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WotBS 3 Questions 2 WotBS and 1 Enpublishing question

Per Adventure 12:

New Item – Grand Standard: Lesser artifact. Each Grand Standard can be attuned to a military leader, if that leader willingly slices open the palm of his hand and holds the standard over his head in the sight of some of his subordinates. The leader can then assign a standard bearer to carry the standard for him, or carry it himself.

As long as the standard is within 100 ft. of the leader, is carried either by the leader or the standard bearer, and is present at a battle (not simply back at a safe haven), all the soldiers under the leader’s command who are also at a battle can benefit from spells cast upon the standard-bearer.

Three times per day, when a spell is cast upon whoever is bearing the grand standard, the standard bearer may choose to have that spell also affect any or all those under the command of the attuned leader. The spell must be third level or lower, have a range other than personal, and have a save or spell resistance entry of “harmless.” If the standard moves more than 100 ft. from the leader, if the leader dies, or if someone other than the leader or standard bearer carries the standard, the effects of the spell are not shared. If the standard bearer accepts a new spell to apply to the army, the current spell effect ends.

Each grand standard has hardness 5 and 50 hp.

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Hi guys!

I am back from the dead... actually was on vacation, but in my case, it comes down to the same... :D

A few things were nagging me since my last post...

First, I remember seeing photos of players who had actually drawn (yeah, hand drawn!) their own battle maps and it was work of art. Really! But I just can not remember where I saw the link to these photos... I thought that it was here, in one forum post, but I am not sure... Does this ring a bell to anyone?

And second, ... well... I am DEAD curious about the cheese!!! Yeah! The one mentionned on page 184 (WotBS Complete Campaign booklet), area 40, the Imperial Bedroom... what about it? Who thought of that? What is behind this idea? ... because there is ALWAYS something behind ANY idea. Is it related to previous EN publishings?

Thanks again guys!


The cheese was an idea stolen from PirateCat's story hour. There it was itself a suggestion from someone here on the site for a variety of items in a treasure hoard.


Ooh Ho!

Perfect... then I guess I will have to think of something...

As for the maps, does it sound familiar or am I going slightly mad... :D

Thanks again Ryan!


Hello again Ryan!

I directly asked PirateCat for the cheese... I AM really curious... :)

As for the maps, I just cannot recall where I saw them... I seem to remember reading a post where the writer (I seriously thought that it was either you or Russell) was saying that he had received photos of a group of players that showed their own hand-drawn battle maps. I remember having clicked on the hyperlink and seeing the most amazing maps. The players seemed to be teenagers (I remember one of them wearing a tuque). The thing is that it could be here, on EN world site, or maybe on "Giant in the Playground" site... and Google searches haven't brought out anything. But I can tell you that the maps were work of arts. Hand-drawn waterfalls and rivers, castle interiors, it was really ( no really!) amazing work.

For my own game, I'll be back later... :D

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