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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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Chaku hears Azryah call out in warning, and looks to where she motions. Grinning, he begins stomping on the ground in a rhythmic pattern: thump… thump… You want something to eat, thump… thump… then come! The blood must flow! thump… thump…

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round 1a

Chaku, having originally expected something in the mud, isn't taken by surprise at all, and had started rushing it as soon as the snakethings head sprouted from the ground. The massive barbarian plows through the mud with ease before unleashing a bellowing roar that echo's throughout the field, coming to an end in a CRACK! of shattering chitin as the maul connects soundly with the beast.

The goliath's mighty blow rocks the beast and draws its attention away from the cow. It hisses loudly, then dips its head like a striking snake. Chaku deflects the gnashing jaws once, but it strikes a second time with more accuracy. The barbarian is painfully squeezed and held fast by the thing's mandibles. Chaku is grabbed; for escape purposes, I revealed the creature's Fort and Ref defenses in the enemy block below.

The creature rears back, keeping a firm hold on Chaku. Despite his great size, the thing lifts him a foot clear off the ground, gnawing and worrying at him with the vicious mandibles. Acidic fluid squirts from its maw, and the goliath begins to bleed from his wounds. The creature scuttles backward, into the tunnel it carved in the ground, pulling Chaku with it, both vanishing below the surface! A good-sized hole is all that remains on the spot.

[sblock=Chaku]Down the hole, you see another tunnel extending to the west - apparently this is how the creature initially approached, but the view fades to darkness after about 10 feet. You can hear scrabbling and scraping as the creature digs a new tunnel as it pulls you southeast. To make matters worse, two smaller creatures, juvenile versions of the big one, burrow through the tunnel walls from the west. Perhaps they were attracted by your thumping? They gnash at you with their pint-size mandibles, but luckily for you, they can't connect.[/sblock]
The cow on the western side of the pasture lets out a desperate, mournful cry as four juvenile versions of the huge snake creature emerge from the ground to surround it. Though significantly smaller, their claws and mandibles still look plenty nasty. They hiss and snap at the poor cow. It stamps its hooves and manages to keep them at bay momentarily, but it doesn't look like it will be able to hold them off for long.

The mud patches on the north side and just west of the stream begin to swirl and bubble violently. Slowly, a humanoid figure dripping with mud rises up out of each. After a moment it becomes clear: these creatures are not covered with mud, they are made out of mud. Their amorphous bodies pulse and flow. They whip stubby arms forward, flinging gooey balls of mud at Papolstaanas and Kaeysari. The kobold dodges easily, but the shifter is struck full on in the face. The mud clings to her frame, slowing her movements. ooc: Another crit on Kaeysari! Holy cow! :uhoh: But a zero damage attack this time... :)

[sblock=*new* Perception DC 15]The ground and most of the mud now lie quiet, except for the mud in the center of the pasture continues to swirl and eddy... another creature may yet emerge in that area? (roughly around M6) [/sblock]
[sblock=Init]Azryah; Chaku; Jynxx; Kaeysari; Papolstaanas;Enemy (1d20+1=2, 1d20+2=18, 1d20+1=6, 1d20+3=4, 1d20+3=17, 1d20+10=17)
No surprise... Chaku won initiative and may act before the snake thing. Then it will take its turn, then back to the players' turn...[/sblock]
18 Chaku - Q12 - 20/40 (10/10) AP: 1 - grabbed, ongoing 5 acid, underground, concealment (dim light)
17 --- ENEMIES ---
Large Snake Creature - R13/S14 - 27 damage, AP used - underground, concealment
Broodling 1 - R11 - underground
Broodling 2 - Q11 - underground
Broodling 3 - O3
Broodling 4 - N1
Broodling 5 - P0
Broodling 6 - Q2
Mud Lasher 1 - K10 - no damage
Mud Lasher 2 - I1 - no damage
17 Papolstaanas - H9 40/40 (12/12) AP: 1
6 Jynxx - E6 - 29/29 (8/8) AP: 1
4 Kaeysari - G6 - 39/39 (10/10) AP: 1
2 Azryah - E4 - 34/34 (9/9) AP: 1
Pasture Fence This low wooden fence provides cover to creatures behind it. It takes a DC 10 Athletics check to climb or hurdle it. (There are gaps in it as well.)

Deep Mud The entire pasture is fairly muddy, but the brown areas are especially deep mud. When a character enters or starts his turn in an area of deep mud, he is slowed until the end of his turn, unless he succeeds at a DC 15 athletics check. (You only must make the check once per turn - if you succeed, you can move normally in the mud for the rest of the turn.)

Stream difficult terrain

Rocks/Boulders - difficult terrain, and provide cover.

Tunnel Entrance - The large snake creature leaves tunnels behind it when it burrows. Tunnel entrances are marked by craters on the map. (e.g., P10) Treat the crater as difficult terrain if you just want to enter the square but not the tunnel. Stunt attacks to create new entrances may be possible if you know where the tunnel is - or are inside and want to make an exit.

Tunnels Tunnels are indicated by reddish brown lines on the map. (Not all tunnels are shown, only those that a PC has entered or seen.) There is bright light in the entrance square, dim light in areas within 1 or 2 squares of an entrance, and darkness farther in.

Medium creatures (and the snake thing of course) can enter these tunnels and move through them. Entering the tunnel at an entrance is automatic and no movement cost beyond entering the entrance square; leaving the tunnel and going back on the surface at an entrance requires a DC 10 Athletics check (this moves you from underground to the surface of the entrance square at a cost of 1 movement; failure ends the move action).

(If it isn't obvious, there is no line of sight or effect between creatures that are underground and creatures on the surface, except at the entrance squares)

Huge snakey creature
HP ??, bloodied ??
AC 17, Fort 14, Ref 16, Will ??
Basic Attack: Claw +8 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage

Snakey broodlings
HP 1 (minion)
AC ??, Fort ??, Ref ??, Will ??
Basic Attack: Claw +5 (+9 if grabbed by big snakey) vs AC; 4 damage

Mud Lasher
HP ??, bloodied ??
AC ??, Fort ??, Ref ??, Will ?? (Immune disease, poison)
Basic Attack: Slam +6 (+8 vs slowed or immobilized creatures) vs AC; 2d6+3 damage
Snake Creature
Broodlings 1 and 2 (in tunnel)
Broodlings 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Emerge from ground and menace innocent cow.
Mud Lasher 1
Mud Lasher 2
  • Move: emerge/congeal out of mud
  • Standard: Mud ball vs. Kaeysari (1d20+4=24) CRIT! OMG! KAEYSARI IS A CRIT MAGNET!!! :eek: But luckily this time, the attack doesn't do any damage, so it doesn't actually matter. ;) Kaeysari is just slowed (save ends).


First Post
As the acid boils across his body, Chaku flexes his mighty arms and easily breaks free. Whirling his maul, he attempts to unleash a blast of thunderous power through the tunnel, but the tunnel restricts his movement to make the blow weak and feeble. Taking a moment, he refocuses himself, both calling upon his heritage, and dragging up reserves of strength as the acid continuous it's corrosive antics.

[sblock=Mechanics]Shrug it off immediate reaction of getting hit with something save ends: 1d20=3 Nope.
Break grapple: 1d20+11=25Shift to P11 as part of the breakout.
Standard: Howl of fury on broodling: 1d20+8=15 BAH, probably a miss, but if not, both minions die and the big snakeything takes 2 from the blast wave.
Minor: Stone's Endurance, Resist 5
AP: Second wind!, Heals 10 and +2 def!.
Save: 1d20=4 kerfail! Failturn for Chaku![/sblock]
[sblock=Chaku's stats]Chaku - Goliath Barbarian 2
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 18, Fort 17, Reflex 15, Will 14
HP 25/40, Bloodied 20, Surge Value 10, Surges 9/10
Speed 6, Initiative +4
Action Points: 0, Second wind
At-Will Powers: Howling Strike, Howl of Fury
Encounter Powers: Avalanche Strike, Swift Charge, Stone's Endurance
Daily Powers: Swift Panther Rage
Racial Features: Mountain's Tenacity, Powerful Athlete, Stone's Endurance
Class Features: Barbarian Agility, Feral Might, Rageblood Vigor, Rampage


First Post
Azryah charges into the fray when the mud creatures burst up out of the ground. She isn't sure how much help a sword will be against such creatures, but she's determined to do her best anyway.

"It looks like there might me more in the center,"
she says as she moves. Her feet stick in the deeper mud, but she shrugs that thought aside for now. She had moved far enough to reach her target. With a vicious gleam in her eyes, she swings her frosty sword and it cuts into the creature, although it barely seems to hurt it when a few chunks of its muddy body solidify and crack away.

[sblock=Mechanics]Perception check: 1d20+10=26
Move: to J9
Athletics Check for entering mud: 1d20+7=10 - Nope, so she stops immediately in J9 due to being hit with slow.
Minor: Oath of Enmity on Mud Lasher 1
Standard: Bond of Retribution on Mud Lasher 1 - 1d20+9=15 1d20+9=25 vs. AC for 1d10+5=6 cold damage
Effect: The first time an enemy other than Mud Lasher 1 hits or misses me before the end of my next turn, Mud Lasher 1 takes 3 radiant damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Azryah Mini-stats]
Azryah - Female Deva Avenger (Censure: Retribution) 2
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15
AC:19, Fort:14, Ref:15, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP:34/34, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges Left: 9/9

Action Points: 1, MI Daily Uses: 1, Milestones: 0
Powers: Bond of Retribution, Radiant Vengeance, Frost Greatsword +1 Cold DMG On/Off
Oath of Enmity, Avenging Echo, Enduting Spirit, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Channel Divinity: Abjure Undead, Channel Divinity: Divine Guidance, Second Wind
Argent Mantle, Frost Greatsword +1 DMG&Slow

Damage Resistence: 6 vs. Necrotic & Radiant

Special: +1 to all defenses vs. attacks by bloodied creatures

Censure of Retribution: When any enemy other than my Oath of Enmity target hits me, I gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls against my Oath of Enmity target until the end of my next turn. This bonus is cumulative.

Conditions: None[/sblock]


First Post
Kaeysari struggles forward against the mud covering her. She gets to barely within reach, and lashes out at one of the mud flingers. She misses, but manages to shake the mud off.
"Not much we can do now other than stay clear," she says in reply to Azryah. "We can't fight it until it comes out."[sblock=actions]Perception Roll: 1d20+9=27
Move: To I8
Standard: Weapon Master's Strike vs. Mud Lasher 1: 1d20+8=13 presumably a miss.
Saving throw vs. Slow: 1d20=19[/sblock][sblock=Kaeysari stat block]Kaeysari Female Longtooth Shifter Fighter 2
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 1r, Senses: Low-light
AC:19, Fort:17, Reflex:13, Will:14
HP:39/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:10/10
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: unused
Powers: Weapon Master's Strike, Reaping Strike, Pass Forward, Covering Attack,
Longtooth Shifting,
Villain's Menace, Healing Word


First Post
"Huh?" says Papolstaanas, wiping mud from his face and twisting around in time to see Chaku being pulled into the hole. Then he notices the horrible snake-things menacing the cow he was admiring earlier and runs breathlessly over to rescue it. He doesn't notice anything else in the mud, but nevertheless tries to avoid the area that Azryah is pointing out.

[sblock=actions and rolls]Perception 1d20+7=10 fails.

Minor: shift to H8

Move: diagonally to N2. Athletics 1d20+9=23 succeeds.

Free: mark adjacent broodlings (3 and 4)

Standard: weight of earth on broodling 4 1d20+8=16 hmm.[/sblock]
[sblock=ministats]Papolstaanas Male Kobold Warden 2
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 17; Passive Insight: 12; Senses: Normal
AC:19, Fort:16, Reflex:15, Will:13
+2 defenses against traps
HP:40/40, Bloodied:20, Surge Value:10, Surges left:12/12
Action Points: 1
Thorn Strike
Weight of Earth
Warden’s Fury (immediate interrupt)
Warden’s Grasp (immediate reaction)

Gale Strike
Erupting Font
Second Wind
Student of the Sword (feat)

Form of Winter's Herald


Full sheet: Papolstaanas[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Not sure when I'll have time for a full update... maybe tonight, but I can't promise it. But FYI, Chaku and Mewness both hit their broodling targets (AC 15, level 1 minions ain't very tough!), and Azryah also hit the lasher (also AC 15, though not a level 1 broodling, not sure what his excuse is :))[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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