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Adventure: Into the Wild

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
The park is normally a popular attraction to the citizenry but of late, everyone gives a wide berth. Everyone knows it is currently overrun by arcadia born goblins as well as any number of devious creatures.

Ad hoc fences and barricade have been set up around the area and patrols of armed guards can be seen.

The warden is a stressed looking little gnome with greying hair. He is coordinating improvements on a fence section.

He spots the adventurers as they approach and he groans.

-''Oh for the love of... Another fey folk!'' he says, pointing at the wilden shaman. ''Let me guess, it punched through the fences, wrought havok in town, you captured it and now you are coming to give me grief for letting it run wild and destroy your employer's shop. Well, get in line! There is sweet **** all I can give for you as far as reimbursement goes. Go talk to the mayor, I can't help you, I can barely help myself!''

[sblock=OOC]The warden of the park is a gnome... get it? A warden garden gnome![/sblock]

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Dante stares at the gnome for a minute, not comprehending. "These ones come to hunt the umbara'savok that are said to be in the Arcadia. Where can these ones find this place?"

"We are not some rampaging beast, fey! You should know better, seeing you're fey too. What would you say if everyone you met ran screaming for the guards? We...my name is Nementah and I'm here to find some lost adventurers and if I may help control this rift of yours I will. But we will feed you to chuul if you don't start making sense!"

Timid wilden suddenly shows wild and dangerous side of nature, her eyes alight, unicorn horn in her hand wreathed in white almost-fire and voice loosing whispering quality and becoming kind a low rumble, like far of thunder.

White fire flares toward her face and she cocks her head as if listening and then calms down somewhat

"We apologize for harsh response. Nementah is not familiar with your trouble and maybe you had reason to be unfair. W...I'll accept gno...your apology too."


First Post
Abigail is a little rushed as she catches up to the group. She takes a look at the gnome, shrugs, and begins picking around the barriers, while Azuras flies up into a tree branch and surveys the scene from above - the fun-loving dragonling is completely serious, now.

"What's been going on, here? This is worse than when I was a kid, and we used to-", Abigail begins, before suddenly shutting up and blushing a deep shade of crimson.

She then trods off and looks at a nearby tree very intently.

I haven't technically submitted my level up for Abby yet, but I can tell you the changes right now before I do so (hopefully tonight). Her level 2 feat choice is proficiency with a rapier, which she has purchased (so I can use sneak attack without having to draw a new weapon!). She has +1 Leather Armour of Fire Resistance on right now, so she can resist a bit of fire. Her level 2 Utility is either going to be the one that lets her swap places with an ally, or possibly the daily stance that improves her AC. I'm not entirely sure which one to grab, yet. Suggestions are welcome![/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
On the way:
"So, Ibram, any new toys or stories to share while you were in town? You didn't spend all that time between the temple and tavern burried in some library like our angel-wannabe, did you?"

At the park, after wardens verbal assault:
Rockslide waves a finger at the warden and then checks himself noticing gray hair on it's head and then waits until wilden finishes:
"I was about to berate you, but I see you have your own trouble. We're just passing through. If you fill us in, we can maybe do you a favor going in, by clearing nearby area.

And you can repay us by telling us if image of an eagle rings a bell for you. Any feylord with such symbol or maybe a mountain with Eagle's Nest as it's peak?"

And try not to offend our guide, ladies are not to be triffled with. Especialy if you're not prepared to handle all of us.


First Post
I guess this is where we should discuss our tactical abilities, and general expectations of the party, eh?

Abigail is an assault swordmage with rogue multiclass. She can dish out a decent chunk of damage, and likes to "mark and run". I figure, with three defenders, we can really play with this - I imagine Abby marking the fighter's target, and then hoofing away. If he chases Abby, the fighter will hit and stop him (wasting his action), and if he doesn't, Abby gets to teleport and smack him.

She also has a few controller-y powers, so she might wind up being a minion popper. I can use Azuras as the focal point of Abby's burst and blast powers, too, so I can generally lay down a blast anywhere on the battlefield if I want to.

That being said, Abby isn't exactly hit point heavy, and I find she can go through surges pretty quickly. I'm probably going to be the worst of the three defenders at actually beign a defender... but I can guarantee Abby will contribute a good share to Damage per round. [/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
The gnome is taken aback by Nementah's reply. But more by the fact that there is a reply at all than by the sudden threat or apology, though.

-''Well, there are feys and there are feys, lass. There is a reason I live in Daunton and not fairy land. Oh, and cool it with the threats, boys, however politely stated.'' he says, including Rocco in this statement. ''Frigging adventurers. No, of course I am not 'prepared to handle all of you' as you put it. I am just a warden. But what about you? Are you prepared to handle an entire squad of Daunton's Elites Slayers? Those guy specializes in taking down magic powered 'heroes' running wild. No? Then we both know you won't lay a finger on little-city-official-me in fronts of dozens of witnesses. If you are serious about going in there, you better learn fast who you can talk tough to and who you can't!

Look, none of you are what I ordered. Arcadia is connecting with my bloody park. If you enter in one cardinal direction and exit through the opposite, you ain't in Daunton anymore, you are in Arcadia! You wanna help? Well, are you powerful enough to enact a ritual that will shut down this rift? Because that's exactly what's coming this way. A powerful Jadite wizard is on his way to do just that, commissioned by the city. Cost a frigging fortune. I heard he once singlehandedly fought a mating pair of adult red dragons. Real bad-ass. If that guy threatens me, then I'll shut up and whimper 'Yes Sir'! He is supposed to teleport here late this evening once he settles other things on his agenda. I get the feeling that shutting down this rift is his way of earning pocket change for more serious work. A one hour job between planar expedition or somesuch.

Anyway, we both know you are not really here to help me. There is no way you can help me, you're just not that powerful. Don't be coy, what you want is to use the connection to Arcadia. You're the fourth group to seize on the opportunity! Fine. Get in. Try not to get killed by the fey panthers roaming the park. I'd hate to have to clean up that mess once everything is back to normal. Remember, this rift is shutting down in about seven hours. If you are not back by then, find yourself another way home. It's not too hard, really, but it can take you unexpected places!

Oh, and we're not moving the fences. Climb over and try not to break an ankle.''

The gnome says the last dismissively and moves away, ignoring the adventurers to oversee a construction crew.
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First Post
Ibram walks slowly along with Rocco out of the tavern. He lingers behind everyone else to wait for the mysterious cloaked stranger to catch up. Ibram has yet to see what his face looks like beneath the hood. "Rockslide, ye know me too well it seems. Or perhaps I'm just that predictable? Aye, I've been working on me book, cataloging the beastie we found a bit ago. Researching this and that. Been too long away from the energy of eager souls and daring friends. Feels good to stretch me legs." He looks suddenly sad and feels his stomach drop marginally as he looks back towards the cloaked figure. He shivers despite the fairly warm air.

Ibram watches the small squabble between the others and the warden. A small smirk plays across his face. "My good gnome, while we might not be what ye expected, we are here to help and help we shall. It's not as if ye be losing anything if we came back or not..and 'tis as they say where I'm from - 'A little luck and a kind word can bring ye many blessings.'

[sblock=OOC] Hey all, great to be here, hope I can help you guys do what you need to do! Let's kick butt, oh and if you have any suggestions or comments please don't hold back! Any info you give will be appreciated.[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Dante listens attentively, then nods and climbs over the barricade, Virgil clumsily scaling it behind him. Once actually in the park, Dante keeps alert, his hand close to his weapons harness.

[sblock=OOC]One problem with your "mark the fighter's target" strategy - a creature can only be marked by one thing at a time, so your mark would erase his and vica-versa. You could still mark something near him that he doesn't have marked though...

Dante is a pretty effective striker and Virgil is a demi-tank with the advantage that Dante gets OAs on anything that attacks Virgil in melee. Depending on how quickly the monsters clue into the fact that they get hurt every time they attack him (and sometimes I've got monster into situations where they don't have an option - OA from Virgil for moving close to Dante or OA from Dante for attacking Virgil), they can take some pretty decent damage before they figure it out.

For example, last adventure, he managed to take an (non-minion) enemy from full health to dead in one round on his own.

Dante's also a glass cannon; 27 hp and only 8 surges to split between him and Virgil means that it doesn't take much to drop him if something gets past Virgil. Between a Healing Potion and a move-action Second Wind, he can keep himself up ok, but if that happens his adventuring day gets dangerously short.

Our group has 1 striker, 3 defenders(2 semi-strikers), and 2 leaders, so I think we got a pretty solid group.[/sblock]

[sblock=Wishlist]Order of priority given by *s:
***+1 Farbond Spellblade Spiked Chain(Level 2)
**Iron Armbands of Power(Level 6)
*+1 Cloak of the Walking Wounded(Level 4) OR +1 Cloak of Life(Level 5)[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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