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[Adventure]: Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)

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"Hmmm. It could be another hidden door down there, or there could have been a rope ladder that he took with him," Gensai said.

"I have a few ideas: I could jump in the pit to investigate the wall where the footprints lead. Or, I could try some of the other switches in the panel. What do you think?"

Walking Dad

First Post

"Fenwick is right. The pit looks now save to traverse. And I think Mervin knows some magic to move the levers from the other side, right?" Riardon asks.



When you spend an AP, you get a +1 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Riardon d'Caelis
Perception: 19 Insight: 14 Low-light Vision
AC 22 Fortitude 19 Reflex 19 Will 17
Initiative: +3
Hit Points: 54 / 54 Bloodied: 27
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:13 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Directing Strike, Intuitive Strike
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 2/2, Battlefront Shift, Arcane Mutterings, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Steel Monsoon, Feystep, Rousing Words, Amulet of Life
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault, Stand the Fallen, Sunblade Burst




[sblock=ooc]Sorry everyone was waiting on me! I, too, was AWOL during the holidays.

So we spectacularly failed the skill challenge and yet somehow it's not immediately apparent how things are worse? I honestly am not sure what Mervin would do.

If we can still make checks, I'd stick with what Mervin does best: Arcana, History, Religion, and to some degree Nature and Insight. Maybe Mervin would make an Insight check to see if he can deduce what went on?

What's a valid option, HMG?

ps. I agree we shouldn't split up unless we have to.[/sblock]


GM: I've been playing this by ear the whole time. I started a little too smartly for my own good. I actually created the mechanics of the trap and played them out as directed. To share them with you would ruin it though. Think of this portion of things, not as a skill challenge, but as exercise in the consequences of exploration. Thus, explore away. In the words of Ms. Friz on The Magic School Bus, "Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!"

As for your options, EB, anything is game, but keep in mind that, collectively, your aim is to either backtrack and go the other way (which would be admitting defeat here) or continue to try getting to the other side of this pit.

Your choice, but the more explicit you are in stating what you do and how you do it, the more likely you are to succeed (or the less likely you are to gripe at me when/if things go wrong ;)).

Only use dice if you feel that a skill needs to be brought to bear against your chosen course of action. Don't just roll, hoping that I have a planned set of skills (remember the skill challenge is over).
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Mervin studies the trap mechanism to see if he can deduce what happened - especially since it doesn't look like anything the party did made a positive effect. He looks carefully at the doorway and the giant slab, and takes a few glances down at the pit as well. He lets the party know that he saw tracks through the pit earlier, and he suspects their quarry - now long gone - probably went through here, although they were either immune to the spikes or they triggered the spikes once they had made it through.


[sblock=Mervin]You, at once, recognize the prints pointed out by Riardon as the same ones he saw before, but you notice one more thing. The prints stop just shy of the end of the pit. It's as if whoever was walking through the pit simply flew the last five feet.

Looking at the slab, you also notice that the slab is the only thing that would permanently separate the group, so as long as everyone stays on one side of the slab, there is appears to be no danger of losing a comrade again... unless, of course, (you shudder at the thought) he dies.[/sblock]
GM: Clarification: Since the skill challenge failed, you are left to struggle past this hazard by dead reckoning. The obvious options are:

1. Play with the control panel in the hallway to see what it does.
2. As well, the "pretty" levers are still accessible, though sunken into the ground
3. You can attempt a careful crossing/investigation of the pit
4. You can still attempt to climb around
5. You can go back around and up through the underground river

The non-obvious options, I will leave to your imagination. Unfortunately, there is little more technical information to reveal unless someone actually interacts with the hazard actively (i.e.: one of the first four options above, or something like them).


Mervin points out that the prints in the pit stop just shy of the end of the pit. It's as if whoever was walking through the pit simply flew the last five feet.

[sblock=ooc]Well guys, I'm going to suggest just climbing down and walking across the bottom. We might take a hit but it seems like the safest way across (for the moment). We also might as well stick together. If someone's particularly good at athletics they could try climbing across I suppose as well. What does everyone think?[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
[sblock=ooc]That is what Riardon suggested above. He will climb to the other side, avoiding the mechanism he triggered last time and wait for Mervin's answer to his question.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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