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Walking Dad

First Post
Alfandas Morninglight

level 1
Elf, Ranger
Fighting Style: Hunter Fighting Style
Ranger: Prime Shot

Str 11, Con 14, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10.

AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 15 Will: 13
HP: 26 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 6

Nature +10, Stealth +8, Endurance +6, Perception +10, Acrobatics +8

Arcana, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +3, History, Insight +3, Intimidate, Religion, Streetwise, Thievery +3, Athletics -1

Level 1: Manticore's Fury

Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger at-will 1: Fading Strike
Ranger encounter 1: Hunter's Pounce
Ranger daily 1: Commanding Confrontation

Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Longspear, Arrows (30), Longbow

Alfandas also was a lone wolf in the elf community he was born in. As the others were content with staying in the borders of their home forest, he always traveled as far as allowed by the elders.
One day he left two things: the village and a note, that he was exploring the world and testing if the other races were still the way the old ledgends described.
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Kemreg of the Colekurs

[sblock=Stats]Level: 1 - XP: 0
Race: Half-Giant - Class: Studied Magus

Ability Scores
14 Str (+2), 16 Dex (+3), 8 Wis (-1)
11 Con (+0), 16 Int (+3), 14 Cha (+2)

13 AC, 12 Fort, 13 Ref, 14 Will

Hit Points: 21 - Healing Surges: 6

Racial Features
+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity
Half-Giant Resilience
Swift Charge
Furious Assault

Class Features
Arcane Implement Mastery - Wand of Accuracy
Ritual Casting

Ritual Caster
Destructive Wizardry

Trained Skills
Arcana +8
Diplomacy +7
History +8
Intimidate +9

Other Skills
Acrobatics +3
Athletics +2
Bluff +2
Dungeoneering -1
Endurance +2
Heal -1
Insight -1
Nature -1
Perception -1
Religion +3
Stealth +3
Streetwise +2
Thievery +3

At-Will Powers
Erupting Flame
Scorching Burst

Encounter Powers
Furious Assault
Burning Hands

Daily Powers
Freezing Cloud / Summon Fire Warrior

Make Whole
Simbul's Conversion
Tenser's Floating Disk

Quarterstaff, 3 daggers, wand, cloth armor, spellbook, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, 50 feet of hempen rope, 2 sunrods, 10 days worth of trail rations, waterskin, 70 alchemical reagents[/sblock][sblock=Background]Kem once belonged to a clan of half-giants called the Colekurs. He was expected to follow the clan's tradition of worshipping the primal spirits, but Kem never felt the spirits' presence. On top of that, he didn't care to study the fighting techniques that every male half-giant was supposed to learn. He was inspired by stories of the far-off kingdoms to find a way to learn magic. Kem was almost exiled from his tribe, but convinced them to let him stay with them. Despite their great differences, Kem still loved his extended family.

One day, while Kem was out forging for food, he came across an old tomb of a long-dead wizard. Inside, Kem found the wizard's library. Kem wanted to study what he found, but knew that if he took any spellbooks back to the settlement, he'd be exiled for sure. Instead, Kem kept his studies a secret by going back to the tomb every chance he could. The other half-giants were suspicious, but Kem managed to keep his secret.

After a particularly long study period, Kem came back to his home to find a horrible raging fire. He did the best he could with what he had learned to try and put out the fire, but it wasn't good enough. The entire Colekur clan died that night. Kem blamed himself for not having the ability to put it out, and for not dying alongside his family. He went back to the tomb, took the largest spellbook, and headed out towards larger civilization.

Today, Kem is a tall but thin half-giant who wears nonassuming clothing and carries a walking stick. He blends in as a poor traveller, still hiding the arcane power that he learned. He studies how to control fire, subconsciously hoping that if he can become a master over fire, he can somehow save his family from the fire that consumed them. He still doesn't know what started that fire; it could have been an accident, or it could be something more sinister.[/sblock]


Cedrick, the Scholar

Human cleric level 1


Cedrick, the Scholar
Human cleric XP 0; Level 1
Medium natural humanoid
Initiative +0; Senses Perception +4
24; Bloodied 12; Surge Value 6; Surges Per-Day 7
13; Fortitude 12; Reflex 12; Will 17
Saving Throws
Action Points

Unaligned; Languages Common, Elven
Arcana +6, Heal +9, History +6, Insight +9, Religion +6; armor check penalty -1
11 (+0); Dex 10 (+0); Wis 18 (+4)
12 (+1); Int 13 (+1); Cha 14 (+2)

Melee Basic Attack

Quarterstaff (standard; at-will): +6 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage.

Ranged Basic Attack

Dagger (standard; at-will): Ranged 5/10; +4 vs. AC; 1d4 damage.

At-Will Powers

Astral Seal
Sacred Flame
Sacred Flame

Encounter Powers

Channel Divinity: Divine Favor
Channel Divinity: Turn Unholy Foe (targets undead or elemental creatures)
Healing Word (2/encounter)

Daily Power

Astral Condemnation

Utility Power



hide armor, quarterstaff, 3 daggers, holy symbol, ritual book, alchemical reagents (20 gp), mystic salves (20 gp)


Comprehend Language, Gentle Repose

A priest of Ioun (or other deity of knowledge), Cedrick took a round-about journey to find his path in life. Cedrick grew up in a small village of primarily sheepherders and subsistence farmers in an isolated valley. Tradesmen would come into the valley once or twice a year to barter woven cloth, horses, spices, and trinkets for wagonloads of wool and salted mutton. Cedrick loved the stories and the songs the traders would bring with them, tales of the wide world, of monsters, and of great heroes. Cedrick's father died of an unknown illness when Cedrick was very young, leaving his mother to care for him and his younger brother Lane and manage the farm. She had some modest training as an herbalist and healer, knowledge she passed on to Cedrick and Lane, but she had little skill or knowledge of raising sheep. She lost ownership of the family's flock and land through a series of poor business decisions, and scraped a living selling her healing balms and herbal poultices. She re-married to another sheepherder Gehrin, also widowed, who had three children of his own. Gehrin never warmed up to Cedrick and Lane, and Cedrick felt isolated and alone. Though he know it would break his mother's heart, Cedrick ran away from home at the age of 13 and never looked back. He followed the road northward out of the valley, begging for food from village to village before heading westward. Cedrick fell in with a band of footpads and was arrested by a constable in a village hundreds of miles from home at the age of 15. While in prison, Cedrick was visited by Askron, a priest of Ioun, who took it as a personal mission to reach out to youths who had taken up a life of crime. Askron would bring Cedrick books to read during the lonely hours of his prison sentence. When Cedrick stood trial, months later, Askron appealed to the magistrate to release Cedrick into his custody. Cedrick owing an enormous debt of gratitude to Askron followed him from city to city and town to town visiting prisons, jails, libraries, and temples, voraciously reading any books he could get his hands on - histories, travelers' journals, treatises on trade, volumes of poetry, tomes on magic. It was on the visits with criminals that Cedrick felt his calling, the questions he needed answered, "What is evil? why do men do ill unto other men?"--a question to which none had a satisfying answer. And with that question growing in his mind, he left Askron to seek the answers along far darker paths than the hallways of prisons and the corridors of libraries.

[sblock=Character Creation Notes]
Racial Features

+2 to any one ability score
Medium natural humanoid
speed 6
normal vision
Common plus one other language
bonus at-will power
bonus feat
bonus trained skill
Human Defense Bonus

Class Features

defense bonus (+2 Will)
healing surges (7 + Con per day)
Channel Divinity (divine fortune, turn undead)
Healer’s Lore
healing word

Ritual Casting


astral condemnation

astral seal


lance of faith

sacred flame

Trained Skills

Arcana, Heal, History, Insight, Religion


Melee Training (bonus; Wis)
Ritual Caster (bonus)


hide armor
holy symbol
ritual components[/sblock]
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Krassa, Wilden Swarm Druid

Krassa, level 1
Wilden, Druid
Build: Swarm Druid
Primal Aspect: Primal Swarm
Hardy Form: Hardy Form Reflex
Birth - Among Another Race: Among Another Race (Elf)
Background: Birth - Among Another Race (Among Another Race (Elf))

Str 8, Con 18, Dex 13, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 10.

Str 8, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10.

AC: 14 Fort: 14 Reflex: 13 Will: 15
HP: 30 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 7

Nature +11, Heal +9, Endurance +8, Perception +9

Acrobatics, Arcana, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +4, History, Insight +4, Intimidate, Religion, Stealth +2, Streetwise, Thievery, Athletics -2

Druid: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Implement Expertise (Staff)

Druid at-will 1: Swarming Locusts: Close blast +5 vs Ref for 1d8+4 dmg

Druid at-will 1: Thorn Whip: Ranged 10 +5 vs Will for 1d8 + 4 damage, and you pull the target 2 squares.

Druid at-will 1: Grasping Claws: Melee +5 vs Ref for 1d8+4 dmg and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Druid encounter 1: Stinging Cloud: Close blast 3 +5 vs Ref for 1d10 + 4 poison damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of stinging insects that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any creature that ends its turn within the zone takes 9 poison damage.

Druid daily 1: Earth Roots: +5 vs. Fort for 2d8 + 4 damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of writhing roots that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that starts its turn within the zone is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists, and you can slide one enemy within 2 squares of the zone 2 squares to a square within it.

Ritual Book, Quarterstaff, Hide Armor
Animal Messenger, Traveler's Camouflage[/sblock]


Krassa. Perhaps a wood name. Krassa, the wilden, walking side by side with the wild elves of the forests. Krassa appeared one day in the forests, lost, barely walking, hungry, but alive. The druids of the local Druidic community adopted the child, as they sensed in him, a powerful connection with the powers of nature. Krassa developed a strange fascination with plants and fungi, something most druids do, but just at certain level. Most of them feel more attracted to a diversity of animals, who can also make something to protect the forest more actively.
But not Krassa. The only wilden in the Druidic community, and also, the only druid that didn't get along with animals.
When the ritual in which Krassa was to commune with nature in extreme, in which his bond with the Powers would be complete, he proved again, to be unique.
Most druids adopt the shape of the primal beast first, to morph into the animal with which they have a special connection, like a bear, or a wolf. But Krassa's primal beast form was fleet. After only a few minutes, Krassa's body morphed into a mass of shifting vegetation! He resembled a Shambling mound to most of the druids present, including the high druid. After our young druid finished his transformation, the High Druid approached him. Krassa's master feared the reaction of the old druid. Krassa himself lowered his head, trying not to look at the elder in the eyes. But the High druid's word surprised them all. "My dear child, you, as nature itself, are extraordinary surprising"

With the blessing of the elders, Krassa decided to leave his home in the heart of the forests, and wander the land. His fascination for plants led him to journey to any forests of which he had knowledge of. With him, he carries a big heavy book, in which he notes every specimen, with draws and descriptions, and also it's uses, if any. He hopes to write a huge catalogue of plants, that covers from the smallest grass to the tallest tree.


First Post
Cold Gnarul, Human Earthstrength Warden

Str 18, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
AC 18, Fort 16, Ref 14, Will 13
HPS 33, Bloodied 16, Surge 8 (12/day)
Speed 6, Init 1
Athletics 6, Endurance 5, Nature 6, Perception 6
Passive Insight 11, Passive Perception 16

Immediate Actions: Warden's Fury (Interrupt), Warden's Grasp (Reaction)
At Will: Weight of Earth, Strength of Stone, Thorn Strike
Encounter: Second Wind, Action Point, Earth Spikes
Daily: Form of Winter's Herald + Attack

Class abilities: Font of Life, Guardian Might (Earthstrength), Nature's Wrath.

Feats: Weapon Expertise (heavy blade), Sudden Roots.

Languages: Common, Elven.

Equipment: Hide armor, heavy shield, longsword, dagger, 2x javelin, adventurer's kit, totem, 14gp.

Longsword +8 attack for 1d8+4 damage
Javelin +6 attack for 1d6+4 damage

Gnarul (pronounced Nar-rule) steps of the boat dropping his backpack and javelins next to his feet. The pale-skinned human wipes his profusely sweating brow with his right hand and uses his left hand to pull back his unruly mop of hair. The hide armor covering his torso and limbs is ardorned with crude etchings of vegetation, as is the large shield tied to his back, which on closer examination are simply representations of some exotic thorny vine.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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