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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

Son of Meepo

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Wat ponders the generous offer of the archfey. "I feel that I have found what I have been questing for," the invoker's gaze falls on Sabynha. "Perhaps I need help that I should never lose her. I have been cursed with a divine rage. Can the fey quiet the tempest within?"

OOC: Wat is leveled up. I left some of my gold unspent in case there is something I haven't thought of. Mostly Wat will use his wish for role-playing purposes, but perhaps the Calm the Storm fey magic gift would be something flavorful to attach to it.

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Nemesis Destiny

The vistani blushed at Wat's bold admission, and was nearly overcome by it to the point where they might put the other young lovers' display to shame.

Instead, she composed herself and spoke to the fey, "These are personal choices, but they have weight; would you kindly allow a moment to talk amongst ourselves?"

Sabynha genuinely wondered what her friends were thinking, and what they might choose. For her own part, so many possibilities swirled in her mind; she wished only happiness for herself, and if she were truly honest, recognition for her deeds here, but because of her communal upbringing, she could not discount things that mattered to others. Sir Flib had already won his freedom, but what of the desires of the others?

In her own heart, she wished that Wat could one day know inner peace. Rain was guarded and hard to read; what would she want? Zuri seldom spoke of her desires. And what of their fallen companions? Poor mischievous Gray. Dedicated but unlucky Shandra. Irritating but good-natured Themes... and the ones that came before.

She paused her train of thought whilst absently tracing the runes on the bracers she took from the fallen search party. She felt a small pang of guilt. Could this Well All-heal really undo all the damage that this misadventure had caused? Could it restore the lives taken by Soryth's agents?

She awaited the reply of their benefactors before turning to her companions to ask their desires.
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Rain decided to test the power of the Fountain All Heal.

Taking a sip of the enchanted water, she wished aloud for, "The lives of those slain in the strife caused by Soryth's agencies restored."


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Sir Flibbertigibbet stares at the fountain for some time, clearly dumbfounded. After a while, he breaks his silence with a laugh.

"In truth, my fondest desire is so modest, that I hesitate to invoke such a power as this for so simple a thing."

Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha's mind swam for a moment at what the fondest wish would be of a pixie.

"You're among friends here. Don't be shy," the vistani prodded, now genuinely curious.


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Sir Flibbertigibbet floats gently to the ground, landing solidly on his feet. His wings stop buzzing. He rubs his face firmly and then clenches his fingers in his hair, as one might do after waking from a long sleep. He suddenly seems distinctly un-pixielike.

"I would but go home," he says simply. "Or ... perhaps ... I would not. I am afraid of finding it changed beyond recognition."

Nemesis Destiny

"That has helped me. I know what I want." Sabynha mused aloud.

"My wish is for happiness; I want Orlando and Juliana to be happy," she continued, pausing to look at each of the people in the garden as she spoke, "I want you, Sir Flibberitgibbet, to be happy, I want Wat to be happy, and Rain, and Zuri."

"Whatever troubles the hearts of those here today, I wish for their inner peace. I want you all to know what is in your heart, and follow it." She even looked to the fey, and the others from their side of the veil between worlds.

"I suppose that includes myself; I wish to know my place in the world. I would see myself as a vistani champion; a diplomat and peacemaker; a dancer, musician and bringer of mirth; and when need arises, fencer and defender of the innocent."

She looked around to see all eyes upon her, awkwardly.

"My apologies for being so verbose."


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Sir Flibbertigibbet laughs. "Lady, you are generosity itself," he says. "You grant your own wish by your mere presence; for that simple thing guarantees the happiness of all."

He turns to the fountain. "I would have wished to go home," he continues. "But the place I remember was home to a man who no longer exists. I would look forward, not back. I wish, then, to find my home--whether new or old, let it be a home where now I can truly belong."


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When all those due had taken their turn, Rain gently and carefully lets Zuri take small sips from the fountain. As she awakes and takes more of the Fountain All Heal's water, Rain speaks to her softly.

"The water is enchanted and you may make a wish for yourself," she says.


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A thrumming vibration of power has begun to build within the tomb. Like a slow heart beat the well begins to pulse with energy. Waves of power begin to roll out over all gathered to then disperse out into the world. Zuri stands as though untroubled by her terrible wounds. Each of the adventurers feel there own wounds close, glow with warmth and then become a distant memory.

Zuri stares at the well and whispers something that noone standing nearby her is able to catch, but afterwards the eladrin rogue smiles a rare and beautiful smile.

All eyes return to Wat who had been debating his wish but not yet stood before the well to make it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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