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Adventure:A Jaz of all Trades (DM:Luinnar Judge: H.M.Gimlord).


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Jax decides to answer that in the kobold language.

[sblock=Draconic]"Why? Look how tall they are! I mean, do you have any idea how many things have tried to eat me since you all kicked me out? These softskins are all vicious killers, so they're good protection. Like bodyguards!"[/sblock]
Jax motions to Sir Exsixten with that last statement.
[sblock=Draconic]I did not kick you out, it was your parents decision. And-

Wait you mean, like, free bodyguards?
Jaz says eagerly.

Uncle Jaz talks for a bit in Draconic then nods his head. No, no more stealing! That just gets us into trouble and I don't want any more trouble!

We will have to use plan B. I have a treasure map...somewhere...Jaz says rooting through his pouch. Hmm, swear it was here...Anyway I have the coordinates written down here he produces a piece of paper.

When I was exploring a abandoned mansion in Bacarte I found an old book and maps referencing a island that holds all the family's treasure. Since there are all dead, it is finders keepers, right?

Anyway, I thought we could go to this island and find the treasure and your bodygu- I mean friends could come along to help. Surly we would find enough stuff to pay back Wellington right? I mean the mansion was really really big and looks like it had a lot of good stuff in it before it burned down...

So how about it? It will be like a treasure hunt! Except our family gets all the money and, um, you'll get 10% off your next purchase at our store! And we'll name a trap after one of you! Or something. So how about it softskins and, um, shinyskin? he says looking around.

[sblock=Perception=25 (rolled)]
While Uncle Jaz is talking, for a second you see the curtain that partitions off the room from the rest of the tavern rustle slightly, like somebody brushed against it.

[sblock=Perception=30 (same roll)]
For a quick moment you spot through the gap a female Eladrin listening in on your conversation. She quickly vanishes the moment she lays eyes on you.

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"If we go fetch this treasure for you, and pay Wellington what he's asking, what's to stop him turning around next week and asking for double?" Quagmire asks.


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"If we go fetch this treasure for you, and pay Wellington what he's asking, what's to stop him turning around next week and asking for double?" Quagmire asks.
Um...uh, Uncle Jaz stutters, unsure of the answer. He shrugs. I suspect we will have to keep paying, but this will keep him off our back for a little while.

He can't expect us to get loads of treasure for him every month, can he?


"Hmm. Actually, you may have a point there. It would be stupid for him to keep demanding that kind of money from you, month after month. It's stupid for him to ask that much in the first place; it would be far cheaper for you and your family to pull up stakes and relocate to some other gang's territory, rather than actually pay him. And that's dumb. If he's in the protection racket, he shouldn't be trying to drive you away, he'd want to keep you there indefinitely and keep paying him on a regular basis. Even if you don't leave, word will get out to other merchants in the area, and some of them will certainly leave. No, something funny is going on here. Wellington needs cash fast, and he's willing to throw away future income for it. I wonder..." Quagmire drifts into thought for a few moments, then shakes his head.

"No matter. If you know where some treasure is hidden, we should go dig it out. I don't think we give any of it to Wellington, but we can talk about that after we've actually got the loot, eh?"


First Post
"Hmm. Actually, you may have a point there. It would be stupid for him to keep demanding that kind of money from you, month after month. It's stupid for him to ask that much in the first place; it would be far cheaper for you and your family to pull up stakes and relocate to some other gang's territory, rather than actually pay him. And that's dumb. If he's in the protection racket, he shouldn't be trying to drive you away, he'd want to keep you there indefinitely and keep paying him on a regular basis. Even if you don't leave, word will get out to other merchants in the area, and some of them will certainly leave. No, something funny is going on here. Wellington needs cash fast, and he's willing to throw away future income for it. I wonder..." Quagmire drifts into thought for a few moments, then shakes his head.

"No matter. If you know where some treasure is hidden, we should go dig it out. I don't think we give any of it to Wellington, but we can talk about that after we've actually got the loot, eh?"
But,but,but what if he just wants to make an example of us and will kill us anyway? Jaz says nervously. What if he is going to burn the business down regardless and-

Wait, not pay him? You mean, like, keeping the treasure ourselves? Jaz says excitedly. With that amount of money, we could expand! We could have a shop in Daunton and Jax could run it under my supervision!

If you softskins can do that we'll make you honorary Trapspringers! Jaz says happily.


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As the kobold made his reply, the curtains that partitioned the room off from the rest of the tavern fluttered briefly, long enough to admit a bedraggled looking crow. The bird fluttered in and landed on one of the chairs- and instant later a sharp featured elf appeared where the bird had been, sitting casually on the chair. Casually except that he carried a strung longbow with an arrow nocked. "Don't suppose any of you know who that nice eladrin woman was, who was spying on your conversation? Don't bother looking- she took off like a shot..."

[sblock= OOC]
>Still not done with leveling up, but joining the thread.

>Perception 1d20+21, best of two rolls from boon power= 28, 34; rolls Roll Lookup


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GM: Still plenty of time to level up and buy equipment :)

"Don't suppose any of you know who that nice eladrin woman was, who was spying on your conversation? Don't bother looking- she took off like a shot..."
Wow, your bodyguards can fly too! Uncle Jaz says happily to Jax.

Well we have 7 Dragonborns, 11 Lizardmen and 112 Kobolds working for us, most of which I can't remember their name. We had Eladrin buy from us of course, but nobody I know personally...maybe she sold my map
? Uncle Jaz says, starting to root through his bag again.


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So its settled then! Uncle Jaz says happily.

Well I knew this was going to happen anyway,
he looks at Jax, so I booked us a ship named The Endurance that will take us to the island. Come on I'll show you. With that he gathers his belongings and exits the private room.

The party follows Jaz outside the tavern and to the docks. The day is sunny with a nice breeze.


Although the docks bustle with their usual feverish activity, you have no trouble identifying the Endurance among the other ships. It is a large, handsome ship in excellent repair. Even untrained eyes can recognize that the ship has undergone frequent work to keep her in top shape. The Endurance’s three masts loom above you as you approach. Even with the sails furled, you can tell from the extensive rigging that the many sails must make this a fast ship. You see a dozen or more sailors busy making preparations on every part of the ship.

The Endurance is something of a cross between a galleon and a frigate. Currently, it is painted midnight blue with red and white trim.The ship’s figurehead is the head and torso of Neptune. He has long, flowing hair and clutches a trident in one hand and gently grasps a seahorse in the other.

As the group walks along the dock, one of the sailors near The Endurance notices the party. Hail, mateys! he calls to you in a gravelly voice. Are ye the persons we suppose ta carry? I’ll fetch the cap’n straightaway. He nimbly hops off and disappears below deck without waiting for your response


Voidrunner's Codex

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