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Adventure: Delivery of Death (DM: Luinnar, Judge: renau1g)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated

Sir Exsixten walks right past the prone horror without noticing it.

THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK! he shouts, as Marcel sidesteps his swing casually. OH YEAH? HOW ABOUT THIS ONE: POWER LEVEL 9000!!!

Even the Ju-ju Zombie pauses in stupefaction as Sir Exsixten flails about in the air in front of them spastically. Durr? it says, tilting its head and drooling.

Ceasing his thrashing, Sir Exsixten looks at them, then his axe, then them, then his axe again. SIR EXSIXTEN'S AXE SEEMS TO BE LOW ON KARATE. <MENTAL NOTE, REFILL AXE KARATE TANK BEFORE NEXT BATTLE>

[sblock=Actions]Start of Turn: Regen 6 hp to 36.
Minor: Amulet of Resistance: Sir Exsixten gains DR5 TENT.
Move: Move to S32(draw OA from zombie horror, I'd roll it but it doesn't seem to be listed).
Standard: Villain's Menace: 1d20+11=20 AC vs Marcel, miss, Sir Exsixten gains +1 to hit and +2 to damage against Marcel until the end of the encounter and Marcel is marked TENT.
AP: Hack and Hew: 1d20+11+1 vs Marcel=21 AC, miss, 1d20+11 vs Ju-Ju Zombie=Nat1, Sir Exsixten gains 4 THP and the Ju-ju is marked TENT.
Enemy Start of Turn: Ju-ju takes 1d12+2+2(THP)+4(PtBE)=18 damage, Marcel takes 1d12+2+2(THP)+2(VM)=13 damage from Rain of Steel, forgot about Paint the Bulls-eye for the ju-ju.

Status Effects: DR5, enemies starting adjacent take 1d12+2(+2 more if THP), regen 6 bloodied, +1 hit and +2 damage vs Marcel

[sblock=Sir Exsixten's Statblock]Sir Exsixten, Male Warforged Fighter 5
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 21, Fort:19, Reflex:16, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP:4+36/63, Bloodied:31, Surge Value:15, Surges left:11/13
Initiative +3, Action Points: 0
Powers: Crushing Surge, Brash Strike, Combat Challenge, Hack and Hew, Sweeping Blow, Warforged Resolve, Piecemeal Chainmail, Second Wind, Villain's Menace, Rain of Steel, Boundless Endurance, Amulet of Resistance, Dwarven Thrower

MBA/RBA: +11(+13 OA) vs. AC, 1d12+6 damage and enemy movement is stopped and Sir Exsixten gains 4 temporary hitpoints.
Notes: *Sir Exsixten does +2 damage with attacks he has any temporary hitpoints. *Sir Exsixten gains 5 THP whenever he spends a healing surge. *Sir Exsixten rerolls the first 1 on any damage roll.[/sblock][/sblock]
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The Ju-ju Zombie's "Durr?" is quickly replaced by a "GRAAHH!" as Jax charges blade-first into its back. The zombie stumbles about awkwardly as if about to collapse, so Jax prepares to dive out of the way of the falling corpse.

[sblock=Jax stat block / actions]Actions
Move: Walk to Q29.

Minor: Shifty to Q30.

Standard: Piercing Strike vs Ju-ju Zombie crits for 39 damage. It has 2 left hp by my count (it will die at the start of its turn). (1d20+16=36; 1d4+6+1+1+2+4;2d8+3 = 37, 1d6=2)

PC:Jax (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Male Kobold Rogue 7
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 19
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:21, Will:15 -- Speed:6, 7 while not bloodied
HP:58/58, Bloodied:29, Surge Value:14, Surges left:7/9
Initiative +7
Action Points: 1 (encounter)


Shifty, Clever Strike, Piercing Strike
Amulet of Life, Imperiling Strike, Low Slash, Perfect Feint, Second Wind, Sly Lunge, Sneak in the Attack
Rat Form, Mocking Strike, Press the Advantage

Combat notes: +1 damage with CA; +2 damage vs bloodied targets; +1 damage vs medium+ targets


First Post
Brenn continued his deliberate assault on the remaining foes. He drew another arrow, then paused a moment, trying to choose the best target.
Finally he fired at the prone horror. Despite the difficult angle, his arrow struck cleanly, spinning the creature back towards the spinning ax of the warforged...

[sblock= OOC]
>Standard: attack Zombie horror with Clever Shot RBA, 1d20+12 vs. AC (includes prone penalty, Dancing serpent bonus)= 30 (hits for 21 damage, and slide horror 1 square to T32, so Sir Ex can whack him at start of turn) ; roll Roll Lookup ; damage includes bow expertise, dancing serpent and relentless wounding
>Move: none
>Minor: none


First Post
Dorn sends visions of pain directly into the minds of his enemies, sending Marcel flying. (Bedevilling Burst hits Marcel, misses Horror. Marcel takes 11 psychic damage and an additional 6 from furious assault - 17 total. Dorn steps back to X28).

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]
Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 7
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 15, Reflex 18, Will 20 (base defenses)
HP 43/57 Bloodied 28 Surge Value 14, Surges 6/7
Speed 6, Initiative +9
Action Points: 1

Current Effects
Wild Soul: poison (Resist 5 poison and ignore first 5 poison resistance)

Encounter Resources
USED Bedeviling Burst
USED Ice Dragon's Teeth
USED Spark Form
USED Furious Assault
Half-Orc Resilience
Goblin Stompers
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
USED Ice Javelins
USED Moon and the Stars
USED Deep Shroud
Chaotic Defense
Deathstalker Dagger
Repulsion Leather Armor

2x potion of healing
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Marcel is pushed 4 squares away to P37. Dorn steps back to X28).

OOC: Please don't push them away from Sir Exsixten - if Marcel doesn't start adjacent to him, he'll won't take the 13 damage from Rain of Steel at the start of his turn. If possible, move things next to Sir Exsixten, not away from him.

...and slide horror 1 square to T32, so Sir Ex can whack him at start of turn)

[sblock=Rain of Steel vs Horror damage]1d12+2+2(THP)=15 damage.[/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: Please don't push them away from Sir Exsixten - if Marcel doesn't start adjacent to him, he'll won't take the 13 damage from Rain of Steel at the start of his turn. If possible, move things next to Sir Exsixten, not away from him.

Ooops, misread the situation. I didn't know Marcel was adjacent - consider the push cancelled.


First Post
Rain pounds the area as the moon completely vanishes from the sky. As lightning flashes, the Ju-ju zombie stirs back to life where it was struck down by Jax.

A dark bolt of energy fires from Marcel, causing the Ju-ju Zombie to grabs Sir ExSixTen. It stands up and hurls the fighter at Brenn, knocking them both to the ground. The horrifying looking zombie crackles and flashes with necrotic energy, and shoots dark bolts from its fingers, hitting Andras and Sir ExSixTen and de-activating the Warforged yet again.

Zombie Horror OA against Sir ExSixTen: 28 vs AC, hit 14-5=9 force damage.

Start of turn: Ju-ju Zombie: Rise Again: Ju-ju Zombie comes back to undeath with 88 HP.

Move: N26 Sir ExSIxTen OA miss.
Standard: Claw of doom vs Sir ExSixTen:29 vs fort: hit Ju-ju gets a MBA against Sir ExSixTen 20+2 from the Zombie Horror aura = 22, hit 13-5=8 damage, Sir ExSixTen is grabbed.

Ju-ju Zombie:
Move:Stand up from prone.
Standard: Hurl away: Sir ExSixTen is thrown at Brenn, Sir ExSixTen takes 15-5=10 auto damage and is occupying Brenn's square. Crit Vs Brenn, Brenn takes 22 damage and is prone and pushed to AC 28

Zombie Horror:
Move:stand up from prone
Standard:Frightful Force
Dorn: crit miss
Andras 26 vs Ref, hit 21-5=16 necrotic damage, Andras is pushed to Y24
Sir ExSixTen: 21 vs ref, hit 20-5=15 necrotic damage, Sir ExSixTen is dying and pushed to AB28

Action Point:
Force Blast vs Jax, miss.

save failed

Marcel , Sir Exsixten gains +1 to hit and +2 to damage against Marcel until the end of the encounter and marked TENT
HP: 184/237 Bloodied 119
AC:22 Fort:19 Ref:19 Will:19
Immune: Disease, Poison
Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable: 5 Radiant

Ju-ju Zombie:
HP: 88/186 Bloodied 93
AC:19 Fort: 22 Ref:16 Will:17
Immune: Disease, Poison
Resist 5 Necrotic, Vulnerable: 5 Radiant

Zombie Horror: , Until the end of the encounter,+4 power bonus to damage rolls against him, 5 ongoing cold damage (save ends)
HP: 13/134 Bloodied 67
AC:20 Fort: 20 Ref:21 Will:22
Immune: Disease, Poison
Resist 5 Necrotic, Vulnerable: 5 Radiant

Jax: 58/58, +2 defenses TSNT

Andras: 9/46, bloodied

Brenn: 15/45, prone bloodied

Sir ExSixTen: -2/63, bloodied,prone any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to Sir Exsixten takes 1d12+2 damage(reroll the first 1), regeneration 6 bloodied, DR5 TENT, dying

Dorn: 43/57.

The braziers (the circular things), are impassible, light the area, but don't block line of sight or line of effect.

The statues are impassible, block LOS/LOE.

The tomb is difficult terrain.

A DC 15 athletics check is needed to climb the sides of the raised platform in the middle.


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First Post
Dorn's heart sinks as he sees the warforged thrown around like an oversized tinker-toy. I must step in, he thinks, activating his arcane defenses.
(Minor action - Chaotic defense rolled 4 again - sweet. Dorn gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter. Until the end of the encounter, each creature that attacks Dorn takes 2d6 damage. Dorn gains 12 tmp hp).

Dorn moves perilously close to the enemies (Move to U30) and burns them not once, but twice. When the flames die out, one of the zombies lies on the ground, unmoving. (Burning spray hits JuJu Zombie (misses horror) for 17 fire damage.AP - burning spray again hits both JuJu and Horror for 16 fire damage each, 'killing' horror.).

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]
Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 7
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 15, Reflex 18, Will 20 (base defenses)
HP +12 TMP 43/57 Bloodied 28 Surge Value 14, Surges 6/7
Speed 6, Initiative +9
Action Points: 0

Current Effects
Wild Soul: poison (Resist 5 poison and ignore first 5 poison resistance)
+1 AC from even roll first attack
Dorn gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter.
Until the end of the encounter, each creature that attacks Dorn takes 2d6 damage.

Encounter Resources
USED Bedeviling Burst
USED Ice Dragon's Teeth
USED Spark Form
USED Furious Assault
Half-Orc Resilience
Goblin Stompers
Second Wind
USED Use Action Point

Daily Resources
USED Ice Javelins
USED Moon and the Stars
USED Deep Shroud
USED Chaotic Defense
Deathstalker Dagger
Repulsion Leather Armor

2x potion of healing


First Post
Brenn was taken aback by the sudden arrival of the heavy warforged- he had thought himself safely out of range. Hearing the strange noises within the metallic shell, he drew one of his healing elixir and poured it over the worst visible damage- though he had little idea of such a thing would actually work. Then he crawled over behind the nearest cover...

[sblock= OOC]
>Minor: draw potion of healing
>Standard: administer potion to Sir Ex
>Move: crawl to Z 31 (prone behind tomb/statue for cover)


Voidrunner's Codex

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