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[Adventure] The Lost Treasure of House Cannith (Judge: Evilbob)

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354b, who wasn't slouching, stands up a little straighter and the crystals showing in his plating shine a little brighter giving off a green glow. "Designation Experiment 354b, Lord Cannith. Design objective to create a durable warforged utilizing psionic energy for ranged support," states 354b in his usual mechanical stony voice.


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Rafftry looks stunned at Karanak's display, and leans forward in his chair as if about to get up, but then thinks better of it and leans back to his former seated position as Karanak reforms into his treeish state.

As Thalin follows, he begins to calm, and indeed he seems much relaxed and more amicable by the time the half-elf is finished. Rafftry smiles jovially at Colgrave's magical antics and takes in the brief statements of the other two without a word, although his eyes take on a shining look and his smile widens as Experiment 354B presents himself.

He nods to each speaker in turn as they present themselves.

"Well met, all of you," he says with a grin, taking another sip of his wine. "Well, now that that's out of the way, and you all seem, at least, not terrified of entering The Mournlands, let us speak in more detail.

What I specifically need from you is to retrieve a notebook that was left at a research laboratory in Eston. It's taken me a long time to determine that's where it is, and I very much want it."

The greed shining in his eyes is clear for a moment, but then he continues and it vanishes as quickly as it came.

"I cannot tell you what is in the notebook, but it has a particular symbol on it, and the place where it's being kept should also have a similar symbol somewhere nearby. I will provide you will a drawing of said symbol.

Now, I'm sure I needn't tell you that the journey to Eston will be treacherous in and of itself. They say that spending too much time in The Mist is unhealthy. Unfortunately, on top of such dangers I'm afraid that the laboratory, and the book, are likely protected by traps, enchantments, and locks of all kinds. I know such things were common and I have little doubt that there was time to activate such things before the end.

I have some maps here that you are welcome to use to determine the best route to the city. I will bring them in and you can look them over once all the terms are agreed upon.

When you return, I will have a token for you to give to the guards at whatever gate you return to Sharn by. They will alert me of your arrival and I will meet you back here. Again, I must I ask you not to open the book. I suspect it may be heavily enchanted and any attempts to open it without proper care may result in damage to it or the information inside. I can't have that.

For your troubles, I will give you each 150g. I will pay half up front so you may gather any additional supplies you might need for the trip. I also have some magic items laying around that one or more of you might find useful. If you return with the book, I will see what you think of them.

Well, what say you? Any questions? Will you take the job?"

He takes another sip of wine after his long speech and looks around at each of the applicants in turn.

[sblock=ooc]If you don't all have 2 approvals by the time you set out and he makes to give you the money, I'll personally go through and do a second approval on your characters. That may delay things a bit, but I really want to give you half the money up front. I think Kaelen is the only one who doesn't have a judge approval yet, but I'm sure we can get that worked out.[/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC,group, Edit #4]Since I heard traps and seeing how we all such at thievery, I'd suggest we all chip in our share and buy some masterwork thief tools for this work. I've got the highest skill at 7 ... and that's kind of pitiful.

Hmmm, well I guess I could train thievery instead of perception... HMMMM

Yeah, I'll be grabbing that thievery skill then. +14 for traps, not bad at all.

Shame on me. Back to original it is. I may retrain the skill as I level up, but the DM is actually right, its quite wrong to do so based on information from the adventure. [/sblock]
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First Post

After Lord Cannith tells them of the mission, Karananak tries to take in all the information. He clicks and snaps, that must be some kind of language, back and forth with Eve for a few moments before addressing the group again. "No what be dis ere Monlans place oh fwhich yuh be speakin? I an I came true dis land from dee west, but ave neva befa eard oh fit. Dee odas be seemin tuh old dis place wit soam deep revarence oha fea, bow twee daw knaw dee cause uh dis.

Uh boned set uh paypuhs shood be simple enough tuh be trockin doan dough. Saw what be dis symbol yuh be speakin boat den?"
The wilden steps gently over to the tray of snacks, careful not to dig his claws into the shiny wooden floors, and pops another hunk of cheese into his mouth. He returns to the comfy couch next to his walking stick and sits back down.
[sblock=Actions]Free: Speak
Make Eve Invisible
Move: Cross room
Standard: Eat Cheese[/sblock][sblock=Swarmwhisper]Karananak Bole—Male Wilden Druid 4; Resist 5 Fire, (Resist 4 Melee/Ranged in Beast Form)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15(17 in beast form), Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 45/45, Bloodied: 22, Surge: 11, Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Savage Rend
Locust Swarm
Cold Wind

Scattered Form
Voyage of the Ancients/Wrath of the Destroyer/Pursuit of the Hunter
Battering Claws

Summon Pack Wolf
Healing Infusion

Item Powers:

Character Sheet
[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Yah getting those approvals has been taking forever. Karanank has been waiting for 6 weeks or more at this point.[sblock=Translation]Now what is this Mournlands place of which you speak? I came through this land from the west, but never before heard of it. The others seem to hold this place in some sort of reverence or fear, but we don't know the cause of this.

A bound set of papers should be no great chore to locate though. So what is this symbol you mentioned then?


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Otakkun, unfortunately there are no masterwork tools in 4th edition. You are welcome to purchase regular thieves tools with your share of the money he provides.

Also, I know your character isn't approved so in theory you're allowed to change it, but I'd appreciate if you didn't change which skills you trained based on information gained in the adventure. That kind of isn't cool.[/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]You know, you're right. I should actually know better. Back to how it was then, we'll manage somehow.
Ahh... the joys of changing yet again the wiki template... XD
I will be buying the tools with the gold you've gave us as soon as we can. [/sblock]
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First Post
Colgrave nods thoughtfully, stroking his goatee with a clawed hand and making mental calculations. Whether this laboratory was once a Cannith enclave or something else entirely, it seems fair to assume that the research therein would be of some interest to House Cannith at large - yet here is Rafftry, hiring a motley bunch of unknowns to retrieve it for him.

If one was interested merely in milking as much profit as possible from the situation, Colgrave ponders, cocking his head, then one might do rather well to make other contacts within the House and see who might be willing to outbid Rafftry. Not a terrible idea. But of more concern, perhaps, is the possibility that others out there might be looking for the notebook on their own account, without the need of any tip-off - and, indeed, they might very possibly have a more legitimate claim to it than Rafftry's. In which case, they may well take a certain amount of umbrage at the efforts of Rafftry's hapless agents.

Altogether, the job looks like it could be a rather sticky mess to be lured into by the meagre promise of a few coins. But having come this far, Colgrave just doesn't have it in him to turn away without satisfying his curiosity. He gives an eloquent shrug.

"Very well, count me in. Tell me, Lord d'Cannith, is there any further information you can give us on the provenance of the notebook? One gathers from your speech that the research was not yours personally, but was the laboratory a Cannith operation? I ask in case it might be possible to procure the plans, which would surely be a help in evading any hazards."


First Post
"I will certainly bring out a picture of the symbol in question when I also retrieve the maps for you," he assures the druid.

After Colgrave speaks, he places the wine glass down on an end table beside his chair and leans forward. He rests his elbows on his knees, locks his hands together with forefingers and thumbs still extended, and tilts his head so that, although he is still looking at the wizard, his forefingers rest upon his pursed lips. He looks him straight in the eye for a moment, and then speaks, lifting his head only enough so that his fingers don't end up in his mouth.

"The laboratory is, or was, in fact, Cannith property. However, I'm afraid I cannot obtain blueprints of it, nor even confirm that such still exist in the property of House Cannith. I'm afraid my role provides me only limited access to the archives and architectural blueprints are not, as they say, my department."

When he finishes speaking, he sits up more and shrugs apologetically.

Voidrunner's Codex

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