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[Adventure]: Stormcrow Tor (Judge: THB)

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[SBLOCK=Room for 1 more]Impact, I already have 5 players (team shown in the first post). I was ready to go to 6. Kisuke_Kurosaki have express his interest but haven't post in 4 days. The first character to do an In Character post will be the sixth character.[/SBLOCK]

The wagon starts to slow down. "Perfect. I also have a sixth member for your team. Someone I have recruited here at Wroat before going to Sharn. I asked him to wait for us at the station." Garteh takes his bag and stands up. "Let's go meet him."

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"A sixth, eh? With the lot I've seen so far, another fighter may be of use."

Gruff scowls and climbs down to the platform. "Where's this man of yours?"


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Unexpectedly, there is a knock on the lodge door. When the door is opened, a tall but skinny human in nondescript clothing is found waiting outside. He is wearing a small triangular crystal on a thong around his neck.

"Hello Gareth. If the rest of your recruits are here, there will be no need to stop for me in Wroat. I apologize for my duplicity, Gareth, but I followed you to Sharn after our meeting. I hope this doesn't offend you greatly, but I wanted to verify your identity before committing myself to your service. In this age many evil forces are at work, but I now believe you are not one of them."

Stepping into the lodge and briefly scanning the room, Radtash continues:

"Let me introduce myself; My name is Radtash, and I am recently from a small farming village in The Eldeen Reaches, where I served as a healer and guardian. If my behavior has not disqualified me, I will be honored to serve alongside you in this quest. Greetings, and may we all walk together in the Light."

[sblock=OOC]Those of you that are perceptive might have noticed Radtash trailing the group as you left Tower's Shard. Those of you that are Insightful might also notice:
[sblock=Passive Insight around 18]Radtash is a Kalashtar, trying to pass for human.[/sblock]I am new to enworld and play-by-post, so please feel free to point out any mistakes I might make! See my sig for a character link.[/sblock]


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[SBLOCK=OOC]Impact is in. Sorry Kisuke_Kurosaki (and any other one), the crew is complete. Action will start as soon as pathfinderq1 and Erekose13 (who is in vacation and come back tomorrow) will do there first post in this thread. That will leave me the time to make the map and make the encounter more in line for a 6 men party.[/SBLOCK]


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Narvala's passive insight is 24, so she notices the Kalashtar's true nature.

Narvala arched an eyebrow when Radtash gave his reasons for not joining them openly and immediately. She knew that she should not; the man did not know her, and as much as she might wish otherwise, there were those among the Flame's clergy that were less than trustworthy forces for good.


Arkavas looks up from the map, which, so far, has only convinced him that he should have studied harder in Geography classes instead of playing alchemical pranks on his classmates.

Panning the map to the right with his right hand, he looks up and listens to Radtash as he introduces himself.

"I say. It's good to see a man of the cloth, from the Path of Light. I'm sure that you and Narvala, here," He lifts the map in her direction and nods to her as well, "will have a great deal to talk aobut."

[sblock=OOC]Insight=1d20+5=17. He's clueless[/sblock]

He turns to Gareth. "I do wish I had studied my Geography better. At least it shows the spot." He hands the map back to Gareth.

He leans back, as if to get comfortable, and then realizes that he still has the fullblade strapped to his back. It gives his move the appearance of an old man with rheumatism trying to stretch. He catches himself halfway through the act, and withdraws the inhumanly large weapon from its confines, leaning it against the wall of the lodge next to himself. Then he attempts the maneuver once again, this time with success.

"Ahhh. I imagine this will be the last time, for a while, that we shall travel in comfort."
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With a clatter, the door of the cabin smacked open, and the gnoll from the tavern peeked inside. "Sweetness is here, yep yep yep," it barked happily, as it pushed through the narrow doorway. The stiff crest of black hair atop its head brushed the ceiling, and it had to work carefully to fit through the cabin door- even a first class cabin simply wasn't built for creatures seven feet tall.

The gnoll hunched forward, eyeing the unfamiliar cleric warily. As he cabin door slid closed, a very worried looking House Orien steward could be seen outside, obviously checking to see that the savage gnoll was, in fact, an expected passenger.

With a huffing exhale, the gnoll threw down a heavy satchel and bedroll, then leaned across the seats to look out the window. In one hand, the creature held a large sack, which appeared to be twitching.

OOC: Passive Insight 12- Sweetness doesn't see through the disguise, and likely doesn't care one way or another. She has seen worse.
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Radtash instinctively studied everyone in the room, looking for any signs of Quori possession. Noticing his own nervousness, he tried to suppress it with conversation:

"I say. It's good to see a man of the cloth, from the Path of Light. I'm sure that you and Narvala, here," He lifts the map in her direction and nods to her as well, "will have a great deal to talk about."

"Ah, it is refreshing to be among those that respect faith. In the Eldeen reaches it took me many years to earn that same respect. It was given freely to the druids, of course." Addressing himself to Narvala, Radtash continues: "I am sure we could indeed have a long conversation about our respective faiths, but I have found that deep theological discussions can often be tiresome to observers."

"With that said, I have respect for your faith, and I have often meditated on the similarities between the Silver Flame and il-Yannah. I wonder if they are not twins, separated by the gap between this world and Dal Quor? I admit some envy that the Flame is accessible and present in your world today, whereas il-Yannah exists only as a hope for the future."

"Sweetness is here, yep yep yep," it barked happily, as it pushed through the narrow doorway. ... The gnoll hunched forward, eyeing the unfamiliar cleric warily...

"Greetings, Sweetness, my name is Radtash. I am a healer from The Eldeen Reaches, and I have just joined as the sixth man.. err..." awkward "... person, on this quest."
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"I am sure we could indeed have a long conversation about our respective faiths, but I have found that deep theological discussions can often be tiresome to observers."

"In the main, I have found the same. And as I am of a militiant order, not an evangelical or scholarly one, I have never been especially enamored with trying to explain the fine points of the Church's doctrine." She said.

"With that said, I have respect for your faith, and I have often meditated on the similarities between the Silver Flame and il-Yannah. I wonder if they are not twins, separated by the gap between this world and Dal Quor? I admit some envy that the Flame is accessible and present in your world today, whereas il-Yannah exists only as a hope for the future."

"You see what I mean, then? An evangelical would try to convince you that il-Yannah is but an aspect of the Flame. A more academicly oriented priestess would probably discuss the faith of some tribes of orcs near the demon wastes, and how it intertwines with ours. As a priestess or as an ir'Sarhain, I can hardly claim to be a simple soldier of the Flame, but I've no claim to be a great theologian."


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The gnoll eyed the two clerics warily. "Not going to talk like this the whole time, Sweetness hopes, yep yep yep..." Then it shook its head slowly and turned to their employer. "Got map to den, right? Any idea about what is _inside_ den?"

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