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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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"If you think the cattle are the most important things to save here, then we need to speak about your priorities," Azryah calls over her shoulder.

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[sblock=ooc]Wow, ENWorld seems horribly slow today!

Anyhow, I will go through and answer your questions... I should be able to update tonight.

[sblock=Minions]I have DR 5, and the block says they do 4 damage, so how did 1 point slip though? is it some effect I am unaware of?[/sblock]

The stat block is their basic melee attack (used for OA), they have another attack that is not a basic attack. It does 6 damage (with a lower chance to hit).

OOC: Are the cows minions? Or can I reasonably expect one to survive a hit or two from a broodling?

The cows are pseudo-minions (basically hand-waving by me). But it's safe to say that one can survive one hit from a broodling, but not from the big guy. For clarity, let's say two broodlings hit on the same round, or three broodling hits total will kill a cow. Or a critical hit if a broodling gets real lucky.

Also, I will go ahead and tell you now that if necessary, you can round up the cow which escaped into the forest. It will take more time and cost everyone a healing surge for running around in the dense woods... but it is a good backup plan should you lose both the remaining cows in the pasture. (It looks like Papolstaanas is pretty close to handling the broodlings around the one anyhow.)

Chaku breaks for the surface as the acid continues to boil across him, sliding beneath the cow as he does. The small insectoids snap and claw, but to no avail as the goliath's toughened hide repels the blows. Squirming over to the "mother", the barbarian spins like a top, crashing into the beast with a ferocious blow, shattering chitin and muscle alike.

Laying there in the mud, he realizes his precarious situation.

I was unclear in my description before, but Chaku isn't prone after his movement (unless he wishes to be). I was just trying to describe visually what it looked like - the goliath doing a sort of awkward limbo to get out from under the cow - but the result of his move action is that he is standing in an adjacent space.

Need alittle clarity here. Jynxx has an ability that lets him slide an ally 4 squares. Can that be done while he is prone? The rules for slide didn't state it.
As stated above, Chaku is not actually prone. But to answer your question, a prone creature cannot shift, but he can be slid (or pushed, or pulled). So your ability would indeed work on a prone target.

Now that you know that Chaku is not prone, I'll let you guys decide if you still want to slide Chaku away. He's not as vulnerable, and Jynxx had to forgo making an attack to do it, but Chaku might like the opportunity to get distance for a charge attack on the creature (though who knows where it will move on its turn? you could do the same thing but wait until next turn to set up the charge?).

Mezegis should get the final say here - hopefully you can answer before I go to update tonight.

Also, Jynxx - you still have your moment of prescience ability, can you give guidelines for when to use it? To negate the next hit? Probably better: the next non-broodling hit? Or next hit on a bloodied target, or next hit by the big guy, etc.? Jynxx also has his minor action remaining this turn, it might be wise to use a Majestic Word on Chaku or Az (though she pumped her defenses so...)



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[sblock=OOC]If I'm upright, great, no need to move me yet. At best, they move away on their own with their natural shiftiness, at worst, I'm surround and Jynxx can slide me next turn, since I don't have to go first Healing might be nice, but not super necessary. I DO wish we could focus fire a bit more, and limit the amount of attacks we have incoming.[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]So ENWorld is back!

While it was down I was unable to access everybody's moves, so I was unable to do the update. And during my prime free time part of the week too, rats. I think I'll probably have a chance to do it tomorrow. (hope so, because if not it probably won't be until Saturday. :()[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]Revised move for Jynxx is fine... though I think that's a miss. :(

Sorry I could not get to the update last night. I might be able to get it tonight or tomorrow, but don't count on it. Saturday at the latest.[/sblock]


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[sblock=1000+ post thread]It is the tradition(*) to retire a thread when it gets up to 1,000 posts, and this one is there.

The adventure continues in this new thread!

(* - it's not just tradition, I think it starts getting harder on the database or something.)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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