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(Adventure) Feral Smackdown Battle Royale


Living EN World Judge
Pre Round One

Troi leaps forward, impaling the nearest Feral Orc through the chest,killing him.

Thurgan fires his crossbow catching another Orc through the throat,killing it.
This also allows felix to see the Priest clearly...

Felix casts Scorching Ray, catching the Feral Priest in the chest <18HP>.
The beast roars in anger, though failing to drop.

Velbrik (moving targets,since Troi felled his Orc), casts his Hideous laughter, though he frown when the Orc fails to get the joke...<made his save>.

Thale fires a +1 bolt, hitting a nearby Monk,wounding him <6HP>.

Tara fires her crossbow at an orc,wouding it <5HP>.

William and Gunter leap into the chamber.
Sturm,Ishmael and Rurik move down the stairs,prepared to engage the enemy.

Kirin,Telerin and Aranel take up positions at the top of the stair.

Whitefang runs down the stair.

Round One Initiatives
Feral Orcs Nat 20
Thurgan hit <for 10HP>.
Thale hit <for 10HP>.
Troi missed.
Felix missed.
Velbrik missed.
Gunter hit <11HP>
William missd twice.
Ishmael missed.
Sturn hit <5HP>
Rurik missed.

Whitefang 20 Attacks the nearest feral, missing (chipping a tooth on a '1' :D ).

Feral Leader, enraged and wounded, grips a talisman about his neck, healing some of his wound.

Feral Monks 19
One charges between William and gunter, attempting to get to those on the platform, but is smashed by the pair,their blows putting to rest the soul of their brethren.
Troi is clawed across the arm <8HP> by a Monk.
The two Monks attacking the group to the west are unable to reach them.
The Monk nearest Whitefang,claws theWolf <9HP>.

Thale 19 hacks his opponant to death withhis sturdy Axe.

Telerin 19 Is Up...
Aranel 18
Thurgan 17
Rurik 12
Velbrik 12
Kirin 11
Felix 10
Troi 9
Sturm 7
Ishmael 6

OoC:You have no idea how horrified I was when I rolled 17 (modded to 20) for the Leader, a nat 20 for the orcs and 18 (mdded to 19 for the Monks). Well, the dice fall where they may...
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Living EN World Judge
Map...please excuse erase marks...things changed a bit when the bad guys all rolled super Inits.
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I aim to misbehave
Thurgan - Init: +2; AC: 18; HP: 29/29; Atk: W-axe +6 (1d10+2), X-bow +5 (1d8+1)

Thurgan dropped his crossbow, partly because he planned to do that anyway, partly because he was astonished by the speed of these buggers.

"Eager ta meet me axe, are yea?" Thurgan rumbled as he drew his dwarven waraxe and swung. As many of the feral creatures moved to the other side of the room, Thurgan thought, Hmm, we may yet get through this. . .

OOC: Drop Weapon (free action), draw axe (Move Equivalent), and Swing! +1d6 Sneak if for some reason he gets flanked before I act.


Rurik: on 12, AC 16, 21/21 HP, Waraxe w/ 1 pt. PA (+4) 1d10+5

Sturm said:
"'sit jes' me ears, or did Ish' jes' try'n harken us in our miasmas?"
"Fig'r o' speech. 'Taint nothin'. Yer miasma is safe."

Rurik's mood quickly brightened as he watched (to his eyes) Sir Ishmael assume command. (And a hobbit shall lead them, but this was no ordinary hobbit,) he thought in his native tongue. As the group fell into step behind the monks and Sir Ishmael, Rurik arranged his pack for comfort and performed the ritual pre-battle check of his weapons in the right places for easy access that he saved for when there was time to perform such a check. (Crowbar, check. Waraxe, check. Poncy little shortbow, check. Mining pick, check.)

As the scene opened up to them, Rurik's battle senses kicked in, and he placed himself on the line next to Sturm, standing against a hideous orc. "From the forges of my ancestors!" he shouted as he put his back into a swing.

[Rurik will attack the feral orc in front of him, using 1 point of Power Attack for +2 additional damage. If this drops the orc, Rurik will take his Cleave swing (again, Power Attacking for 1) at the feral monk attacking Whitefang.]
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First Post
Velbrik - Init: +1; AC: 16; HP: 18/18; Atk: Longsword +4 (1d8+3, 19-20/x2)

Velbrik's expression improves at the appearance of allies. "Well, Troi, it looks as though we may get out of this alive yet."

He breathes in deeply, then calls out in a manner that projects all the way to the far corners of the room, "Friends, fear not, for fate has seen fit to fuse our faithful force! Now, listen, and hear how Navos the Great, warrior of renown, single-handedly crushed an entire orcish warband!"

Having said this, Velbrik begins chanting rhythmically, his musical voice adding flavor to the otherwise constant intonation.

After beginning the song, he takes a short step south and then feints at the orc, hoping to catch it off-guard for his next attack.

Inspire courage +1 (standard action), five-foot step to the space beneath the orc as according to the map (free action), improved feint with Bluff +8 (move action)
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ooc/ Hmmm not quite as I saw it :D, I thought I'd be in my usual cowardly position of being behind the others :p/ooc

Felix for a moment looks triumphant at the blast hitting the lead priest and then distressed as the creatures thunder towards him.
He mutters an elven prayer as he withdraws slightly from the creatures and grapples with the clasp of the spell book given to him by Delmon, he tears from it one of the pages and holds it before him as the runes and symbols on it begin to glow.

Felix takes a 5 foot step to escape threatened spaces (back onto the stairs perhaps?) and then uses the page detailing Colour Spray in the spellbook as a scroll (is that allowed? I'm sorry I don't know...), He aims the spell to catch the two orcs and the monk that were infront of him.

"Thurgan my friend move out of the way!!"

ooc/ Again I hope this is possible, if not just say so Uriel and I'll think of something else :)/ooc
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LEW Judge
Ishmael on 6, AC 19, HP 19/19

"Tunk Slarek Din K'rass!!!"* Sir Ishmael's war cry briefly pierces the din as he swung Violet madly about. Though it came from his own lips, the deep voice seemed alien to those who had long traveled with the warsledge-wielding knight. T'was as if the halfling was possessed by some spirit of war that he fought with much violence and ferocity. Any that looked into the shadows of his leather coif would see reptilian slits where his irises once were.

A quiet growl escaped Sir Ishmael's lips (and disappeared into the noise of combat) as he parried a set of blood-crusted talons. He reared back with Violet and let fly with bone-crushing force.

<Power Attack (-2): "Violet" +3, 1d6+4>

*Draconic: "A Death of Talons upon my Foes!!!"
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Surprised for only a moment, Telerin quickly gathered himself up again. There was work to be done...a lot of it. Drawing one of the arrows given to him, Telerin aimed at a lone Orc and let loose an arrow.

((Telerin's shooting his (last I think) of the magical arrows he was given at the Orc two squares ahead of him. Its right near William.))


Living EN World Judge
Telerin fires at the closest Orc, hitting the brute <7HP>, though he fails to drop it.

Aranel 18 fires her hand crossbow at the same orc, finishing it off.

Thurgan 17 swings at his Orc, though he fais to connect.

Rurik 12 hacks into the closest orc, killing it, his swing carrying into the next nearest feral (a Monk) <6HP>.

Velbrik 12 begins his Song, moving slightly and preparing to draw off his opponents next attack <The Orc or the Monk, as they may Both now attack you...>.

Kirin 11 slings a bullet down with deadly accuracy, finishing off the Monk attacking Whitefang.

Felix 10 tears a page from his book in desperation,calling forth the Illusion, causing both the Orc and the Monk closest to him to fall back,stunned and roaring in despair,clutching at their eyes...The other Orc and Thurgan both avoided the effects.

Troi 9 Is Up...

Sturm 7
Ishmael 6


Troi (Inspired) - Init: 9; AC: 18; HP: 12/20; Atk: Whip +6 (1d4+2), Shortsword +5 (1d

"Well, Troi, it looks as though we may get out of this alive yet."

"Damn good thing, too!" Troi calls back. "Deal with th' ones on our end!"

He then nods to the newfound allies in the other end of the room. "You all deal with th' ones on yer end! I'll get th' ones in th' middle!"

He then turns to fully face his foes. "It is not my fate to die here." He says quickly to himself, attempting to move himself into action. "I will not fall!"

He slashes out at the feral orc nearest him with his shortsword, then takes a quick step back and lashes at the feral leader, or at the orc, if it remained standing.

As he attacks, Troi tries to make a quick assessment of what kind of armor his three opponents in the center of the room are wearing.

Attacking feral orc with shortsword, 5-foot step south, then attacking feral leader (or orc if it lived) with whip.

Also, if anything provokes an AoO within 5 feet, Troi will attack it with his shortsword.

Voidrunner's Codex

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