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[Adventure] Invasion of the Einherjar (DM: CrimsonFlameWielder, Judge: Covaithe )

Proudman smiles as leather walks outside and sees the veritable armory strapped to the dark man in front of him.

"Not that I am at all questioning your ability to use what looks to be the entire contents of my weapons locker at the headquarters... but I would love to see a demonstration of what you can do with all of those weapons. One or two weapons I can see being used viably, but how do you use all of those in battle?"

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High above, the silhouette of a leathery-winged creature passes before the sun. The air feels chill for a moment, and then the feeling is gone.

OOC: I can judge.

Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: Maybe someone should contact [MENTION=68900]ANGRYxPIRATE[/MENTION] to make sure they are aware of the start of the game.

My wife has a level 3 witch that is not adventuring if we need another player and her level isn't too high. She is also a Fey Beast Tamer, so it would mean MOAR OWLBEAR!


First Post
Tore himself away just as his piping hot tea arrived with nostrils flared at the sweet earthy scent as well as eyes lightly closed with his last deep breath of the aroma. Hopping from his stool the gnome donned his pack and used a cantrip to keep that scent from the tea about him an extended time as he found it most relaxing as tensions built towards this invasion. Once outside the gnome found the gathering and his acquaintance Leather gathered around the guard whom had requested the assistance. With a fanfare from a distant horn the gnome gave a small bow of his head, "My apologies for holding this operation but you see there was a matter of an amazingly hot tea I had to will myself away from... I'm sure you understand. Gneil Cobbmottin is my name and I am here to offer my arcane aid to this militia party.", his voice was well spoken and rolled smoothly off his tongue furrowing his bushy brow at the explanation about the tea. Standing stalwart next to the tall dark human the gnome ran his fingerless gloved hand over his hair wishing he would have had time for a simple bath. Deciding it was nothing a little Prestidigitation couldn't fix as the locks untangled and even shown a little in the dim light.

OOC: Tough luck because after recovering from my most resent mission I found this had kicked off rather faster than the pace of the tavern. I will try to check in daily from now on.
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Lieutenant Proudman nods to Gneil and writes his name down.

"Thank you for joining the cause. I will wait just a moment longer to see if anyone else will be volunteering, then I will explain everything to you all."

OOC: @Son-of-Meepo: If you would like to have your wife join with her Witch character, I'm all for it (means more badguys for the battles, muahaha). Please have her announce her presence in the adventure ASAP so we can get this moving along!


Wife Of Meepo

First Post
You think your eyes deceive you. Walking down the avenue with what appears to be a puff of glowing light and an Owl Bear is a dryad. No not a dryad but their kin, a hamadryad. Seeing the assembled group, the hamadryad walks toward you. “I heard whispers of an invasion on the wind.” states the newly arrived adventurer. “Is this true?" The beautiful creature inquires without waiting for an answer. "Though I just got back from a mission, I may be of assistance. I am a wielder of the arcane arts and Noctua Ursus here," she point to her owlbear companion, "throws a mean left swipe.” She pauses for a breath. “Oh, and my name is Ilex Cassine and this,” now pointing to the puff of light, "is Luna."
[sblock=OOC]Updating character now. Will link to it asap. Witch level 3, Feybeast Tamer. [/sblock]
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OOC: Welcome to the Invasion of the Einherjar, Wife Of Meepo! Thanks for joining! Now with Ilex and Noctua Ursus, I can be confident that my encounters won't crush you guys (in fact... depending on how you do in the first encounter... I may up the stakes just a smidge... And if the Son of Meepo + WEContact combo also = death incarnate with their two characters... then I may have to up the stakes a lot! (*mumbles something about taking out a lvl 3 elite in a single round between the two of them*)...

Anyway! Welcome aboard WoM! Feel free to get cozy and RP with the group, and get ready for the invasion!

Lieutenant Proudman's eyes light up when he sees the dryad hamadryad. Having heard the rumors about the deadly splendor and beauty of the dryad (but having never seen one for himself), the militiaman averts his eyes slightly, but bows low before the wielder of magic.

"Thank you for coming. We are indeed in grave danger, and I believe now, that we have enough to halt their advance...with a little help." Standing erect once again, the Lieutenant clears his throat.

"As I stated a few moments ago, an invasion is immanent. This is partly speculation on my part, but I have received reports from our naval scouts that there have been unlawful activities from a large fleet of boats just beyond Daunton's naval borders, but are heading in our direction. We can't stop them while they're beyond those borders (because that could cause a dispute with other islands...the last thing Daunton needs, frankly), so we will have to wait until they get here and then pounce on them. My sources tell me that these ships are in the Valhyr style.

Putting one and one together, this tells me that warriors inflicted with the Einherjar are coming. Unfortunately, from my reports, the number of boats coming in is far more numerous than the ships we have at our disposal, so it is very likely that a majority of those ships will reach Daunton's harbors. This is where you come in. I have evaluated where I believe the most likely point of berth will be for these ships, and that is where I will be placing you. You will need to control three docks, while my men and I focus our attention on any ship that tries to outsmart us and use a different dock.

However, before I assign you to your station...I need you to accomplish one other thing for us. I think we're going to want every advantage possible against the incoming horde of psychotic murdering barbarians that we can get, so I tried to think of anyone local who could potentially help us with this fight and came up with three names. These people are somewhat famous within Daunton and know their way around a fight, and they each specialize in different areas, any of which could help you out in your upcoming fight."

Proudman flips up some pages on his clipboard and hands you a slip of paper with three names on it:

Barnaby Rockbeard (AKA Boomer): Ex-pirate demolitions specialist.
Samuel Blackwell: Architect; Served in the militia for 6 years; defense specialist.
Eldeth Shierantil: Old Imperium soldier. Master tactician.

"I need you to seek out one of those people, if possible, in the next few hours for assistance with our fight. I would love to have all of them work together on this, but there is no time for that. So please quickly decide who you will look for and get to it as quickly as possible. If you cannot find one of them in the next 3 hours, come to the docks and ask for me. We can't spare more than the next three hours, as the Einherjar will be upon us by then. Now hurry, please! You will be well compensated for your efforts, my volunteer heroes, but unfortunately now is not the time to squabble over pay. If we survive this, I will make sure you receive at least 6 months pay...and if things are as rough as I think they're going to be, you can be assured I will push for much more than that. You'll get your pay, even if it has to come out of my own pockets.

Now hurry, please, and come back to me ready for the biggest fight of your lives!"
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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: And if the Son of Meepo + WEContact combo also = death incarnate with their two characters... then I may have to up the stakes a lot! (*mumbles something about

OOC: I doubt you'll have to worry about that this time around. You had the unique experience of an optimized barbarian and lazylord in the same party. When the barbarian gets two turns every round, things tend to die quickly. Fhangrim is not nearly as optimized.

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