -- the flock rushing back from their daily bustle to their families... the darkness not quite upon them yet, and the dangers that darkness brings still held at bay. The wind is calm, and the night is cool from your vantage point atop the low-rise office building overlooking the Hudson Bay in Churchill.

"If they only knew what they were facing," the Watcher says, walking up behind you unexpectedly, breaking your reverie. "What evils lurk in that darkness... and what we protect them from. It's good to see you again, Jonathan -- it's been too long. The Shepherd, his Scribes, and the Eldest send their greetings as well, especially his Scribes -- they still speak constantly of your efforts in finding us when we failed to wake at this Breaching."

Jonathan nodded at the words. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and looked just like another teenager. But looks could be decieving, especially in Jonathan's case. As he replied he shifted to a form the Watcher better Knew. That of an old man with white hair and plain brown robes and the knowledge of a hundred lifetimes shining in his Golden eyes.

"I only wish I could have done more. If I had realized this was happening a little sooner I may have been able to stop it before it got out of control. If only I hadn't been so sure of peace for another thousand years. But what is done and done, and regret over this will serve no purpose."

He looks out again over the Bay, watching the world go by. A world that he was no longer a part of. But a world he wanted to protect nonetheless.

"He has made a surprising move and has gained much ground recently, but he hasn't won yet. There are still those left with the power to oppose him. How goes the search for those still untainted?"
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Thomas Ford

"Of all the dives in all the world, she had to walk into mine," Thomas thought as the young lady walked into his office, sat herself down, and pulled out a cigarette.

She must have been in her mid-twenties, blonde, buxom, with legs that went all the way up... dressed up tight, in a dark green skirt-suit.

"I hear your a man that has a way of finding things," she said as she lit up her cigarette. She took a drag, then leaned in close. "I need a man like that, to find out some things for me. My husband's been murdered, and the police think I did it. They haven't proved anything yet, but they're hounding me all times of day -- I want to hire you to find out who did my husband in, and clear my name," she whispered, looking around, like someone might be listening.


First Post

Rybaer said:
He hefts two cans of beans, one in each hand, and then steps calmly around the corner and into view of the others. Shin stares down the leader, glancing only once at the others to judge their positions.

"Yo, amigo," he says. "The boss says you're not welcome. Listen to the man. Besides, it's closing time." He casually and meaningfully tosses one of the cans in his hand.

"Oooh... we're scared," the kid says, laughing to his buddies. "Back off, pequeño. Me and my boys just here for some snacks. Just go stock your shelves, *****, or me and my boys might get upset with you."
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First Post

Drakknyte32 said:
"I only wish I could have done more. If I had realized this was happening a little sooner I may have been able to stop it before it got out of control. If only I hadn't been so sure of peace for another thousand years. But what is done and done, and regret over this will serve no purpose."

He looks out again over the Bay, watching the world go by. A world that he was no longer a part of. But a world he wanted to protect nonetheless.

"He has made a surprising move and has gained much ground recently, but he hasn't won yet. There are still those left with the power to oppose him. How goes the search for those still untainted?"

"Actually, that's why I'm here, the Watcher says. He pauses, looking out over the bay. "The Eldest has sent me to speak to you. With your reputation and your circumstances, in his eyes, he requires more... assurance of your commitment to the cause. However, you have shown great reliance in the past, Jonathan, and thus he would ask you to prove yourself with a simple task. Aid the Shepherd of this generation -- there are several candidates that the Adversary has already begun seeking out, while the Shepherd works to bring others into the fold. There is one in particular that he would have you seek out, considering your mastery of Arts; this particular candidate has displayed very abrupt, visible and potent abilities, and the Shepherd may prove ill-equipped to handle this one should he turn violent. His name is Adam, and here," the Watcher says, pulling out a large envelope, "is everything we've been able to collect on him thus far. Mostly spurious information, other than some family information, his current location, and the circumstances leading up to his discovery as a candidate."


First Post
Jonathan looks amused when The Watcher says the Eldest doesn't trust him.

"I've delayed my arrival in heaven to stand gaurd over this planet and refused an offer made to me by the devil himself. And still, after all these years, The Eldest doesn't trust me. I wonder if he ever truly will."

"But I will aid you however my abilities allow. And I do not wish to see any more tainted by the devil's touch. I will seek out this 'Adam' and, God willing, bring him into the fold."

Jonathan takes the envelope and quickly reads everything in it. When he is finished he envlopes his body in defensive magicks and casts an incantation to send his sight elsewhere. Watching this Adam with his sorcery.

OOC: First I'm covering myself with every defensive spell I have. Force Field and Immunity are always on unless he has a very good reason to turn them off. First cast Invisibility, then Create Object to surround himself with stone, then an illusion to make the stone look like a part of the building. Finally I cast an ESP to look at Adam, returning to my body every few rounds to make sure It's okay.

What can I say? You don't live for over a thousand years without at least a little paranoia.

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