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(Adventure) Crocodile Rock [Knight Otu judging]

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A man in deep black robes approaches and calmly evaluates the situation. "I am Calamar the Dark," he says and it is soon obvious why. He pulls the hood back from his head to reveal a stalk of thick whitish/silver haid rooted into a jet black scalp. If it were not for his human ears, one would think him a drow.

:) Too much talk on the other ones, here is Calamar the Dark, a first level mage. He will come along, although, he may need some looking after, but you have to start somewhere.;)

The Goblin King

First Post
The Gnome is standing on a stool behind the table. That makes him about sitting height to humans. He watches everyone enter with cold brown eyes. Not mean, but calculating. While his clothes are silk he does not wear any jewelry save a signet ring. He motions for those who enter to sit.
"Well met. I am Kevlin Donoros Lord of Bryth Mannor. I am requesting your services because my honor demands that I slay the beast known as Old Crooked Tooth. According to my research it is a large albino crocodile that lives in the abandoned water works below the city. As you may know the underground is quite dangerous. It is filled with all forms of vile vermin both beast and the kind that walk upright. Thus, I am willing to pay each of you 50 gold ennies. Half up front, half when I have the head of Old Tooth."
Kevlin takes out two maps. One of the city of Orussus that has a dozen red marks on it. The other one is a sketch of the sewers. He brushes his blonde hair aside and motions to the city map.
"As you can see I have plotted where the creature has supposedly attacked. I believe with this information we should be able to locate its lair fairly quickly. I have also aquired a key to the gate that will give us access to the tunnels."

OOC: If Kevlin seems kind of cheap, he is. He didn't get where he is now through generosity. That said you all will have 'salvage' rights to whatever you find down there. Any rouges or rangers who want to join can. Kevlin might not be as prepared as he thinks he is.

If anyone has bardic skills, Knowledge: Local, or Knowledge: Nobility let me know and I will roll your check.


Calamar the Dark pauses for a moment, his tightly chisled features a mask of no emotion. He reflect inwords for a moment and then speaks.

"I would know more about this sewer that you would have me trapse through. What other kinds of threats can I expect other than this " Old Crooked Tooth" albino crocodile?

Are there any gangs who hide out down there?

Any other cretures I should be made aware of?

Are you to come with?

Why does your honor demand that you kill this Croc?

:) Ooc, Damn, I knew I should have taken Robillard, he has all of the good diplomacy crap, any chance he is from another plane, I have knowledge planes, lol? Uh, is anyone else coming other than me? I am a first level mage, I can't solo a house fly.

The Goblin King

First Post
DM-Rocco said:
"I would know more about this sewer that you would have me trapse through. What other kinds of threats can I expect other than this " Old Crooked Tooth" albino crocodile?
Are there any gangs who hide out down there?
Any other cretures I should be made aware of?

"Honestly, if I knew what to expect I wouldn't be hiring you."

Are you to come with?

"That is correct."

Why does your honor demand that you kill this Croc?

His face twitches. Kevlin almost seems to blush for a moment before regaining his composure, "I would rather not discuss it as it is rather personal. Suffice to say that I promised someone that I would bring a trophy. A creature such as Old Tooth would make a worthy gift."

Ooc, Damn, I knew I should have taken Robillard, he has all of the good diplomacy crap, any chance he is from another plane, I have knowledge planes, lol? Uh, is anyone else coming other than me? I am a first level mage, I can't solo a house fly.
OOC: Nope, no planar stuff. I certainly hope some more people join. If not we will have the chanter pull and you can nuke. :)


Calamar the Dark gathers his thoughts as he looks at the man. He has weaseld out of some of his questions and this makes Calamar feel uneasy about trusting this man.

"Sir, you seem to have forgotten to answer a question or two. I am sure it is the heat, it can cause such thing," said Calamar, giving the man a way wout in dignity, "I understand that this is a personal situation for yourself, but my life is personal to me, I would know more about why I am to risk my life to help save your honor kind sir? For the small wage you are to pay, it is the least you can do.

The Goblin King

First Post
DM-Rocco said:
"Sir, you seem to have forgotten to answer a question or two. I am sure it is the heat, it can cause such thing," said Calamar, giving the man a way wout in dignity, "I understand that this is a personal situation for yourself, but my life is personal to me, I would know more about why I am to risk my life to help save your honor kind sir? For the small wage you are to pay, it is the least you can do.

"If you must know it is for my love. I plan to pledge my burning passion to her and prove I am a worthy suitor. Brave, rich, and good looking...what more would a woman want?"

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Lady Fant will appear shortly, with perhaps a third in tow. Just a little going on in the tavern proper first. And Rocco, that makes two of us sorry Robillard didn't come along. That could have been entertaining. :)


"Well," replied Calamar the Dark in a nonchalant manner, "I have heard of better reasons, but I will not let you die for so foolish a thing as love. Be it in my power to aid you I will. I suggest that I rest a bit to re arrange my spells to our advantage. I can summon aid from another plane (monster summoning I) but I fea that the creature would not be able to compete. I think the best would be to memorize a ray that can sap there creatures strength, what do you think?"
:) OOC, cool, this is my first PBP, well, not including the one I started with a different character, don't worry, I can keep up, I check them at least twice a day. Calamar the Darks spell book contains the following 1st level spells: Ray of enfeeblement, comprehend languages, Cause fear, shield, Mage Armor, silent image and monster summoning 1. Right now he has Ray of enfeeblement and monster summoning 1 memorized. Summoning is not very useful against a Croc, but I think the Ray would be. If you are wondering, I picked Wizard over Sorcerer for the feats and skills points for the high INT.

Thomas Hobbes, I would have loved to play Robillard, I had fun role-playing him, but he is lacking something and I think that psionics is the key, it will give him some fun role-playing skills in Diplomacy but also give him some power too, something to do other than sit and stare. So until Creamsteak finishes an adventure so I can rebuild Robillard and play him in a psionic game, I think he will have to sit on the side line:( . Perhaps I will keep his spirit alive in the Inn of the Red Dragon until then though:) , the Lady Fant will not be safe from his advances;) .

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
An aristocratic looking woman in well tailored, if practical, clothing and carrying a masterfully made sword at her side enters, followed by a short, dark-haired man.

"Good day," she says in a measured tone. "I am Lady Fant of Lionel, and this is Nielan Tal. We understand you seek companions for a hunting expidition."

Knowledge: Nobility +7.

Voidrunner's Codex

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