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[Adventure] Into the King's Forest (Judge: THB)


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[sblock=OOC/Mezegis]I did, yeah, but the attack comes from the Spirit Companion rather than from Jarren, so they're not in flanking position for it.

Plus, my Spirit Companion can't flank anyhow, since it's classed as a minion. :(

I do have one power that lets it flank with my allies for a turn, but I already used that this encounter (and rolled a natural 1 on it, ofc :p). [/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC]DOH, oh well, maybe I'll take a bit of heat off you anyway. What's the point of having HP if you never get hit right? lol I also think evilbob/Unit 16 seem to be starting a Ryda fanclub with all this cheering[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]16's post is updated to reflect Jarren's actions.

And hells yeah 16's starting a Ryda fanclub. At least someone can roll over 5!!![/sblock]


First Post
The rush of the birdmen on Jarren disturbs Ryda a moment, but she quickly calms herself with the knowledge that if he could see her while she hid, a few buzzards wouldn’t slow him down long. She touches upon her inner magic again and the ground blurs beneath her feet as another arrow is nocked and loosed, lodging itself neatly under the owlbear’s collarbone. Pleased over her shot, she hustles back over toward the birdman scrum, waving her bow at the kenku to distract it a bit.

Jarren gives a feral snarl of pain as the birdmens' blades score his flesh. He feels an instinctive surge of primal, ancestral aggression, and gives in, riding the wave. The change is instantly noticeable as his whole body shifts into a leaner, lither form, and his face takes on a more bestial mien. Teeth become fangs, nails become claws, hair becomes a fiery mane.

As he lets his predatory instincts take over the pain and shock of the wounds fades away, leaving a new clarity in its place. He digs down inside himself, calling on reserves of energy and endurance, as he does his best to fend off his aggressors' attacks with the haft of his spear. At the same time he calls on healing spirits once more, letting their rejuvenating power flow into his own body and spill through his spirit companion to strengthen Unit 16 as well.

As the healing glow fades, the spirit serpent vanishes and reappears at his side, lashing out with a challenging hiss at one of the birdmen who threaten him. For a moment the snake seems to grow fiercer and more daunting, as it menaces its target with a fearsome strike towards its face.

While keeping the owlbear focused on him, 16 looks around and the situation seems grim. He switches to a more defensive tactic and large panels open up on his weapon arm to form a second shield as he swings his hammer toward his foe. Unfortunately the panels seem to misfire, throwing his arm off balance and his hammer strikes the ground again, nearly crushing his other foot.

Trying to get closer to his allies, 16 backs up slightly.

The kenku leader lies south and points his rod again, this time a flock fifteen feet wide appears out of the sky and descends upon Ryda and Jarren. The birds disappear nearly as quickly as they arrive, leaving Ryda unharmed, but Jarren's head is spinning from the assault.

The pair of kenku dagger wielders continue to focus on bringing down Jarren, one stabs him for a relatively minor wound.

k12 uses Death Flock - vs Ref (Jarren, Ryda); force (1d20 8=18, 1d20 8=13, 1d6 6=8) misses

vs ac;dmg;vs ac; dmg (1d20+10=23, 1d4+4+1d6=9, 1d20+6=13, 1d4+1d6+4=14) Hits once for 9[/sblock]

The owlbear continues to focus on tearing Unit 16 apart, one claw draws a minor wound on the warforged.

vs ac;dmg (1d20 12=31, 2d6 5=8, 1d20 12=20, 2d6 5=11) hits once for 8[/sblock]

[sblock=Unlocked Monster Stats]
Owlbear - Ref is higher than 16, AC is lower than 24, but higher than 20, Fort is higher than 19 - used AP, bloodied
Kenku's 61/94 - Ref is lower than 16
Kenku 12 - ???


26 - Enemies
12 - Ryda - regen 2 if bloodied
5 - Jarren - 30/43 -
17 - Unit 16 (new initiative from readied action) - 34/57 - +2 AC, Resist 5 cold, zone 2 of DT around Unit 16, +4 weapon damage

init (Unit 16, Jarren, Ryda, enemies) (1d20 3=17, 1d20 4=5, 1d20 7=12, 1d20 6=26)[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Jarren's reflex/stun]I think Jarren was missed by that hit, he starts at 15, +1 for spirit companion, +1 for Shifted, +2 for second wind= 19 and a miss right? If so, GO GO shifter!! Show these birds who's top of the food chain![/sblock]

Ducking and weaving around the flock of birds, Ryda steps away from the kenku before unleashing a couple of arrows at the owlbear, only one finding it's mark, but it opens a hole in it's gut. Turning back and seeing Jarren sway causes a flash of fear to sink in. She hopes the pin cushion of an owlbear falls soon.

Jarren, she calls out, Do you need me to peel one of these off of you?

[sblock=Mechanics]Move: Shift to Y18
Standard: Twin Strike: 1d20+11=17 1d12+5=7 1d20+11=26 1d12+5=17 Quarry: 1d6=4 Second shot should hit for 21 damage.
Minor: N/A

Pred armor effect and will yield ground on the owlbear, yadda yadda.[/sblock]

[sblock=Ryda's stats]Ryda – Half Orc Ranger 4
Passive Perception 19, Passive Insight 14
AC 21, Fort 16, Reflex 19, Will 15
HP 46/46, Bloodied 23, Surge Value 11, Surges 8/8
Speed 6, Initiative +7
Action Points: 0, Second wind
At-Will Powers: Twin Strike, Nimble Strike
Encounter Powers: Evasive Strike, Cut and Run, Yield Ground, Furious Assault
Daily Powers: Split the Tree
Racial Features: HalfOrc Resilience, Swift Charge, Furious Assault
Class Features: Hunter’s Quarry, Prime Shot, Fighting Style- Two Weapon
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[sblock=ooc]If this thing goes down I can run over and roll a couple 1s for my last encounter on those guys! :) Seriously tho, I also am secretly hoping that maybe that last 21 did it...?[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Owlbear HP]I don't know evilbob, I've done 139 at this point, and I know you and anti have hit it once or twice, we'll just have to see, it definately should be getting close by now

We've done 175 at this point:
Ryda's done her 139: 38+21+28+31+21=139
Unit 16's done 10 for the half damage on miss from winters herald attack 10+12 charge for 22
Jarren has spirit OA and half of Spiriit of healing flood's 7 for 14
Grand total of 175, we gotta be getting close.[/sblock]
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[sblock=Owlbear HP]
Unit 16's done 10 for the half damage on miss from winters herald attack
Oh my god. I even wrote that sheet myself and I had completely forgotten that my enc power did anything on a miss. I never even noticed - I mean, when does an encounter work on a miss?

Wow, thanks for noticing! :) I guess that might have changed something at some point in the past too, since the immobilize also proc'd on a miss, but I think that's way too far gone to retcon. Hey, 10 more damage! So 16's only missed for like 60-something damage instead of 70-something! :p[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]*Hmph* at Certain Threat, I dunno why, but it was only as I was writing up my last action post that I noticed the mark only lasted till the end of Jarren's next round. So in essence it's just a -4 to one enemy's attacks for a single round, and requires a hit to take effect. Pretty crappy power. :/

Oh well, I can swap it for something better, if we get out of this bird feeding frenzy alive (incidentally this has given me a flash of inspiration; someone needs to remake Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, and put an Owlbear in it. Totally thematically appropriate, and I can vouch for the situation's scariness).

Assuming that the vs Ref actually missed Jarren thanks to his efforts at hiking defenses last round, he's still doing okay, so keep punishing that Owlbear imo. Puncture another organ or two (I vote for the spleen!) and it's surely done for. :lol:

Alternative Tactic (since after all who really knows how many hp that damn thing has) would be to try to get it tangled up with the Kenku. Unit 16 could charge one of the Kenku next turn, and Jarren could delay and cover his retreat with the Spirit companion (meaning no way it could reach any of us that turn). The turn after, we could then all try to shift behind the melee Kenku so that they're blocking the Owlbear's charge route to us. Seems like there's then a decent chance that the Owlbear would go straight for the nearest squishy thing, which'd be a Kenku.

What do you think? Worth trying? Might trigger a few OAs from Kenku along the way, but it'd be worth it if it works. Otherwise, if we keep going this way, we're pretty much down to straight rolling and praying.

edit: Trouble with this, it just occurred to me, is that the Owlbear and Kenku turns fall on the same initiative count, and I guess there's not much incentive for r1 to move the Owlbear before the Kenku if we went ahead with that plan. Hmm. Maybe it's rolling and praying time after all.

edit again: Might still be worth trying the first bit of this plan (U16 retreats to attack the kenku, spirit blocks owlbear's movement); it might give us a chance to take down one of the kenku, and would give U16 a turn away from the Owlbear's attacks. Then again, if we don't succeed in disabling one of the Kenku, it's a waste of time. And who knows how many HP THEY have, either. :/[/sblock]
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First Post
Total damage before this round is 155 +21 this round is 175. It is a high level elite brute aka a sack of hp ;)

Oh and the dazing effect missed. That's why I post the monster to-hits because there's so many small bonuses to stuff that I don't want to miss anything. I'll update the combat post[/sblock]

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