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(Adventure) Heroes of The Vesper Peaks (Uriel judging)

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Ignussus is a small city located in the deserts surrounding the burning mountains that form a wall around the tower of elemental fire. Located only a few hundred miles from the edge of the world, Ignussus is reputedly one of the most dangerous cities to live in. The town is controlled by a thieves guild called the Curved Blades of Arcton, a group of thugs and murderers that make their business the control of all goods coming in and out of the city. Ignussus itself would never have grown so large without them, however, as they were the original provisioners of water in the township for many years.

The main source of income here in the desert is in the refinement of gem deposits mined in the mountains to the south. The gems are brought into Ignussus once every month, under heavy guard, and more than a quarter of the town is set aside specifically for those craftsman that are in the art of gemcutting, cleaning, and jewelry making. There are many other crafts that are practiced in Ignussus as well, many of them involving the making of weapons for the guild and guards, and making tools for the workers employed in the steaming hot gem mines in the mountains.

Food is imported from the north and west, often by air. Many different sorts of mounts deliver these supplies, most commonly hauled by teams of trained gryphons. This practice is new to the city, provided for by a guild of trained riders in the windy country to the far west. These imports are expensive, though, and the price to live in the desert while mining gems is a steep one. If not for the rich gem mines, things would turn for the worse very quickly.

Water is provided by a few different sources. The first is a well controlled by the Curved Blades of Arcton. Rumors circulate every summer, when the weather is at it's worst, that the water well is drying up. Whether this is true, or if in fact the guild simply chooses to drink more or provide less of the necessary provision, this has brought many new sources into the city. Some sources include the Clerics of (water deity), who provide water to the poor and needy. Their generosity has quickly given them popularity to rival the gods of fire and the desert which have always been known as the chief patrons of the clergy of this region. The third source of water in this region is by import and trade, it is not uncommon for a merchant to attempt to trade "worthless water" during seasons of horrible heat for rich jewels and gems to trade in the cities in the center of the continent.

Religion in Ignussus is primarily the worship of fire, because it is believed that such worship improves ones resiliance in this harsh environment. Many have died from the heat, and the elderly are always treated with incredible compassion before summer comes and often brings a deathly heatstroke. It is because of this that gods with the fire domain are worshipped, as they provide some degree of protection from the heat in their domain. In addition, the swells of burning magma that creep through the mountains where the gems are mined are extrememly dangerous. A supersticious belief has developed that the unfaithful miners are the ones swept away in the molten rock currents that occationally breach the mines.

The Guild that rules Ignussus, while cruel and often greedy, still provides more than enough protection and well trained warriors to keep the city safe. It is because of their persistance and action that the guild has come to power and brought about some degree of wealth in the peasantry. The guild leader, Ramzos Balba currently, is called the Sultan by the guild members because of his wealth and respected position. It is this title that often earns the title of "Desert Snake King" for the man who leads the Curved Blades of Arcton. Outsiders often refer to that name in disrespect, because the man is often seen as a slave driver and monster by people from lands with more liberty and freedoms.


One of the few free taverns in the world, the Father's Wish is home to a variety of men and women during the night. The tavern's name refers to the founder's father, an extremely poor miner, who could never enjoy life unless he was drinking. The same man was so poor that he couldn't afford to both indulge his weakness and support his family, and unlike his peers he chose to work for his family. His son grew up, left his home to become a wealthy and talented mercenary, and after many years returned home to open a free tavern for any good man or woman to appreciate. He named this tavern in his father's honor, and the father was even able to appreciate this hospitality for a number of years before he died.

This bar, unlike most country bars where a number of smaller tables exit, uses only one huge wooden table (30 feet by 50 feet) in the main room. The table forms a closed U-shape that allows the servers to move around freely in between the action and conversation. This also tends to help prevent brawls as two men must be sitting within two or three seats of each other in order to at least be within reach. This strange custom makes this tavern more homely than most, with many new people having the chance to greet each other across the table. It is because of this that the bar is often considered one of the few real treasures in the desert. Drinks are brought up from the basement where the brewery is located. Wines are imported, but only that which is exceptionally cheap can normally be provided.

This night, there is a very motley assortment of people inside the tavern (including the characters), and the workload has been hard on the servers. A very common misconception in this tavern is that "since the drink is free, there’s no need to leave a tip," and anyone working here long enough has been forced to explain that this is indeed false. The many workingmen are laughing and enjoying their time as would be expected, except for one.

An extremely unique worker, Kreepto the kobold, is a miner that is tolerated by the workers in labor, and that is it the end of their relationship. He is responsible for saving many of their lives, as he has a sixth sense for mining and proper times for cowardice, but this has never earned him much respect. His history has never been the subject of much debate, but people still don't trust him because of his heritage. For whatever reason, Kreepto is extremely depressed, even as he is served. This doesn't distract from the rest of the patrons though, including one extremely inebriated dwarf that appears to be juggling his axe.

(Alright, I think that's enough good info for you guys to have fun. I'll respond as necessary to anything you post. Enjoy.)
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First Post
Jairik glides up to the bar next to Kreepto, orders a pint of the house brew, and notices the funk that Kreepto is in.

"What is it that ails you this day, Kreepto?" Jairik asks, slapping the kobold on the back. "Usually you only look this put out when the other miner's are taunting you. But as you are sitting alone, I can only assume some other matter of dire gravity has befallen you."

Jairik looks at Kreepto with some small amount of pity, as he has seen in every community of his many travels the outsider who has been riden by his peers for just being himself.


Jaret looks around the bar, still not comfortable with being around this many people. He sees a few empty seats near a kobold who seems a little down. He signals his intentions to Kunst and sits down just in time to hear Jairik's question.


*Kunst crosses to the seats near Kreepto, sitting down alongside Jaret and giving his friend a slight clap on the back, attempting to make him feel more comfortable. Giving a sidelong glance to the inebriated dwarf, he dismisses it and orders a stout for himself and Janet, and after a moment one for the melancholy kobold as well. A recognition of being the outsider.*


First Post
Jairik gives a nod to the human and dwarf who have sat down on the other side of Kreepto, and looks for some sign if they are the cause of Kreepto's depression, in case he has to act quickly.


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Jagos sits at one of the corners of the table, making sure not to keep his back to any of the doors, half-heartedly involved in some small-talk with one of the locals while more interested in keeping an eye on everyone present.


First Post
While Kreepto wallows in his ale, Jairik turns to the newcomers and says, "You two are obviously not miners, and I don't recollect seeing you in any of the other taverns I frequent in this town. My name is Jairik (extends hand to shake) and anyone willing to buy a free drink for Kreepto is worth meeting."

Jairik has a feeling that these two are from the fringes of society, much as he feels sometimes, and hopes they have an interesting story to tell that he can add to his repertoire.

Voidrunner's Codex

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