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My first steps into tabletop gaming came when I bought the Star Trek Starship Tactical Combat Simulator at Waldenbooks. My friends and I loved punching out the chits and figuring out the rules, but I found that I cared more about tossing myself over the couch whenever my ship got hit rather than concentrate on the strategy or the deeper mechanics. Ship books are often my favorite books of any...
When Star Trek: Discovery came out in 2017 it became one of the most polarizing shows in all of Star Trek. Some fans enjoyed the modern take on the story with season-long arcs and big bad villains. Others were upset that it strayed too far away from what had already been established by previous media for a prequel series. I feel that shows like Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks have done a...
Props are one of the things that set apart tabletop role-playing games apart from other entertainments. I truly enjoy seeing a players face light up when I hand them a prop to study rather than describe an item they’ve found. Call of Cthulhu is the master in this area thanks to all the newspaper clippings and mad diary rambling that lead investigators from the real world into the supernatural...
Pathfinder Hero Point Deck is one of Paizo’s growing line of accessories to help take your game to the next level. They can be used in a multitude of ways, from being a visual way of tracking your Hero Points to adding new ways to utilize your points. Heroic deeds are the cornerstone of great characters throughout literary and gaming history. I love systems that reward players for doing...
Easily kick off a new campaign in 2023. Strange Tales of Songling (PDF) provides a supernatural campaign of horror inspired by Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio by Pu Songling and the movie A Chinese Ghost Story. PCs stumble into mysteries in haunted locations. Campaigns last ten adventures and surviving PCs can pass any accumulated gear down to a new generation.
Blade Runner looms large over the RPG landscape. Two of the hobby’s biggest games, Cyberpunk and Shadowrun were inspired by Ridley Scott’s science fiction neo-noir full of high tech devices and low life characters. When Free League Publishing announced a Kickstarter for Blade Runner Role Playing Game it was met with excitement but also a little bit of trepidation. Could the game do anything...
Magic is everywhere in the world of Soulbound: Age of Sigmar. The characters are traveling through the Mortal Realms, each one suffused by one of the Winds of Magic. Many of these characters have been created by magic, such as the Fyreslayers or the Stormcast Eternals. The title of the newest Soulbound book, Artefacts of Power, implies the book is going to be chock full of magic items for the...
Easily kick off a new campaign in 2023. Grab a copy of Vaesen and Mythic Britain & Ireland, have your players create characters from thirteen archetypes, introduce them to mythic Britain and Ireland, and run them through three included mysteries before moving on to creating your own.
What do Dungeon Masters and Real Estate Agents have in common? They know the importance of location, location, location. The first book of Free League Publishing’s One Ring line, Ruins of the Lost Realm offers a mix of famous locations as well as new ones that are drawn from writings as well as ones made up for the book. The book also includes a few threats and really seems Loremaster focused...
Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition loomed large in the gaming landscape twenty years ago. Wizards attempted to spin off a few products from its monolith. One of the most fondly remembered is D20 Modern which tore apart the chassis to Third Edition and rebuilt it with even more modularity in mind. Earlier this year, Evil Genius Games launched a Kickstarer for Everyday Heroes, a game which...
One of the hardest parts of getting people into role playing games is the paperwork. Pitching friends on a game of Let’s Pretend is easy compared to then sitting down and filling out character sheets for an hour or two. For years, designers have tried a lot of different ways to speed up this process from introductory boxed sets to instructional videos. This is one of the breakthroughs of...
Like the previous installment, this list adds five more products to the list. These products are listed in no particular order that I found intriguing from the top 100 rated products. They are all 4-5 star products, but also a somewhat personal choice. Your mileage may vary.
Most of the cyberpunk games on the market have the cyber part of the game well covered. There are books chock full of cool gadgets and futuristic weapons to equip characters. The punk side, on the other hand, can be a bit lacking. The central conceit of these games is usually players getting hired for black bag jobs by corporate interests with the occasional nod to the inequities of the system...
While the talk is all about Dragonlance at the moment, Spelljammer remains an extremely popular setting for the DM’s Guild on Drivethrurpg. So we decided to take a quick look at that was out there and see what caught our eye. Hopefully these will whet your appetite enough to take a look at the other offerings available. After all, the DM’s Guild is a great place to find some new takes on the...
Despite their reputations as unprofitable, I think that adventure books are vital to game lines. The best ones show how the designers expect their game to be played while also offering tools for the Game Master that can be used when they are up against the clock. Even if the GM isn’t interested in running the full campaign, they can use bits and pieces for their own stories, whether it's a...
Dragonlance is back with a new adventure for 5E, called Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, and accompanied by the board game Dragonlance: Warriors of Krynn, which can be played independently or in conjunction with the RPG.

This Week in TTRPG


Tell stylish stories of space outlaws scraping by to survive.
For a campaign built on investigation and exploration rather than blasting through an Alien hive.
With The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, Wizards is going back to the roots of the game, presenting material other histories have not.
Put the players within spitting distance of the fall of House Atreides and the rise of Muad’Dib.

Dungeons & Dragons

Quite a few creatures are in the cave it echoes from yet none are singing the tune.
A mind flayer adorns the Monster Manual alternate cover!
Bathe in the brilliance of the Morning Star—if you're brave enough.
The 2025 Monster Manual cover has been unveiled!
Hasbro will update the project and pitch to other networks and streamers
With The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, Wizards is going back to the roots of the game, presenting material other histories have not.

Industry News

The award is given for “significant contributions to the science fiction, fantasy, and related genres community”
Finalists include one game designer, two conventions, a charity bundle, and a labor union
More industry consolidation as VTT combines with tools platform!
D&D-powered cartoon fun from Cryptozoic Entertainment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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