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[Adventure] Murder Most Foul! (Judge: EvolutionKB)


[sblock=Party Consensus]
I tried to PM this message, but dimdales mailbox is full.

Generally, once three players state that they want to go in a given direction or do a certain thing, I'll consider that a party consensus and move us in that direction. At the moment, people are more or less making suggestions, so I'll wait until people post that they definitively want to go in one direction or another before I post.

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Voda Vosa

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Hasifar ponders the half orc's suggestion, and watches with a joyful face as the goliath's nativity becomes apparent. "Wel', a charm'r I 'm not me fri'nd, but'I'll see to it, I have certain somethin' witha ladies 'f ya know wha' I mean." says the peasant, smiling wickedly to the other males of the party. "We could split up, to cover more ground faster ah? wha'ya say?"


First Post
Hasifar ponders the half orc's suggestion, and watches with a joyful face as the goliath's nativity becomes apparent. "Wel', a charm'r I 'm not me fri'nd, but'I'll see to it, I have certain somethin' witha ladies 'f ya know wha' I mean." says the peasant, smiling wickedly to the other males of the party. "We could split up, to cover more ground faster ah? wha'ya say?"

"Based on recent events I think that it is in our best interest that we should stick together as a group. What say we check out this Salvia's place, as I believe that many adventurers have told even their most precious secrets to...shall we say...members of this profession." Knoepf shrugs his shoulders. "Who knows, maybe one of them might give us a possible lead."


First Post
Tirial rolls her eyes as the men excitedly discuss the brothel, "Fine, whatever, if it makes you happy to see than let's start there" she says, a hint of annoyance in her voice.


First Post
"You like it or not, most man can't shut his mouth in front of a lovely lady, and only a few men can do the same effect to ladies. That's one reality of this world." tells Artemus to Tirial before heading to the bordello.


The wind cuts down as the group makes its way through the streets, blocked by the many buildings and towers. But there is still a chill in the air, or possibly that is just each person's nerves as they contemplate the future to come.

But the chill quickly vanishes as the group enters Savia's. The lobby is warm and the whistling wind can no longer be heard. The room is stylishly decorated. Off to the left side, the group sees about a dozen women of various races, reflecting the culture in Lower Menthis, sitting in an equally stylish parlor. There are also a few men in the parlor. Most of these people are fairly attractive and they quickly stop their conversation and look in the direction of the lobby as such a large group enters.

On the opposite end of the lobby from the entrance door is an ornate desk with an extremely attractive, well coifed and well dressed Elven woman sitting behind it. Off on each side of the desk, a corridor leads further into the building directly away from the door.

"Welcome to Savia's. My name is Lorella. How might I be of assistance? the woman purrs in a throaty, but still refined voice.

[sblock=Skill checks]
There is an information skill challenge involved here and will be for many of the places in Lower Menthis that you visit. All of the places that you visit here will be considered components of a single large skill challenge.

Feel free to make Bluff, Diplomacy, Perception, Insight, Intimidate, Aid Another, Streetwise, or any other skill checks that you want via Invisible Castle. The results of the rolls can contribute to the direction and results of the roleplaying. The first two rolls posted of each skill will be used, the rest of the rolls will be considered Aid Another. So if you want to help out and have a poor modifier to a given skill, use Aid Another instead. It will help more.

Also, be cognizant of what other PCs are doing. For example, Intimidate and Diplomacy might cancel each other out.

In the case of two way communication skills like Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Streetwise, and Aid Another for these types of skills, make sure you add your side of the conversation to your posts. It's not just about rolling the dice. Each player need only make one skill check of each type they want to attempt at this location. And remember, this adventure is supposed to be challenging. You will need to roleplay skill challenges well to get the necessary information out of the NPCs. They might not just blurt it out for free if you ask a question, even if you rolled high on a skill. Feel free to post more than a single sentence and really communicate with the NPCs. The skill checks are there to assist the roleplaying, not take the place of it.

Especially for the more obscure skills (but also for ones like Bluff), explain what you are thinking of within the OOC. For example, if you want to make a History check, explain why you think it is appropriate within this skill challenge.

Also, Streetwise is an hour long skill check (as per the rules), so the information acquired during a short conversation here from it will be limited. A single roll here will roll over into other locations visited, and I will supply more information from it throughout the next "in game hour" at each location if appropriate.

I will try to post frequently in response to posts during conversations for the NPCs as if a real conversation is going on and will not wait for posts from every or even most players first.


First Post
Artemus whisper a moment at Hasifar. "Most popular girls are most likely to have heard most rumors. And if by chance our target come here, now it will be hard to tell which one he like the most."

Artemus takes out the purse given by his employer and starts to look around. "Please to meet you. The big guy there..." pointing at Boruuk "... is at his first experience. What do you have to offer? Who are your most popular girls? Who are willing to fill special taste?"

[SBLOCK=OOC]I'll try to aid Hasifar by introducing him to the best girl. Action: Aid Another (with Diplomacy) (1d20+3=4) Big failure on the roll![/SBLOCK]


First Post
*Before entering*

As they walk inside, Boruuk turns to Tirial, "You elf's have good eyes, yes? Ok, then you keep an eye out for trouble, I can help a bit. In the mountains, there was always trouble around so you learn to watch out for stuff" the goliath whispers to the eladrin.

*After entering the brothel*

Boruuk listens to Artemus' words and begins looking around the bordello, his eyes lighting up at the sight of women in the adjoining room. "Yes, he's right, I haven't ever, ummm, spent the night with a women-type before" Boruuk blurts out, his dark face turning a bit red as he hadn't meant to spill that last part out, but he tries to push through the embarrassment and looks for the female in the next room who appears to be standing with the most ease, or that the others look deferentially to.

Aid another (Tirial) - Perception to determine the most "experienced" lady - 1d20+8=10 *whew* just barely.[/sblock]


"Well, a straping big fellow like you might be interested in one of our more endowed girls. Reanna, Caddry." she raises her voice slightly and claps her hands lightly.

An attractive (at least for a half orc) woman and a slightly larger but also attractive human woman stand up and walk over towards the desk. Both of the women are over six feet tall, but nowhere near Boruuk's eight feet.

Both walk with a certain amount of elegance for such large women.

"You may have either or both, but you will need to leave your weapons safely locked away in a side room. An hour engagement will cost you five gold pieces per girl. If you are interested in someone else, please choose who you like." Lorella says and again claps her hands lightly and the rest of the people in the parlor stand up.

[sblock=Experienced]To Boruuk's inexperienced eye, each of the girls look equally experienced. But, some are younger and some older, so the older girls might have been around longer.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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