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Storm Sorcerer 10 thoughts


I'm playing a 10th-level storm sorcerer in an ongoing campaign. We're playing in a fairly high-power game (all characters have a 20 in their primary stat, and some have 20s in their secondary stats as well). I'm generally happy with how the character turned out, except that I constantly seem to roll low on attacks, saves, damage and any other kind of check I'm required to make. That's why I get much use out of the empowered spell metamagic option :p. I've yet got to pick my 10th-level metamagic, but I'm seriously considering heightened spell over quickened spell, as disadvantage on initial save seems too good to pass. I've got (fairly) low AC and my HP are the worst in the party (the wizard has more hp than I've got).

I tried to stay true to the storm theme with my spell selection (I've only caved in now on the 10th level, and taken counterspell, as I've learned to despise the spell when the opposing spellcasters seem to be spamming it left and right).

Recently, as we're gaining levels, I've begun to notice the problems with my approach. I wanted to follow a theme with Baran, to make him as much storm-oriented as I could, and while that doesn't actually make him a one-trick pony, it still means that there are a lot of challenges he's ill equipped to respond to. There's not much I can do with constantly rolling low, but things like targeting saves other than Dex (or sometimes Con) while still remaining faithful to the theme might be possible to remedy.

So, I'd like to pick the collective's brain and hear suggestions on how to round the character and make him more versatile.

The character is given below. I've tried to sum up what house rules we use (below, in the spoiler section).

Thanks in advance! :)

Baran Stormwind
Medium Humanoid (Half-Elf), Storm Sorcerer 10, Guild Artisan (Cartographer) Background
Armour Class 15 (17 with Mage Armour)
Hit Point 68 (10d6+30)
Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1)16 (+3)16 (+3)13 (+1)15 (+1)20 (+5)

Saving Throws Str +2, Dex +4, Con +8, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +10 (advantage vs. charm; can't be put to magical sleep)
Skills Athletics +5, Deception +9, Insight +6, Investigation +5, Perception +6, Performance +13 (Exp.), Persuasion +9; Cartographer's Tools
Damage Resistance Lightning, thunder
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Goblin, Elven, Orc, Primordial
Feats Spell Sniper, Improved Familiar*

Spellcasting. Baran is a 10th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). Baran has a total of 74 spell points (SP) and knows the following sorcerer spells:
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, gust, eldritch blast, mending, minor illusion, prestidigitation, thunderclap;
1st level (2 SP): chromatic orb, mage armour;
2nd level (3 SP): misty step, shatter;
3rd level (5 SP): counterspell, fly, haste, lightning bolt;
4th level (6 SP): dimension door, storm sphere;
5th level (7 SP): far step, fulminous thunderstrike*

Metamagic empowered spell, twinned spell, electrodynamics*, +1
Magic Items Twice Struck Staff, Wand of Magic Missiles, Ring of Mind Shielding, Magical Robe (AC 11 + Dex), Amulet of Protection

  • Sorcerers use spellpoints (64 at Sorcerer level 10; DMG p. 268)
  • Spell points and Sorcery points (10 at Sorcerer level 10) are pooled together
  • Recover a number of spell points equal to proficiency bonus on short rest (4 SP)
  • gust and fulminous thunderstrike are bonus spells know obtained during the course of campaign
  • storm sphere can be cast centered on a character, and moves with the character
  • all characters get one free expertise at level 10
Each of the character in the campaign has a “personal item”, i.e. an item that grows more powerful as the character advances in level and unlocks the abilities. Twice-Struck Staff currently has the following abilities:
  • it can be used as spell focus and doubles as a magical quarterstaff
  • Charge. Whenever Baran’s spellcasting activates his Heart of the Storm ability (or if he casts haste), instead of dealing damage with Heart of the Storm he can add charges to the Twice-Struck Staff equal to his Cha modifier (i.e. +5). The maximum number of charges that can be stored in the staff is his Charisma modifier multiplied by his sorcerer level (50).
  • Discharge. As an action, Baran can spend all charges stored in the Twice-Struck Staff. He makes a melee or ranged spell attack with a range of 30 ft. (60 ft. with Spell Sniper feat). On a hit, he deals lightning damage equal to the number of charges spent.
  • Electodynamics. Metamagic option. When casting a spell, Baran can spend 1 extra spell point to change the spell’s damage type to lightning. This metamagic option can be combined with other metamagic.
  • Lightning-Quick Wit. If Baran says a witty lightning-related one-liner when casting a spell requiring a spell attack, he makes the attack with advantage.
  • Light. When the Twice-Struck Staff holds at least one charge, but is not at the maximum number of charges, it sheds dim light in a 10 ft-radius. When it holds a maximum number of charges, it sheds bright light in a 10 ft-radius, and dim light in a further 10 ft-radius.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast find familiar; or ability to cast at least one spell and character level 8 or higher
You can cast find familiar, but only as a ritual.
The familiar you summon has additional features, in addition to those granted by the spell:
  • Its hit point maximum equals to one-half of your hit point maximum. It is considered to have Hit Dice equal to yours for any effects that might depend on the number of Hit Dice;
  • The familiar can use its Attack action to make an attack. It uses the attack options appropriate for its form (as listed in its stat block). If the familiar does not normally have an attack option (i.e. frog or sea horse), it gains a bite or claws attack which deals 1 hp of piercing or slashing damage (as appropriate) ;
  • It adds your proficiency bonus to AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any special effects DCs (such as the poisonous snake’s poison), saving throws and skills it is proficient in.
  • It gains Intelligence score of 4 plus your proficiency bonus. [Optional hindrance: Its Intelligence score cannot exceed yours.]
  • It can speak one language of your choice that you can speak;
  • You can communicate telepathically with your familiar while you are both on the same plane of existence.
  • Casting this spell again restores all hit points to the familiar and removes any conditions. This works even if the familiar is not dead or hidden in the pocket dimension.
You add badger, scorpion and spider to the list of familiars you can summon. Your DM might allow other forms the familiar might take beside the ones listed in the find familiar spell.
Small elemental, neutral
Armour Class 15
Hit Points 34 (10 HD)
Speed fly 30 ft. (hover)

8 (−1)18 (+4)12 (+1)12 (+1)12 (+1)14 (+2)

Damage Immunities lightning, thunder, poison
Condition Immunnities exhaustion, grappled, paralysed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Primordial, Common (understands, but can't speak)

Storm Form. Uurogen can enter a hostile creature’s space and stop there. Each creature standing in the same space as Uurogen at the end of its turn is subject to an automatic Lightning Touch attack. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing. This ability works only when Uurogen is in its natural form.
Cloud Camouflage. When in clouds or similar environment, Uurogen has advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks. This ability works only when Uurogen is in its natural form.
Storm Conduit. When using Help action, Uurogen adds an effective spellcasting level to all lightning and thunder spells cast by its master.
Shapechanger. Uurogen can use its action to polymorph into a Tiny or Small flying bird (beast), or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
Elemental Nature. Uurogen doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

Lightning Bolt.
Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 2d6 lighting damage.
Lightning Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d6 lightning damage.
5th-level Evocation [Sorcerer]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 ft.
Components: V, S, M (a pair of glass rods)
Duration: Instantaneous

With a roll of thunder, a bolt of lightning strikes you from above and you redirect it towards one target within range. Make a ranged spell attack; on a hit, the target takes 3d8 points of lighting damage. On a miss, the bolt arcs and hits a random location. Roll 1d8 for direction (1 – north, 2 – north-east, 3 – east, etc.) and 1d10 minus your Charisma modifier multiplied by 5 ft. for distance ((1d10 – Cha) × 5 ft., minimum of 0 ft.). The bolt hits that location instead. For example, if you rolled a 5 on d8 (indicating south) and a 7 on d10, with a +4 Charisma modifier, the bolt would hit (7 – 4) × 5 ft., or 15 ft. south of the original target. If there is no creature to target at the location where the lighting strikes, see below for effects when you target an area instead.

In addition, regardless of whether the initial attack hit or missed, both the initial target and every creature within 20 ft. must make a Constitution saving throw, or take 8d6 points of thunder damage and be knocked prone. On a successful save, targets take half damage and are not knocked prone.

Alternatively, you can target an area instead of a creature when you cast this spell. In that case, there is no lightning damage, and all creatures within 20 ft. of the point of origin must make Constitution save or suffer the thunder damage and effects listed above.

If you are outside during stormy conditions when you cast this spell, both lightning and thunder damage increase by one die, i.e. 4d8 lighting damage and 9d6 thunder damage.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th or higher level, the damage increases by 1d8 for lighting damage and 1d6 for thunder damage for each slot level above 5th.
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While its great to build around a theme, I do think you have limited yourself a great deal by focusing on direct damage and movement spells. Spells like Hypnotic Pattern, Banishment, Polymorph, and Hold Monster can really turn the tide of a fight. If you want to keep with your theme you can re-skin the spells a bit to make them seem more "stormy" e.g., call Banishment "Banishing Zephyr" or Hold Monster "Lightning Cage,: etc.

Heightened spell is a great option, but I think you want to use it with "save or suck" spells like the above. I am not sure it is worth the cost with save for half spells (remember its 3 SP per target, not per spell) but it is invaluable when you absolutely, positively need to shut down the boss for a round or so.

Shield is a great fix for a low AC and by level 10 you have the SP to spare for it. I'd swap it out for Chromatic Orb next level when your cantrips will be doing more damage anyway.


Keep in mind also that heightened spell doesn't do much good vs enemies with legendary resistance, which any boss type will have at this level.


While its great to build around a theme, I do think you have limited yourself a great deal by focusing on direct damage and movement spells. Spells like Hypnotic Pattern, Banishment, Polymorph, and Hold Monster can really turn the tide of a fight. If you want to keep with your theme you can re-skin the spells a bit to make them seem more "stormy" e.g., call Banishment "Banishing Zephyr" or Hold Monster "Lightning Cage,: etc.

Heightened spell is a great option, but I think you want to use it with "save or suck" spells like the above. I am not sure it is worth the cost with save for half spells (remember its 3 SP per target, not per spell) but it is invaluable when you absolutely, positively need to shut down the boss for a round or so.

Shield is a great fix for a low AC and by level 10 you have the SP to spare for it. I'd swap it out for Chromatic Orb next level when your cantrips will be doing more damage anyway.

Thanks for the advice. It's something along these lines what I was looking for. After doing a bit of research, and reading your and @Esker's advice, I'm leaning strongly towards quickened spell. It will also help with the action economy, as casting a quickened spell leaves me my action to do other things when I need to.

I'll be seriously considering shield, in fact I've been eyeing it for some time now... but chromatic orb was my iconic spell for a long time, and even now I tend to use it fairly frequently (when I can't use shatter or ligntning bolt due to positioning or space available), usually cast at 3rd level (so, 5d8 damage, or 6d8 if it's lightning any my familiar Helps me).

Sorcerer's extremely limited number of spells known can sometimes be a real pain.

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