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Pathfinder 1E What class would complement this party?

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Seems like they're using most of the official Pathfinder resources, but no homebrew material. If I join sounds like they'll be around 7th level. I *think* I can achieve my concept in a bit of a convoluted manner using official stuff...

Bard (Brazen Deceiver archetype) 4th level + Ranger (Urban Ranger & Falconer archetypes) 3rd level w/ Oracle (streets) as a secondary class (using variant multiclassing from Unchained)


If I do that, there are some questions about how it would work...

Character Advancement – Variant Multiclassing

A character who chooses oracle as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features.

Mystery: At 1st level, she must select a mystery. She never qualifies for the Extra Revelation feat.

Curse: At 1st level, she must select a curse. She gains all effects of the curse, treating her effective oracle level as equal to 1/2 her character level.

Revelation: At 3rd level, she gains one of the following revelations from the list of those available to her mystery as an oracle of her character level – 6 (minimum 1). She must have an effective oracle level high enough to select the revelation.

Bard gives support magic & some healing (which party needs) and lots of class skills (which I want).
And Brazen Deceiver supports the character's skullduggery & lets me use Bardic Performance subtly.

Ranger gives combat effectiveness, and in a level or two spells to summon ravens or further healing.
And Falconer offers a bird animal companion earlier on.
And Urban Ranger provides trapfinding and Disable Device proficiency (which party needs).

[SECTION]As an aside, I can get back lost Handle Animal class skill (lost due to Urban Ranger) with a trait like Exchange Agent. Handle Animal is important for being able to train/push ravens.[/SECTION]

Oracle (Streets mystery) as a secondary class provides an orison like Stabilize which helps as a healer & a revelation like "Eyes of the Streets" which kinda simulates having messenger/spy ravens.

Eyes of the Streets (Su): Once per day as a full-round action, you can summon a spirit rat, pigeon, or similar tiny creature to serve as your eyes on, above, and beneath the streets—this spirit serves as an arcane eye. At 10th level, you can summon multiple such spirits; this ability functions as prying eyes. At 15th level, this ability functions as greater prying eyes.

...but I'm not sure if Oracle secondary class provides bonus spells? usually it would, but when taken as a secondary class maybe not? the rules are unclear.
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How does this build look? Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 4 + Ranger (Urban Ranger & Divine Marksman) 3 + Oracle (Streets) secondary class.

I *think* this makes a competent if slightly under-powered character who can serve as a face, "rogue type" (trap-disarmer & skill monkey), healer/support, and ranged combatant. But this is my first time really digging into Pathfinder, so if something looks off or there's a better option, please let me know!

Still have a 1st-level feat. Would love a "gritty contacts/network of informants" type feat! Any suggestions?

Also still have ~4,000 gp to spend. Any suggestions?


CL 1 -- Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1
-- traits (Canter, Exchange Agent)
-- human ability score (+2 Charisma)
-- human bonus feat (Iron Will)
-- 1st-level feat (?)
-- Bardic Performance (deceptive tale, fascinate, inspire courage +1),
Cantrips, Shameless Scoundrel, Uncanny Dodge*
-- Spells Known (0th: daze, message, sift, unwitting ally; 1st: charm
person, heightened awareness, saving finale)
-- Oracle Mystery (add Bluff, Knowledge (local), Perception, and Stealth
to list of class skills)
-- Oracle Curse (Powerless Prophecy*)
-- favored class (+1 skill rank)

CL 2 -- Ranger 1 (Urban Ranger & Divine Marksman)
-- Oracle Mystery (add "disguise self" to spells known)
-- Bullseye Shot, Favored Enemy (human), Urban Ranger

CL 3 -- Ranger 2
-- Combat Style Feat: Crossbow (Focused Shot)
-- Secondary Class Feature: Oracle Revelation (Eyes of the Streets)

CL 4 -- Ranger 3
-- Oracle Mystery (add "detect thoughts" to spells known...but only gain
access to it once reaching 4th-level Bard)
-- Favored Community (<CITY NAME>), Trapfinding
-- ability score boost (+1 Intelligence)

CL 5 -- Bard 2
-- 5th-level feat (Deadly Aim)
-- Spells Known (0th: detect magic, bleed, touch of fatigue; 1st: cure light
-- Blatant Subtlety, Invoke the Blood
-- favored class (+1 skill rank)

CL 6 -- Bard 3
-- Bardic Performance (inspire competence +2)
-- Spells Known (0th: read magic; 1st: summon minor monster)
-- favored class (+1 skill rank)

CL 7 -- Bard 4
-- Spells Known (2nd: animal messenger, calm emotions, steal voice)
-- Secondary Class Feature: Oracle Orison ("stabilize")
-- favored class (bonus known spell: "calm emotions")


Dietrich Kraust the Thieftaker
LG Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 4, Ranger (Urban Ranger & Divine Marksman) 3, with Oracle (Streets) secondary class
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
HP 45; AC 17 (mithral shirt +1, ring of protection +1); Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +8 (cloak of protection +1, Iron Will)

Feats: ? (1st-level feat?), Iron Will (human bonus feat), Spellsong (Blatant Subtlety bonus feat), Bullseye Shot (Divine Marksman bonus feat), Focused Shot (Ranger Combat Style feat), Deadly Aim (5th-level feat)

Skills: Appraise +6, Bluff +13, Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +10, Disguise +13, Escape Artist +5, Handle Animal +10, Heal +5, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Nobility) +6, Linguistics +7, Perception +8, Perform (Oratory) +11, Ride +5, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +8, Survival +6, Use Magic Device +7

0th: bleed, daze, detect magic, message, read magic, sift, stabilize, touch of fatigue, unwitting ally
1st: charm person, cure light wounds, disguise self, heightened awareness, saving finale, summon minor monster (celestial ravens)
2nd: animal messenger, calm emotions, detect thoughts, steal voice

Magic Items & Equipment (11,273 gp spend out of 16,105 gp allowed):
light crossbow +1 = 2,335 gp
longsword +1 = 2,315 gp
mithral shirt +1 = 2,100 gp
ring of protection +1 = 2,000 gp
cloak of resistance +1 = 1,000 gp
10 durable adamantine bolts = 610 gp
potion of cure moderate wounds = 300 gp
sleeves of many garments = 200 gp
scroll of blood biography (2nd-level bard)= 200 gp
masterwork thieves' tools =100 gp
rookery of 24 messenger ravens = 48 gp
scroll of comprehend languages (1st-level bard) 25 gp
scroll of share language (1st-level bard) = 25 gp
falconry gauntlet = 10 gp
spell component pouch = 5 gp

CHILDHOOD: Dietrich Kraust worked his way up from below, the indolent son of a traveling coffin-maker and a blind heretic. To do his part providing for his family, the boy turned to thieving – con-artists pretending to be priests, potion-peddlers, traveling ascetics, and drunken mages among his favored targets. Only his extraordinary charisma saved him from lashing; indeed on several occasions Dietrich managed to befriend (or at least beguile) those he'd stolen from...

BARDIC APPRENTICESHIP (Bard 1): One mage, a canny enchanter and practiced con named ELAVREA was impressed by Dietrich's gift-of-gab, and took him under her wing. An unhealthy romance formed between them as Dietrich learned the bardic arts and rudiments of magic, while ELAVREA used him toward her own unscrupulous ends. Despite ELAVREA'S attempts, Dietrich proved ethically incorruptible, and so it was that he was sent on a final mission to prove himself – he had to steal the Wanton Eye from the Statue of <INSERT DEITY NAME> in the temple. However, he was caught by the temple guards! ELAVREA got away with the Wanton Eye, and Dietrich would not give her away. A grim fate awaited the thief, surely...

DIVINE INTERVENTION (Oracle secondary class): VOUND the high priest of <INSERT DEITY NAME>, had a premonition as Dietrich awaited execution, and ordered the young man brought to the Pit of Sacred Fumes. There, Dietrich's eyes became permanently clouded and an unfathomable presence touched his mind, filling him with visions of ravens over a battlefield. Unhappy with this divine sign, but not willing to risk angering his deity, the high priest VOUND had Dietrich sent into exile...

THE WORG CORPS (Ranger 3): Sentenced to compulsory military service in defense of <INSERT CITY NAME>, Dietrich found himself in a mercenary scouting band known as the WORG CORPS. Misfits and criminals sent behind enemy lines, backstabbing was common place among the WORG CORPS and not a night went by without a dagger close to Dietrich's bedroll. Though trained as an arbalister, his knack for bolstering the spirits of his brethren (and his tendency to freeze in battle) earned him a place as camp medic. His closest companion during those long nights was an unusually clever piebald raven who Dietrich trained and named QUASSIR after a fallen brother-in-arms. Despite the wickedness of many of the men he served alongside, Dietrich remained the moral compass for the few men of honor. The WORG CORPS was pitted against the <INSERT EVIL ORGANIZATION>, but their corrupt natures won out and half the Worg Corps betrayed their brothers-in-arms, making an alliance with the <INSERT EVIL ORGANIZATION>. Dietrich and a handful of brothers (most now leading scarred lives in hiding) were the only ones to survive the massacre...

MASTER OF RAVENS (Bard 4): Returning to <INSERT CITY NAME> with no little acclaim and no little notoriety, Dietrich found a placement as Master of Ravens at <INSERT ROYAL FAMILY CASTLE>. While Dietrich was close to the royals, they could keep an eye on him and exploit his growing knowledge of the city's temples, paramilitaries, criminal underworld, and merchant houses. After an unfortunate incident with <INSERT SPOILED PRINCESS NAME>'s necklace, his favored raven QUASSIR flew off to avoid the pie pot...but is sure to show up again (intended animal companion at Ranger 4th-level). Dietrich relies on a rookery of dozens of messenger ravens which deliver information among his scattered contacts and keep him apprised of many secret dealings...[/sblock]
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I took another stab at the character, and this time felt much more successful...definitely more of a healer/support, more scouting capacity with ravens and a familiar too...

Human Bard (Voice of the Wild) 1 + Inquisitor (Reaper of Secrets) 6

[SBLOCK=Character Building]
-- human ability score (+2 Charisma)
-- human Skilled (+1 skill rank/CL)
-- replace Bonus Feat > Focused Study (Skill Focus feat @1st, 8th, 16th)

CL 1 -- BARD 1 (Voice of the Wild)
-- 1st-level feat (Spellsong)
-- Bardic Performance (distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +1)
-- Wild Knowledge, Nature Magic (animal messenger)
-- Spells Known (0th: ghost sound, know direction, message, unwitting ally; 1st: animal messenger, ears of the city, summon minor monster)

CL 2 -- INQUISITOR 1 (Reaper of Secrets)
-- Domain (Possession inquisition), Judgment 1/day, Deceitful Lore, Soul-Piercing Gaze
-- Spells Known (0th: detect magic, detect poison, guidance, stabilize, 1st: animal purpose training, cure light wounds, disguise self)
-- favored class (+1 hp)

-- Cunning Initiative, Detect Alignment, Track
-- 3rd-level feat (Eldritch Heritage - Arcane - gain raven familiar)
-- Spells Known (0th: read magic, 1st: hidden diplomacy)
-- favored class (+1 hp)

-- Mind-Game Tactics, Teamwork Feat (Ally Shield)
-- Spells Known (0th: sift, 1st: lend judgment)
-- favored class (+1 skill rank)
-- ability score boost (+1 Dexterity)

-- Judgment 2/day
-- 5th-level feat (Deadly Aim)
-- Spells Known (2nd: cure moderate wounds, detect thoughts, lesser restoration)
-- favored class (+1 skill rank)

-- Bane, Discern Lies
-- Spells Known (1st: weapons against evil; 2nd: muffled sound)
-- favored class (bonus known spell: "weapons against evil")

-- Teamwork Feat (Lookout)
-- 7th-level feat (#?)
-- Spells Known (2nd: calm emotions, see invisibility)
-- favored class (bonus known spell: "calm emotions")[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Actual Character]


Dietrich Kraust the Thieftaker
LG Human Bard (Voice of the Wild) 1 + Inquisitor (Reaper of Secrets) 6
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14
HP 44; AC 18 (mithral shirt +1, ring of protection +1); Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +10 (cloak of protection +1)

Silver Longsword +1 (atk +5 or +7 with bane; 1d8 damage, or 1d8+2+2d6 with bane)
Repeating Crossbow +1 (atk +5 or +7 with bane; 1d8+5 damage, or 1d8+7+2d6 with bane)

Class Features: Wild Knowledge, Bardic Performance (Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Courage) 6/day, Possession Inquisition (Self Control & Beast Ride), Deceitful Lore, Detect Alignment, Soul-Piercing Gaze, Mind-Game Tactics, Change Teamwork Feat 2/day, Cunning Initiative, Track, Bane 6/day, Discern Lies 6/day, Judgment 2/day

Traits: Foul Brand (drawback), Canter, Everhome, Exchange Agent

Feats: Spellsong (1st-level feat), Skill Focus (Knowledge: Local) (human bonus feat), Eldritch Heritage: Arcane (3rd-level feat), Ally Shield (teamwork feat), Deadly Aim (5th-level feat), ?# (7th-level feat), Lookout (teamwork feat)

Familiar: Quassir, a raven with the Valet archetype

Skills: Acrobatics +2, Appraise +8, Bluff +11, Climb +0, Craft (Weapons) +5, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Handle Animal +9, Heal +7, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +5, Knowledge (Geography/Nature) +2, Knowledge (History) +5, Knowledge (Local) +8, Knowledge (Nobility) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Linguistics +6, Perception +9, Perform (Oratory) +9, Ride +6, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +9, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Swim +0, Use Magic Device +9

Bard Spells:
0th: ghost sound, message, oath of anonymity, unwitting ally
1st: animal messenger, ears of the city, summon minor monster (celestial ravens)

Inquisitor Spells
0th: detect magic, detect poison, guidance, read magic, sift, stabilize
1st: animal purpose training, cure light wounds, disguise self, hidden diplomacy, lend judgment, weapons against evil
2nd: calm emotions, cure moderate wounds, detect thoughts, lesser restoration, muffled sounds, see invisibility

Magic Items & Equipment (15,648.8 / 16,105 gp)
repeating crossbow +1 = 2,550 gp
silver longsword +1 = 2,455 gp
mithral shirt +1 = 2,100 gp
ring of protection +1 = 2,000 gp
handy haversack = 2,000 gp
healer's satchel = 1,500 gp
cloak of resistance +1 = 1,000 gp
wand of protection from evil (1st level, 50 charges) = 750 gp
10 durable adamantine bolts (in 2 cases) = 610 gp
sleeves of many garments = 200 gp
scroll of blood biography (2nd-level bard)= 200 gp
everburning torch = 110 gp
antitoxin x2 = 100 gp
rookery of 24 messenger ravens = 48 gp
iron holy symbol flask w/ holy water = 40 gp
assorted adventuring gear = 30.8 gp
10 durable silver bolts (in 2 cases) = 30 gp
scroll of comprehend languages (1st-level bard) = 25 gp
scroll of discern next of kin (1st-level bard) = 25 gp
scroll of share language (1st-level bard) = 25 gp
scroll of sanctify corpse (1st-level inquisitor) = 25 gp
10 durable cold iron bolts (in 2 cases) = 20 gp
falconry gauntlet = 10 gp
spell component pouch = 5 gp[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Revised Backstory]CHILDHOOD: Dietrich Kraust worked his way up from below, the indolent son of a traveling coffin-maker father and a blind heretic mother who tended ravens. To do his part providing for his family, the boy turned to thieving – con-artists pretending to be priests, potion-peddlers, traveling ascetics, and drunken mages among his favored targets. Behind his mother's back he trained her ravens to aid his thieving ventures. Only his extraordinary charisma saved him from lashing; indeed on several occasions Dietrich managed to befriend (or at least beguile) those he'd stolen from...

BARDIC APPRENTICESHIP (Bard 1, Voice of the Wild): One mage, a canny enchanter and practiced con named ELAVREA was impressed by Dietrich's gift-of-gab, and took him under her wing. An unhealthy romance formed between them as Dietrich learned the bardic arts and rudiments of magic, while ELAVREA used his skills and rapport with ravens toward her own unscrupulous ends. Despite ELAVREA'S attempts, Dietrich proved ethically incorruptible, and so it was that he was sent on a final mission to prove himself – he had to steal the WANTON EYE from the Statue of <INSERT DEITY NAME> in the temple of ISOCHRONISM. However, he was caught by the temple guards! ELAVREA got away with the Wanton Eye, and Dietrich would not give her away. A grim fate awaited the thief, surely...

DIVINE INTERVENTION (Inquisitor 1, Reaper of Secrets): HIGH PRIEST VOUND of the church of ISOCHRONISM, had a premonition as Dietrich awaited execution for profaning, and ordered the young man brought to the Censer of Holy Flames. There, Dietrich's hand became permanently branded with the sign of <INSERT EVIL DEITY> and an unfathomable presence touched his mind, filling him with visions of ravens over a battlefield. This experience shook Dietrich to his core. Unhappy with this divine sign, but not willing to risk angering his deity, the HIGH PRIEST VOUND saw a way he might use Dietrich to do what servants of the church could not – to investigate the enemies of the faith from within for signs of evil's taint. It helped that HIGH PRIEST VOUND was willing to turn a blind eye to Dietrich's mother's heresy if he came to serve the church...

THE WORG CORPS (Inquisitor 2-3): Sentenced to compulsory military service in defense of NARAKAWA, Dietrich found himself in a mercenary scouting band known as the WORG CORPS. Misfits and criminals sent behind enemy lines, backstabbing was common place among the WORG CORPS and not a night went by without a dagger close to Dietrich's bedroll. This was his deep cover mission for the church of ISOCHRONISM. Though trained as an arbalister, his knack for bolstering the spirits of his brethren (and his tendency to shy from the dirty deeds of the mercenaries) earned him a place as camp medic. His closest companion during those long nights was an unusually clever piebald raven whom Dietrich trained and named QUASSIR after a fallen brother-in-arms. Despite the wickedness of many of the men he served alongside, Dietrich remained the moral compass for the few men of honor. The WORG CORPS was pitted against the <INSERT EVIL ORGANIZATION>, but their corrupt natures won out and half the Worg Corps betrayed their brothers-in-arms, making an alliance with the <INSERT EVIL ORGANIZATION>. Dietrich and a handful of brothers (most now leading scarred lives in hiding) were the only ones to survive the massacre...

MASTER OF RAVENS (Inquisitor 4-6): Returning to NARAKAWA with no little acclaim and no little notoriety, Dietrich learned that HIGH PRIEST VOUND had known all along the viper's nest Dietrich was sent into. Thus, he turned his back on the church of ISOCHRONIM and found a placement as Master of Ravens among the SILVER SWORDS. While Dietrich was close to XANDER CROMWELL'S Spymaster, they could keep an eye on him and exploit his growing knowledge of the city's temples, paramilitaries, criminal underworld, and merchant houses. Dietrich relies on a rookery of dozens of messenger ravens which deliver information among his scattered contacts across several cities and keep him apprised of many secret dealings...[/SBLOCK]
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I think your character concept looks great, but I just feel the need to add that every party is made better if it includes a gnome paladin.

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