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Adventure:Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)


Land Ho!

(Finding Wayne's Basement the Hard Way)
Fenwick, Talon, and Jin approach The Gale, and it soon becomes apparent that this is no ordinary cargo vessel. Had Sigmund Freud existed in this world, his post-docs would have plenty of thesis material in Fargo. He, evidently, has used the ship to make up for his insecurities surrounding his stature. The craft’s moniker is apropos, since its 480’ X 170’ hull appears able to withstand the forces for which it is named. Its deck rises some 45’ above the wharf, and its masts rise some 35’ higher. The timbers are of solid teak, worn black over countless ages at sea. The furled sails are of muslin, stained by the weather, but bearing nary a stitch.
The bustle of the crowd is deafening until the group walks into the shadow of The Gale’s formidable bulk at which time the atmosphere grows cold and reverently quiet. There is no gangplank, as Daunton was unable to supply a scaffold large enough to accommodate the ship. Instead, the sailors are using rigging, fastened to the cleats on the wharf, to serve as a ladder of sorts. Goods are being loaded and off-loaded using a block-and-tackle / crane assembly secured to the deck of the ship above.
The sailors along the rail of the ship laugh as Jin, Talon, and Fenwick attempt to climb the rigging up to the deck. Once at the top, they are met by an eladrin boatswain and an armed gnoll guard, who direct them to the Captain’s Quarters at the stern of the vessel, under the poop-deck. Other than these two, however, the entire crew is dwarven. The quarters are divided into a spacious (even by human standards) meeting room, though it is furnished in dwarven proportions, with a wide, though squat, oak table, polished by years of abrasion and wear. Child-size chairs surround the table and maps adorn the timbers that form the room’s walls. To the right, as they enter, they see a sitting room with a window that overlooks the harbor. On a small lectern is what appears to be the ship’s log. It’s a large book, and is, judging from how many pages remain on the right-hand side of the book, nearing its capacity of entries. The cabins and rooms are brilliantly lit by hurricane lamps encased in a faceted glass that sends light evenly, and with surprisingly little attenuation, to every corner.[sblock=Perception 15]These sconces give off no smoke, and the glass enclosures look similar to those you saw in the cellar where you had your last adventure[/sblock]Toward the stern is another hallway with hatches to either side, terminating in a narrow observation deck. At this junction, the figure of Fargo is barely visible, backed by the last remnant of the fading night. He sees the trio approaching, and beckons them to join him on the observation deck for a smoke and an ale as his crew prepares for the journey.[sblock=OOC]You guys can use this time to RP and pitch Fargo any more questions or memories that might have crossed your mind since you spoke with him last. In reality, it’s really a time to wait for Theroc and WD to show up. When everybody’s here, we’ll set sail and start the action.
Rules are the same as last time. If you need a refresher :)p:(:eek::.-() feel free to click here, and enjoy your cure for insomnia :yawn:.[/sblock]

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"Your boat is awe inspiring, Fargo," Jin commented. "Does it employ magic, or is this all dwarven craftsmanship?"


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"With that big of boat, won't feel like being off land maybe?" Talon asks with a hint of nervousness. "Dayna not feel good about going over so much water." the shifter whispers to Jin. Meanwhile, Dayna leaps atop a crate just as it is being hoisted up by the crane. The she-wolf rides the box all the way upward, before leaping down to the deck with the grace and power only a wild animal can display. She shows no signs of being uncomfortable or nervous. Unlike Talon himself.

Once onboard, they work their way through the ship until they meet Fargo. Talon notices that the smokeless candles look alot like the ones in the basement they wound up in before. "These lights are same as in basement we went through in far away place. No smoke, and glass is almost same."
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OOP: and here HM, you can post Talon's extra exp award as I will not approve anything in the tavern as I am not the judge over the Tavern, but I will approve it here.


[sblock=Experience Points for Talon Submitted for Approval]Details Details...

Basically, I arrived at the amount by applying the recommendations in the DMG2. The assumption was that P8 spent at least 15 minutes on the translation and at least 15 more minutes on the RP effort. While I'm well aware that all of us spend more than 30min on our RP posts :), I show preference to P8 in that his effort and initiative lent significant material to the plot of the adventure. By comparison, the way the Hanged Man thread played out makes my original notes for this exchange look pitiful.

Because of this, I feel he deserves 200XP.

Ozy. I know you don't have a problem with it. I just felt like I had to put the justification in writing :). [/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC]Not that I'm bucking for more XP, but the translation was several hours and the post itself was about one hour. :confused:

But as I said, I'm happy as punch to get 200 XP out of it as I didn't expect any. :cool:[/sblock]


[sblock=P8]I'm sure that it did take several hours. I couldn't help but laugh, though, because the story about Walryn (the one on which you spent hours) has been on my blog site (Avenroc link in my signature below) in plain English since November of 2008 :angel::devil:.

I actually thought of giving you more, but I think that the judges would have an issue with setting a precedent for leveling up based on RPing alone ;).[/sblock]


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[sblock=P8]I'm sure that it did take several hours. I couldn't help but laugh, though, because the story about Walryn (the one on which you spent hours) has been on my blog site (Avenroc link in my signature below) in plain English since November of 2008 :angel::devil:.

I actually thought of giving you more, but I think that the judges would have an issue with setting a precedent for leveling up based on RPing alone ;).[/sblock]
[sblock=HMG]Like I said, no problem. It was actually fun to figure it out the hard way. Funny thing is, some of it did sound familiar. I think I may have read at least a little of your Avenroc stuff back before the Wayne's Basement adventure started. Then months later I'm translating this story and thinking 'Damn. I've heard some of this before...but WHERE!?' :D:lol::mad:[/sblock]


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After a short detour to the local alchemist (got to pick up one o' them healing potions), Fenwick arrives at the harbor, and stomps up the quay to where the Gale sits at anchor.

"That one prodigiously sized boat," he says to anyone within earshot. "Fenwick never been on conveyance this capacious. Fenwick spent time at sea on much more miniscule vessel, with barely space for crew and cargo of hides or worked goods. Fenwick impressed by sheer size here."

He clambers up the ropes slung over the side, and follows the boatswain to the great cabin. He sits uneasily in one of the dwarf-sized chairs, until Fargo catches his eye, and he proceeds out on to the stern gallery to take in the harbor.


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All character careers have been updated for each character in this adventure.
Please check here to make sure there are no errors.

Enjoy the adventure!

(Self Appointed L4W Archivist)

Voidrunner's Codex

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