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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

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Son of Meepo

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The sound of hurried steps fills the hall coming ever closer to door. There thud of body on wood echoes throughout the chamber.

A few, tense moments later, the door is pulled open and a young priest of Joven is escorted into the room. He wears a suit of gleaming mail and a symbol of his faith hangs around his neck. In one hand he carries a stout, hardwood staff, the weapon of his deity.

He breathes deeply, but not raggedly. He may not be a regular sprinter, but he is hale enough to run in a suit of mail without collapsing from exhaustion afterwards.

Seeing others in the room calms him.

"Looks like I haven't missed it after all."

He walks to his seat, greeting the others by making eye contact and smiling. When he meets the eyes of the lovely ladies, he lingers a little longer and his smile is more sincere.

"Name is Wat."

He takes his seat and slowly becomes lost in thought.

Nemesis Destiny

The reputation of the priesthood of Joven is well-known, even to heathen Vistani, and this fair example was obviously not without his charms, nor his endurance. Sabinha filed that little nugget away for later, returning his genuine and somewhat flirty smile with one of her own.


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"Aye, 'ardly any chance of missing anything here really. Da most exciting thin' da' happened was when some bloke fell o'er when he served us da goodies there." Themes replied as he points with his sword towards the now-empty plates.

"Laughed till I fell rai' over, I did...hehe. Silly landlubbers and their jelly-legs."


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The pale Tiefling stands and with her hands clasped together in front greets the newcomers with a shallow bow held at the waist and a quiet greeting, "Good day to you both. I am called Rain."

She straightens and after what seems a sufficiently appropriate amount of time in her eyes, she sits back down, clearly not expecting a response.


Deeming this an appropriate time to chime in, Zuri waved an arm in the direction of the new arrivals. She smiled and introduced herself, "Zuri."

It was an eclectic group that Varis had drawn together, Zuri thought, glancing from one person to the next. If this was truly about what she thought, the eladrin could only hope that the varied nature of the group would be an asset. Then again, maybe Varis was only going to bestow his task on one of them. In which case, she sat a little straighter as she mused, it would be her.

Son of Meepo

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When the tiefling introduces herself, the name fills the young priests mind with thoughts of a gentle spring shower, the clean scent in the air left after a purifying wash.

"Rain... I like that name."


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"I just looove when it rains. Always cheers me up, I hate all this sun we've been having recently. Too dry. Sometimes you need a good pour to keep your spirits up, ya know what I mean?" Themes chipped in.


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After an hour, the castellan returns to the hall. He seems more at ease as he says, "The count can see you now."
He leads you into a small chamber where the count, a handsome young human with numerous smile lines on his tanned face, leans over a desk covered with papers. Whispering in his ear is a delicately built elven female her face hidden by a mane of golden curls. The count nods to her as he writes on a document, imprints his seal on the paper, sprinkles dust on the ink, and hands it to her. She stands up to reveal green eyes that sparkle with experience marking her as woman and not the girl that her youthful face might have you believe. She winks at ... Themes or was it Wat ... and then turns on her heels and leaves as though in a great hurry.

The count pushes the other papers scattered before aside. Dismissing the castellan with a gesture, he smiles warmly at you all and says, "Please sit down," indicating luxurious couches and chairs opposite the desk. "I apologizefor the wait. I'll never catch up on matters of state, but I have a task for you that can lighten the burden for me and everyone in this region.

"I ask you to officially represent me in the matter of the problems between the town of Crystalbrook and the fey of the Sildaine Forest. I am assuming you will have heard the rumours, people are talking about it in every bar and tavern in town. This unrest within the Isles is very bad for business and I would have a stop to it.

In this, you must be impartial, as I am. Use your talents to keep the peace. The situation was already problematic enough ... and two youths have gone missing, Juliana and Orlando ... hmm, but now I may be getting ahead of myself. How much of what is going on upon the neighbouring island of Elestial are you aware of?"


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Rain greets the Count with a somewhat deeper bow than those she gave previously, "It is an honour to meet you, your Grace. I am called Rain." She bows again.

"I'm afraid that all I've heard is that exchanges of sabotage have been occurring there over the last year. Though I arrived here recently from Elestial, my time on the island was spent sequested in one of the far eves of the forest; I saw very little of anything whilst I was there."

Voidrunner's Codex

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