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[Adventure] The Jade Ring (DM: Dimsdale)


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GM: welcome aboard WEContact :)

You notice that the ring itself is not totally comprised of the Jade colored material. Upon close inspection you notice that a chip of the ring has broken off revealing a strange type of metal at the core of the ring...one that you have never seen before. You deduce that it has to be the metal that produces the rings power and the runes on the headpiece of the ring describe to the ring bearing through coded symbols details on how to activate the rings powers. Perhaps someone in your group could decipher them.

GM: Success 2 Failure 0
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Leather does not seem as interested in the ring as the others. Riddles, puzzles, clues or anything to do with being smart weren't up his alley, and Leather liked to stay firmly put in his alley. He stands when the dragon head enters, weapons finding hands in a blur of action. He frowns and slumps back down when he realises it has been slain already. He then replies to Torqua's greeting though he doesn't meet her eye. "Looks like someone already did the slaying of the dragon part. There is just some dumb ring found near a cave and I don't know nothing about ca ...ves..." His eyes widen at his own mention of a cave. "But I might know a certain rat that might." Without asking he snatches the ring and heads towards the door. "Be back in a second. Relax." He snatches a plate from a table right from under the nose of another patron who sits down immediately after an initial protest after Leather barks at him to "SIT!"

Outside Leather takes plate and ring over to the nearby sewer grate, a familiar location to him now. He kneels down and waves the plate over the grate allowing some of the stew to slop off and drip into the dark beneath the grate. "You smell that Bellyache?" he growls. "It's yours if you take a look at this." He holds the ring near the opening of the grate. "No touch..." A small grubby hand with crusty jagged nails reaches up and snatches the ring from Leather. "Dammit!" he growls.

A moment later a shrill bark issue from the hole. Anyone nearby who spoke goblin would have understood the word was a question. "What is you want to know?" Leather grunts pleased by the question.

"It was found near a cave not far from the city. You know the city. You know the sewers and where they lead. Have you been to this cave ....? Maybe the smell is familiar? Maybe you overheard something some time? If so ... tell me what you know."

The hand pokes through the hole in the grate once more to return the ring a few moments later. It drips with yellow tinged saliva. Evidently Leather's friend preferred to test for a familiar taste rather than a smell. If he knows anything he tells Leather. If he doesn't he curses at Leather. Leather only leaves the food if he knows something. If he doesn't he returns it to his owner inside.
As Leather heads back inside the voice calls from the grate. "When you coming home?" Leather winces but offers no reply as he wipes the ring clean and returns to the tavern.

Streetwise DC 20


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GM: Welcome jbear

Your contact's his own words...Hmmm I no nothing of the marking on the head piece of the ring or its green coating.I do know something about the metal within it Yes...I've seen this metal before. Not too long ago a mutual friend, while traveling with a group through the network of underground passages leading away from the sewers of Daulton, discovered an opening to a vast cavern. In the middle of the room was a large open fire surrounded by three slumbering ogres and and a giant from the hill country. My friend told me that the brutes must of recently fed on a group of captured travelers as bones, flesh and broken belongings were scattered everywhere. It was a most horrific sight. While the brutes were asleep the group searched the cavern for loot. One of the group noticed a pile of belongs. By the shear volumes of stuff my friend deducted that this wasn't the first raid that this group of giants had done. My friend is very smart. He told his crew to only take a couple items in hoping that they could revisit the lair more time in the future. His instincts were right on as the brutes had no idea that things were taken.

During one of the raids a member of his group took a pouch filled with coins and gems. When he came back to split the loot he discovered a chunk of a strange metal, nothing like he'd ever seen. He showed it to all of us. On of the properties of this metal was that if one touched the metal to their tongue they would feel a strong tingling numbing pain, as if one felt a charge of electricity. It was obvious to him that the metal possess magical powers. This ring is made of the same metal, but when I tasted it myself I felt no charge. That is all I can tell you.

If you want to know more about the metal you'll have to talk to my friend. You know him when you see him Leather for his is missing his left ear. He hangs out by the docks. He has a lucrative business dealing with illegal trade. His street name is Blue.


GM: Success 3 Failure 0
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Leather sits back down and places the ring back in front of the cleric. "The metal in the ring is magical. There is a man with one ear we can find at the docks called Blue who found a rock of the same metal." Leather used words sparsely. If the group wanted to know more they would need to get that information from Blue or grill Leather with questions, which would more than likely only annoy the warrior.


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OOC: sorry I haven't posted yet. Internet went down and trying to write long posts on a mobile is not fun.

In the meantime, here's a nature roll to study the material of the ring, since I dont think anyone done that yet.


Will have the rp post tomorrow, when I can find a computer that works


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GM: Welcome aboard Goldhammer

The large sorceress picks up the ring after the Leather puts it back onto the bar. She inspects it closely

You notice that the strange jade coating around the metal is a cocktail of many ingredients, the most important being the blood of an ancient green dragon, heated into a harden shell. It has the special property of preserving that of which it coats. Perhaps the broken chip of the ring is what caused the magic within the metal to drain away.

GM: Success 4 and Failure 0


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"Oh Leather, you could give any bard a run for their money with that silver tongue of yours." Torqua finally says, stepping up to the plate. Without asking, she picks the ring and brings it up her eye. "Well, it's definitely jade of some kind. Glazed with a magical mixture to seal in the magic. Hydra fat, a crushed griffin eye, tears of a heart broken beholder. The big one being the blood of an ancient green dragon. Whoever made this is no rookie. Shame about the chip in the ring, all the magic has leaked out."

"Damn that chip! Thing would have been worth a fortune if it was still whole..."
Torqua thinks, before noticing Brother Navio through the hole in the ring.

"Oh forgive me, where are my manners? I'm Torqua Debu. The Massive Mage, The Wide Witch, The Super-Sized Sorceress, hero of Asamadar and all round amazing alchemist!" The sorceress with far too many nicknames says, pulling out two glowing alchemy bottles for dramatic effect. "I specialize in love potions, healing patches and explosives!".

"I sell all three of those together in a special package I like to call "The Bad Date Combo."


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While the group is stating what they know about the ring, the cleric has been feverishly writing the information down on paper which he produced from a pocket from his cloak. After Torqua provided the last bit of information Navio ended his writing, then looks up, removes his glasses, takes out a cloth, a rubs the lenses. After inspecting the glasses he puts them back on. He's what I have. The headpiece of the ring has runes that suggest that the power of the ring is to teleport. The metal within the jade coating provides the power for the ring. The coating of the ring has the property to preserve the power of the ring. However, the chipped off piece of the jade coating exposed the metal, which has in term drained the power of the metal, which now renders the ring useless.

However, thanks to Leather, we now know of someone name Mr. Blue who might be able to provide information on the metal. Perhaps we can learn if the metal can be recharged or replaced to make the ring active again. Finally, the ring was taking from one of the minions of Bosch, who's head we now see in the middle of the room

He now looks up and nervously reaches I contact with everyone in the group. I think we need to make a visit to this Mr. Blue. If we can find away to activate this ring, perhaps it takes us to the lair of the slain dragon. He looks up into the air, then at the massive head of the beast. I believe that everyone here would like to find out what, if anything, Bosch has left behind. Looking at the ceiling again. One can only hope that the grate beast has accumulated many artifacts and relics.... The clerics voice trails off as his mind is now imagining what the riches might be. Snapping back to reality cleric states. So...would you find this Mr. Blue. Hopefully he can shed some light on this. Report back to me with any information you find.

GM: Skill challenge number 1: Success!
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Torqua drools as visions of riches dance in her mind. A mountain, NO, mountains of gold and gems just waiting for her. All they needed was to get that ring working again. "Give me one second." The large sorceress says, running back to the bar to finish off her last few plates of food, then running back quick as a flash.

"Right then, let's not fuss about. Any idea just where at the docks this Mr Blue might be, Leather?" The massive mage asks, her empty plates still spinning in the background.
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