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Adventure:A Jaz of all Trades (DM:Luinnar Judge: H.M.Gimlord).


First Post
Dorn burns (take 10 fire damage) as his shadowy demonic form lands next to Andras (Move - land in T18. Minor - sustain shroud). He grunts in pain as his demonic wings fuse back into his body with a nauseating squelching sound.

Dorn's eyes flash pure malice as he retaliates against Dorm; he answers the enemy's bolts of flame with three blasts of pure death. Only one blast strikes true. (Demon Soul Bolts attack one vs Dorm misses. Attack [URL=http://www.enworld.org/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=2]#2 hits Dorm for 22 thunder damage.[/URL] Attack [URL=http://www.enworld.org/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=3]#3 also misses.[/URL] Argh. )

Dorn saves against both ongoing effects.

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]
Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer/Demon-Soul Adept 13

Immediate Reactions:
If hit would bloody Dorn, use Narrow Escape to take 1/2 damage and teleport away

Current Effects:
+1 AC from even roll on first attack
Deep shroud; Dorn's square and all adjacent are heavily obscured
resist 10 psychic, ignore 10 psychic resistance
Enemies need 1 extra square of movement to move adjacent to Dorn

Passive Perception 15, Passive Insight 15
AC 26, Fort 24, Reflex 24, Will 27 (base defenses)
HP 59/93 Bloodied 46 Surge Value 23, Surges 6/7
Speed 7, Initiative +14
Action Points: 0

Daily Wild Soul: psychic
Dorn starts each combat with 5 tmp hp (from Fey Blessed Circlet)
Dorn has CA on surprise round and against enemies with lower init 1st round
Dorn uses the raw d20 (no mods) for all even/odd effects
Dorn scores a crit on 19 or 20
Dorn gets CA against enemies that are being flanked by his allies
When an enemy crits Dorn, Dorn can crit that enemy on a roll of 17-20 TENT
When using a close arcane attack power, Dorn can choose a square within 2 as the origin

Encounter Resources
USED Primordial Storm
USED Demon-Soul Bolts
Bedeviling Burst
USED Spark Form
Furious Assault (no action)
Lightning Shift (move)
Variable Resistance (minor)
Narrow Escape
Periapt of Cascading Health (minor)
Half-Orc Resilience (no action)
Second Wind
USED Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Chromatic Orb
Moon and the Stars
USED Winds of Change
Demonic Wrath (minor)
Gambit Armor (minor)
Luckblade Dagger
USED Deep Shroud (minor)
Diamond Cincture (minor)
Antipathy Gloves (std)
Soul of the Bat (minor)

2x potion of healing

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First Post
GM: Oops mistake with Dorn on the map, he is not 2 squares up.

Underwater Rules:

Quagmire gains CA and Concealment against enemies underwater without waterbreathing, enemies underwater takes 10 ongoing damage (starting this turn)

You can drag them deeper or move them around if they are grabbed.

Anything I missed? :)

Also remember you can talk to sharks in shark form.

you are like a bag of chips, one bite is not enough! Count Tensixex says, drinking more oil from Cur ExSixTen.

Hasting spots the sharks circling in and panics, missing his attempts to hit Quagmire with his weapons.

MAXIMIZED FIREBALL! Dorm Wellington shouts, summoning arcane energy and blowing up the space next to Jax and Dorn, Jax leaps aside but Dorn is not so lucky.

Charge funny lizard man! Glugyug yells and Dorm responds by running at Uncle Jaz and slamming his flaming staff into the Kobold.

Glugyug smash you too
! he yells, slamming his double-axe into Cur ExSixTen.

Save some for me! Sardna says, taking out a dagger and plunging it into Cur ExSixTen, critically wounding him.
Count Tensixex
Standard: Taste of life vs Cur ExSixTen (Free spending 20 TP to add +20 to damage), 34 vs AC, 31 damage and Count gains 20 THP.

Starts to drown and takes 10 damage
Minor: Cruel Taunt burst 5 vs Quagmire.
hit, Quagmire grants CA to Hastings EONT

Standard: Rapier vs Quagmire crit miss

Minor: Low slash crit miss again!

saved vs ongoing

Dorm the Destroyer:
Move:Shift 1 square up

Standard: Maximized fireball area 1 s18
crit miss Jax
33 vs ref vs Dorn, hit for 15 fire damage (ignores resistance) and Dorn takes 10 ongoing damage (save ends)

Free: Furious Onslaught, Dorm charges Uncle Jaz as a free action, hitting for 24 fire damage.

Standard:Sweeping Assault vs Cur ExSixTen,two attacks.
#1 crit, 29 damage
#2 miss

Standard: Balefire Touch:
crit 30 necrotic damage

Sharks appear
Hastings Wellington, Male Tiefling, grabbed by Quagmire
HP162/282; Bloodied 141,
AC 29; Fortitude 26; Reflex 30; Will 29

Saving Throws
+2; Action Points 0

Dorm (The Destroyer) Wellington, Male Mul

HP 129/166; Bloodied 83
AC 29; Fortitude 25; Reflex 27; Will 26

Count TenSixEx, Male Warforged
HP 20+189/189; Bloodied 95, concealment, marked EONT
AC 32; Fortitude 32; Reflex 24; Will 24
Resistant: 10 Necrotic
Variability: 10 Radiant

Sardna, Female Firesoul Genasi, concealment, marked EONT
HP 67/143; Bloodied 72
AC 31; Fortitude 26; Reflex 27; Will 29
Aura 2: thick, writhing shadows surround Sardna. She and any other allys within the aura gain concealment. In addition, enemies that enter or start their turns within the aura take 5 necrotic damage, and enemies (including flying ones) also treat the area within the aura as difficult terrain. Sardna can sustain the aura as a minor action. However, the effect ends if she uses shadow jaunt or moves more than half her speed on her turn.

Glugyug, Male Goblyn, marked EONT, concealment
HP 106/171; Bloodied 86
AC 30; Fortitude 29; Reflex 26; Will 28

HP 100/100; Bloodied 50
AC 30; Fortitude 28; Reflex 21; Will 20

Cur ExSixTen:33/116, werewolf form (+2 power bonus to speed,+2 power bonus to damage, 6 regenerate when not bloodied), grabbed by Glugyug(escape or save ends)

Dorn: 44/93, Dorn's square and all adjacent are heavily obscured, melee and ranged attacks from more than one square away take a -5, and adjacent melee and ranged take -2, 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends)



Quagmire: 75/82, Quagmire heals +5 with any healing powers used until end of next turn,+2 to attack rolls and +5 to damage rolls until end of next turn, but if miss with first attack, grant CA, grants CA to Hastings EONT
Soul of the Shark (Daily Minor Personal ✦ Polymorph, Primal, Shadow)
Effect: I change into a hybrid shark/hobgoblin until the end of the encounter. I keep all equipment, armor, and weapons, and can use them normally. I gain a swim speed equal to my land speed and can breathe underwater (and in air). I can communicate with carnivorous fish (though some may have only animal intelligence). I gain proficiency with my bite attack: +16 vs AC for 1d12+7 damage. I also gain +2 to Intimidate checks, +4 power bonus to damage rolls, +1 power bonus to attack rolls. I can end hybrid form as a minor action. Using any other power with the Polymorph keyword ends this power.

Uncle Jaz: 55/91
[sblock=Uncle Jaz (updated with more to hit and extra backstab usage)]
Uncle Jaz (Male Kobold Thief) Level 13 Elite Skirmisher Small
HP 91; Bloodied 46
27; Fortitude 25; Reflex 29; Will 24
Saving Throws
+2; Action Points 1
+17 Perception +19

Sneak Attack

Enemies granting combat advantage to Jaz take an extra 3d6 damage once per round.

Masterful Action

When spending an AP with an attack power and with combat advantage against the target, Jaz can use his sneak attack against the target regardless of if he used it this turn.

Standard Actions:
(Note: Jaz does not have to reload his crossbow).
RBA: Custom Made Hand Crossbow • At-Will
Ranged 5; +22 vs. AC
1d8 + 8.

Standard Actions:
MBA: Dagger
Melee 1; +18 vs. AC

Move Actions:
Technical Trick • At-Will

Jaz moves up to his speed and does not draw OA. Every enemy within 5 squares grants combat advantage to him.

Trapmaker's Trick • At-Will

No movement. Every enemy within 5 squares grants combat advantage to Jaz. The next basic attack Jaz makes this round also causes the enemy to take a -2 to defenses until the end of Jaz's next turn.

Coward's Trick • At-Will

No movement. Every enemy within 5 squares grants combat advantage to Jaz. The next basic attack Jaz makes this round also causes the enemy to take a -2 to hit until the end of Jaz's next turn.

Minor Actions

R Sneak in the Attack • Encounter
Ranged 5 Until the start of Jaz's next turn the first ally's attack with CA that hits the target deals an extra 3d6 damage to the targeted enemy.

Shifty • At-Will

Jaz shifts 1 square.

Free Actions:

Backstab • Encounter

Jaz gains an extra +3 power bonus to hit and the enemy takes an extra 2d6 damage if it hits.
Special: Jaz can use this twice per encounter.

Triggered Actions:

It's a Trap! • Encounter

An enemy hits Jaz with a melee attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction):
Jaz shifts 5 squares and makes an RBA against the target.

Acrobatics +20, Athletics +12, Dungeoneering +12, Insight +12, Stealth +20, Streetwise +12, Thievery +20

unaligned Languages: Common, Draconic
The barrels, cannons, boxes etc. are difficult terrain.

The party is currently on the upper level, they can go down the stairs or just off the bannister to reach the lower level. Climbing up to the upper level without using the stairs requires a DC 18 athletics check.

Characters can be pushed off in the water but get a save. You can use ropes on the ship to climb back up out of the water, this requires no check but takes a full move action.

The round wooden things is the mast, You can pass through but not end your turn in the square.

Underwater Rules:
Quagmire gains CA and Concealment against enemies underwater without waterbreathing, enemies underwater takes 10 ongoing damage (starting this turn)

You can drag them deeper or move them around if they are grabbed.


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OOC: @Luinnar : Can Uncle Jaz use It's a Trap! in reaction to Glugyug's attack? If so, please go ahead and roll it for me.


First Post
"We need to take out that death priest!" Andras bellows. In response, Dorn blasts her with a bolt of acid. "Quagmire, we could use your help up here!"

Standard: Direct the Strike for Dorn to attack Sardna. Crits with a 19 for 29 acid and ongoing 10, save ends..
Minor: Shake It Off on Dorn to give him a saving throw, 6.
Move: Shift to V19, gain +1 AC and Ref for a turn.

I'm out of healing, by the way.[/sblock]

[sblock=Andras's mini-stats]Andras genasi Warlord/Captain of Fortune 12
Initiative: +18 | Passive perception: 26 | Passive Insight: 26
AC: 27 (28) | For: 29 | Ref: 26 (27) | Will: 25
HP: 81/81+11 | Bloodied: 40 | Surge value: 20 | Surges: 9/9
Resist: 10 Fire
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Primordial
AP: 0 | Second Wind: not used
Melee Basic Attack: +17 vs AC, 1d10+7 damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +18 vs AC, 1d10+10 damage
Powers: Paint the Bulls-Eye, Direct the Strike
Powerful Warning, Staggering Shot, On My Mark, Lady Luck Smiles, Disciplined Counter
Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Coordinated Assault
Firedeath, Inspiring Word (0/2), Shake It Off, Reorient the Axis, Unintended Feint, Favored Fortune
Rebounding Longbow, Boots of the Fencing Master, Feytouched Armor, Boar Tusk Helm, Legacy Undying

Skirmishing Presence:
When an ally who can see Andras spends an Action Point to make an attack, that ally can shift five squares before or after the attack.

+1 AC and Ref



First Post
OOC: Is that whenever you crit or whenever you get a natural 20? I thought it was the latter.

edit: might not be able to respond later. If I can knock her down, I will, but I won't push her away because we should try to kill her this round.
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First Post
"Anybody else want to take a drink?," Dorn growls, spitting blood.

OOC: Dorn has one more push/slide effect in his arsenal (close blast against two enemies). After SirExy goes, any preferences for who gets dunked? Or would we prefer to keep the remaining enemies on deck?
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated


Cur Exsixten thrashes wildly, moaning, a loose chain wrapping about Dorms ankle and yanking him closer.

OOC: Summary:
Sir Exsixten is in O15 at 8+54/116hp in Hybrid form(+2 damage, speed, regen 6 while not bloodied), has regen 7 bloodied, DR10 TenT. He is no longer grabbed.
Sardna takes 16 damage, is marked, and has -1 AC(save ends).
Glugyug is marked.
Dorm is pulled to P15, takes 9 damage, is marked, and has -1 AC(save ends).
Sir TenSixEx takes 9 damage, is marked, and has -1 AC(save ends).

[sblock=Actions]Immediate Reaction: Strikebacks(when hit by Sardna): MBA: 1d20+17-2(concealment)=31 AC, hit exactly, 1d12+10=16 damage, marked TenT, -1 AC(save ends), Sir Exsixten gains 5 THP.
Start of Turn: Take 5 damage(THP) to 33/116.
Minor: Warforged Resolve: Heal 8hp, gain 8 THP to 8+41/116.
Standard: Come and Get It:
*Attack 1 vs Sardna: 1d20+17=27 Will, miss, marked TenT.
*Attack 2 vs Glugyug: 1d20+17=23 Will, miss, marked TenT.
*Attack 3 vs Count TenSixEx: 1d20+17=26 Will, hit, marked TenT, -1 AC(save ends).
*Attack 4 vs Dorm: 1d20+17=26 Will, hit, pull to P15, marked TenT, -1 AC(save ends).
*Damage: 1d12+3+2(THP)=9 damage to Count TenSixEx and Dorm.
AP(Gain DR10 TenT, heal 13hp from Quagmire to 8+54, make save+5 vs excape: 1d20+5=15, escaped, shift to O15): Comeback Strike vs Dorm. 1d20+17-2(concealment)=27 AC, miss by 1.
MoveMinor: Boundless Endurance: Sir Exsixten gains regen 7 bloodied.

Immediate Actions(in order of priority):
*If Sir Exsixten is bloodiedReactive Surge + Amulet of Life: Sir Exsixten spends two healing surges, gaining 10THP+66HP
*If a marked enemy adjacent to Sir Exsixten shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include himCombat Challenge: MBA against that enemy
*If an enemy hits an ally within 2 squares of Sir Exsixten with a melee attack→Guardian's Charge: Sir Exsixten and the ally shift to each other's squares, Sir Exsixten becomes the target of the attack, and then makes an MBA against the attacker.
*If hit by an adjacent enemy→Strikebacks: Sir Exsixten makes an MBA against that enemy.
*If hit by an attack that would drop Sir Exsixten to 0hp or lessMadstone(Item): Sir Exsixten spends a healing surge and cannot shift until the end of the encounter.

[sblock=Sir Exsixten's Statblock] Sir Exsixten, Male Warforged Fighter/Dreadnaught 11
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 28, Fort:27, Reflex:22, Will:22 -- Speed:5
HP:8+54/116, Bloodied:58, Surge Value:33, Surges left:8/14
Initiative +6, Action Points: 0

: Crushing Surge, Brash Strike, Combat Challenge, Unfailing Resources, Hack and Hew, Sweeping Blow, Come and Get It, Inexorable Advance, Guardian's Charge, Daring Shout, Warforged Resolve, Reactive Surge, Second Wind, Comeback Strike, Victorious Surge, Rain of Steel, Boundless Endurance
Items: Potion of Healing, Potion of Resistance x 1, Madstone x 3, Strikebacks, Amulet of Life, Dwarven Thrower, Dwarven Armor, Diamond Cincture, Werewolf Boon
MBA/RBA: +17(+20 OA) vs. AC, 1d12+10 damage and enemy movement is stopped and Sir Exsixten gains 5 temporary hitpoints.
Notes: *Enemies hit take cumulative -1 to AC(save ends) *Gain 5 THP when enemy fails save *Gain 10 THP on healing surge. *Reroll the first 1 on damage rolls *+2 damage with THP *Gain DR10 TsnT on AP *Gain 5+Healing Surges spent THP on short rest *Adjacent enemy grants CA if ally also adjacent to enemy[/sblock][/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: Nice pull! Mind if Dorn does a close blast fire bomb if Sir Exy is in the middle since he has DR this turn? It would have a 75% chance of hitting him for an average of 21.5 damage... hmm... I have alternatives if that doesn't sound so good.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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