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[Adventure] Little Workshop of Horrors (Judge: stonegod)


First Post
You follow Maerek into one of the Shard's back rooms. A table has been set with a couple pitchers of clear water and a few loaves of bread. "I think I'll wait for everyone who's going to show up to arrive before explaining what this job will entail," Maerek explains. "I prefer to not repeat myself. Until then, eat," he gestures at the food before him, "or drink, as you please. Perhaps get to know each other, but there will be time for that on the road as well." He then sits down and pours himself some water.

[sblock=General Info]Ideally, everyone would post at least once per day, especially during combats and skill challenges. We don't live in an ideal world, though, and sometimes delays are inevitable. Please let me know if you are going to be away for an extended period of time (like, 2+ days) so I can NPC you if necessary.

Turns will be resolved in the order they're posted in. Also, I'd like it if during combat, after you describe what your character is doing, everyone would put their actions and stats in little spoiler boxes, like so:

[sblock=Actions]Move: Move to I3, gaining concealment from Shadow Walk.
Minor: Curse gnome.
Standard: Flames of Phlegethos against the gnome. Hits Reflex 20 for 29 fire and 1 untyped. Hit or miss, 5 ongoing fire, save ends.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Haruka Sato- human warlock 1
Initiative: +1 | Passive perception: 9 | Passive Insight: 15
AC: 15 | For: 15 | Ref: 15 | Will: 14
HP: 30/30+4 | Bloodied: 15 | Surge value: 7 | Surges: 7/10
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Tsugo
AP: 0 | Second Wind: not used
Basic Attack/Opportunity attack: +2 vs AC, 1d6
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke, Dire Radiance
Vampiric Embrace
Flames of Phlegethos


This will help me keep track of everything during combat. Also, please have a link to your character sheet either in your signature or in the stat block (or both).

Everyone should choose a unique, non-white color for their character's voice. Right now I've reserved dark orange for Maerek, so you can't use that one. Unless you really want it.

There will be rewards, eventually. If you don't have a wishlist in your character sheet, you should be thinking of one. If you don't have one by the time I decide to start distributing treasure, I'll do my best to give you something awesome.[/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
A waitress comes in a gets some order for food when she notices a rat eying her. Normally, you'd expect a shriek, but the waitress whips out a slender metal wand and obliterates the creature before any questions asked. Just holla if you need anything. We're always watch'n.
OOC: Its me or KD judging, so I'll volunteer.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
The priest follows Maerek and seats himself. After short blessing of the food and water, he takes some and makes himself comfortable.

OOC: [MENTION=82251]TwoHeadsBarking[/MENTION], XP from The Eye of the Tiger, just got me over to 6th so I could spend RPs to get to 7th, but you said it's the adventure 4-6. Should I wait for this to finish to spend them? I don't mind waiting, just need to know before leveling Ven on the wiki.


First Post
The young elf, Belanaar, steps into the room, obviously having had a bit too much to drink. "I think I need some refreshment... Before I upchuck everywhere." He says the last part under his breath, as he pours himself a large glass of water from the pitcher, chugs half of it, and takes a ravenous bite of the bread.


First Post
Canus enters the private room, following close to Belanaar. "Eat up that bread, boy, but take it slow. You don't wanna lose it." He takes a seat next to the elf, reaching out and tearing off a bit of bread for himself.


First Post
Maerek drums his fingers on the table. "Hmm, I was sure more were interested, but I suppose we'll have to start without them soon."

OOC: [MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION] and [MENTION=55191]hornedturtle[/MENTION], you coming?


First Post
The door opens to the private room and the human who only recently entered the tavern comes in.

"Greetings, I don't believe we've had a chance to get introduced. Riaan Caldamus, warrior, scholar, and knowledge seeker." the man states


First Post
"Well, this is probably enough. Perhaps more will come in before we depart."

The man stands, looking over all of you, "My name is Maerek Hezren. As I said before, I'm looking to hire you to escort, well, me. I need to get to the workshop of one of my colleagues. Well, more like a mentor than colleague."

He shakes his head, as though trying to remain on topic, "This man, Thurven, has a private workshop a few days travel from Sharn. Over the past couple weeks there have been some disconcerting rumors coming from that direction. Apparently the workshop's doors have been sealed shut, and nobody's entered or left in some time. Thurven's always been a bit eccentric, but I'm starting to get worried. As such, I'd like to check on him, make sure everything's fine."

"This is where you come in. The roads to his workshop aren't exactly known for their safety, and I'd prefer to not be waylaid by bandits with no means to defend myself. And... there's always the chance that something has gone wrong within the workshop. If so, I owe it to Thurven to help him. And you will of course be reimbursed for your assistance."

"Well, that's the job. Any questions?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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