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Search results

  1. Chronikoce

    d20 DM wants to try Hackmaster and needs Advice

    I have been playing and DMing for 3.5 D&D and Pathfinder for about 4 years now. I picked up the Hackmaster PHB and the Hacklopedia of Beasts. I really want to run a campaign for my group but they are all relatively new players who have just learned the d20 system. I could really use some...
  2. Chronikoce

    D&D 3E/3.5 PF/3.5 Need help with ideas for one-shot horror session

    I am planning to do a Horror session in the ongoing campaign for my D&D group. We meet on Fridays and I can't pass up this chance to mess with them terribly. They are currently on a damaged riverboat which they plan on taking down river and I figure the easiest segue is that the night is foggy...
  3. Chronikoce

    Pathfinder 1E Far Realms inspired campaign. Thoughts and Suggestions appreciated!

    So I am planning on starting up a campaign around November for a group of friends and I really want the Far Realms to play a role in the story Arch. Since I don't actually know much about them and I am still relatively new to being a DM (about a year of DM experience so far) I thought I would...
  4. Chronikoce

    What do you use for Maps as a DM of PbP game?

    I am hoping to do a PbP game for some friends as practice before I try my hand at anything with LPF but I am struggling with how to run combats from a map perspective. Since I've never ran a PbP game before I am planning to use a published adventure which will have maps included in it. Do you...
  5. Chronikoce

    How does LPF rule on the Scorpion Whip?

    What is the official way that LPF handles the Scorpion whip? Specifically for someone who is proficient with it. The line that says treated like a whip for those who are proficient. Does this mean: Scorpion Whip 15ft Reach, Disarm, Trip, Lethal Damage Or 10ft Reach, Disarm, Trip, Lethal...
  6. Chronikoce

    Is Cavalier a bad choice for LPF?

    Hey everyone. Semester is ending soon and I am optimistic that this means I will get to start playing again. With the long break in play I am strongly considering retiring my Barbarian Vax and making a new character. Has anyone played a Cavalier in LPF and had fun? If I were to play one I...
  7. Chronikoce

    D&D 5E Identify Spell too straight forward?

    I've actually only played 3.5/PF games but I recently started reading the AD&D 2E rules and came across the spell identify. I have to say I really like how it can still provide the information that a player desires but scales with level to be more successful. The Identify spell in NEXT atm...
  8. Chronikoce

    Couple of (hopefully) quick easy questions.

    Are prestige classes allowed in LPF? I don't recall seeing anywhere that they are against the rules but figured I had better ask to be safe. If they are allowed. When you take a prestige class that gives +1 Level of existing spellcasting class does LPF rule that wizards gain 2 more spells for...
  9. Chronikoce

    Creating your Character vs. Meeting your Character

    I was just curious what other people thought of these two different methods of character creation. The group I play with has always used stat generation where you choose what rolls go where (or point buy). I would like to give natural stats a try where you roll each stat in turn and then pick...
  10. Chronikoce

    Mundane Tattoos, purchase or backstory?

    I've been thinking of what my second character will be (I know I just joined the community but having so much fun that I forsee my stay with you all to be long and enjoyable :) ) and one of my concepts would be a character who expresses their past and heroic events through tattoos. Mundane...