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[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


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The Fungus God: Round 3

Aerys continues to cough and splutter, backing away slowly. The zombie creatures strike savagely, with Castile, Kane, and Takahaan all taking heavy blows.

One of the bushy plants jabs Kane sharply with a thorn, hooking him. The other wraps a tendril around one of Jade’s legs and starts dragging the poor creature away.

The huge mass of jumbled growth continues to inch forward. More fat puffballs pop up out of the ground, but Hú Lí and Noriaki both avoid the poisonous bursts that accompany them.

[sblock=actions]Noriaki can take advantage of Stand the Fallen before his turn starts if he desires (he’s at 29/51 HP currently, due to lose 5 at the start of his turn unless he takes Hú Lí’s slide).

Aerys shifts to G8 and fails her save.

Blue zombie shifts away from Noriaki and charges Castile, ending in D11 and hitting for 15 damage.

Yellow zombie shifts to F7 and attacks Kane, hitting for 13 damage.

Green zombie shifts to G4 and attacks Takahaan, hitting for 10 damage.

Yellow blood shroom shifts to H6 to flank Kane and attacks him, hitting for 13 damage and Kane is grabbed.

Purple shroom shifts to J4 and attacks Jade, hitting for 11. Jade is grabbed and pulled to I5.

Big nasty inches forward and attacks Hú Lí and Noriaki, missing both. Two more spores appear, one in F11 and one in A12. Castile, Hú Lí, and Noriaki are in the auras.

Off-turn stuff
Virtue of Cunning: Only Noriaki is eligible.

Castile could drop the blue zombie with Shield Edge Block before her turn starts (although its attack roll was good enough that it will still hit).

[sblock=If you hit a fungus zombie]Roots of the Colony: If another zombie is within 5 squares when you hit, then each one takes half damage from the attack. If there’s more than one within range, pick the least damaged one to share the damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Controlling Aerys]Companion NPCs in Combat

Any PC can take a standard, move, or minor action to have an NPC perform an action of the same (or a lesser) type. E.g., if you want Pezock to use Icy Skewer, you spend a standard action. If you want him to move, you spend a move action. An NPC is limited to the usual number of actions each round (but those actions need not all be granted by the same PC). An NPC who has an immediate action can likewise only use it if a PC has an immediate action available to use on his/her behalf.

NPCs can take free actions and opportunity actions normally, without the direction of PCs. They are always considered to have their weapons in hand and don’t need to spend actions unsheathing them.

If all of the PCs act in a given round without giving any actions to a particular NPC, I will have that NPC take one non-offensive action. This will most likely be Second Wind if it is needed and available, and movement or Total Defense if it is not. (It won’t be necessary for PCs to spend their own standard actions to have NPCs use second wind.)[/sblock]

[sblock=PCs’ Off-Turn Actions]Interrupts, Reactions, and so forth are listed here to help me remember them. It would also help me if you specify triggers for these actions. If you don’t, I’ll try to use them in sensible places.

Black Fox
Virtue of Cunning (free action; ally is missed)

Combat Challenge (interrupt; adjacent marked target shifts or makes an attack that doesn’t include Castile)
Guardian’s Counter (interrupt; ally within 2 is hit by an attack that doesn’t include Castile)
Shield Edge Block (interrupt; adjacent enemy hits or misses Castile with a close or melee attack): used if it will turn a hit into a miss.
Bold Victory Armor (free; Castile or an ally within 5 bloodies an enemy)

Aegis of Shielding (interrupt; marked enemy hits a target within 10 and the attack doesn’t include Kane)
Channeling Shield (interrupt; an attack hits Kane or an ally within 10): used to prevent a big or bloodying hit.
Dimensional Vortex (interrupt; an enemy within 10 hits an ally with a melee attack): used if Kane can thump a non-minion with it.
White Lotus Riposte (no action; when an enemy Kane hit with an arcane at-will attacks him before EoNT, that enemy takes 4 damage of the same type as the at-will dealt)

Shrug it Off (reaction; Noriaki is subjected to a save ends effect)

Guardian’s Counter (interrupt; ally within 2 is hit by an attack that doesn’t include Takahaan)
Vengeance is Mine (reaction; an enemy hits Takahaan)[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat Status]This is copied and pasted from Roll20. Note that the Roll20 version will be updated during the round and supercedes this one.


Castile 41/58 HP; 11/13 surges; AP used, SW used

Hú Lí 38/44 HP; 6/8 surges;

Kane 19/49 HP; 8/10 surges; AP used, bloodied, grabbed by yellow blood shroom

Jade (the fey beast) 1/24 HP; grabbed by purple blood shroom

Noriaki 29/51 HP; 9/9 surges;

Takahaan 32/44 HP; 8/8 surges;

Aerys 21/51 HP; 13/13 surges; cannot regain HP (save ends), bloodied


Red Fungus Zombie dead

Blue Fungus Zombie 62 damage, marked by Castile, bloodied, pacification spores used

Yellow Fungus Zombie 50 damage, marked by Kane, bloodied, pacification spores used

Green Fungus Zombie 19 damage

Fungus "God" undamaged

Yellow Blood Shroom 10 damage

Purple Blood Shroom 19 damage

Creeping Spores E8, D12, A12, F11 minions. Aura 1: does 5 damage to enemies starting their turns in the aura.[/sblock]


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Kane and Jade struggle futilely to escape the hold the plants have on them. Consumed with rage and frustration Kane's blade explodes into sharp shafts of force around him cutting into his captor but narrowly missing the zombified mushroom on the other side.

Kane and Jade both fail escape Grab attempts
Kane uses Sword burst missing the Yellow Zombie 1 and hitting the Yellow bloodshroom for 11 force damage and activating White Lotus Riposte against it.
[sblock=Kane Arcane]
PC:Kane Arcane (jbear1979) - L4W Wiki
Human Hybrid Swordmage | Wizard 5
Passive Perception/Insight 14
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:18, Will:18, Speed:6
HP: (+0 THP) 19/49, Bloodied:24, Surge Value:12, Surges left:8/10
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1 (encounter): USED


MBA: Dislocation Longsword +1, +8 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage
Freezing Burst, Phantasmal Assault, Sword Burst

Glorious Presence: USED
Aegis of Shielding:
Channelling Shield: USED
Dimensional Vortex: USED
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere:
Swordmage's Shielding Fire
Dislocation Longsword: USED
Amulet of Psychic Interference:

Combat notes:
Amulet of Psychic Interference: Kane makes a SThrow vs Charm, Fear and Psychic effects at the start of his turn; if he fails he does not get another SThrow to end them at the end of his turn
White Lotus Riposte: When an enemy Kane has hit with an At Will Power attacks him on his next turn, they take 4 dmg (type is equal to the damage type dealt by at will power)
Gauntlets of Arcane Might: Kane gains 2 THP when he hits an enemy he marks with an Arcane power
Shimmering Cloth Armor: Kane's ranged and area attacks do not provoke OAtks
War Wizard's Expertise: Kane's arcane attacks vs allies take a -5 penalty to hit.

Jade, Feybeast HP (+0 THP) 1/24; AC 18 F/R/W 20/16/20
Perception +6
MBA: Claw: +10 vs AC; 1d12+2 dmg
Aura +2 dmg to all allies vs enemies in Fey Beast Aura; Kane gains CAdv vs enemies in aura


Castile is still focused entirely on the plant zombie in front of her. "Can you not fight me one on one? Then, you leave me no choice!" The dwarf lowers her metal visor to cover her face. She then begins making long, sweeping chops up and down with her axe, swirling wildly and hitting the air in all directions. "Here goes... WHIRLING DERVISH STRIKE DANCE!"

While the rapid attacks look impressive, they don't seem very accurate. Castile entirely misses the zombie with her several blows.

[sblock=Castile actions / stats]I'd make use of Stand the Fallen from last turn, so Castile was up to 4+58/58 and 10/13. After the bad guys' turn, I put her at 47/58.

I'll hold off on the shield block for now, but thanks. There's still that fungus god to take care of, so I might need the hp.

Start of turn: Take 5 damage from the aura. Castile's at 42/58.

Minor: Rain of Steel stance on! Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to Castile takes 1d12+5 damage, as long as Castile is able to make opportunity attacks (and +2 damage while she has THP). Mewness, you can roll these for me. At the least, this should take care of the 2 minions next turn.

Move: Shift to E11.

Standard: Crushing Surge vs Blue Zombie misses AC 18, but it's marked and she gains 4 THP on a miss.

PC:Castile (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Dwarf Fighter 5
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 16
AC:21, Fort:20, Reflex:17, Will:16, +5 saves vs poison, Speed:5
HP:4+42/58, Bloodied:29, Surge Value:14, Surges left:10/13
Initiative +2
Action Points: 0 (encounter)

Rain of Steel (1d12+5 damage to adjacent enemies at the start of their turn)

MBA: Waraxe, +10 vs AC, 1d12+9 damage and gain 4 THP (see Combat notes below)
RBA: Waraxe, +10 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage, 6/12
Combat Challenge, Crushing Surge, Pass Forward, Tide of Iron
Bold Victory, Dwarven Resilience, Guardian's Counter, Hack and Hew, Shield Edge Block
Comeback Strike, Dwarven Thrower Waraxe, Rain of Steel

Combat notes: +2 melee / close damage with THP, +2 to attack roll on OAs, OAs stop enemy movement


First Post
Noriaki takes a deep breath, heartened by Takahaan's show of force, and rushes back into battle, executing a fine strike against one of the zombies that would have slain it if it were a man, but as a zombie, it did not rely on its organs as a man might.

Taking Stand The Fallen for +16hp
Standard: charge!
Attack roll: 21, hit!
Damage Roll: 23 damage

Noriaki Matsumoto
Male Human Thaneborn Barbarian 5
Initiative: +5(+7 with Takahaan)
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal

Surges left:9/9
Surge Value:12
Action Points: 1/1

MBA: +11 to hit, 1d12+8 damage
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike

Vault the Fallen []
Shatterbone Strike []
Howl of Triumph []
Shrug it off []
Heroic Effort []
Second Wind []

Swift Panther Rage []
Silver Phoenix Rage []


Action Surge: +3 bonus to attack rolls made during an action gained by spending an action point.

Horned Helm: +1d6 to charge damage

Battlecrazed Weapon: +1d6 damage when bloodied

Feral Might(Thaneborn Triumph): Whenever you bloody an enemy, the next attack by you or an ally against that enemy gains a bonus to the attack roll equal to your Charisma modifier(+2).[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: My absence has shifted my karmic balance, giving me a 2 on a +14 roll and missing the killing blow (Again). Invisible Castle seems to be going jbear on me!

Takahaan jumps back from the creature he is locked in a melee with, taking the opportunity to surround the other dying plant creature with Kane and the sober Aerys. He rushes at it, but his vicious swing finds no purchase, the creature still managing to stay upright as Takahaan's weight is dispersed skillfully among its limbs and vines. He grunts, irritated, baring his sharp dragonborn teeth at it and readies his blade to finish the thing off.

Move: Shift to E4

Standard: Flattering Charge on Yellow Dude, landing in E6 to flank with Aerys. Miss AC 16.
[sblock=Rolls]Attack: 1d20+14=16[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Takahaan]Takahaan Thanazashi Male Dragonborn Bravura Warlord 5
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal
Will:18 HP:32/44
Surge Value:12
Surges left:6/8
Action Points: 1


Brash Assault
Intuitive Strike
Dragon Breath [ ]
Inspiring Word [x]
Flattering Charge [x]
Vengeance Is Mine [x]
Lamb to the Slaughter [ ]
Stand the Fallen [x]
Spur To Action [ ]

Other Abilities:

Second Wind [ ]
Cloak of Resistance [ ]
Dwarven Chainmail [ ]


[sblock=Important Features] Bravura Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Combat Leader: You and each ally within 10 squares who can see and hear you gain a +2 power bonus to initiative.

Dragonborn Fury: When you’re bloodied, you gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls.[/sblock] [/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
[sblock=OOC] [MENTION=14889]Mewness[/MENTION] I wasn't sure if you had read BenBrown's message over in his adventure thread about his hands. It sounds pretty nasty for him. He may not be updating Hu Li's turn for that same reason, I suspect. It might be worth asking him if he is able to continue or not with this adventure? [/sblock]


First Post
OOC: I’m going to NPC Hú Lí, possibly for the remainder of this fight, as Ben’s still having trouble with his hand. After the fight is over, I’ll end the adventure--Ben probably won’t be able to continue and I’m feeling pretty burned out regardless. I’m sorry, gang--I really hate to end things without bringing the story to a proper conclusion. Hope that you all had fun up to this point and that you’ll be able to get into something faster-paced afterwards.

The Fungus God: Round 4

Hú Lí dances past the puffballs, away from the large mass of fungus. She plays a strange melody on her flute that perfectly accompanies the movements of the creature holding Kane until it suddenly departs from them in a discordant burst. The creature is compelled to follow. It releases Kane and attacks one of the plant-zombies, killing it.

Aerys, noticing Castile’s heedless whirling attack on the puffballs, moves wisely out of range of the blast that is likely to result. Her breathing is heavy and labored, and her skin is becoming slightly grey.

The remaining plant-zombie moves up to Kane and Takahaan and releases a sickly cloud of spores. Kane avoids the worst of it but Takahaan is unlucky enough to inhale some of the burst and is overcome by a fit of coughing.

Hú Lí abruptly starts playing a galloping tune that causes the bushy creature to move in a mockery of dance. Aerys, Kane, Takahaan, Noriaki, and Castile all strike at it as it totters past absurdly, and all but Noriaki hit, leaving it badly battered.

The fey beast struggles in the clutches of the other bushy creature. It is unable to get free, but manages to avoid further damage.

Two of the puffballs are caught by the blows of Castile’s axe and explode. Both Castile and Noriaki manage to avoid the nasty spores. Two more puffballs pop up out of the ground, but Castile and Kane avoid the little bursts produced by their emergence. Then the roiling fungal mass seems to separate and melt into the earth, each little growth vanishing, only to reappear, piece by piece, near Castile. It emits a thick cloud of spores around Hú Lí and Noriaki, with the latter getting the worst of it.

[sblock=actions]Hú Lí takes 5 aura damage and moves to B8 and uses Song of Discord on yellow shroom, hitting. Yellow shroom makes a basic attack against yellow zombie, which hits for 10. Yellow and green zombies each take 5 (which kills yellow zombie) and yellow shroom is dominated until EoNT. She then uses Majestic word on Kane, who spends a surge and heals 16.

Aerys takes the opportunity to retreat a bit and fails her save yet again.

Green zombie moves to F6 and uses its pacification spores on Kane and Takahaan. Misses Kane, hits Taka for 13 damage and he cannot take standard actions until EoNT. Taka is bloodied.

Yellow blood shroom is dominated. Hú Lí makes it release Kane and “run” past Aerys, Kane, Takahaan, Noriaki, and Castile, provoking opportunity attacks from all. All hit except Noriaki (I actually forgot his attack and rolled it at the end; it missed). Takahaan bloodies it and Castile presumably marks it.

Purple shroom tries to use subjugating spores on Jade, but misses.

At the start of the big thing’s turn, two of its minions explode owing to Rain of Steel. Castile and Noriaki are in the areas of effect. The first one misses both. I’ll assume Hú Lí uses virtue of cunning to slide Noriaki out of the area of the second. The second misses Castile. Yellow shroom regains 10 HP.

Fungus god fires seed projectiles at Castile and Kane, missing both. Minions appear in D12 and H7. Fungus god uses Hidden Roots as a move action to burrow to D9/E10, provoking no OAs.

Action Point: Fungus god uses enervating spores, attacking Hú Lí and Noriaki in a blast 3. Misses Hú Lí, hits Noriaki for 15 poison and necrotic damage, bloodying him just barely. As an effect, the fungus god’s damaging aura becomes radius 2.

Note that all these auras are effectively the same--they’re all from the same creature, so you don’t take multiple instances of damage from being in multiple auras. Everyone is starting in an aura except Jade and Taka.

Off-turn stuff
Virtue of Cunning: Used on Noriaki

[sblock=Controlling Aerys]Companion NPCs in Combat

Any PC can take a standard, move, or minor action to have an NPC perform an action of the same (or a lesser) type. E.g., if you want Pezock to use Icy Skewer, you spend a standard action. If you want him to move, you spend a move action. An NPC is limited to the usual number of actions each round (but those actions need not all be granted by the same PC). An NPC who has an immediate action can likewise only use it if a PC has an immediate action available to use on his/her behalf.

NPCs can take free actions and opportunity actions normally, without the direction of PCs. They are always considered to have their weapons in hand and don’t need to spend actions unsheathing them.

If all of the PCs act in a given round without giving any actions to a particular NPC, I will have that NPC take one non-offensive action. This will most likely be Second Wind if it is needed and available, and movement or Total Defense if it is not. (It won’t be necessary for PCs to spend their own standard actions to have NPCs use second wind.)[/sblock]

[sblock=PCs’ Off-Turn Actions]Interrupts, Reactions, and so forth are listed here to help me remember them. It would also help me if you specify triggers for these actions. If you don’t, I’ll try to use them in sensible places.

Black Fox
Virtue of Cunning (free action; ally is missed)

Combat Challenge (interrupt; adjacent marked target shifts or makes an attack that doesn’t include Castile)
Guardian’s Counter (interrupt; ally within 2 is hit by an attack that doesn’t include Castile)
Shield Edge Block (interrupt; adjacent enemy hits or misses Castile with a close or melee attack): used if it will turn a hit into a miss.
Bold Victory Armor (free; Castile or an ally within 5 bloodies an enemy)

Aegis of Shielding (interrupt; marked enemy hits a target within 10 and the attack doesn’t include Kane)
Channeling Shield (interrupt; an attack hits Kane or an ally within 10): used to prevent a big or bloodying hit.
Dimensional Vortex (interrupt; an enemy within 10 hits an ally with a melee attack): used if Kane can thump a non-minion with it.
White Lotus Riposte (no action; when an enemy Kane hit with an arcane at-will attacks him before EoNT, that enemy takes 4 damage of the same type as the at-will dealt)

Shrug it Off (reaction; Noriaki is subjected to a save ends effect)

Guardian’s Counter (interrupt; ally within 2 is hit by an attack that doesn’t include Takahaan)
Vengeance is Mine (reaction; an enemy hits Takahaan)[/sblock]

[sblock=Hú Lí]The Black Fox Fox Spirit (Changeling) Bard 5
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 20
AC:21, Fort:14, Reflex:18, Will:19
:bmelee: +5 vs. AC, 1d6 damage

HP:33/44, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left:6/8
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: used
Powers: Fox Spirit Disguise, Wild Shape, Staggering Note, Vicious Mockery, Changeling's Armor
Blunder, Dissonant Strain, Fox Spirit Trick, Grasping Claws, Majestic Word x2, Words of Friendship, Noble Presence, Painted Drum
Stirring Shout, Song of Discord, Canon of Avoidance, Amulet of Seduction

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy misses an ally within 9 squares of the Black Fox, the Fox may slide the ally 1 square as a free action.


[sblock=Combat Status]This is copied and pasted from Roll20. Note that the Roll20 version will be updated during the round and supercedes this one.


Castile 42+4/58 HP; 10/13 surges; AP used, SW used, rain of steel

Hú Lí 33/44 HP; 6/8 surges;

Kane 35/49 HP; 7/10 surges; AP used

Jade (the fey beast) 1/24 HP; bloodied, grabbed by purple blood shroom

Noriaki 25/51 HP; 8/9 surges; bloodied

Takahaan 19/44 HP; 8/8 surges; can't take standard actions EoNT, bloodied

Aerys 21/51 HP; 13/13 surges; can't regain HP (save ends), bloodied


Red Fungus Zombie dead

Blue Fungus Zombie dead

Yellow Fungus Zombie dead

Green Fungus Zombie 24 damage, pacification spores used

Fungus "God" undamaged, hidden roots used, enervating spores used, AP used

Yellow Blood Shroom 51 damage, white lotus riposte, dominated by Hú Lí EoNT, marked by Castile

Purple Blood Shroom 19 damage

Creeping Spores E8, F11, H7, D12 minions. Aura 1: does 5 damage to enemies starting their turns in the aura.[/sblock]


First Post
Kane decides that they have stumbled into a fight that they are going to have to fight too hard to get their way out and then face another enemy afterwards. He decides to hold back his power no longer. Which to be honest is not all that much.

Kane divides his mind and reaches out to connect with the plant god wrapping a fiery sigil about its being. The effort is too much for a battered and weakend Kane and he is unable to press the flames that sputter weakly in the creatures damp, rotten flesh. But the connection is inevitable. And the flames will come if the creature lets its mind guard down even a fraction.

[sblock=Actions] Start of Turn: Kane takes 5 dmg from Aura

Standard Action: Swordmage's Channelling fire vs Plant God: 16 vs Fort = Miss
Effect: Second Aegis of Shielding mark (doesn't affect original) on Plant God; Now when Kane prevents dmg with Aegis of Shielding the plant god takes the same amount of fire damage (to a maximum of 8).
Move:Kane Shifts 1 to H8
Fey Beast stays still [/sblock]

[sblock=Kane Arcane]
PC:Kane Arcane (jbear1979) - L4W Wiki
Human Hybrid Swordmage | Wizard 5
Passive Perception/Insight 14
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:18, Will:18, Speed:6
HP: (+0 THP) 30/49, Bloodied:24, Surge Value:12, Surges left:7/10
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1 (encounter): USED


MBA: Dislocation Longsword +1, +8 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage
Freezing Burst, Phantasmal Assault, Sword Burst

Glorious Presence: USED
Aegis of Shielding:
Channelling Shield: USED
Dimensional Vortex: USED
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere:
Swordmage's Shielding Fire
Dislocation Longsword: USED
Amulet of Psychic Interference:

Combat notes:
Amulet of Psychic Interference: Kane makes a SThrow vs Charm, Fear and Psychic effects at the start of his turn; if he fails he does not get another SThrow to end them at the end of his turn
White Lotus Riposte: When an enemy Kane has hit with an At Will Power attacks him on his next turn, they take 4 dmg (type is equal to the damage type dealt by at will power)
Gauntlets of Arcane Might: Kane gains 2 THP when he hits an enemy he marks with an Arcane power
Shimmering Cloth Armor: Kane's ranged and area attacks do not provoke OAtks
War Wizard's Expertise: Kane's arcane attacks vs allies take a -5 penalty to hit.

Jade, Feybeast HP (+0 THP) 1/24; AC 18 F/R/W 20/16/20
Perception +6
MBA: Claw: +10 vs AC; 1d12+2 dmg
Aura +2 dmg to all allies vs enemies in Fey Beast Aura; Kane gains CAdv vs enemies in aura


Castile keeps whirling around madly in a circle, lashing her axe out at everything within reach. She seems to have gotten the whirling part down, as seen when she explodes two of the spore clouds, but her aimed attacks go completely wide of any target.

"HAH! I .. think it's... working... *urghh... I feel dizzy*"

[sblock=Castile actions / stats]Start of turn: Take 5 damage from the aura. Castile's at 41/58.

Standard: Crushing Surge vs Yellow Blood Shroom misses AC 14, but it's marked again and she gains 4 THP on a miss.

PC:Castile (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Dwarf Fighter 5
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 16
AC:21, Fort:20, Reflex:17, Will:16, +5 saves vs poison, Speed:5
HP:4+41/58, Bloodied:29, Surge Value:14, Surges left:10/13
Initiative +2
Action Points: 0 (encounter)

Rain of Steel (1d12+5 damage to adjacent enemies at the start of their turn)

MBA: Waraxe, +10 vs AC, 1d12+9 damage and gain 4 THP (see Combat notes below)
RBA: Waraxe, +10 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage, 6/12
Combat Challenge, Crushing Surge, Pass Forward, Tide of Iron
Bold Victory, Dwarven Resilience, Guardian's Counter, Hack and Hew, Shield Edge Block
Comeback Strike, Dwarven Thrower Waraxe, Rain of Steel

Combat notes: +2 melee / close damage with THP, +2 to attack roll on OAs, OAs stop enemy movement

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