• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Sale SHADOWRUN Breaks Sales Records!; a new D&D NEXT Livestream Game; and VICTORIANA 3E Releases - PLUS N

EN World Launches RPG Spotlight http://www.enworld.org/newsimages/shadowrun5e.jpgWe're launching a brand new initiative, which we're calling our Spotlight Program. Each week we choose a new game as our Spotlight Game. With prizes, creator participation, and more! First up, from July 15-21, is SHADOWRUN, with guests from Catalyst Game Labs including guest designer Jason Hardy! Discuss all...

[h=3]EN World Launches RPG Spotlight[/h]
We're launching a brand new initiative, which we're calling our Spotlight Program. Each week we choose a new game as our Spotlight Game. With prizes, creator participation, and more!

First up, from July 15-21, is SHADOWRUN, with guests from Catalyst Game Labs including guest designer Jason Hardy!

Discuss all aspects of our Spotlight Game, ask questions, with a hardcover copy of the Shadowrun 5E rulebook prize going to the poster who, in our view, best gets into the spirit of things!

See the press release at Catalyst Game Labs and right here at EN World. Or, more importantly, head over to the Game Spotlight Forum and start talking about SHADOWRUN! The designers will be along next week to join in and answer questions! And we'll pick the person who we feel best gets into the spirit of the week, who will win a shiny hardcover copy of SHADOWRUN 5th EDITION!

[h=3]Dungeons & Dragons News[/h]
  • Livestream Game -- Grab a virtual seat as members of the D&D R&D team continue through A1: Slave Pits of the Undercity. R&D will also be using the very latest D&D Next playtest rules -- so sit back and watch the action unfold.[HI] [threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?338408-Against-the-slave-lords-continue-with-a-2nd-Live-stream![/threadcm][/HI]
  • Art: Dragon 425 -- Elemental evil isn't all we have to offer this month, but it's a big part. Includes the Temple of Elemental Evil, cults that worship slimy, oozing, amorphous evil -- and even more catastrophic dragons! Here now are a full set of the illustrations from Dragon 425.

[h=3]RPG News[/h]
  • Cubicle7's VICTORIANA 3rd Edition is now available in PDF format. "A world of high adventure and intrigue in an age of sorcery and steam!"
  • SHADOWRUN 5th Edition has set online sale records. "In the 6 years of operation for Catalyst Game Labs—and the 12 years for DriveThruRPG—we’ve never seen anything like this. Catalyst broke our own “best selling” first day record in a little over two hours, while in less than 8 hours DriveThruRPG passed its all time first day record, both for revenue and for number of PDFs sold." For more info on print and PDF pre-orders, take a peak here.


[h=3]ZEITGEIST Continues To Add Stuff[/h]
Our ZEITGEIST: The Gears of Revolution adventure path (PATHFINDER and D&D 4E) Kickstarter (man, that's a mouthful!) continues to add new content! We've now added (as in, met the goals for):

  • The Third Act Hardcover! Woohoo! That's now all13 adventures in three gorgeous full-colour hardback compilations!
  • Vagabond of the Mirror Moon, a series of brief vignette adventures scattered across the ZEITGEIST setting, based on the travels of infamous docker Rock Rackus.
  • Monsters and Magic of the Revolution, a bonus appendix to Act Three with more monsters for the Zeitgeist setting, and new magic options based on the philosophically-driven factions of the campaign.

With just 44 hours [now less than 24 hours!] to go, we hope to be able to add some glossy cardstock player handouts, Herolab files, and more -- we're just finalising the deals for those! Please pledge! It'll make the adventure path sooooooo good!

[h=3]Boardgaming News[/h]
  • The princess has locked herself in the palace to win her hand you must get your letter to her first. You must get your letter delivered while being sure the other players do not. That's the description of Love Letter, a board game reviewed at Play Board Games.
  • Frogflip, on Kickstarter, is a game by EN Word's boardgame reviewer Michael Fox.

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