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[Adventure] The Predicament of Mr. Gimo Tine [Judge:?]

Voda Vosa

First Post
The heroes load the melting slime horror and the now Barkly consious fighter, along with the assorted Collection of evidence they’ve gathered, and start the arduous way back to the city hall. It takes several hours to get there, since they have to get first to the sewer’s entrance. Once they get outside, they realize its dark outside, the moon offering only a little bit of silvery light.

[Cheap poet mode]

The heroes spend much time,
looking and searching, for something to save Tine,
that the sun had set on the horizon’s line.

As they make their way under the moon shine,
one thought crosses the bard’s mind:
There’s no judge working at that time.

[/Cheap poet mode]

The air is fresh, and it’s a relieve to get out of the smelly sewer works, although the sense of haste didn’t give our heroes much time to enjoy the environment change.
After a long walk, they find that indeed, the City hall was closed, and had to make their way back to the city watch, where they found a place to leave all their stuff, including the mumbling fighter and the decaying corpse. The guards offered them a place to spend the few hours left to sunrise, and the group got a well deserved rest.

At dawn, there’s haste in the watch, as everyone settles and prepares for the trial of Mr. Gimo Tine. All evidence is gathered and transported, along with our heroes and the prisoner, the “ruthless killer”, former clay collector, Gimo Tine. They are transported in a carriage unceremoniously, and they reach the city hall, now shining under the sunlight, that seemed to play with the yellow stone the building was made off.

The heroes entered the building, escorted by the guards and follwing them, was Mr. Tine, chained from both hands and ankles, and carrying with him a big black iron ball, that was tided to all his chains. He barely could lift the thing. In the room, Gimo’s wife and employer are already there.
The judges, three, entered the court, sporting the traditional clothing, a heavy blue cloak, orange robes, pointy black hats, and curled up shoes. In their hands, each had an oversized wooden hammer, each with different ornaments.
After all the parts had taken their places, the middle judge, an elderly human, proclaims:
“Hereby started is the trial of the city of Daunton against Mister Gimo Tine, arrested under the charges of brutal murder, and enjoying it.” He then sat down, as the judge on his left, rises to his feet. This one, a sturdy looking elf. “How do you declare yourself, Mirster Gimo Tine?”
Gimo stands up and declares “Innocent your honour.”
The second judge takes seat, as the third, a tiefling, stands up. “We understand that Mister Tine is going to be represented by these individuals.” He makes a hand gesture towards the group. “However, you must choose one of you to represent the interests of Mister Tine, we can not have so much people running about. We also understand that you have gathered additional evidence, and have an additional witness too. Bringing evidence in the last moment is not an accepted practice in this jury.” The tiefling takes his seat as the elderly human stands up. “But in order to clarify this matter, we’ll accept the new evidence as it says here that you have found the murder weapon, and key evidence.” The elder man sits as the strong elf stands “You may take your seats, please choose your representative, and approach the state to expose your case. We’ll hear the fiscal first.”
The state fiscal, an eladrin, approaches. “Your honour, there is little to say here, several witnesses have identified Mister Gimo Tine as the assassin in question, and gave grotesque descriptions of how he DID kill the minister, and on how much he enjoyed it; SO; unless the defence can prove than hundreds of peoples are wrong, I guess we should proceed to the hanging.”
The tiefling speaks. “Defence?”

[sblock= Notes:]
There are clues and evidences that have not been throughout investigated, as the necklace, and the hand prints. These could, or not be useful, in case you didn't notice them.

[sblock= Possible witnesses]
Mr. Simpletown Possible witness
Mrs Tine Possible witness
Mr Tine Possible witness
Mr Raspyhand Possible witness
Simpletown's foreman Possible witness
Watch's Captain Possible witness
Dwarf Possible witness
Mercenary leader Dead
Another Mercenary leader Lost in the explosion
Slime humanoid Dead
Mercenary fighter Possible witness

[sblock=Current Evidence]

-Slime horrors
-Flasks with the explosive reagents
-Murder weapon
-Physical enhancers
-A bag with 100gp used to bribe Mr Raspyhand.
-A box with a broke flask.
-Shatered pieces of glass with orange liquied
-Schematics of somewhere
-A code: 5409385
-An address (Of the sewers)
-A necklace with an eye sculpted on it.

[sblock=Current clues]
-An Aboleth is surely behind the murder!
-Mercenaries are in some sort of trance, possible by the Aboleth.
-The mercenary leader wanted you dead for your intrusion
-You found the murder weapon, and a laboratory that was used to prepare the explosive liquid found in the crime scene
-You found physical enhancers in the secret lab
-You found a code on a public place schematic, perhaps its a password of sorts.
-Gimo smells lie rotten water
-The dwarf at the strange door had weird eyes.
-Gimo's shovel is missing (Not in wagon, clay stablishment, nor watch)
-Gimo appeared to know nothing of what happened
-Several witnesses recognized him
-Mr Simpletown and Mrs Tine are certain Gimo is innocent
-Gimo's memory gape happened in the backstore of Mr Raspyhand
-Mr Raspyhand was bribed by someone to send Gimo to the addressless door next to his pottery.
-There is a password that the group needs in order to enter the addressless door. They could also attempt to bash in. Apparently there's a magical ward from the other side that makes trespassing the door almost impossible.
-The house was full of warriors with intentions of silencing anyone who intruded.
-There are hand prints of mud on the walls of the Sewers


[sblock=Places to go you actually know of]
- Final battle location
-Water trap room
-Secret chamber on the sewers-
-Mr Tine House
-The Clay pits
-Mr. Simpletown establishment
-Addressless door
-City watch
-Crime scene
-City Judge[Current Location]

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First Post
As the group wait for the start of the trial, Jarel-karn tells to the group. "If we can't convince of Gimo innocence, we must at least try to gain a delay to the tribunal. A few days would be enough at the speed we have worked yesterday."

He then listen to the judge and then to the tiefling. As the judge ask for the defense to speak, he hits Bells with his elbow in her chest, almost pushing her out of her chair.


Mikara's mind is racing. She has no idea what all this is about other than what has been shared since she came to find the group in the sewers. Evidently this Gimo fellow is on trial for a crime he did not commit (or at least he can't recall that he did).
Is it possible that Gimo was momentarily brainwashed to serve the purposes of this Aboleth? If so, would such an explanation substantiate a plea of "innocent"?


First Post
Bell suddenly stumbles forward as she's pushed. She looks back confused at her friends, and quickly gathers she has been elected to speak. Well I have read a few law books. . . I don't remember sharing that information though. She straightens up, gives a little cough, and places her spectacles on the edge of her nose, before stepping forward. A bit nervous, though more for excitement then for fear.

"Your honors, we have come here today, not to prove the Mr. Tine did not commit the murder. I'm pretty sure he did." Pause for shocked grasps. "However! Only Mr. Tine's body committed the murder! He was the weapon! We have, within our possession, the ability to show that he was set up! An aboleth now plagues our fair city! Bum Bum BuuuummmmmM!"

OOC: I don't mind being the person who talks, Bell's obviously got the skills for it, however, please keep in mind, that you have elected a 15 year old girl, who is not well grounded in reality, to defend this man. Also, I missed a big chunk of the adventure, so please feel free to connect the dots and tell me, ooc, what my arguement is at times.

[sblock=Rolls]Diplomacy 20
History 28 for courtroom knowledge. I think thats probably the most relevant skill.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: I don't mind being the person who talks, Bell's obviously got the skills for it, however, please keep in mind, that you have elected a 15 year old girl, who is not well grounded in reality, to defend this man. Also, I missed a big chunk of the adventure, so please feel free to connect the dots and tell me, ooc, what my arguement is at times.

OOC: lol Better Bell then Grakk

LISTEN TO WHAT THE GIRL SAYS! The goliath says in a booming voice, while reaching for his great axe.

ooc: initimidate roll: 17
Last edited:


"Bum Bum BuuuummmmmM!"
Mikara slaps her face and rakes her hand down over her forehead, eyes, nose and mouth, pulling her lower lip down a little to the left with her middle finger, shaking her head as she does...
Bum Bum BuuuuuummmmM!?????... Bum Bum BuuuuuummmmM!????? Oh for the love of all that sprouts roots and leaves! Tell me she didn't just say that!


First Post
Morvannon scribbles frantically on a piece of parchment, passing it along to Bell as unobtrusively as possible.

Motive -- Mr. Tine didn't have any at all, nor any history of violence, so *why* would he commit the murder? -- Get them thinking about that

Mind control -- confession from Raspyhand that Tine was targeted

Repeated attacks on us during investigation -- someone does *not* want this matter cleared up

At the very least we can show that this is not as cut-and-dried as they think


First Post
Jarel-karn get out of the group and walk to the dwarf, Mr Raspyhand and the Mercenary they have brought with them. He speak to them so only them will hear what he has to say. "Listen up you two. What happened is not your fault, and neither is that man. When you'll be questioned, be honest about the circumstance we found you, what you did under the mental control you have suffered. And be sure if you lie or avoid to tells things that would sentence Gimo to death, you'll be in trouble, as you are as innocent or guilty as him and you should just get the same faith as him. And we are here to help put things into perspective, save his life and then we will go after that aboleth so no one will get controlled or murdered again by it. Understoood?"

Once the message have been transmit to the three key witness, he walk back to Bell and whispers to her "Mr Raspyhand, the dwarf from the nameless address and the mercenary from the last attack are ready for questioning. Also, avoid the sounds effect, the jury expect some professionalism. Advocate's professionalism."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Intimidate (1d20+9=26) vs the three witness who attacked us.[/SBLOCK]

Voda Vosa

First Post
The crowd and the judges are quite surprised by the sound effects produced by the defence. However, when the Goliath roars his defiant order, the three judges stand up, frowning. The sturdy elf says "Such ways will not be tolerated in this court. Guards, remove that brute from our chambers!" And the three judges hit the desk with their hammers, one after the other. A pair of guards instantly flank Grakk, grab him by the arms, and escort him out.
Seing his chance, the eldarin interjects. "How could such a savage man be taken seriously? How can we be sure all these are not just delirious invented facts produced by minds too used to be stunned with ritual drugs? Your honours, I beg you to consider this logically and play no heed to this... girl."
The judges nod and mumble between each other. The elder human says "Defence?"

[sblock= The judgement of Gimo Tine]
Eladryn attorney: Diplomacy: 27---> 1 success for the fiscal
Heroes: Dimplomacy 20 ---> 1 success for the defence
Intimidate 17 ---> 1 Fail for the defence, Grakk is removed from the challenge. Sorry for that, but intimidating the judges is no good.
Morvannon's scribing: ---> +2 to Diplomacy rolls
Secondary: Intimidate 26 on witnesses: ---> Compels the three witnesses to tell the truth.

[sblock= Notes:]
There are clues and evidences that have not been throughout investigated, as the necklace, and the hand prints. These could, or not be useful, in case you didn't notice them.

[sblock= Possible witnesses]
Mr. Simpletown Possible witness
Mrs Tine Possible witness
Mr Tine Possible witness
Mr Raspyhand Possible witness
Simpletown's foreman Possible witness
Watch's Captain Possible witness
Dwarf Possible witness
Mercenary leader Dead
Another Mercenary leader Lost in the explosion
Slime humanoid Dead
Mercenary fighter Possible witness

[sblock=Current Evidence]
-Slime horrors
-Flasks with the explosive reagents
-Murder weapon
-Physical enhancers
-A bag with 100gp used to bribe Mr Raspyhand.
-A box with a broke flask.
-Shatered pieces of glass with orange liquied
-Schematics of somewhere
-A code: 5409385
-An address (Of the sewers)
-A necklace with an eye sculpted on it.

[sblock=Current clues]
-An Aboleth is surely behind the murder!
-Mercenaries are in some sort of trance, possible by the Aboleth.
-The mercenary leader wanted you dead for your intrusion
-You found the murder weapon, and a laboratory that was used to prepare the explosive liquid found in the crime scene
-You found physical enhancers in the secret lab
-You found a code on a public place schematic, perhaps its a password of sorts.
-Gimo smells lie rotten water
-The dwarf at the strange door had weird eyes.
-Gimo's shovel is missing (Not in wagon, clay stablishment, nor watch)
-Gimo appeared to know nothing of what happened
-Several witnesses recognized him
-Mr Simpletown and Mrs Tine are certain Gimo is innocent
-Gimo's memory gape happened in the backstore of Mr Raspyhand
-Mr Raspyhand was bribed by someone to send Gimo to the addressless door next to his pottery.
-There is a password that the group needs in order to enter the addressless door. They could also attempt to bash in. Apparently there's a magical ward from the other side that makes trespassing the door almost impossible.
-The house was full of warriors with intentions of silencing anyone who intruded.
-There are hand prints of mud on the walls of the Sewers


[sblock=Places to go you actually know of]
- Final battle location
-Water trap room
-Secret chamber on the sewers-
-Mr Tine House
-The Clay pits
-Mr. Simpletown establishment
-Addressless door
-City watch
-Crime scene
-City Judge[Current Location]

Voidrunner's Codex

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