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Ahrianna's Child PrC


Back when Ahrianna was proposed, I suggested a PrC that would eventually turn someone into an aberration. Judges wanted to see more lists of powers. So... I've finally gotten it together.

Ahrianna’s Child

Ahrianna is the deity of monsters, madness, and enlightenment. There are few who would willingly seek her out, most considering them insane or fools. They usually are. Yet for some, the allure of power that comes from denying one’s mind and body for Ahrianna’s secrets is so great, that they willingly accept her terrible embrace.

Ahrianna’s Children are those few who accept full devotion to Ahrianna, at the expense of their own sense of self. Their minds and bodies warp, fragment, and are reforged anew in horrible, unseemly ways. Most of Ahrianna’s Children shun civilization, as civilization could never allow such an abomination to be in their midst. It suits them just fine. Most of Ahrianna’s Children are clerics of Ahrianna. An occasional wizard or bard may be drawn to study the unnatural, and join Ahrianna out of mere curiosity. Deep-delving rangers may also find the call of a new form too powerful to resist.

Hit Die: d8

To qualify to become Ahrianna’s Child, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Race: any Animal, Dragon, Fey, Giant, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, or Plant.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, or Knowledge (dungeoneering) 8 ranks.
Spellcasting: Ability to cast divine spells.
Special: The character must worship Ahrianna, contact her, and offer himself or herself completely to her service through a secret, maddening ritual that breaks the character’s mind, in order to accept Ahrianna’s indwelling.

Class Skills:
The class skills for Ahrianna’s Child are Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Disguise, Jump, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim, and Tumble.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int Modifier.
[B]Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Special					Spells[/B]
1st	+0	+0	+0	+2	Madness, Gifted		
2nd	+1	+0	+0	+3	Honing				+1 level of divine
3rd	+2	+1	+1	+3	Special Quality
4th	+3	+1	+1	+4	Newfound Power			+1 level of divine
5th	+3	+1	+1	+4	Enlightened Development
6th	+4	+2	+2	+5	Special Quality			+1 level of divine
7th	+5	+2	+2	+5	Grand Warping
8th	+6	+2	+2	+6	Newfound Power			+1 level of divine
9th	+6	+3	+3	+6	Special Quality
10th	+7	+3	+3	+7	Rebirth				+1 level of divine

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Ahrianna’s Children gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells per Day: On each even class level, Ahrianna’s Children gain spells as if they raised a level in a divine spellcasting class they have. If the character has more than one divine spellcasting class, one class must be chosen. The character gains no more benefits of the other class.

Madness: Ahrianna’s Children all gain the power of the Madness domain, if they do not already have it. Add the levels of Ahrianna’s Child to any previous levels of a cleric with the Madness domain to determine the Madness score for the character.

Gifted: The first changes take place once the path of Ahrianna’s Child is chosen. The character gains 60’ darkvision. Also, choose one of the following powers. The Child gains +2 in the ability score and a +2 racial bonus in the selected skills (add to any existing racial bonus, if any). The character also undergoes a minor physical change to reflect the chosen power.

[b][i]Gifted Powers
Power			Ability		Skills[/i][/b]
Brutish Form: 		Strength	Climb, Intimidate
Large Legs: 		Strength	Jump, Tumble
Long Fingers: 		Dexterity	Sleight of Hand, Disable Device
Tail: 			Dexterity 	Balance, Escape Artist
Extra Lung Capacity: 	Constitution	Swim, Survival
Stony Skin: 		Constitution	Concentration, Hide
Large Brain: 		Intelligence	Appraise, Knowledge(choose one)
Third Eye: 		Intelligence 	Gather Information, Decipher Script
Large Eyes: 		Wisdom 		Spot, Search
Large Ears: 		Wisdom		Listen, Sense Motive
Pheromones: 		Charisma	Diplomacy, Bluff
Eldritch Aura: 		Charisma	Use Magic Device, Spellcraft

Honing: At 2nd level, Ahrianna’s Child gains a natural attack. This can be a claw, bite, slam, gore, tail slap, or tentacle attack. The attack does 1d6 damage for Medium characters and 1d4 damage for Small characters. The character’s form shifts further to allow for the attack to take place.

Special Quality: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, Ahrianna’s Child gains a Special Attack, Movement, or Special Quality. Any DC is 10 + (Wisdom plus Madness) bonus.

[b][i]Special Qualities List
Quality				Powers[/i][/b]
Increased Attack(Ex) 		+2 damage to one natural attack
Extra Legs(Ex)			Stability, +10’ Movement
Increased Metabolism(Ex) 	+2 Initiative, +10’ Movement
Rage(Ex)			As per Barbarian, 2/day
Reach(Ex)			+5’ reach for one natural attack
Burrowing(Ex)			Gain 20’ Burrowing speed
Swim(Ex)			Gain 30’ Swim speed
Poison(Ex)			One natural attack deals 1d4/1d4 Strength poison
Pounce(Ex)			Can perform a full attack on a charge
Scent(Ex)			Gains the Scent ability
Resistance(Su)			Gains Energy Resistance 5 to one type of energy
Damage Reduction(Su)		Gains DR 3/magic

Newfound Power: At 4th and 8th level, Ahrianna’s Child twists into a form that allows for new capabilities. The character undergoes a physical change that gives him a new feat. This feat may come from the list of monster feats as well other feats that the character is normally entitled to.

Enlightened Development: At 5th level, Ahrianna’s Child grows more into the monstrous role. The character chooses a new power from the Gifted Powers list, or a power on the Enlightened Development Powers list. The character receives a +4 bonus to the ability in the Developed column and a -2 penalty to the ability in the Regressed list. The Child gains a +2 racial bonus in the skills listed (add to any existing racial bonus, if any). The character is now deformed far enough from his original race that disguising the changes is impossible.

[b][i]Enlightened Development Powers
Power			Developed	Regressed	Skills[/i][/b]
Hulking Form: 		Strength	Dexterity	Climb, Swim
Adrenaline Surge:	Strength	Constitution	Jump, Survival
Prehensile Step: 	Dexterity	Charisma	Move Silently, Balance
Twitchy Reflexes:	Dexterity 	Intelligence	Tumble, Listen
Corrosive Sweat: 	Constitution	Charisma	Escape Artist, Craft(Alchemy)
Skeletal Frame:		Constitution	Strength	Hide, Open Lock
Physical Atrophy:	Intelligence	Strength	Sense Motive, Spellcraft
Literate Reshaping:	Intelligence 	Constitution	Forgery, Decipher Script
Extra Eyes: 		Wisdom 		Constitution	Spot, Sleight of Hand
Astral Awareness:	Wisdom		Strength	Heal, Knowledge(The Planes)
Animal Magnetism:	Charisma	Intelligence	Handle Animal, Gather Information
Timeless Arcana: 	Charisma	Dexterity	Intimidate, Knowledge(Arcana)

Grand Warping: At 7th level, Ahrianna’s Child no longer maintains a standard form, and standard armor can no longer be worn. The character’s skin hardens, however, and gains a +4 natural armor bonus to AC. Any new armor will have to specially tailored to the character, and cost 5 times as much. In addition, the character gains more natural attacks. For a medium character, they can be two 1d4 attacks, one 1d6 attack, or an increase in die size of one of the character’s existing natural attacks.

Rebirth: The full assumption of the character’s body, mind, and soul into Ahrianna’s Child is complete. The character’s type changes to aberration. The character chooses a Power not previously selected on the Gifted, Enlightened Development, or Rebirth power lists. The Reborn ability gains a +6 bonus, while the Forgotten ability receives a -4 penalty. A character can only have a maximum bonus of +8 to any one ability score as the result of Gifted, Enlightened Development, or Rebirth powers. The character adds another +3 racial bonus to the two chosen skills or the special quality listed. The character also gains one more Special Quality from the Special Qualities list above. In addition, the character may continue to mate with members of the Child’s former race (or any race that the character could previously produce offspring with), but any offspring that form from these unions are aberrations with the same racial bonuses, penalties, attack forms, bonus feats from Newfound Power, and special qualities as the character.

[b][i]Rebirth Powers
Power			Reborn		Forgotten	Skills or Qualities[/i][/b]
Gigantism: 		Strength	Dexterity	Gain 1 size category (do not change abilities)
Mental Atrophy:		Strength	Intelligence	Jump, Intimidate
Extra Limbs:	 	Dexterity	Constitution	Tumble, Jump
Oozing Body:		Dexterity 	Strength	Can pass through cracks, cannot be grappled
Exoskeleton:	 	Constitution	Charisma	+2 Natural Armor
Earthen Fortitude:	Constitution	Intelligence	Climb, Concentration
Crystal Mind:		Intelligence	Dexterity	Cast [i]Mnemonic Enhancer[/i] 1/day
Multiple Heads:		Intelligence 	Charisma	Spot, Listen
Insane Intuition:	Wisdom 		Intelligence	Survival, Sense Motive
Sight Beyond Sight:	Wisdom		Charisma	See ethereal travelers
Alluring Fragility:	Charisma	Constitution	Cast [i]Charm Monster[/i] 1/day
Dark Voice:	 	Charisma	Strength	Diplomacy, Bluff

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This looks so overpowered that it makes me dizzy.
I'll get together some more usefull citique when I had seom coffee and have done my last minute x-mass shopping.


A more detailed breakdown of the class (and hopefully an explanation to wy this class is overpowered beyond measure).

The PrC requires someone to be able to cast divine spells.I don't really regard this as something difficult since the PrC is aimed at clerics.
Second, it requires 8 ranks in 1 skill: knowledge arcana or knowlede geogoraphy. This first is a class skill for clerics, the second one for most ther divine casters (rangers, druids). Only paladin's still have a really hard to to enter this PrC. For the rest, it's mostly capped to enter at level 6, no ral requirements.
With that this is one of the most easy PrC to enter in existance.

The skills seem to be a mix of cleric and rogue skills. It has all the good rogue skills apart from the disable device and open lock. Especially tumble, spot, listen spring to my attention but the rest of the list isn't bad either.
Also, it has 4 skillpoints. That's better than the cleric.

BAB and Saves.
These are pretty much ok. Medium BAB and only one good save.

Spellcasting progression.
The PrC progresses spellcasting only at even levels. That's pretty harsh. The rest of the class should be pretty solid to get a cleric to give up half his caster progression.

So what does he get?
at level 1:
Bonus domain, +2 to one stat, +racial bonus to 2 skills.
Say what?
It takes a human paragon 3 levels to accieve this. And then he still doesn't get the bonus domain. But that's not all.
He ALSO get's darkvision,.
I think i'll have EVERY character I build form now on take exactly 1 level in this class. But there is more, so maybe I'll just build character's with this class.

At level 2 she get's a natuaral attack and one caster level increase. Not so broken compared to the rest of the levels.

At level 3 she get's to pick from this very nice list.
The most abilities mentioned in special quality list are better than feats, none is lesser than a feat. The ones that sprong out are: pounce, rage, poison (str damage poison all day long?!?) and damage reduction.

At level 4 she get's a feat. And a caster level. Take that you stupid eldritch knight! You alternate feats and caster level increases? I just took both!

At level 5, we enter we newfound level of brokenness: a + 4 bonus to one ability score! Also a -2 to another one but who cares about charisma anyway these days?
Also, another +2 bonus to 2 skills (so that untill now, every level effectvely gives more than a feat in abilities!)

On level 6, another caster level, and a special quality formt he list of ubermensch powers (still pushing that feat per level envelope. Take that dumb fighter!).

Level 7, as we have skyrocketed our ability scores gained several caster levels and all kinds of nifty abilities, it's about time to boost that AC! How about.. let's say +4 to natural armour? That still stacks with our fullplate so that's oughta do. Ok, the fullplate now costs x5 the prices but what the heck, a chainshirt (100gp, x5 = 500gp) now offers the same amount of protection, at lower cost, with lower ACP, with higher max dex and better movement (being light armor).
Oh, by the way, natural attack damage inceases. Not just for the monk anymore!

On to level 8 where we have to settle for just a caster level and a feat.

Level 9 is rather dull, with just a power from the nifty special qualities feat.

Then level 10, the grand finale: 1 she get's to choose one ability from ANY of the nifty abilities list! Also there is a new list that the character can choose from at point one. This includes several +1la abilities like inceased size, cast high levels spells (charm monster, mnenonic enhancer),
If she chooses from this new list she get's abother +6 to one ability score.
The "down" side is that she can "only" get a +8 ability to single score. Boohoo.
She ALSO get's +3 (+2 is for losers who take feats!) to 2 skills,
Also (doesn it end?) she can pick from the special qualities list.
Also the character can now create offspring with all the racial bonusses she recieved herself.

So what have we recieved in 10 levels?
A bonus domain
5 caster levels.
2 feats
+12 to ability scores
-6 to ability scores
+2 in 4 skills
+3 in 2 skills
4 special qualities
A natural attack
+4 natural armor
The ability to created overpowered offsrping.

Not bad. Not bas at all.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Don't forget that gigantism makes you size Large, clearly more powerful than anything else in the final chart. By the time you get it, you can cast Righteous Might too and be size Huge, with a double-digit bonus to your normal Strength (take that Orc Barbarian! The Cleric is stronger).


Admittedly, I threw the lists of powers together rather quickly. I want to first check to see if the path is right, and then tweak it to get the balance right. The basic idea is to take worshippers of Ahrianna, and let them find a way to turn into aberrations themselves. If the lists undergo major changes in the process, then that's all right with me.

By the way, my loving wife got me Elder Evils for Christmas. It has some ideas for allowing for warping in different ways, through vile and deformity feats. Perhaps some of these ideas could be used?

I'll examine some of the other transformational PrCs to adjust the balance.


First Post
Look at teh Acolyte of teh Skin PrC in complete Arcane, or simply the Dragon Disciple. They both go into a transformation. But don'T forget that if you allow the player to make choice on his transformation, you should make the power a bit weaker, because they will be more compatible to the PC.


I'm comparing Ahrianna's Child to Acolyte of the Skin and Green Star Adept from Complete Arcane. All three have medium BAB progression, gain spells on even levels, and d8 hit dice. The Complete Arcane PrCs get 2+Int skills, while the Child gets 4+Int. Acolyte gets good Fort and Will saves, while Green Star Adept and Child get good Will saves only.

At first level, an Acolyte of the Skin (AotS) gets +2 Dexterity, +1 natural armor, darkvision 60', and can cast Poison (1d10/1d10 Con!) 1/day, all for Knowledge(Planes) 6 ranks and caster level 5. The Green Star Adept (GSA) gets +1 Str, -1 Dex, +1 natural armor, DR 1/adamantine, and +1 caster level (but no new spells). Madness + Gifted appears to be in line with first level. Heck, if I'm looking for a dip, I'd consider AotS over Ahrianna's Child (AhC).

Gaining a natural attack at second level should be in line--he can always just use a weapon. The GSA also gains a natural attack (and +1.5 Str bonus damage) at this level, as well as +2 saves in many situations, and is now DR 2/adamantine. An AotS gains Resistance to Fire 10. AhC might be slightly underpowered at this level, but I don't think tweaking is necessary.

Third level: AotS gains an auto-shaken result against one target in 100 feet. They might also become stunned. GSA gets another caster level (no spells), DR 3/adamantine, and 25% fortification. We can discuss which powers are in line with this to match. Even DR 3/magic doesn't seem out of line to me, but this list will have to be reviewed. We want all the choices to look good; not just a few that everyone gravitates toward.

Fourth: GSA gets +1 Str, +1 natural armor, now has 4/adamantine, darkvision 60', and low-light vision. AotS gets nothing but the spell boost. At this point, all three get +2 to one ability, Darkvision, and while the GSA also has -1 Dex, it gets +2 natural armor. They still seem to be mostly in sync power-wise; perhaps I should remove the extra feats?

Fifth: AotS gets +2 Con, +1 natural armor, and another Poison spell. The GSA is now DR 5/adamantine, and gets an additional +2 bonus to a bunch of spells and effects. AhC gets +4/-2 to abilities and skill bonuses. The +4 is definitely better, even when balanced with a -2, but is that and skill bonuses better than a second Poison or the DR? I don't know. Would you rather see another +2 only, like Gifted?

Sixth: AotS gets Resistance to cold 10. GSA gets an additional Fortification 25% (for 50% total), plus +1/adamantine DR. AhC gets a new power. It should be similar in power. This might be how we determine what sort of powers are reasonable.

Seventh: GSA gets +2 Str, -1 dex, +2 natural armor, no longer eats, sleeps, or breathes, and has DR 7/adamantine. AotS gets two 8d6 fire rays per day (fired on the same round). AhC gets +4 natural armor and a new natural attack.

Eighth: GSA now has an additional +2 to its saves. AotS gets nothing special. AhC gets an extra feat. I suppose dropping the feat is reasonable.

Ninth: GSA is now Fortification 75% and 9/adamantine. AotS can now summon a CR 6 outsider. AhC gets another special quality. Do they match the value of an extra CR 6 outsider for an hour?

Tenth: GSA becomes a construct, can't be critted/sneaked, is immune to lots of effects, etc., and has DR 10/adamantine. AotS becomes an outsider, and gets DR 10/good. AhC becomes an aberration, +6/-4 to abilities, gets another special quality, and might get more skills. Should this list become just another +2 and skills again?

On the surface, I might still actually prefer the Acolyte of the Skin overall. Certainly there are plenty of powers to be had in these two PrCs. However, neither the AotS or the GSA is in Living ENWorld, so they might not be the best indicators.

Here's a list of possible changes:

* Change Enlightened Power and Rebirth to be more like Gifted.
* Remove Newfound Power
* Revisit the Special Quality list

Here's also a new list of requirements. However, this list essentially leads someone to be a Cleric/Ranger of some kind.

To qualify to become Ahrianna’s Child, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Race: any Animal, Dragon, Fey, Giant, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, or Plant.
Skills: Knowledge(religion) 8 ranks, Knowledge(dungeoneering) 8 ranks, Survival 4 ranks
Feats: Endurance, Self-Sufficient
Spellcasting: Ability to cast divine spells.
Special: The character must worship Ahrianna, contact her, and offer himself or herself completely to her service through a secret, maddening ritual that breaks the character’s mind, in order to accept Ahrianna’s indwelling.

Would that be more along the lines of what you'd be looking for?

Voidrunner's Codex

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