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  1. ElectricDragon

    This is Goodbye.

    I am sorry that I will not be able to finish my threads: "Elder Dragons" and "Pages from the Royal Chef's Cookbook"; but I was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given 1-2 months to live. I will miss you all and hope to recover and beat this thing; but I have to prepare for the worst. For...
  2. ElectricDragon

    D&D 3E/3.5 How many books in that library?

    Catalogue "Greetings. I am the Count. They call me the Count, because I LOVE to count... things. One! One scroll. Two! Two scrolls! Mwahahahaha…” Divination Level: Brd 5, Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5 Components: V, S, M, F Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Target (Area): 1 library (up to 1,000 square...
  3. ElectricDragon


    ARRAYS Creatures are assumed to have completely average (or standard) ability scores—a 10 or an 11 in each ability, as modified by their racial bonuses. However, player characters are individuals and often have better than normal ability scores, and usually make use of the nonelite array, the...
  4. ElectricDragon

    D&D 3E/3.5 Elder Dragons

    ELDER DRAGONS An elder dragon is a type of dragon that predates written history and even most oral histories. There are whispers of legends that tell that they have always existed, even before the creation of the world. Early history of the world suggests that dragons ruled all. Nothing could...
  5. ElectricDragon

    Undead Monster Brainstorm

    In my newest campaign, I plan to center the theme around undead and the different chosen paths (as opposed to forced paths) to undeath. There is a god of undeath who has three paths to undeath. Lich, or the intelligent/wise path already exists. And all need to be of that power level. The other...
  6. ElectricDragon

    An ode to a friend

    Nearly a year and a half ago, I lost a friend. He was too young and too excited about the world to be gone. This is my farewell to him, he will be sorely missed. TRUTH Ode to Seth Honeycutt. Opening doors and waxing horizons, The keys are shiny and new, Far to the west, lost in the fog, Lies...
  7. ElectricDragon

    D&D 5E Deities and 5th Edition

    I recall earlier editions where great adventures were to be had involving the gods personally interacting with the players. Not novice characters, but seasoned adventurers after a long road to fame/infamy. I see Tiamat and want more. I want rules to make my own deities in 5e. Not just lists of...
  8. ElectricDragon

    Pages from the Royal Chef's Cookbook

    Eric, Found these loose pages at the bookseller, they could be part of the stolen cookbook you mentioned. Ambrose Infused plants Some plants have developed a bonding with magic that alters their abilities from normal plants. Listed below are several types of such altered plants. Some are...
  9. ElectricDragon

    Permanent Increases in Intelligence Question

    Permanent increases in Constitution are retroactive, yet supposedly, permanent increases in Intelligence are not. I think that Intelligence increases (whether by level, wish, or god granted) should also be retroactive. Yes, I know this is the rules forum, please bear with me. When you, as DM...
  10. ElectricDragon

    Dispel Magic Question

    To explain the question I will set up an example. Three spellcasters A. You B. Your Ally C. Enemy Spellcaster There are other combatants; but for this example, they do not matter. A. goes first and readies a counterspell if C. begins casting. C. goes next and readies a counterspell if B...
  11. ElectricDragon

    One-Shot, Sorcerer 20 needs spell help.

    I am getting to play! No DMing for me this time. It is for a one-shot 20th level adventure. I want to play a 20th level sorcerer (Cha 37 without magic, don't ask, back story takes up many pages). I rarely get to play a character usually being behind the DM screen; so this will be my first time...
  12. ElectricDragon

    Wizard Implement Help

    Does a wand master specialist wizard have to use his wand (and thus cast a spell) to gain the wand specialist encounter ability of +2 to attack rolls on his next attack? The rules say the wand must be wielded, but do not specify that the wand must be used to deliver the attack. I contend that a...
  13. ElectricDragon

    Wand Implement Ability

    Sorry, didn't see 4e forum where this belongs. Ciao Dave
  14. ElectricDragon

    Bring us a shrubbery!

    "Yes, shrubberies are my trade. I am a shrubber. My name is Roger the Shrubber. I arrange, design, and sell shrubberies." Monte Python and the Holy Grail (1975) Shrubbery Swarm Small Plant (Swarm) [5 bushes] Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp) [Each bush]; 10d8 (45 hp) [Whole Swarm] Initiative: +0 Speed...
  15. ElectricDragon

    Non-Proficiency with Armor

    In preparing for tonight's game, I noticed something I had not seen before. Constructs are —Proficient with no armor. And Nonproficient with Armor Worn: A character who wears armor and/or uses a shield with which he or she is not proficient takes the armor’s (and/or shield’s) armor check...
  16. ElectricDragon

    Spell Thieves and Pearls

    Can a spell thief who has stolen a spell and subsequently cast it, use a pearl of power to recall the stolen spell? I would think so except for the language in the pearl description: Thanks for your help. Ciao Dave
  17. ElectricDragon

    Are 3 Armor Classes enough?

    Generally, every character sheet has a place for 3 different AC's: normal, touch, and flat-footed. Has anyone else found the need for more? Here are the ones that come up IMC with distressing regularity (including the ones on the character sheet). 1. AC: armor, deflection, Dexterity, dodge...
  18. ElectricDragon

    Small Creature's Mount: Equipment Question

    If saddlebags cost 4 gp and weigh 8 lbs. for a Large mount like a horse; how much do they cost and weigh for a Medium mount like a pony? a.) same price and 1/4 weight as for Clothes and Gear (also holds 1/4 the amount)? b.) 1/2 weight and 1/2 cost as for Weapons and Armor? c.) since it is...
  19. ElectricDragon

    Manifester level troubles

    IMC I have a player with a Githzerai monk 4/Psychic Warrior 6/Zerth Cenobite 4. In trying to figure out his manifester level I ran into a problem. The Zerth Cenobite does not say that zerth cenobite level is manifester level or half zerth cenobite level is manifester level or anything like that...
  20. ElectricDragon

    Power Attack question

    This question has probably come up before; but if so, I missed it. Power Attack gives: 1.) 2 for 1 on two-handed weapons, one-handed weapons used in two hands and double weapons used as two-handed weapons. 2.) 1 for 1 on one-handed weapons, the one-handed end of double weapons, unarmed strikes...