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[Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

"There you are, Lady. Your adversary is defeated. You're safe now. We thank you for your help. The monster wasn't really dangerous, but it would be a pain to defeat it without your boost.

Can we hear a story for good night? Like, say, history of the current ruler of the Star palace?"

Deva dusts off his robes and makes himself comfortable as the power of the circle regenerates his wounds, nodding to Kane as he burns the horror.
"Good idea that."
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Vermitrax gasped as the vines rip his flesh, but is soon relieved by Lerrick's healing spell. "Gratitude, cleric."
"Indeed, your request is completed. You have witness what we are able to accomplish." perhaps it was a silent threat against treachery or perhaps a simple matter of fact statement. Regardless, the wizard walked towards the chirring pile of bones and half burnt flesh that was now the horror of the swamps. "Allow me." he says, as he sticks his staff on the ground next to him. His spellbook flares with sickly cyan light as its pages flicker to a stop, and it floats in front of Vermitrax, who is already chanting in Empire tongue. The cyan light gathers and concentrates turning viciously green above the spellbook, and as the chanting finishes, the concentrated negative energy sinks into the corpse of the horror of the swamp. The carcass pulses and contorts, the loud crack of bones and flesh ripping encompassing its convulsions, until it detonates in an explosion of gore. Vermitrax is protected from the splashing of dead meat and blood by an invisible force field.
From the epicentre of the detonation, a humanoid skeleton arises, and walks shambling towards Vermitrax, standing at his side.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
The carcass pulses and contorts, the loud crack of bones and flesh ripping encompassing its convulsions, until it detonates in an explosion of gore.
From the epicentre of the detonation, a humanoid skeleton arises, and walks shambling towards Vermitrax, standing at his side.

"Gross!. And here we are, replacing one horror with another."
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Non sense, necromancy is just one of the many schools of magic in which I'm proficient. Calling forth and chaining an entity of the negative plane is something perfectly simple and normal for a wizard, as is using a minor evocation to avoid the stains. Its far different from a monster born in the corrupted feyland with a mind of his own. This one is totally under my control." As if to empathize his point, Vermitrax slaps the skeleton in the back of the head.

"It may be perfectly simple, but there is nothing normal in creating undead, mage! By their very definition, they are antithesis of everything in this world of life. And you, as a user of such magics, will become corrupted in time. If for no other reason, but going further and further with your experiments and rationalizations that something is not evil unless you use it for evil."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Silence, I will not take lecture of ones such as yourselves. Lets continue with this fiasco, I'm sick of the swamps and of the company already." Vermitrax says, frowning and walking away.

"You will take it, arrogant child! You don't have to like it, but don't expect me to be silent about it. Especially since you don't really hold back on your comments. You receive as you give."

OOC: [MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION], you made me notice how similar my monk and invoker are :) true, one is good for his origins and the other by his training, but both have necromancer/undead problem :) Bad MetaVoid, shame on you, creating similar characters!


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Easy, both of you! We're not here to argue, but to do a job. You both accepted it and knew who else was coming. Cyr, you cannot begrudge a necromancer his undead minions however distasteful you find them. Equally, Vermitrax, you cannot put yourself above the rest of the group, you have to pull your weight if for no other reason then to survive along with us. We don't have barbarians to take the hits for us or smash everything.

So, use your brains, plan, consider how best to hamper the opponents, even if that means taking a hit. We have capable cleric..."
Martelai nods to Lerrick
"...and I'm sure all of you have some form of self-help. So, think big, if you have to take a hit to fire off your big guns, do it! You'll shorten the fights, help everyone else and in turn, they will be able to help you. If we get distracted and pull in different directions, we'll be killed one by one. Our strength is not in our muscles, but in our minds."

"Swamp is a bad place to exercise your brains. Especially for less practical garb such as these robes. With your armor you almost look like you belong here, one of the swamp creatures. But robes...no. It gets on my nerves and I get snippy. Humans are known to get all superior. When I think about it, so can dwarves, elves, eladrin...it seems each mortal race has something in its make up that makes it make up things about itself to make it superior."

Cyr pauses and then smiles.
"I made a lots of makes in that sentence. Almost makes a joke out of it.

Anyhow, I will not bother our brother in books about his skeletons. But I will not keep special care not to affect it if I get an opportunity to do something good against our enemies."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"That's why I created it, to act as a punching doll. The smell of decay hurts my nose as much as it does to yours." Was all that the wizard said.

Voidrunner's Codex

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