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Aliases: The Darkest Knight, Batknight
Race: Drow
Class/Level: Eldritch Guardian Fighter 12
Gender: Male

Strength (STR) 24 (22 +2 enhancement)
Dexterity (DEX) 14 (10 +2 racial, +2 enhancement)
Constitution (CON) 25 (22 -2 racial +3 level, +2 enhancement)
Intelligence (INT) 21
Wisdom (WIS) 16
Charisma (CHA) 17 (15 +2 racial)

Alignment: Chaotic Good
AC: 37 (10 + 2 dex + 2 natural + 15 armor + 5 shield +2 deflection +1 insight)
Hit Points: 183 (10+7 + 11x(7+7) + 12)
Movement: 30'
Spell Resistance: 18
Damage Resistance: 3/-

Init: +6
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Melee Attack: +19
Ranged Attack: +14
Fort: +19
Reflex: +10
Will: +13 (+2 vs enchantment, +3 vs fear and mind affecting)

Race Abilities
+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Con
Drow Immunnities: Immune to magic sleep, +2 vs Enchantment spells and effects
Keen Senses: +2 Perception
Poison Use: Never risk accidentally poisoning themselves
Spell Resistance: 6 + class levels
Spell-like Abilities: (modified by feats)
Dark Vision 120ft.
Weapon Familiarity (Hand Crossbow, Rapier, Shortsword)
Favored Class: Fighter
- 1-12 +HP

Spell-like Abilities (CL 12)
Constant: Detect Magic
At-Will: Dancing Lights, Deeper Darkness, Faerie Fire, Feather Fall, Levitate
1/Day: Dispel Magic

Class Abilities:
Proficiencies - all Simple and Martial Weapons, all Armour, all Shields
Familiar: Bat-Bat (12th level)
Steel Will: +3 bonus on Will saves vs fear and mind affecting effects
5 Bonus Combat Feats (4, 6, 8, 10, 12)
Armour Training
- reduce armour check penalties by 1 and increase max Dex by 1
- move at your normal speed in medium and heavy armour
- Armour Specialization (full plate): +3 to armour class
- Armoured Juggernaut: damage resistance while wearing armour (1/- light, 2/- med, 3/- heavy)
Weapon Training
- +2 attack and damage with Heavy Blades
- +1 attack and damage with Close Weapons

Skills: 84
Acrobatics: +0 (1 rank +2 Dex, -3 full plate, -1 if shield)
Bluff: +9 (6 ranks +3 Cha)
Climb: +7 (1 rank +3t, +7 Str, -3 full plate, -1 if shield)
Craft (Armoursmithing): +12 (4 ranks +3t, +5 Int)
Craft (Blacksmithing): +12 (4 ranks +3t, +5 Int)
Craft (Weaponsmithing): +12 (4 ranks +3t, +5 Int)
Diplomacy: +9 (6 ranks +3 Cha)
Handle Animal: +7 (1 rank +3t +3 Cha)
Intimidate: +20 (12 ranks +3t +5 Int)
K (Dungeoneering): +16 (6 ranks +3t, +5 Int, +2 Breadth)
K (Engineering): +14 (4 ranks +3t, +5 Int, +2 Breadth)
K (Nobility): +8 (1 rank +5 Int, +2 Breadth)
Perception: +20 (12 ranks +3t, +2 racial, +3 Wis)
Ride: +0 (1 rank, +2 Dex, -3 full plate, -1 if shield)
Sense Motive: +9 (6 ranks, +3 Wis)
Spellcraft: +20 (12 ranks +3t, +5 Int)
Stealth: +5 (1 rank, +2 Dex, +5 Shadowed, -3 full plate, -1 if shield)
Survival: +7 (1 ranks +3t, +3 Wis)
Swim: +5 (1 ranks, +7 Str, -3 full plate, -1 if shield)
Use Magic Device: +18 (12 ranks +3t, +3 Cha)

- Bruising Intellect (Int instead of Cha on Intimidate, Intimidate is a class skill)
- Armour Expert (Reduce ACP of any worn armor by 1)

1 Drow Nobility
3 Improved Drow Nobility
4F Improved Unarmed Strike
5 Greater Drow Nobility
6F Blind-Fight
7 Umbral Scion
8F Improved Initiative
9 Iron Will
10F Improved Blind-Fight
11 Breadth of Experience
12F Blinded Blade Style

Languages - Common, Elven, Undercommon, Drow Sign Language, Abyssal, Aklo, Draconic

Money - 3298gp

Weapons -
+3 Adamantine Longsword, +24 atk, 1d8+12, 19-20/x2, 21008
+1 Hand Crossbow, +15 atk, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2, 30', 2100
- 10 bolts, 1
Mithral Dagger +20 atk, 1d4+7, 19-20/x2, 500

Armour -
+3 Heavy Steel Shield +5 AC (2+3), -1 ACP, 9170
+3 Shadow Full Plate +15 AC (9+3+3), +2 max Dex, -3 ACP, +5 Stealth, 14400

Gear -
Cloak of Resistance +4, 16000
Amulet of Natural Armour +2, 8000
Ring of Protection +2, 8000
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (+1 Insight AC), 5000
Belt of Physical Perfect +2, 16000
Handy Haversack, 2000
Ring of Sustenance, 2500
Bullseye Lantern, 12
Hooded Lantern, 7

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