• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E One Page Adventure: The Shuggins Heist

It's D&D 5E ONE PAGE ADVENTURE TIME! This was a difficult one to cram onto one page! I wasn't sure I'd manage it, but I got there eventually. You'll need a deck of cards for this one. This One Page Adventure can be easily included into any city where there are thieves—in particular the trio of Gribbles, Big Sam, and Escraz. These burglars have trespassed onto the manor originally built by a...

It's D&D 5E ONE PAGE ADVENTURE TIME! This was a difficult one to cram onto one page! I wasn't sure I'd manage it, but I got there eventually. You'll need a deck of cards for this one. This One Page Adventure can be easily included into any city where there are thieves—in particular the trio of Gribbles, Big Sam, and Escraz. These burglars have trespassed onto the manor originally built by a powerful archmage and stolen a potent artifact, a deck of enchanted cards that have quickly turned the entire heist into a debacle that's garnered the entire settlement's attention. Several of the watch have already been injured trying to bring these brigands to justice and the PCs are called in to handle the situation, but can they?

This One Page Adventure for 4-5 PCs of 6th level (and its randomized elements) is based on an EN5ider adventure by Tyler Omichinski.

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Find it on my Patreon, along with my other 16 ONE PAGE ADVENTURES!
  • Bastard's Revenge. This is another adventure which runs alongside your existing adventures, each encounter taking place at a different tavern. With decades of adventuring behind him it’s finally time for TALLADIO to rest his blade and settle down. Unfortunately however this charismatic vagabond’s past is coming back to haunt him—he was a glorious monster slayer and hero to many, but he also sired copious children that are all now tracking him down to exact vengeance for their abandonment!
  • You Kill Me! The PCs are haunted by the vengeful spirits of a goblin tribe they once defeated. Can they figure out why, and how to stop the hauntings? This adventure is designed to run at the same time as any other adventures you are running, and is based on an adventure by John Karatovic.
  • The Sands of Twilight. This dungeon crawl for 5th level PCs has them exploring the tomb of a long-dead pharaoh-king, buried beneath the desert dunes. Can they avoid the traps and recover the pharaoh's ancient amulet?
  • Desert on the Road. This ONE PAGE ADVENTURE features elementals... fire elementals! Mephits, magmins, salamanders and more pour through a portal at the center of a new, scorched desert. Can the PCs help close the portal before it's too late?
  • Cult of the Rat God. This little adventure, based on an EN5ider adventure by Jacob Gobhar, is a twist on that old "rats in the basement" trope. An infestation of rats, a mad druid, and a 'Rat God'...
  • Mama Bear's Revenge. When an orc lumberjack accidentally kills a bear cub, the sentient animals of the forest declare war. Can the PCs reach MAMA BEAR and end the attacks before it's too late?
  • Cedar's Pavilion. This short adventure introduces a new cult to your PCs along with a horrible zombie-creating spell that has gone awry! Can the PCs rescue PETRA, an acoloyte, from the CRIMSON SPARROWS' lair?
  • Head Games. HEAD GAMES is a mix of diplomacy and a moral quandary for 4th-level PCs a they deal with a hostage situation.
  • The Mystery of Mordecai's Monster. There's a monster running loose, the uncontrolled creation of a mad wizard who likes to sew creature parts together. Can the PCs track down the abomination and stop it? A new one-page adventure inspired by the EN5ider adventure by Dan Head!
  • Winterheart. A nobles' daughter has been kidnapped by a cruel elven warlord. Her latent ice magic is causing a great winter to fall across the land, field by her despair. Can the PCs rescue CHRYSSA from SANGELLION KEEP? An adventure all on one page, inspired by the original EN5ider adventure by Esper.
  • The Ills of Hengistbury. This one is slightly different in scope, and so requires a bit more work from the DM. It's a sandbox environment, with nine small quests to be undertaken. The DM will need to fill in the fine details, but there should be enough information that you can do this on the fly; this one will definitely test your improvisational skills! There's a range of enemies from a poltergeist to a troll to lizard folk to a manticore.
  • The Haunting of Calrow Ruins. THE HAUNTING OF CALROW RUINS is a straightforward site-based adventure features ghouls, skeletons, wraiths, and more... can the PCs clear CALROW RUINS and end the haunting? Or will they join the ghouls wandering the castle grounds?
  • Presents for Goblins. The winter solstice. REVELLESCHAFTE’S presents have been stolen by goblins from the abandoned mine. Can the PCs recover the gifts?
  • Dia De Los Dinosaurios Muertos. NEW AZTLAN’S annual celebration. A civilization of long-dead dinosaurs led by the dinosaur mummy lord MIQUIZTLICOATL plots to reclaim their lost lands from the ruins beneath the city. You'll fight velociraptor mummies riding ankylosaurus skeletons! You'll meet a zombie t-rex! Have dinner with a hall of undead dinosaur nobles!
  • Croaking Sirocco. A magically warped land and a tribe of infighting bullywugs. Three bullywug leaders want to rule the tribe alone. Their feud has devastated the land and threatens the frontier town of DEEPWELL via their entrapment of a trio of earth, air, and fire elementals in potent totems.
  • The Business of Emotion. LANIDOR, a village. All the villagers are falling in love. TWO-LIPS, a gnomish flower farmer, is causing a “love plague”. His business was failing, so he made a deal with HERMIA, a witch, to drum up more “emotion” to bolster his lackluster sales.

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