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Search results

  1. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Any interest in a 5E Play by Post game here on ENWorld?

    I looked around in the OOC/Playing the Game sections and I only see one 5E adventure going on (the basic box Lost Mines of Phandelver adventure). Anybody interested in some PBP play using that or anything else adventure/campaign-wise? I sadly don't have the time to volunteer to DM it, but I'd...
  2. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Rules questions...

    1. The Restoration, Lesser spell says that one of the uses to neutralize poison "If the creature is suffering from any poisons, choose one of them and neutralize it". Our party was fighting a Green Dragon last night and it used it's breath weapon on them multiple times which promted the question...
  3. Phoenix8008

    Playtesting: The Isle of Dread

    Getting ready to start playtesting the newest packet. Just finished Caves of Chaos and all PC's got to 4th level. Reseting characters to new playtest packet rules (3/20/2013). For anyone that has already run this adventure recently, do you have any advice on the adventure? Also a question...
  4. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E After first Next playtest session... a few questions.

    1. Do spellcasters casting a damaging spell (for example Cleric doing Lance of Faith) add their ability score bonus (Wis in the case of the Cleric) to the spells damage or is it just the flat damage (2d6 for a 1st level Lance of Faith)? 2. Reading the Skill Trick 'Detect Noise', do you even...
  5. Phoenix8008

    D&D 5E Proficiency with Special Weapons?

    So if I'm reading this right, there is no way to have proficiency with any special weapons. No feats, no skills, no maneuvers. Maybe this is something that is planned to be added later? So you can use any of them, but always at disatvantage.
  6. Phoenix8008

    Rules Clarification: Multiple of same effect on one PC?

    I need some help to answer a question quickly for a soon to be in progress gaming session! :eek: Help me ENworld, you're my only hope! ;) Okay, if a single PC is hit by three different creatures with an identical effect that gives them ongoing damage which a save ends, does that PC have to save...
  7. Phoenix8008

    Rules Clarification: Shadowdancer Summoned Shadow

    Turning to ENworld to help answer a question again. Thanks in advance for any help. The rules state the following: At 3rd level, a shadowdancer can summon a shadow, an undead shade. Unlike a normal shadow, this shadow’s alignment matches that of the shadowdancer, and the creature cannot create...
  8. Phoenix8008

    Rules Question: Savage Rend via multiclassing

    Okay, my character Talon is a Beastmaster Ranger who multiclassed into druid. I took Savage Rend as my beast form at-will power that gets turned into an Encounter power instead of At-will. The question comes from just realizing that the power has a special field saying it can be used as a basic...
  9. Phoenix8008

    Multiclass into Ranger for Beast Master ability???

    Just what the title says: Is it possible to multiclass into Ranger to get the Beast Master ability from Martial Power. I had a character idea in mind that would require that, but after reading through the rules, I wasn't sure if it could be done. Thanks for any help.
  10. Phoenix8008

    Adventure: Redblade's Riches!! (Ozymandias79 judging!)

    "Arrr, mateys! Now that we found out the location of his secret storehouse, we're gonna plunder Redblade's Riches till there's nothin' left. We'll teach that no good tiefling a lesson he won't soon forget or my name's not Captain Azrael!!" This is the sequel thread for the Mostly Monstrous...
  11. Phoenix8008

    Magic Item substitutions in parcel system?

    I'm going to be DMing an adventure out of Dungeon Magazine soon and I'm trying to fill out the treasure parcel slots ahead of time based on the character wish lists of magic items. My problem is that for the slot I have left (6th level item) I cannot find a good item for the character that needs...
  12. Phoenix8008

    YB! Nikosin vs. Snow! (Shade judging)

    A young man in torn traveling clothes sits upon a rock in the clearing. He has a haggard and worried look upon his face. "Will it happen again?" he wonders aloud to himself. "I can't let it out again. I hurt that girl before and it was just wrong. Uncontrolled and unfocused power... I must fight...
  13. Phoenix8008

    Proposal: Manual of the Planes

    I'm proposing adding material from Manual of the Planes book to be available for use in L4W. There are some Paragon Paths, Rituals, and Magic Items that look fun. I especially want a Githyanki Silver Sword for Kama'zer someday. :D
  14. Phoenix8008

    (YB!) Nikosin vs. Ash! (Yellow Sign judging)

    A young man makes his way out of the mountain pass and into the valley below. He reaches a clearing where the ruins of some old buildings are found. He finds an old dueling circle beneath the weeds and clears the ground. He sits to meditate while awaiting the arrival of an opponent. Something...
  15. Phoenix8008

    Discussion - General Discussion Thread '09

    New Year, new thread since the old one was marked '08???
  16. Phoenix8008

    Draconomicon or Manual of the Planes???

    So I've got enough Christmas money to buy a couple books on Amazon.com but I can't make up my mind on which books. Pretty sure I'll get Martial Power, but I can't decide which other book to get: Draconomicon or Manual of the Planes. Help me decide, please! :confused: So which of these two books...
  17. Phoenix8008

    Does Dire Rat Filth Fever work like the DMG says it should?

    Probably asked before, but I'm just running into this and wanted to ask. In the DMG under Diseases, it says after someone is exposed to a disease via a monster attack they make a save at the end of the encounter to see if they are infected with it. (DMG 49) In the MM (219) the Dire Rat entry...
  18. Phoenix8008

    Sneak attack w/ Blinding Barrage?

    Can a rogue apply sneak attack damage to all the enemies in the Blast 3 from the Blinding Barrage 1st level daily power? Perhaps by being first in initiative order and attacking a group with a barrage of shuriken? Thanks for the help.
  19. Phoenix8008

    Weapon implements and Prof bonus???

    Okay, making a swordmage from the FRPG and one of the 1st level At-Will powers (Swordburst) uses the sword which is her implement for the keyword instead of weapon. Does the attack only include her INT modifier, or does she get the Proficiency bonus also since she is using her longsword? I can't...
  20. Phoenix8008

    Kobold Dragonshield Tactics power question

    I'm sure this has been asked long ago, but since I don't have the search function I ask it yet again. If a Kobold Dragonshield has an enemy shift towards it and attack, is the attack negated by the Dragonshield Tactics power allowing the kobold to shift away 1 square as an immediate reaction...