• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adventure: A Tale of Two Domains (DM:Luinnar, Judge:renau1g)


Jax, narrowly avoiding Daglan's spittle, moves in close and shoves his dagger into the warlock's back.

[sblock=Jax actions / stats]Standard: Piercing Strike vs Daglan hits Reflex 32 for 43 cold damage and the 5 cold vulnerability lasts another round. Pretty sure he's dead. Deader. Stupid undead. (1d20+19+3=32; 1d4+13+2+2+5+5=30; 3d8+4=13)

PC:Jax (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Male Kobold, 11 Rogue / Daggermaster
Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 21
AC:26, Fort:21, Reflex:26, Will:18, Resist 5 cold, 5 necrotic, Speed:6, 7 while not bloodied
HP:68/79, Bloodied:39, Surge Value:19, Surges left:6/9
Initiative +13
Action Points: 0 (encounter)

+2 speed, ignores difficult terrain TEOE
+1 defenses TEOE (not included above)
Ironfell cursed!!

MBA: +18 vs AC, 1d4+12; or with CA, +21 vs AC, 1d4+14 + 3d8+4 (1/turn)
RBA: +19 vs AC, 1d4+11; or with CA, +22 vs AC, 1d4+13 + 3d8+4 (1/turn)
Frost Dagger, Piercing Strike, Riposte Strike, Shifty
Combat Tumbleset, Critical Opportunity, Feytouched, Imperiling Strike, Low Slash, Perfect Feint, Running Slash, Second Wind, Sly Lunge, Sneak in the Attack
Bloodbath, Frost Dagger, Knockout, Press the Advantage, Raven Cloak

Combat notes: +2 damage with CA; +2 damage with cold; 18-20 crit range, on crit, make MBA with offhand (+16 vs AC, 1d4+10)
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First Post
With the final destruction of Daglan, you notice that the crown has risen into the air out of Jax's bag. The gemstones have turned a deep azure in color and it begins to radiate a clean and pure white light. A shimmering image of a white robed, elf appears in the light. He smiles at the party and speaks.

My name is Elran Eldranin, thank you for freeing me. For nearly 500 years, I have been locked in unending combat with the evil soul of the warlock Daglan who built this crown. But now, with the destruction of Daglan, I have been able to overcome his evil. Half a millennia after it began, this malevolence has ended.

The crown was originally forged in a far away land for a powerful warlord by Daglan. In order to safeguard the secrets of the crown and make certain that none but he would ever wield it, the evil war lord used his new prize to kill the magician (or so he thought). With the death of Daglan, there was no one left who knew how to destroy the crown. The warlord then used the evil power of the crown to extend his evil empire far into the neighboring lands, including that of my kingdom which I was lord of.

What the Warlord did not know is that before creating the crown Daglan, calling upon the powers of evil in his dark Tower of Magic, was able to foresee the warlord's treachery. Thus it was that he infused the crown with a magic jar spell. Because of the limitations of this spell, however, he could only transfer his life force into the one wearing the crown. When he tried this upon the Warlord, he failed due to that individual's near indomitable will. Since the warlord never let anyone else wear the crown, Daglan was imprisoned upon the head of the mortal he hated most.

On the eve of his greatest battle, in which he was certain to crush the last bastion of goodness left in those dark and distant lands, the Warlord's plans went astray. The evil warrior was ridding along a dark back country trail with his entourage. As the night wore on, a heavy mist seemed to seep up from the very ground itself. About an hour later, his band was attacked by a party of elves that I was captain of. This knight was part of my group,
he says motioning to Sir ExSixTen who seems spacier than usual, but he looked much different then he now does.

At first we thought we had the upper hand, but soon my second in command Reinhardt betrayed us. He stabs his best friend again he motions to the Warforged, in the back for Reinhardt was bribed and envious of his ability. With the chaos caused by the act the battle soon ended. I was killed and only a few survived, dragging the dying body of this knight away. I am unsure what has happened next to my troops, but it seems like the knight's essence was transferred into a mechanical body by our mages. Later he must of went out and searched for me, but he was attacked by monsters. After the monsters left his iron body for dead, I believe the mists engulfed him and transferred his body to an island near where you reside.

After the battle the Warlord's men cleared the corpses of the elves from the road and began to loot our fallen bodies, but he set about finding his prized crown which he lost.
During the fierce battle the warlord himself was thrown from his horse, and the crown upon his head rolled aside and was lost in the mists. When the crown was lost in battle with the elves, one of them actually found it during the skirmish and placed it upon his head. That was myself for I had lost my own crown during the fight and thought it was my own. After searching all night in the mists, he fell to his knees and cried out in frustration, "It seems to have vanished into the mists themselves." he cried. He did not realize the truthfulness of his words, for the Mists of Ravenloft had seized the evil item and sucked it into the demiplane where it remained encased in fog for many years. Without the crown soon the Warlord was slain and his army of darkness driven back.

When I took the crown Daglan saw his chance and sent his own essence surging forth to seize control me. However, the dark powers of Ravenloft were not going to allow their prize to escape so easily. They caused the my spirit to be sucked into the crown, trapping us both within the artifact before Daglan could escape.

The wills of both of us were constantly battle within the crown, each trying to overcome the other and dominate our little prison. Although Daglan always has the upper hand, the battle weakened him so much that he has was not able to escape.

However, as each of Daglan's descendants died, their spirit is summoned to the crown and adds to his force of will. The shorter the distance between the scene of death and the Crown of Souls, the greater the power he gained. In time, his power reached the point where he triumphed over my power and regained control.

OOC: More when I get the chance (including the version Sir ExSixTen sees). Feel free to ask any questions if you want. :)


About an hour later, his band was attacked by a party of elves that I was captain of. This knight was part of my group, he says motioning to Sir ExSixTen who seems spacier than usual, but he looked much different then he now does.
Jax gasps and covers his mouth in shock. He exclaims, "Metalman was a softskin? Five hundred years ago? No way!" He looks to Sir Exsixten. "Is it true? Do you remember any of that?"


First Post
[sblock=What Sir ExSixTen sees (anyone can read]
With the final destruction of Daglan, you notice that the crown has risen into the air out of Jax's bag. The gemstones have turned a deep azure in color and it begins to radiate a clean and pure white light. A shimmering image of a tough looking man clothed in animal skins and wielding a giant sword emerges. No doubt this is one of the Lords of Awesome!

Yo, whats up?! says the man to Sir ExSixTen. I am Lord Radical of Awesomonia, one of the nine Lords of Awesome! I am speaking directly to YOUR MIND, for you are the only one here awesome enough to comprehend my true nature!

You have fought many great and radical battles against warlocks and zombies and ghouls and princesses who were not really princesses and dogs and necromancers and fair maidens who were also dogs. You have done so well that I have decided to reveal your secret (and totally awesome) secret identity! So word up dude!

Fifty, no one-hundred, no one-thousand years ago you were, like, forged directly in the fires of Ausomeonia! Into your metal and totally awesome body we sent the soul of our most awesome knight, Knight Kool, who had died the previous day by being run over by a horse.

At first we were like "Wooooh dude!" and high fived each other and stuff and named you cooler than Ten Times Six Times Ten of everyone! Then we sent you on an awesome quest to the Lofts of Ravens to battle undead and zombies and un-cool things like that and stuff. With you went your bestest bud in like, the whole world, Knight Reinhardt the Less Awesome. But he was like, totally jealous of your looks and your, like, talents and all the chicks you were attracting. So he went and stabbed you!

At first we were like "Dude! No way man!" and then we found out that you were like, swallowed up by the Lofts of Ravens and stuff and sent to another dimension! So we like, hung up Reinhardt the Less Awesome by the neck until dead and then his body like, vanished that night!

We looked everywhere for you dude! Even in this crown and now we found you man! That's like, totally awesome! Now I can like, restore your memory banks and your true self and stuff!
he materializes an orange Omni-tool on his arm and presses a couple buttons. A panel flips open on Sir ExSixTen's chest and a percentage starts to count up. -restoring memory banks- the electronic voice says -restoring-...restoring...restoring...- suddenly the display shudders briefly -error, restore not complete..memory restored -integer not found- percent space-time-vision continuum breached please restart and reload again-

Lord Radical just shrugs and powers down his Omni-Tool. Was never good with those things he mutters and starts to fade. Knight Kool! I now promote you to Knight of the Red Plus Plus! Go out and continue to do awesome and totally kool deeds of awesome! We shall always be with you... IN YOUR MIND!

And beware of the Blue Minus, it is like, so not cool!
the voice says, fading away.
[sblock=Iron Sky]
So basically this is an excuse for Sir ExSixTen to have multiple personalities and talk to voices in his head if you wish ;) It serves no gameplay purpose.
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated


He poses dramatically.





First Post
Dorn listens to ExSixTen in silence. He looks down at his own skin as the last patches of undulating demonic energy disappear. He shakes his head.

I thought I had identity issues, he thinks.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
jax scratches his head in puzzlement.

"so you... Are a softskin? I lost you at the box of tea."

Sir Exsitxen glances at Jax.


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First Post
Thank you again for freeing me, Elran says. I sense that you all carry a curse of these lands. I shall use the last of my powers and try to heal you before I go into the afterlife. He spreads out his hands and murmurs a few words, your body starts to glow with azure light and you find yourself now in control of powerful new abilities!

[sblock=Boon Treasure (please read)]
Each of you has been bitten and cursed with lycanthropy (Jax and Sir ExSixTen at the farmhouse by the wolfwere; Dorn, Quagmire and Andras by Cur ExSixTen and Brenn by the wolf that bit him at the inn who was infected.)

The elf has healed you of this curse. You can either choose to retain your lycanthropy powers and be in fully in control of them (choose a boon below), or choose an official boon or tattoo level 15 or below. Remember that you only have 1 boon slot. I will allow you to "sell" back any boons you already have full price of an equal level magic item. If you need help picking out an official boon or tattoo please let me know. If you already have a boon you rather keep let me know and we can work something out. You will also be getting gold at the end of the adventure.

Please let me know what boon you choose.

I don't mind if you re-flavor any of these boons. I think I included all traditional D&D were-creatures. All these boons are custom boons of level 15.

Yes you were all bitten by wolfweres, but the powers of Ravenloft work in strange ways ;)
[sblock=Wolfwere Boon]
Always Active Benefit: When you and no other ally are adjacent to an enemy you gain combat advantage against it. You gain 5 vulnerability to silver. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Fangs of the Wolf (borrowed in part from Pack Outcast theme).
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a wolf of your size or vice versa. When you change from wolf to humanoid form, you can shift 1 square.

When in wolf form you retain your normal game statics and size. You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a wolf while in wolf form. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with canines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses). You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your bite while in wolf form. It deals 1d12 damage with a +2 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Hunter (borrowed in part from Pack Outcast theme).
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid wolf/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally. You can communicate with canines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You also gain THP equal to 10+your primary ability modifier.

You gain proficiency with your bite while in hybrid form. It deals 1d12 damage with a +2 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain +3 power bonus to speed and +2 power bonus to damage rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Werewolf Boon]
Always Active Benefit:When you and at least one ally are adjacent to the same enemy, you and any ally adjacent to that enemy gains combat advantage against that enemy. You gain 5 vulnerability to silver. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power (borrowed from Pack Outcast theme).
Body of the Wolf
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a wolf of your size or vice versa. When you change from wolf to humanoid form, you can shift 1 square.

When in wolf form you retain your normal game statics and size, but have a +1 bonus to speed. You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a wolf while in wolf form. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with canines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your bite while in wolf form. It deals 1d8 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Wolf
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid wolf/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally. You can communicate with canines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). At the start of your turn you also regain 6 HP when not bloodied (this does not stack with other forms of regain). This changes to 9 HP at level 21.

You gain proficiency with your bite while in hybrid form. It deals 1d8 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Athletics checks, +2 to Intimidate checks, +2 power bonus to speed and +2 power bonus to damage rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Wererat Boon]
Always Active Benefit: When you and at least one ally are adjacent to an enemy, moving away from that enemy does not draw opportunity attacks as long as you end that action adjacent to at least one enemy you were adjacent to at the start of that action. You gain 5 vulnerability to gold. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power (borrowed from Dread Rat Deserter theme).
Body of the Rat
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a tiny rat or vice versa. When you change from rat to humanoid form, you can shift 1 square.

When in rat form you retain your normal game statics but cannot attack, you have climb speed equal to 1/2 your speed and +4 to stealth checks. You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a rat while in rat form. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with rodents (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements).

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Rat
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid rat/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally. You can communicate with rodents (remember that some may have animal intelligence). Your attacks also carry a terrible disease and deal ongoing 5 disease damage on hit (this stacks with all ongoing damage).

You gain proficiency with your bite while in hybrid form. It deals 1d6 damage with a +4 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Stealth checks, +2 to Perception checks and a +2 to power bonus speed.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Wereraven Boon]
Always Active Benefit:You roll twice on any perception or insight rolls and may take either result. You gain 5 vulnerability to platinum. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Body of the Raven
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Move Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a tiny raven or vice versa.

When in raven form you retain your normal game statics but cannot attack, and have a fly speed equal to 1/2 your speed. You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a raven while in raven form. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with tiny birds (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements).

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Raven
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid raven/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You can communicate with tiny birds (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally. You also gain flight equal to your speed (hover).

You gain proficiency with your beak peck attack while in hybrid form. It deals 1d6 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks, +2 to Insight checks, and +2 power bonus to damage rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Werebat Boon]
Always Active Benefit:You gain combat advantage against any enemy flanked by your allies. (remember enemies granting combat advantage does not necessarily mean they are being flanked) You gain 5 vulnerability to cold iron. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power Body of the Bat
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Standard Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a tiny bat raven or vice versa.

When in bat form you retain your normal game statics but cannot attack, you have fly speed equal to 1/2 your speed and gain blindsight 5. You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a bat while in bat form. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with bats (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements).

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Bat
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid bat/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You can communicate with bats (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally. You also gain flight equal to your speed and blindsight 5.

You gain proficiency with your bite attack while in hybrid form. It deals 1d6 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Wereboar Boon]
Always Active Benefit:When you are flanking an enemy with an ally, you and that ally gain an extra +1 feat bonus to attack rolls. (remember enemies granting combat advantage does not necessarily mean they are being flanked) You gain 5 vulnerability to mithril. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Body of the Boar
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a boar of your size or vice versa. When you change from boar to humanoid form, you can shift 1 square.

When in boar form you retain your normal game statics and size, but have a +2 bonus to speed when charging. You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a boar while in boar form. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with suidae (pigs) (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your gore attack while in boar form. It deals 1d4 damage (+1d6 when charging) with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Boar
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid boar/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You can communicate with suidae (pigs) (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally.

You gain proficiency with your gore attack. It deals 1d4 damage (+1d6 when charging) with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.
You also gain a +2 bonus to Athletics checks, +2 to Intimidate checks, +3 power bonus to speed when charging and +3 power bonus to damage rolls with charge attacks and a +1 power bonus to attack rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Werebear Boon]
Always Active Benefit:When you are flanking an enemy with an ally, you and that ally gain an +2 feat bonus to damage rolls. (remember enemies granting combat advantage does not necessarily mean they are being flanked) You gain 5 vulnerability to platinum. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Body of the Bear
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a bear or vice versa. When you change from boar to humanoid form, you can shift 1 square.

When in bear form you retain your normal game statics and size, but have a +1 bonus to defense. You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a bear while in bear form. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with bears (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your claw attack while in bear form. It deals 1d12 damage with a +2 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Bear
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid bear/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You can communicate with bears (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally.

You gain proficiency with your claw attack. It deals 1d12 damage with a +2 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Athletics checks, +2 to Intimidate checks, +3 power bonus to damage rolls and +2 power bonus to defenses.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Weretiger Boon]
Always Active Benefit:You can shift 2 squares as a move action instead of 1 square. You gain 5 vulnerability to cold iron. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Body of the Tiger
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a tiger or vice versa. When you change from tiger to humanoid form, you can shift 1 square.

When in tiger form you retain your normal game statics and size, but have a +1 bonus to speed and low-light vision (or better if you have superior vision). You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with felines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a tiger while in tiger form. You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your claw attack while in tiger form. It deals 1d6 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Tiger
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid tiger/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally. You can communicate with felines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You also gain dark vision and ignore difficult terrain when you move.

You gain proficiency with your claw attack. It deals 1d6 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Athletics checks, +2 bonus to Perception checks, +3 power bonus to speed and +2 power bonus to damage rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Werejackal Boon]
Always Active Benefit:You roll twice on arcana and religion checks and may take either result. You gain 5 vulnerability to silver. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Body of the Jackal
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a Jackal or vice versa. When you change from Jackal to humanoid form, you can shift 1 square.

When in jackal form you retain your normal game statics and size, but have a +1 bonus to speed. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with canines (remember that some may have animal intelligence).You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a jackal while in jackal form. You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your bite attack while in jackal form. It deals 1d8 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Jackal
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid jackal/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally. You can communicate with canines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You also ignore any attack penalties due to cover and concealment. Also add ½ to the range (not area) of all ranged and area powers.

You gain proficiency with your bite attack. It deals 1d8 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Arcana checks, +2 bonus to Religion checks, +2 power bonus to speed and +2 power bonus to damage rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Werefox Boon]
Always Active Benefit:You roll twice on bluff and diplomacy checks and may keep either result. You gain 5 vulnerability to gold. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Body of the Fox
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a fox or vice versa. When you change from fox to humanoid form, you can shift 1 square.

When in fox form you retain your normal game statics and size, but have a +1 bonus to speed. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with canines (remember that some may have animal intelligence).You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a fox while in fox form. You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your bite attack while in fox form. It deals 1d8 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Fox
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid fox/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally. You can communicate with canines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You also ignore any attack penalties due to cover and concealment. When a power causes an ally or enemy to be pushed, pulled, shifted or slid, add one to that movement.

You gain proficiency with your bite attack. It deals 1d8 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks, +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks, +2 power bonus to speed and +2 power bonus to damage rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Werelion Boon]
Always Active Benefit:You gain a +1 feat bonus to reach when you make melee weapon attacks. You gain 5 vulnerability to mithril. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Body of the Lion
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a lion or vice versa. When you change from lion to humanoid form, you can shift 1 square.

When in lion form you retain your normal game statics and size, but have a +1 bonus to speed. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with felines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a lion while in lion form. You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your claw attack while in lion form. It deals 1d12 damage with a +2 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Lion
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid lion/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally. You can communicate with felines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You gain threatening reach (you can use opportunity attacks within all melee range) and can flank with allies if the enemy is within reach.

You gain proficiency with your claw attack. It deals 1d12 damage with a +2 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Athletics checks, +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks, +2 power bonus to speed and +2 power bonus to damage rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Werepanther Boon]
Always Active Benefit:You cannot grant combat advantage to enemies (but enemies can still use powers, traits and other abilities that require you to be prone, flanked etc.) You gain 5 vulnerability to copper. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Body of the Panther
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a panther or vice versa.

When in panther form you retain your normal game statics and size, but have a climb speed equal to half your speed. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with felines (remember that some may have animal intelligence).You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a panther while in panther form. You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your claw attack while in panther form. It deals 1d8 damage with a +2 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Panther
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid panther/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally. You can communicate with felines (remember that some may have animal intelligence). Every enemy you attack grants combat advantage to you. You gain climb speed equal to half your speed.

You gain proficiency with your claw attack. It deals 1d8 damage with a +2 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Athletics checks, +2 bonus to Perception checks, +2 power bonus to speed and +2 power bonus to damage rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Werecrocodile Boon]
Always Active Benefit:When you make a melee basic attack if hit you can also make a grab attack as a free action. You gain 5 vulnerability to copper. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Body of the Crocodile
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a crocodile or vice versa.

When in crocodile form you retain your normal game statics and size, but have a swim speed equal to half your speed (you can hold your breath up to one hour). You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with carnivorous lizards (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a crocodile while in crocodile form. You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your bite attack while in crocodile form. It deals 1d12 damage with a +2 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Crocodile
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid crocodile /(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally and have a swim speed equal to half your speed (you can hold your breath up to one hour). You can communicate with carnivorous lizards (remember that some may have animal intelligence). Once per round when you hit with a melee attack you can also make a grab attack as a free action. Enemies take a -2 penalty to escape from your grab.

You gain proficiency with your bite attack. It deals 1d12 damage with a +2 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Endurance checks, +4 power bonus to damage rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

[sblock=Wereshark Boon]
Always Active Benefit:When spending an action point you can also make one extra MBA or RBA as a free action. You gain 5 vulnerability to copper. *DM note: Generally this will not come into play*

At-will power
Body of the Shark
At-Will * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change your form to the form of a shark or vice versa.

When in shark form you retain your normal game statics and size, but have a swim speed equal to your speed and can breath underwater (but not out of it), you cannot move on land. You cannot speak any languages you know, but you can communicate with carnivorous fish (remember that some may have animal intelligence). You also gain a +10 to bluff checks to pose as a shark while in shark form. You continue to gain benefit from your equipment, except item powers and shields, but you cannot access any objects in containers or remove any equipment as it becomes part of you. You cannot use any of your weapons or implements (but still retain the passive bonuses.) You drop anything you were holding (besides shields, weapons or implements). You cannot use attack powers with the weapon or implement keyword while in this form (besides your melee basic attack).

You gain proficiency with your bite attack while in shark form. It deals 1d12 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon.

Special:You can only use this once per round. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Daily Power:
Soul of the Shark
Daily * Polymorph, Primal, Shadow
Minor Action Personal

Effect:You change into a hybrid shark/(your race) form until the end of the encounter. You retain all equipment, armor and weapons and can use them normally and have a swim speed equal to your speed and can breath underwater (and in air). You can communicate with carnivorous fish (remember that some may have animal intelligence).

You gain proficiency with your bite attack. It deals 1d12 damage with a +3 proficiency and an enhancement bonus based on your primary weapon. You also gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks, +4 power bonus to damage rolls and +1 power bonus to hit with attack rolls.

You can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

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