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A Simple Errand (DM:renau1g, Judge: covaithe)


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Ingot rolls to its feet. It also finds that pieces of rock and earth are clinging to its frame, repairing minor damage. "Is Terra helping me too?" it wonders. It sweeps its sword in an arc, sending a spray of acid at the dragon, but the shot it wide.

Meepo whistles and jumps up and down in place. "C'mon, aim like a kobold, Ingot! Like Jax! You'll strike true!" At his words Ingot shakes its head, amused despite the stress of the battle. The kobold scampers forward, snapping the tip of his whip in the dragon's face. "Hit him now, Crag!" he yells. The Terra-bolstered warforged responds with a swing of his sword, but it bounces off the dragon's scales.

[sblock=Meepo's remaining actions]Meepo still has standard and move left... as well as an AP for that matter. I'm confused about Commander's Strike though. Does he have to be adjacent to the foe to use it? If so, I'm not sure if it's worth him moving in to use it for Crag to get a hit. Perhaps second wind instead? It'd be better to use with Ingot or, best of all, Jax. We might be able to set up Jax to get a flanking shot with Commander's Strike... he could wait 1 square away from the dragon, Meepo could try to slide him in with Wolf Pack Tactics, then AP for Commander's Strike. (Or, AP for Diabolic Strategem!)[/sblock]


Minor: Warforged resolve, heal 4 + 4 THP.
Move: Stand up.
Standard: Acidic Fullblade (ranged power) Acidic Fullblade ranged vs. dragon (1d20+9=17, 1d12+5=12) Misses.

Minor: Inspiring word on... I think Ingot. Crag had that pile of THP, and I want to make sure Ingot is able to attack with Healing Strike next round. Heals surge + 6, nice!
Move: to G2
Standard: Commander's Strike with Crag. Commander's Strike (1d20+9=16, 1d8+5+3=16) Another miss. Poor rolling by me recently.
[sblock=Meepo]Has used 1 inspiring word.

Still has (I believe) second wind and 1 AP.[/sblock]
[sblock=Ingot stat block]Ingot- Neuter Warforged Cleric 3
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:12, Will:17 -- Speed:5
HP:25/37 + 4 THP, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left: 5/9
Initiative 0
Action Points: 0, Daily Item Uses: 2, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers: Sacred Flame, Righteous Brand,
Healing Word(x2)
Healing Strike, Split the Sky, Warforged Resolve, Channel Divinity (Divine Fortune/Turn Undead)
Avenging Flame, Armor of Faith
Acidic Fullblade, Acidic Fullblade
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Dorn swoons and nearly passes out from the dragon's attack. When his eyes clear, he remembers that he has a potion in his left hand. He drinks it eagerly (Minor - drink potion, spending surge and healing 10). He then stands up and tries once more to hit the dragon with his lightning, scoring a hit at long last (Minor stand up, then Standard Lightning Strike hits for 10 lightning damage. Finally!)

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]
Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 3
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 18, Fort 12, Reflex 15, Will 17 (base defenses)
HP 15/32 Bloodied 16 Surge Value 8, Surges 6/7
Speed 6, Initiative +8
Action Points: 0

Current Effects
Wild Soul: Fire (resist 5, ignore 5 enemy resistance)
Repulsion Armor Activated
+1 AC from even roll start of turn

Encounter Resources
USED Bedeviling Burst
USED Ice Dragon's Teeth
USED Furious Assault
USED Half-Orc Resilience
Second Wind
USED Use Action Point

Daily Resources
USED Ice Javelins
USED Deep Shroud
USED Deathstalker Dagger
USED Repulsion Leather Armor

USED 1x potion of healing


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Ah, I see about the whip. Well, I'll have him move in for the CS from Crag then. Editing previous post.[/sblock]
[sblock=Regarding Crag]Does he still have Nature's Abundance power to use? I don't recall him using it. If so, now seems like a decent time. :)[/sblock]
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First Post
You just might have it...just don't let it recharge that aura power again... [/sblock]

Crag lies motionless in the pile of debris. The continuing sounds of battle echo distantly as if he were deep underwater. His limbs legs twitch involuntarily; his sight wanders listlessly across the dark ceiling; his sword hangs loosely in his grip, where it will remain forever. The nothingness has come to claim him once more. Why can't he fight against it?

Were those years in the guard for nothing? All that time, I was searching. For what? Who am I? How can this dream end before I find out? ... How can Terra abandon me? Crag's eyes jolt open! No, not abandoned! The screams of pain from his allies, the whooshing of Meepo's whip, the stomping of the dragon's claws as it approaches for the killing blow - they crash against the warforged all at once. He tightly grips his sword and rises to his feet. The shattered blocks of earth float up with him, adhering solidly to his chest like a new suit of adamantine armor. It may have taken every ounce of his will, but Terra is still his ally - not the dragon's!

Crag stands tall, apparently unharmed by the horrendous damage he just suffered. Defiantly, he says "Is that all you've got?"

Jax emerges from his hiding place covered in the shards of stone, but unscathed. He figures the battle is lost when he sees his allies (with the exception of his scalebrother) lying on the ground in pools of blood and... warforged... juice. But one-by-one they rise to their feet: even Crag who suffered the earthquake attack as well as the pair of bites. Jax may have been spared death just a moment ago, but he is not a complete idiot - only immediate, decisive action will save the day.

The rogue leaves his safety-corner behind and leaps into melee once again. He can't quite move into a flanking position, but Crag's one-liner is distraction enough. Jax pierces into the dragon's forelimb, causing a spray of blood that immediately drenches the kobold, and then retreats a few paces behind a lump of rubble.

[sblock=Crag's Second Wind]
Good news, he gains +5 to AC from second wind thanks to being a warden [/sblock]

Ingot rolls to its feet. It also finds that pieces of rock and earth are clinging to its frame, repairing minor damage. "Is Terra helping me too?" it wonders. It sweeps its sword in an arc, sending a spray of acid at the dragon, but the shot it wide.

Meepo whistles and jumps up and down in place. "C'mon, aim like a kobold, Ingot! Like Jax! You'll strike true!" At his words Ingot shakes its head, amused despite the stress of the battle.

I thought he used his AP already? Also, Jax's already used his Sneak Attack this round so the benefit of his MBA is pretty low (also consider his low Str) so MBA kinda sucks for him.
I moved him up and CS'd for Crag... figured I'd move it along and Diabolic Strategem wouldn't be great here as only Crag could get the benefit & Jax isn't adjacent to shift into with the wolf pack tactics.

vs ac; dmg (1d20+9=25, 1d8+7=13) hits for 13

Dorn swoons and nearly passes out from the dragon's attack. When his eyes clear, he remembers that he has a potion in his left hand. He drinks it eagerly . He then stands up and tries once more to hit the dragon with his lightning, scoring a hit at long last, the bolt leaves a long bloodied wound on the dragon. Thick, rocky looking viscous fluid oozes out.

It bellows in rage and the area around it continues to shudder. Those caught in the area now are sent to their backs by the roiling earth. The dragon's head whips out towards Jax, intent on finishing off the kobold that caused so much pain, but Crag's longsword causes a deep wound in the dragon, although it still manages to clamp down on the prone Jax. It's claws rake harmlessly over Crag, so it turns its attention back to the kobolds, however this time they are easily able to dodge its clumsy blows.

[sblock=Enemy Actions]

Dragon - No action - Rising Tremors - aura is now 3.

No Action, Sudden Quake, everyone in aura falls prone, so everyone but Dorn.

Dragon looks to bite Jax, triggers Crag's Warden's Fury - vs fort; dmg (1d20+9=29, 1d8+5=9) crits! for 13 (I'll use the 1d8 rolled) & target grants combat advantage to Crag and his allies until the end of Crag's next turn.

Bite - vs ac; dmg (1d20+11=18, 2d8+6=18) just hits for 18, claws at Crag - vs ac; dmg (1d20+11=16, 2d6+4=14) miss.

AP: Double attack - go after Jax & Meepo - vs ac; dmg (1d20+11=13, 2d6+6=14) miss Jax - vs ac; dmg (1d20+11=13, 2d6+6=13) miss Meepo... lucky!

recharge (1d6=2)

Aura - When any enemy within the aura makes an attack that does not include the dragon as a target, that enemy falls prone and takes 5 damage.


[sblock=Enemy Stats]
Young Earthquake Dragon
HP 122; Bloodied 61
AC 20; Fortitude 17; Reflex 17; Will 15
Darkvision, Tremorsense 10

HP 48; Bloodied 24
AC 19; Fortitude 15; Reflex 14; Will 14
Immune disease; petrification; poison; Resist 10 fire

HP 55; Bloodied 27
AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 15; Will 17
Immune gaze


Jax : 6/33 - 0/9 surges, prone, bloodied
Dorn: 15/32 - Repulsion Armor active
Crag: 19/56 +9thp - bloodied, +5 AC & +2 NAD's TSNT, prone
Ingot: 25/37+4thp - prone
Meepo: 17/27 - used 1 IW, prone
Flamespiker 1: 9/48 -
Flamespiker 2: 48/48
Flamespiker 3: 48/48
Wraith 1: 23/55 - marked (Crag)
Wraith 27: 38/55 -
Dragon - 35/122 - bloodied, target grants combat advantage to Crag and his allies until the end of Crag's next turn, Used AP


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First Post
Dorn watches in horror as his allies fall to the ground.

"Come on friends, the beast is almost done!" Dorn gets a little ahead of himself in his exuberance, and misses the beast badly with his blast of lightning (miss with lightning strike. Egads).

// hopefully it won't matter, but Dorn has 15 hp from use of healing potion last round

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]
Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 3
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 18, Fort 12, Reflex 15, Will 17 (base defenses)
HP 15/32 Bloodied 16 Surge Value 8, Surges 6/7
Speed 6, Initiative +8
Action Points: 0

Current Effects
Wild Soul: Fire (resist 5, ignore 5 enemy resistance)
Repulsion Armor Activated

Encounter Resources
USED Bedeviling Burst
USED Ice Dragon's Teeth
USED Furious Assault
USED Half-Orc Resilience
Second Wind
USED Use Action Point

Daily Resources
USED Ice Javelins
USED Deep Shroud
USED Deathstalker Dagger
USED Repulsion Leather Armor

USED 1x potion of healing


[sblock=go team!]The dragon should have 4 hp left for Ingot's and Meepo's turns. With Jax in melee range of the dragon, at 6 hp, and 0 surges. Intense![/sblock]
Jax hops to his feet and, without delay, jumps into dagger-range of the dragon. It is one of the few brave things he has ever done! And considering that his dagger's sting fails to eliminate his target, it will likely be his last brave act.

Crag inflicts a brutal punishment on the dragon when it ignores him in favor of the kobolds, but it is not enough. The large beast seems intent on sending his thief ally back to the Earth. Yet the dragon's life, too, is fading. Crag slashes deep into its neck, drawing its own command of Terra for himself. His rock-armor hardens even further, and the dragon is left on its last legs.

[sblock=Combined actions]Jax
Move: Stand.

Minor: Shifty to K6.

Standard: Piercing Strike vs Dragon hits Reflex 29 for 21 damage.


Move: Stand.

Free: Mark dragon if needed.

Standard: Earth Shield Strike vs Dragon hits AC 29 for 10 damage, and Crag gains a +1 power bonus to AC TENT. Go Crag![/sblock][sblock=Crag's Stats][http://www.enworld.org/wiki/index.php/L4W:PC:Crag_(Kalidrev) Crag] - Warforged Warden 3
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 11
AC 22, Fort 18, Reflex 14, Will 14
HP 19/56 + 9 THP, Bloodied 28, Surge Value 14, Surges 8/14
Speed 6, Initiative +1

Action Points: 0, Second Wind

Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Strength of Stone
Earth Shield Strike
Roots of Stone
Earthgrasp Strike
Warforged Resolve
Form of the Winter's Herald (Form of the Winter's Herald Attack)

[/sblock][sblock=Jax's Stats]PC:Jax (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Male Kobold Rogue 2
Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 17
AC:17, Fort:15, Reflex:18, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:6/33, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:0/9
Initiative +5
Action Points: 0, Second Wind


Clever Strike
Piercing Strike
Sly Lunge
Sneak in the Attack
Press the Advantage


First Post
[sblock=ooc]This getting knocked prone every round business really blows... there's no way around it?[/sblock]

Ingot surges back to its feet again, seeing the dragon sorely pressed by Crag and Jax. "YAAAAAAA! WYRMLING SLAYERS!" it screeches as it charges, the sound metallic, surprisingly high-pitched, and rather annoying. Its fullblade sweeps down in a short arc, catching the dragon just behind its skull. The sharp edge slices in, and the great beast thrashes violently, then collapses to the ground in a spreading pool of blood.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Stand
Standard: Charge! Righteous Brand vs. Dragon (1d20+9+1=22, 1d12+5=6) Minimum damage, but that's enough, right?[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]Hurray Ingot! Our group is going to need a new title after this? Wyrmling slayers? How about CONQUERORS OF DRAGONS! Or conquistadors. That sounds cooler.

Anyway, I'm just waiting for R1 to post before I start celebrating in-character. Perhaps Mr. Dragon is not quite so dead yet.[/sblock]


First Post
The dragon falls to ground under the combined weight of the heroes assault, the staff clatters to the ground, it's crack still dripping some droplets of mud, but its far less quick than before. As the dragon slumps to the ground, it slowly returns back to the body of Veneficus, he smiles weakly at you, "Thank...you..... you....have ..... freed....me....seek...out.... Meliar....he ... can .... seal............*cough* *cough* the staff.................*gurgle* the wizard gasps before succumbing to the inevitable.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5M-wD1p4MQ]YouTube - Genie playing instruments - Aladdin[/ame] [/sblock]

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