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(Adventure) Tiggle's Order

Guilt Puppy

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Sturm watches discontentedly. He mutters to himself:

"O great now, to think 'ere I was 'spectin' only a pick-up job, 'n wonder of wonders, now's turned into a vexin' berry-pickin' job. 'f all the hopes 'n dreams I had settin' out from home to the grea' big world, I ne'er imagined to be doin' such honorous an' gloriable duties as pickin' berries... If only my da could see me now, 'is chest would swell up like a big ol' barrel an' the eyes gettin' so watery. 'Oi, I's expectin' right great things from you, but ne'er in my years could I've dreamed o' havin' the privilege to see one o' my sons become a berry-picker!' Gruh..."

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Khaz shurgs at Sturm, and then turns to Zumar

"However much I may love food and drink, I really have to agree with Sturm. Doing a pickup job isnt exactly a big fight, and I cant honor my god or improve my skills with this mission. Im only doing this to help out a freind and earn some easy coin..... but while your down there, get some for me?"

OOC: ok well looks like I described it poorly, I meant that you were at the edge of a cliff base, so why you are UP there getting berries would be good. Also, GP I am noting that post great RP and thou shalt be rewarded, the fact that I had to read it twice to understand it wow might as well have typed it in dwarvish. Now then you can still climb up and get the berries if you like and they do look mighty fresh.


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Zumar rolls his eyes at sturm and rubs his hands in the dirt, getting them nice and dry. He then grabs hold of the cliff and tries to work his way up.

OOC: Not sure how you want to handle dice rolls, but I have a +5 to my climb check.

Zumar climbs the first ten feet of the wall with ease (roll 14+5 = 19 vs DC 15) he begins to be able to see more of the ledge and bush he is heading for. There is easily enough room for him to stand up on and should he desire another of his smaller companions could climb up to join him. The end of the climb is even easier for the strong monk (roll 17 +5 = 22 vs DC 15) and he gains a handhold on the ledge. Peering over the monk notices a small wrinkly beast clutching the wall face on the otherside of the ledge. Long limbs are visible and Zumar worries that one of those arms may be long enough to reach once the creture notices.

OOC: Meepo you have a partial action to either climb up and be noticed or try to slip down, in which case a MS check will be made. Everyone else is unaware of what is up there they just notice Zumar stop once he reaches the ledge


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I'll go ahead and climb up. If the creature doesn't notice me, I'll try to move as far away from it as possible and see what it does. If it does notice me and attacks, I'll try to grapple it - trying to use its own momentum against it to throw it off the cliff.


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I'll go ahead and climb up. If the creature doesn't notice me, I'll try to move as far away from it as possible and see what it does. If it does notice me and attacks, I'll try to grapple it - trying to use its own momentum against it to throw it off the cliff.


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OOC- there is nothing Khaz can do. He cant see mysterycreature_001, and he cant tell anything is wrong, so im just waiting for the DM to update.

Voidrunner's Codex

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