• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

WotC Hasbro's CEO Reports OGL-Related D&D Beyond Cancellations Had Minimal Impact

Hasbro held a quarterly earnings call recently in which CEO Chris Cocks (who formerly ran WotC before being promoted) indicated that the OGL controversy had a "comparatively minor" impact on D&D's revenue due to D&D Beyond subscription cancellations. He also noted that D&D grew by 20% in 2022 (Magic: the Gathering revenues grew by an astonishing 40% in Quarter 4!) WotC as a whole was up 22%...


Hasbro held a quarterly earnings call recently in which CEO Chris Cocks (who formerly ran WotC before being promoted) indicated that the OGL controversy had a "comparatively minor" impact on D&D's revenue due to D&D Beyond subscription cancellations. He also noted that D&D grew by 20% in 2022 (Magic: the Gathering revenues grew by an astonishing 40% in Quarter 4!)

WotC as a whole was up 22% in Q4 2022.

Lastly, on D&D, we misfired on updating our Open Gaming License, a key vehicle for creators to share or commercialize their D&D inspired content. Our best practice is to work collaboratively with our community, gather feedback, and build experiences that inspire players and creators alike - it's how we make our games among the best in the industry. We have since course corrected and are delivering a strong outcome for the community and game.

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But you've been portraying the actions as more harmful than they were, because the actual actions taken by Wizards of the Coast are a more open system with less control by them.
Arguing that their actions were harmful forces things that weren't enacted to be considered actions.
you are confusing actions and outcome…

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I realize that the OGL issue was vitally important , but it seems like many people are shrugging off the real possibility that they plan on turning D&D into a micro transaction nightmare.

If a lot of players aren't happy with a micro transition environment, it has the potential of effecting the sales of 3rd party content, as people move to other systems.
I am perfectly capable of deciding whether I want to buy microtransactions or not, so you need not worry for me over that ;)

Also, that sounds more like a WotC VTT problem, not a D&D one


The debate is really over whether people should feel bad about continuing to consume WoTC's product after they've done wrong.

People want to feel they're morally okay to consume product from a company that's now known to be willing to destroy the ecosystem of the game (players, other developers and companies, content creators in general) if they think it'll eak them out a little bit more profit.

They very obviously know what WoTC did is wrong. And they know it's pretty wrong to continue to support them - because in a capitalistic society, choosing where your money goes is a supposedly powerful choice - so supporting a business that does wrong isn't a good look.

But... they still want WoTC's product. They have to have it. For many valid (and invalid) reasons, they're not able to do or don't want to do the research to find high quality third party product, or change the way they play so they significantly reduce or eliminate their reliance on WoTC. Some will continue to buy because the act of buying it makes them happy (that is valid, if sometimes wasteful - but it's behaviour we all do).

So what is the only solution but to paper over the moral issue and what happened?

Right now, people MUST defend the company that did the indefensible and get others back into the ecosystem and brush the problem under the carpet. Otherwise their continued support for the company and product becomes indefensible, and morally not okay, and that'll eat at their conscience.

They don't care that WoTC not facing longer term consequences will encourage them to do this again.

They don't care that people have reasonable objections.

It's not about the people not supporting the brand. It's about themselves. And it is so, so obviously bad faith, as this thread has been from the start.

Or ... some of us accept that corporations don't care about them as a person. I accept that they don't really care about the health of other companies that publish D&D materials outside of how it affects their image and bottom line. But most of all, they didn't actually change any policy. But you have a grudge and it's likely not going to change, so good luck. I just happened across an article you may want to consider Why it feels so perversely good to hold a grudge that made me think of you and the others who simply won't let this go. Personally, I don't think it's healthy to hold on to a grudge.

But can we ask, pretty please, that you not insult people who don't agree with you? I'm not lazy. I just don't care about what policy changes could have been implemented, I only care about what the policy actually was implemented.


The debate is really over whether people should feel bad about continuing to consume WoTC's product after they've done wrong.
I am not seeing this reflected here at all

They very obviously know what WoTC did is wrong. And they know it's pretty wrong to continue to support them - because in a capitalistic society, choosing where your money goes is a supposedly powerful choice - so supporting a business that does wrong isn't a good look.

But... they still want WoTC's product. They have to have it.
I do not need you or anyone else to tell me what I think or how I feel (or what I should, which is slightly less insulting). You do not speak for me, and neither does anyone else. If people stopped doing this, then we would not have to continue to correct them.

That is what this thread is about

Look what you made me do, I am agreeing with Oofta now ;)
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Good grief. Micro transactions? How would that even work. DDB currently let's you buy bits and pieces, so I guess they already exist? But nobody forces me to buy anything. There's no way they can give bonuses to a PC unless the DM allows it. It's just not a convincing bogeyman.

But oooh ... microtransactions... oooh....scary.

I don't know how it will work, but that appears to be their primary monetizing strategy. It will largely depend on where the paywall begins and ends. But sure, if it's only cosmetics, it won't be a big deal, but how can you be sure it will end there?


I don't know how it will work, but that appears to be their primary monetizing strategy. It will largely depend on where the paywall begins and ends. But sure, if it's only cosmetics, it won't be a big deal, but how can you be sure it will end there?
The most likely comparison is to look at Magic: Arena, which is way, way cheaper than playing paper Magic, particularly if one is patient. I'm not sure of anything, but I'm not worried about anything either.


I don't know how it will work, but that appears to be their primary monetizing strategy. It will largely depend on where the paywall begins and ends. But sure, if it's only cosmetics, it won't be a big deal, but how can you be sure it will end there?
I don't want to get into this a great deal, but I can't imagine anything that they could do that would affect me one way or another. Right now, I like the option to buy just part of a book in DDB, I guess that qualifies as a microtransaction. It works great for me if I can just buy the monsters from an adventure module because I rarely if ever use modules.. I don't use VTT, so it doesn't affect me at all.

But if someone is playing VTT and they want a custom mini and shiny toys? People will ooh and ah over it for a minute just like they do when I show off a freshly painted mini. Then they'll get on with the game. That shiny worth it to you? Cool. But there is no way that they can affect the actual play of the game in any appreciable way. I just don't see it.

So there has to be something other than just "microtransactions bad" because there's nothing behind the curtain on that one. 🤷‍♂️


Or ... some of us accept that corporations don't care about them as a person. I accept that they don't really care about the health of other companies that publish D&D materials outside of how it affects their image and bottom line. But most of all, they didn't actually change any policy. But you have a grudge and it's likely not going to change, so good luck. I just happened across an article you may want to consider Why it feels so perversely good to hold a grudge that made me think of you and the others who simply won't let this go. Personally, I don't think it's healthy to hold on to a grudge.

But can we ask, pretty please, that you not insult people who don't agree with you? I'm not lazy. I just don't care about what policy changes could have been implemented, I only care about what the policy actually was implemented.
I think it's helpful for people who consider this an ongoing "moral" issue to understand the concepts of remote versus proximate cooperation, and material versus formal cooperation. Is buying a Wizards of the Coast product participation in any activity their employees do? Only remotely and materially, which is basically not at all. I'm going to the grocery store layer today, and will be buying a bunch of stuff that is probsvly more "morally compromised" than the next D&D book, and I'm fine with that.

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