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[Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)


First Post
As the fighting continues outside, Sigarr's blood is boiling now as he is stuck here in this tent and with one last roar of triumph the half-giant bursts the goliath's bonds, the ropes leaving discolouration in his blue skin.

Sigarr picks up his weapon and looks quickly for his other items before he risks heading out.

Standard: athletics (1d20+18=28) Success number 2 :)
Minor: Look for other items/armour
Move: Pick up Gouge


[sblock=ministats]Sigarr ,Son of Sigdan Male Goliath Barbarian/Goliath Juggernaut 11
Initiative: +8, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19, Senses: Normal
AC:26, Fort:28, Reflex:25, Will:23
HP: 25/102, Bloodied:52, Surge Value:25, Surges left:10/11
Action Points: 1
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike

Stone's Endurance
Battle Awareness
Swift Charge
Guardian's Counter
Desperate Fury
Brutal Slam
Curtain of Steel
Drive them to their Knees
Shrug it Off
Watch Out!

Tyrant's Rage
Silver Phoenix Rage
Oak Hammer Rage
Combat Surge
Marauder's Hide +2
Boots of the Mighty Charge

Important Stuff:
When Sigarr kills an enemy gain 8 THP.
After charging Sigarr gains +1 AC TENT
When charging - Sigarr adds 3 damage to the roll (Powerful Charge + Spear Expertise)
When spending an AP Sigarr can spend a HS (Unfailing Courage)


Full sheet: http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Sigarr_(renau1g) [/sblock]

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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
More aware of his lack of equipment than a few moments ago, Hadrak decides that Eefaystos' means of keeping him safe until he reach the cup must have been through his stalwart companion. He moves behind Dane, and blasts the goliath he is facing.

-''So... on an unrelated tangeant; Where do you think these guys stashed our equipment? Kinda miss it.''

OOC: If it hits, I grant 8 temp hp to Dane.
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First Post
The Goliath is hit by the fire thrown by Incarnation, but he seems to shrug the damage. The Goliath charge back against his aggressor and wound Incarnation.

During that time, Georg had moved forward and had downed one of the Goliath blocking their way. The second Goliath continue his attack on Dane and wound him.

Sigarr grabs his weapon and give a quick look at the tent. He spots Hadrak's holy symbol on the ground. He remember the chief has shown it to him as a proof of the group alliance with the angels. He also spot Georg staff in a corner. Over that, many bag, other object covered by fur blanket of packed, but nothing interesting at first sight, but Sigarr suspect searching more might allow him to find more.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Spotting equipment is a minor action. Searching (which imply moving thing in a pile) is a move action. Both asks for a Perception roll, the latest reducing the DC.[/SBLOCK]

Perception (1d20+9=15)

Move: Walk to M15
Standard: Winged Horde vs Will on G1, G2 (1d20+11=31, 1d20+11=25) Kill G1.

Standard: Greatclub vs AC on Dane (1d20+21=36) Hit for 15 damages

Move: Walk to O13
Standard: Greatclub vs AC on Incarnation (1d20+21=40) Hit for 15 damages


[SBLOCK=Stats]Dane: 71/101; 0THP; HS 12/12; AP 1;
Georg : 60/60; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Hadrak : 99/99; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Incarnation : 80/95; 0THP; HS 12/12; AP 1;
Raiyek : 69/98; 4THP; HS 11/11; AP 1;
Sigarr : 25/102; 0THP; HS 10/11; AP 1;

G2: 1/1; AC28 F29 R28 W27;
G39: 1/1; AC28 F29 R28 W27; [/SBLOCK]

Lord Sessadore

As the goliath facing Dane raises his club for another blow, Raiyek swings his own club up. The two weapons meet with a bang, putting the goliath off-balance for a moment. The elf seizes the opportunity to circle around behind the brute as well, giving Dane an opening to attack.
[sblock=Actions]Standard: Aid another to help Dane hit G2. Apparently that doesn't require a roll ... oh well. And the roll would've hit by itself, naturally. *rolls eyes*

Move: to O19. Provokes an OA from G2 (which would hit). Dane gets to attack if G2 takes the OA.
I'm going to assume he takes the OA, so I've taken off 14 hp (resist 1 all).

Minor: none.[/sblock][sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin/Holy Conqueror (Palladys) 11
Passive Perception: 26, Passive Insight: 26; Low-light vision
AC:25, Fort:20, Reflex:18, Will:23 -- Speed:6
HP: 59/98; Bloodied:49, Surge Value:24, Surges Left:11/11
Resist 1 all
Saves: can make save at start of turn vs. daze or stun, even if effect isn't save ends.
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge

Divine Pursuit
Strength from Valor
Resurgent Smite
Charge of the Conqueror
Smiting Symbol
Valiant Rush
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Oath of Enmity

Ardent Vow (4/4)
Restore Vitality
Righteous Indignation
Paladin's Judgment
Arc of Vengeance
Victorious Surge

* Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.
* Allies gain +1 to saving throws when adjacent to Raiyek.
* After spending a healing surge, +2 power bonus to first attack before end of next turn.
* When damaged by a creature marked by Raiyek, he gains 4 temp hp.

Full char sheet
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As the goliath hits Incarnation, the shadows around it burst into flames. It quickly burns to death. Incarnation then moves forward and lobs more fire at the standing foe, but it is wary enough to dodge.
OOC: Once G23 hits Incarnation, Hellish Rebuke kicks in, killing it. Move (gaining concealment) and Hellish Rebuke vs G2: Miss.
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First Post
Sigarr hears the battle and decides to give up on searching for his gear for now, the goliath moves out of the front of the tent and spots his former companions. Seeing them without weapons spurs Sigarr into action, the half-giant runs across the field and with his ice-covered gouge, the warrior stabs his weapon deep into the goliath's back.

Sigarr feels re-invigorated from the kill, "Hail! Well met friends." the blue-skinned giant calls out.


Move: to L22
Standard: Charge to G22 - howling strike (incl +1 from charge) (1d20+18+1=38, 3d6+16=29) crits G2 (and kills him). Sigarr gets +1 AC TENT & gains 8 THP from rageblood vigor

[sblock=ministats]Sigarr ,Son of Sigdan Male Goliath Barbarian/Goliath Juggernaut 11
Initiative: +8, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19, Senses: Normal
AC:26, Fort:28, Reflex:25, Will:23
HP: 25/102+8THP, Bloodied:52, Surge Value:25, Surges left:10/11
Action Points: 1
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike

Stone's Endurance
Battle Awareness
Swift Charge
Guardian's Counter
Desperate Fury
Brutal Slam
Curtain of Steel
Drive them to their Knees
Shrug it Off
Watch Out!

Tyrant's Rage
Silver Phoenix Rage
Oak Hammer Rage
Combat Surge
Marauder's Hide +2
Boots of the Mighty Charge

Important Stuff:
When Sigarr kills an enemy gain 8 THP.
After charging Sigarr gains +1 AC TENT
When charging - Sigarr adds 3 damage to the roll (Powerful Charge + Spear Expertise)
When spending an AP Sigarr can spend a HS (Unfailing Courage)


Full sheet: http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Sigarr_(renau1g) [/sblock]

Lord Sessadore

"Hail, Sigarr!" Raiyek responds. "Never have I been so glad to see you - I thought you were bound and unconscious!"

The elf looks down at the half-giant's frosty weapon, then back up to his face. "Have you seen any of our equipment as well? All we have is my armor and some of Incarnation's hidden items."
[sblock=OOC]Perhaps stretching the limits of conversation in a combat round, but I figured I'd get the question out of the way. ;)[/sblock]
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First Post
Sigarr looks down at the tattered clothes he's wearing, then laughs a hearty laugh. "Ha! If I knew that I wouldn't be here in my skivvies. Mayhap in the tent they kept me?" the barbarian says.


First Post
Well its better then staying out here and getting crushed.

Dane applies a quick bandage to his wounds, then hussles into the tent Sigarr charged out of. Once inside he looks for the party's gear.

[sblock=Actions] Physician's Care to himself use a healing surge. Move into the tent. Then perception to find his and/or other party members gear. [/sblock]


First Post
The group enter the tent and quickly search the place. The group find their equipment lying everywhere around.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Your equipment is in this tent.

1) How much time it will take you to find everything.
2) Will you put carry (thus, not taking advantage of your magic items, except your weapons, implements and wonderous) or wear your magic item (Thus, taking advantage of all of your magic items)?

Skill challenges:

Goal: Sneak around the encampment
Difficulty: 2/1 (Carry) or 5/2 (Wear)
DC: 20 (15 to assist another skill check)
Special: Natural 20 => 2 success[/SBLOCK]



[SBLOCK=Stats]Dane: 96/101; 0THP; HS 11/12; AP 1;
Georg : 60/60; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Hadrak : 99/99; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Incarnation : 80/95; 0THP; HS 12/12; AP 1;
Raiyek : 69/98; 4THP; HS 11/11; AP 1;
Sigarr : 25/102; 0THP; HS 10/11; AP 1;

G2: 1/1; AC28 F29 R28 W27;
G39: 1/1; AC28 F29 R28 W27; [/SBLOCK]

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