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Upcoming Adventure Review

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Getting there! I've caught Jonas and Jaelle up this morning. I'll try to work on getting Weylyn leveled up and get an update in for Mynhear's Bane this evening or tomorrow AM.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Too real to not be funny:

An honest to life ROUS.

this is a Sumatran rat

Rat, giant rous(sumatran).jpg
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I'm going to be holding Tamarie back from the next adventure segment so I have more time for DMing. She'll be back when I'm DMing only one or two games again.


Rodents of Unusual Size 4, for Menik, Lem, and Weyln, is nearly complete. (I'm just out of gas tonight, so need one more work session.) And, as it happens, Pirate Treasure is complete so I now have time for one more game. Two things:

ROUS 4 will need a judge.

The graduating class from Pirate Treasure (Wahyu, Cruendithas, Qalabash, et al, but not Tamarie) will need a new game to promote into. I've heard nothing on this so far.


Pirate Treasue is finished and final numbers are posted on the first post for judge review. It was fun, but I think I'm ready to step back from DMing for a bit to focus on other things for a while.


Rodents of Unusual Size 4, for Menik, Lem, and Weyln, is nearly complete. (I'm just out of gas tonight, so need one more work session.) And, as it happens, Pirate Treasure is complete so I now have time for one more game. Two things:

ROUS 4 will need a judge.

The graduating class from Pirate Treasure (Wahyu, Cruendithas, Qalabash, et al, but not Tamarie) will need a new game to promote into. I've heard nothing on this so far.

Theoretical question: Should a first time LPF GM take a higher level crew, or should I wait around for the next batch of level 1s? Still tossing around the idea of GMing, and deciding if I can make the commitment.


Opinionated answer: My general suggestion is 'go with what you know.' This has a couple practical upshots to think about.

One part of this is the mechanics. I recommend starting in the level range you are already used to. When I started LPF, the highest level Pathfinder I'd been in was level 10. I am only now about to DM for anything higher, and that is because of natural progression.

The other part is characters. Lower level characters are more blank slates, while upper level characters tend to have more history to them (exception: the use of replacement characters and DMC can result in upper level characters with less to no game history.) This doesn't come into play with adventures that fit any level X adventurer, but if you are into tailoring adventures to the characters, this starts to become an issue.

Put together, if I proposed a romantic adventure starring Orlando Furiouso, I would be getting myself into trouble. He's outside my comfort range mechanically, and I know so little of the hundreds of posts that constitute his history. However, to pick another GE character, Qalabash is another issue entirely. He's lower level, firmly in my comfort zone (and with rather straightforward abilities), and of his (notably shorter than Orlando's) history, I've personally experience about half of it, and catching myself up on the rest would be easily done. An adventure spotlighting Qalabash should be doable.

Make sense? Feel free to ask more if you need.


Following that advice, definitely shouldnt do anything more than levels in the 3-5 range. I've played with some of those in the Qalabash group, but typically speaking, new characters would be more in my wheelhouse. I haven't seen any new characters lurking about really, so I guess I have some time to try and put something together. Thanks for the quick response.

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