• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

New Hobby Releases In Stores & PDF Spotlight: 27th November 2017

A rundown of the New Releases that should be hitting games stores this coming week! Board games, card games, RPGs, Wargames, Miniatures and collectible games... hopefully something for everyone! In addition to the games hitting your local store we also take a look at a few RPG PDF releases from the last week that we hope may be of interest. For more information about any of the physical products please contact your local games store.

A rundown of the New Releases that should be hitting games stores this coming week! Board games, card games, RPGs, Wargames, Miniatures and collectible games... hopefully something for everyone! In addition to the games hitting your local store we also take a look at a few RPG PDF releases from the last week that we hope may be of interest. For more information about any of the physical products please contact your local games store.


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Queen of Gold: Tales of the Pirate Isles
Shadow of the Demon Lord Campaign
By Schwalb Entertainment

A Storm Gathers on the Horizon!

A new evil stirs in the east, one that promises to plunge the world into shadow! Queen of Gold: Tales of the Pirate Isles presents a complete campaign that takes a group of starting characters to the culmination of their master paths. In the eleven adventures contained inside, the characters will have to content with being shipwrecked, fight horrors loosed from the seas, search for accursed relics, battle a dastardly pirate, and travel to the ends of the Urth to confront the heart of darkness itself! Queen of Gold also captures the unique nightmarish visions of a whole stable of designers that include: Robert J. Schwalb, Nat Webb, Robert Adducci, Jason Bulmahn, Greg Marks, Steve Kenson, Eric Cagle, Andrew Follett, Miranda Horner, and Stephen Radney-MacFarland So assemble a group and set sail to find the fabled Queen of Gold!

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A Touch of Class: 7 New Classes for 5th Edition
5th Edition Sourcebook
By EN Publishing

Meet the full alchemist, cardcaster, diabolist, feywalker, morph, noble, and occultist classes for your 5E games in this 70-page book!

These seven classes originally appeared in EN5ider, the 5th Edition patreon. Over time, they have been revised and updated after plenty of feedback from the community, and now they're ready to be presented as a full-colour softcover book! Each is a full class, along with archetypes; plus the collection includes a selection of supporting feats, spells, items, backgrounds, and monsters to help make the most from them. And yes, that includes the Noble, the name of our "Warlord" class!

  • [*=center]The Alchemist: Scientific Sorcery. The alchemist uses an almost scientific approach to magic to make alchemical discoveries. Will your alchemist become immune to poison, or discover the Elixir of Life? Will you delve into the Science of Creation and build a homunculus, or research the Science of Destruction and devise explosives? We also expand on the alchemist class with three new Advanced Studies: the Science of Illumination, the Science of Mutation, and the Science of Regeneration. Also included are two new spells, and an update which gives the alchemist a little more “oomph.”
    [*=center]The Cardcaster: Seers of Fate. The cardcaster uses a tarot deck to release magic, playing cards to cast spells—although she doesn’t always have control over what spells are currently made available to her by the winds of fate! Also included are three archetypes: the Knight of Swords, which embodies mental force and determination; the Page of Wands, which embodies the magical power of creation; and the Queen of Cups, with embodies the emotions. This class is also supported by new feats and new secrets, including the King of Pentacles, which pertains to thrift and wealth; and the Jack of Beasts, which unleashes the trapped spirits of monsters.
    [*=center]The Diabolist: Students of Darkness. Diabolists deal with forbidden secrets and dark entities, grasping for power through dark pacts. While they have things in common with necromancers and warlocks, diabolists are something entirely more…diabolical! Also included are two Dark Paths: the Demonic path and the Devilish path. We also introduce some conjured horrors, such as the accuser devil, contract devil, and more!
    [*=center]The Feywalker: A Taste of Primal Chaos. The feywalker is a mysterious warrior with mystical powers. Feywalkers can teleport short distances, breathe in air and water, and enchant others with a glance. They can also choose from three primal spheres: beasts, plants, or entropy.
    [*=center]The Morph: Changing Faces. The morph is a shapechanging specialist, able to slide between different forms. Morphs have a choice of three Essences—the Doppleganger, the Primordial Beast, and the Trickster—and a selection of Morph Talents they can choose from and acquire.
    [*=center]The Noble: Chessmaster and Commander. Leader, tactician, and a source of inspiration, the full 20-level noble class is able to command and inspire through three paths: the Path of the Heart, the Path of the Brave, and the Path of the Tactician.
    [*=center]The Occultist: Freeing the Monster Within. The occultist allows you to play a monster, with a choice of three distinct paths: abomination, vampire, or werecreature! Delve into the dark and secret creatures of the night, cursed to exist as monstrous beings shunned by the world.

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Clay Town
Systemless Setting
By Evil Beagle Games

Clay Town is an impoverished city on the far edge of a great empire, founded in hope but fallen on hard times. It’s rife with crime, corruption, and a dark cult that hopes to use its seclusion to further their evil ends.

Can your heroes save Clay Town from itself (or alternately, can they profit off its misery and get away before the whole thing comes down on them)?

Clay Town includes the following:​

  • [*=center]A complete and detailed description of the town and its environs
    [*=center]A map of Clay Town
    [*=center]Two dozen NPCs - friends, foes, and ordinary people who make Clay Town their home
    [*=center]Ten short plot seeds
    [*=center]A full-length adventure

Cities of Wonder is a line of books envisioned by Bill "teh ebil bunneh" Keyes, each describing a city, town, village, neighborhood, fortification, space station, caravanserai, or some other place that people live, play, and work. They’re system-neutral with a focus on people, places, and adventures, so no matter what you play you can use them. You can effortlessly slot them into an existing campaign world, either your own or a published world.

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Yuletide Terror
Pathfinder Adventure
By Rogue Genius Games

You better roll high for goodness sake!

While travelling through the Mulgahand Mountains, a group of adventurers stumbles upon Hollyglen—a quaint mountain village known for its charm, innovation, and thriving economy built around the wholesale of magical charms and baubles. Arriving just in time for the holidays—and a strange blizzard that interferes with teleportation magic—the heroes are forced by circumstance to hunker down with a wealthy family until the storm passes. All they need to do to earn their keep is babysit a few young adolescents for the evening. But before long, the heroes find themselves and their charges prisoner to a malignant being within its extraplanar lair—a demiplane it wrestled from the grip of a living saint. They must brave the terrors of this nightmarish realm if they are to have any hope of surviving, but even then, they must somehow escape the clutches of fallen demigod!

[h=4]Yuletide Terror includes:[/h]

  • [*=center]“Yuletide Terror,” a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 8th-level characters.
    [*=center]A gazetteer on Hollyglen, a town suffering growing pains nestled in a valley between two feuding nations.
    [*=center]A Yuletide Bestiary featuring three all-new monsters—the gingerbread swarm, ratfolk troops, and the dreaded Yuletide treant.
    [*=center]Two new occult rituals and a slew of new artifacts themed from Father Yuletide himself!
    [*=center]And much more!

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Esoterica Exhumed
OSR / Blood & Treasure 2nd Ed Supplement
By John M Stater

Expand your gaming horizons with new and innovative character classes, magic both weird and practical and optional rules for psionics, zero-level characters and proficiencies.

Find something new and surprising to spice up fantasy gaming for players and Treasure Keepers alike in …

You get ...​

  • [*=center]More than 30 new races, from centaurs to little pigs to mythic races inspired by the Norse, Aztec and Indian mythologies
    [*=center]Dozens of new classes
    [*=center]A multitude of new magic-user, cleric and druid spells
    [*=center]Rules for piecemeal and used armor
    [*=center]An optional proficiency system for weapons, tasks and spells
    [*=center]Zero-level characters
    [*=center]New magic items and artifacts
Esoterica Exhumed works with most Old School systems, and is written specifically for the Blood & Treasure 2nd Edition rules.

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Elizabethan Adventures: Player’s Book
Core Rulebook
By Matthew Wallhead

Elizabethan Adventures is a unique system set in a dark authoritarian realm where corruption is rife and evil takes many forms. England is a kingdom where curfews are enforced by an armed constabulary and people live in fear of gossip and slander overheard by local state informants. Witchcraft can exist. None can be trusted. The concept of hidden characters creates a hidden side to every campaign. Adventurers have the potential to have many secret aspects so that on the surface they travel together innocently, but their motives are their own. Elizabethan Adventures isn’t just another post-Tolkien fantasy where killing dungeon-dwelling monsters takes precedence over believablity. Elizabethan Adventures is set in a specific well defined Renaissance society that differs so much from that of today that it is an adventure in itself. The rules have been designed to best suit this setting, creating a realism and rich colour that is sometimes lacking in a blandly generalised game. Yet still it is a 'sandbox' game with scope for playing out tales of various genres, historical or fantasy. All the rules subtly create a unique setting. The Players' book details Character Creation, Professions (of which there are hundreds), Skills (similarly volumous), Combat (with descriptive crit tables), and Injury (including a detailed section on healing and a pharmacopoeia of useful items). 168 pages. Fully illustrated in colour.

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Elizabethan Adventures: Gamemaster’s Book
Core Rulebook
By Matthew Wallhead

The Gamemaster's book is structured like a Renaissance cabinet of curiosities, emphasising small curios of history rather than filling it with dull discursive essays. Within it is everything needed to form ideas for adventure stories. It is an unpretentious microcosm of the Elizabethan world. It integrates period research into every part of the game and provides both a 20 page chapter devoted to Elizabethan London (with detailed colour maps) and an introductory adventure. In the Gamemaster's book the social estates are described, as are the various religions (including witchcraft) and the various adventure locations worldwide. It also includes full prices for anything an adventurer may wish to buy, a bestiary and a chapter on ships and sailing (including full naval combat rules). In Elizabethan Adventures the supernatural can exist. Outlandish and unsettling ideas may be taken as possible truths. It is up to the Game Master to decide how warped his version of history is, for if magic exists why not other notions? Perhaps witches conspire for the downfall of society and devils wage war in corporeal form? Some say that there is a fountain of youth in the New World, or that a great iron mountain exists at the pole. Perhaps there may still be an earthly paradise. The scope for fantasy is unlimited. Elizabethan Adventures hasn’t a generic fantasy setting and it’s rules are not blandly ‘vanilla’. In every part it has historically specific elements because the dark Renaissance world it portrays differs so much from that of today that its unfamiliarity is an adventure in itself. 122 pages. Fully illustrated in colour.

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The Midderlands – OSR Bestiary and Setting
OSR / Swords & Wizardry Supplement

The Midderlands is an old-school game setting with bestiary for use with old-school role-playing games. It is based on Swords & Wizardry Complete, but could easily be used with other old-school systems and even non-OSR systems such as D&D or Pathfinder.

It is a green-hued, dark-fantasy, late-middle ages, early-renaissance view through grime-smeared spectacles. The setting itself is based on an area in the middle of England near where I live called The Midlands. Many of the locations are loosely based on reality, but others are pure fantasy from an addled mind.

The setting part of the book contains something I call "game-juice". Not heavy of history and monotonous detail, but enough to get the game-juices flowing and let the game master twist and tweak as they need to in order to fit their campaign.

There is also humour and occasional swear words.

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Here Be Dragons
Hero System Supplement
By Evil Beagle Games

You've fought basilisks, dragons, manticores, and wyverns... but have you really?

History buff and accomplished game designer Michael Surbrook welcomes you to rediscover all the incredible monsters, beasts, and strange beings of the Medieval Age in a way you've never encountered them before. With deep research and completely re-engineered 5e mechanics that eschew "standard gaming" for "what were they believed to be like," you and your mighty band of heroes might just find out that Old World imagined lion is far more frightening than that last standard hippogriff you tackled.

Then again, the Medieval hippogriff is far nastier, still!

From a short history of medieval beasts and monsters (and a look at the georgraphical world through European Middle Age eyes) to a thorough presentation of both magical monsters and mundane creatures, Here Be Dragons is a monster manual for the history fan in all of us. It's also a powerful tool for any Dungeon Master looking to make the Old World all-new for players who think they know everything about the monsters they fight.

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Ivinia Region Module
Harn Supplement
By Columbia Games Inc

The Ivinia Region Module is a HârnWorld supplement that provides a detailed, realistic, flexible, and system-neutral setting for fantasy role-playing games with a Norse or Viking flavor.

Ivinia is a group of islands off the northwest coast of the Lythian continent, roughly 200 leagues northeast of Hârn. It is a land brimming with warring kingdoms, icy fjords, and bold mariners. The Ivinians' tough, seaworthy ships enable them to range further than any other people and they have planted colonies throughout western Lythia. They are canny traders but are best known for the terror of their raids on the Lythian coast. The Ivinian homeland is divided into several mutually hostile kingdoms.

The Ivinia module has these components:​

  • [*=center]Ivinia Overview: These 44 pages provide a general overview of Ivinian culture, governments, economics, history, and more. It also includes campaign aids for generating character backgrounds and weather conditions.
    [*=center]Ivinia Index: This 38-page index is an alphabetical general reference of the geographical, political, cultural, economic, and religious entities in Ivinia.
    [*=center]Ivinia Region Map: The 22×34 inch, full-color map of Ivinia provides a vast amount of information with a unique cartographic system developed specifically for fantasy gaming. The map shows vegetation, terrain, settlements, and trails.



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D&D Spellbook Cards: Xanathar’s Guide
Dungeons & Dragons Accessory
By Gale Force 9

Expand your library of arcane knowledge with a new set of D&D Spellbook Cards featuring new spells found in D&D Xanathar’s Guide to Everything™.

This set contains 95 durable, laminated cards that expand options for spellcasters of all types. Now Spellcasters may choose from a wide variety of new spells, ranging from useful cantrips like the befuddling Infestation to the devastating Psychic Scream. Each card is marked with symbols denoting which classes can cast the spell. Xanathar's Guide to Everything™ and the Spellbook Cards includes all the spells previously released as part of the Elemental Evil storyline.

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Trials of the Toy Makers
Dungeon Crawl Classics 2014 Holiday Module
By Goodman Games

A Level 2 Adventure.

“Murder! Foul murder!” These are the only words that describe the scene inside the underground complex of the toy-making gnomes called the Konhengen.

Murder is not what you had hoped you would find, but you’re not surprised, either. Your introduction to these fabled, reclusive toy-makers had ominous overtones from the outset. First, there was the abrupt and unceremonious end to their nightly gift-giving visits to the village children. Then, three children snuck off into the Taboo Lands to investigate, convinced that evil had befallen the Konhengen.

And so you’ve travelled to a great island on the eve of the Winter Solstice to find the missing children. Instead you’ve found mass murder. But you’ve also found evidence of a secret agenda behind the gift-giving of the toy-making gnomes. Now you must unravel the mystery of the gnomes’ true purpose — or the world will suffer consequences on a cosmic scale!

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0-Level Scratch Off Character Sheets
Dungeon Crawl Classics Accessory
By Goodman Games

Play from Scratch! One of the most entertaining aspects of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game is the exciting `character funnel,` where zero-level characters explore a dungeon (and typically die hilariously in the process). Now, there`s an even more exciting twist on this concept: the scratch-off character sheet! Yes, just like in the lotto! This pack includes sheets with randomized, pregenerated results, covered by silver scratcher spots. Simply bust open a pack and distribute the sheets to your friends. Then, everyone scratches off the sheet, discovers their characters, and starts playing.

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Knights of the Dinner Table #249
Magazine & Comic
By Kenzer & Co



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A Game of Thrones Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch
3-4 players, ages 14+, 60+ minutes
By Catan Studios

The Brothers of the Night's Watch seek a new leader from among their ranks. Jeor Mormont wishes to promote one who can improve the infrastructure of the Gift, the bountiful and undeveloped area south of the Wall bestowed to the Watch by the Starks thousands of years ago. Drawing sustenance from the unforgiving landscape of the north offers enough challenges, but whomever takes up this task must also man and defend the Wall against the onslaught of Wildlings fighting their way into Westeros. Many brothers now compete to build, defend, and do what they can to protect Westeros, but only one shall rise above their brothers to become the new Lord Commander. But be wary — the north holds many dangers, and winter is coming.

A Game of Thrones Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch is based on the classic Settlers of Catan base game. In this game, each area in the Gift supplies one of five resources: lumber, brick, wool, grain, and ore. The barren Ice Fields, however, produce nothing. Players take on the role of Brothers of the Night's Watch and use these resources to strengthen their hold on the north by building roads, settlements, and keeps; recruiting guards for their patrol; or buying development cards. Each of these acts bring players increased power and recognition through the awarding of victory points. The objective will be familiar to players of the original Catan; the first player to achieve ten victory points wins the game and becomes the new Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

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Wondrous Treasures
Dragonfire Expansion
By Catalyst Game Labs

Every adventure will bring a dragon's horde of magical items to increase your ability to seize victory! Wondrous Treasures contains 55 foiled cards.

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Chaos in the Trollclaws
Dragonfire Expansion
By Catalyst Game Labs

Monstrous hunger shall not be denied in this second installment of the Dragonfire Adventures. New encounters await, guarding precious treasures for the stalwart adventurer.

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2-4 players, ages 8+, 30-60+ minutes
By Brotherwise Games

Long ago, your ancestors built great cities across the world. Now your tribe must explore forests, deserts, islands, mountains, and caverns to find these lost cities. Claim the ruins, build places of power, and restore the glory of a bygone age.

Unearth is a bend-your-luck game of dice placement and set collection. Designed by Jason Harner and Matthew Ransom, it plays in under an hour with 2-4 players. Each player leads a tribe of Delvers, represented by five dice (3 six-sided, 1 four-sided, and 1 eight-sided). Players take turns rolling and placing dice in an attempt to claim Ruins.

The game's elegant core mechanic is accessible to players of all skill levels. High rolls help players claim Ruins, while low rolls help players collect Stones. This opens two paths to victory: claiming sets of Ruins or using Stones to build Wonders. Delver cards help you affect your dice rolls or dice in play, and Wonders can grant abilities that impact the late game.

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Santo Tomas de Aquino
T.I.M.E. stories Expansion
By Space Cowboys

T.I.M.E Stories: Santo Tomás de Aquino is a prequel scenario that you can play through in anticipation of T.I.M.E Stories: Brotherhood of the Coast.

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Civilization: A New Dawn
2-4 players, ages 14+, 60-120+ minutes
By Fantasy Flight Games

Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn is a strategy board game in which two to four players act as the rulers of history's most memorable empires. Over the course of the game, players will expand their domains, gain new technologies, and build many of humanity's greatest wonders. In the end, one nation will rise above all others to leave its indelible mark upon history.

This new game presents players with an undiscovered country to conquer, built from beautifully illustrated map tiles. These would-be conquerors construct and populate the map with barbarians, natural resources, and city-states, then formulate their plans for how they will shape this world to their vision. Their exact goals, however, change with each game. Agendas are detailed on victory cards, three of which are drawn during set up. Players race to become the first to accomplish one agenda on each of these victory cards, spreading throughout the world and ensuring their civilization’s place as the greatest world power.

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Legacy of Dragonholt
1-6 players
By Fantasy Flight Games

Gather your band of heroes and journey to the edge of the Terrinoth in Legacy of Dragonholt!

The first game to use the Oracle system, Legacy of Dragonholt captures the spirit of a roleplaying game without needing a game master. This narrative game for one to six players allows players to build their own unique hero and embark on six noble quests. Battle goblins, foil the plot of an evil lord, and add a new story to your tale!

Prepare for Adventure
Legacy of Dragonholt is a narrative adventure game that creates a unique experience by blending aspects of roleplaying and adventure games, open world concept video games, and even Choose Your Own Adventure books. Unlike many games, Legacy of Dragonholt is not about winning or losing, but rather about the act of creating a story. Without the need for a Game Master, this game ensures that every player has the opportunity to shape how their adventure plays out while its intuitive gameplay means that you waste little time before jumping into your tale.

Before you first set out on your adventure, you must confront one of the most difficult questions in gaming: who will you become? Legacy of Dragonholt gives you the opportunity to play as one of six humanoid races that reside in Terrinoth: humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, gnomes, and catfolk. Next, you'll select a class, before defining your physical and personality traits, and scribing a personal history. Each of these features creates a multifaceted character and defines the types of traits you possess, which in turn affect how you will approach obstacles throughout your journey and how you'll contribute to your party. For an in-depth look at the character creation process, you may look at our previous article here. Once you've created your own unique character, you're ready to dive in to a narrative adventure unlike any you’ve seen before.

Explore The Realm
Once your journey begins, Legacy of Dragonholt combines two forms of gameplay between the comprehensive Village Book and the six quest books that provide the plotlines of your tales. Within Dragonholt Village, you will encounter many colorful characters, each with their own stories that progress and interweave regardless of your involvement. The world is yours to explore, but it is not yours to control. Like a real community, the places you can explore vary depending on when you visit, and your encounters with the locals change depending on your traits and past experiences. For instance, a bakery may only be open early in the day, and the baker themselves may take a shine to you if you’ve already met their cousin, or if they’ve heard of the great deeds you’ve accomplished earlier in your stay in the village. Outside the relative safety of the village, thrilling dangers and mysteries await that you can experience in six unique quests. You will investigate strange happenings within in the village and venture into the wilds beyond to journey through deep woods, delve into dark crypts, and confront creatures long thought dead. As you progress throughout the game you will find that, like your village experience, your quests also change based on your past experience, who you have or have not met, and how much time has passed. After all, if you learn that someone is in peril to the west of Dragonholt Village, they are not likely to wait patiently for three days while you explore in the east. Your actions have consequences, but ultimately the choice lies with you. You do not have to be a hero. This is your story, and it is yours to define.

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The Chrysanthemum Throne Dynasty Pack
Legend of the Five Rings Card Game Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

Experience the wonders of the Imperial Cycle with The Chrysanthemum Thone, the foruth Dynasty Pack for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game. Each of the seven Great Clans receives new cards that continue to embrace and define the themes that began in the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Core Set. Along the way, you’ll find a great assortment of cards focused on the Imperial City of Otosan Uchi. From neutral samurai sworn to the Imperial family, to Imperial magistrates from each of the Great Clans, to rewards for holding the Imperial Favor, this cycle draws you into the word of Otosan Uchi and the service of the Emperor.

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Sub Terra
1-6 players, ages 10+, 45-60+ minutes

A 1-6 player cooperative game of terrifying cave escape. Players take the role of amateur cavers attempting to escape an unexplored network of subterranean tunnels, before the lights flicker out or the darker things beneath the Earth catch up to them...

In Sub Terra players spend their turn exploring and revealing the tunnel system around them, attempting to survive the various perils of the cave, from floods and cave ins to gas leaks and scree. Players each have a role which gives them specialist abilities, such as an Engineer with dynamite to blast a new route or a Scout to find a route more easily.

New tiles are placed from a randomised stack of cave features, which determines whether you'll be hit with a dead end or a range of new options.

At the end of each turn, players face the reality of their situation, with a hazard card drawn to determine what danger causes them damage or cuts off their way out of the horror below.

These cards are finite, and when they run out, your torches flicker and the air feels tight, and your chance of survival diminishes quickly.

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Sub Terra Expansion

Not all of you made it out alive. With the help of a mysterious corporation, return to the cave and search for your fallen friends.

Investigation adds 15 new item cards that grant your cavers powerful abilities. Recover them from the cave floor, or choose the ruthless Agent who starts fully equipped. The darkness hides many things. Be prepared.

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Sub Terra Expansion

You've returned to the cave, and you're not alone. A new threat has emerged from the shadows - faster, deadlier, and hunting you down…

Extraction adds more horrors to the cave with the new fast-moving Leaper hazard card. Fight them off with the Mercenary, a flexible blend of cautious explorer and powerful defender. Above all else, you must carry proof of the infestation back to the surface, or die trying...

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Sub Terra Expansion

You're in way over your head. The nightmares in this cave must be destroyed, by any means necessary.

Annihilation introduces a totally new way to play the game. Push deeper into the cave to reach points of structural weakness, plant powerful bombs, then get back to the exit before they detonate. The Exterminator can stop horrors from spawning and is immune to gas, helping keep your escape routes open while you complete your mission. This isn't going to be easy.

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Ladder 29
2-5 players, ages 10+, 30+ minutes
By Green Couch Games

Ladder 29 is a hot game of ladder-climbing firefighters. As experts in the time-honored business of firefighting, players attempt to extinguish their hand of cards while facing difficult challenges that hinder their abilities and choices. Players must decide when to play it safe and when to put it all on the line in this easy-to-learn game that is sure to turn up the heat around the gaming table!

Ladder 29 is played over several rounds in which players are dealt 13 cards each, pass three cards to the player on the left, then in reverse scoring order select a hotspot card; this card details the number of points awarded depending on the position the player goes out and a challenge that applies only to that player for the round: a player may only be able to lead singles, end runs in even numbers, or have limitations on what suits can be played in sets. The bigger the risk taken, the bigger the potential reward.

The first player to "extinguish" their hand by playing all 13 cards wins the round and earns the most points possible on their hotspot card. Play continues until additional players go out, with all except the one who goes out last earning points for their finishing position.

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Custom Heroes
2-6 players, ages 14+, 45+ minutes
By Alderac Entertainment Group

Custom Heroes is a card-crafting, climbing trick game in which plastic cards are added to sleeves in order to modify the cards already in those sleeves.

The players attempt to win rounds by getting rid of their cards as quickly as possible using the classic climbing trick mechanic. e.g. If a player leads with three 4s then the next player must play three of a kind of equal or higher value. When all players pass, the last player to have played cards leads a new trick with whatever card or set of equal cards they want. Go out of cards first for first place, second for second, etc.

However, you also have advancements you can sleeve onto your cards. These may increase or decrease the value of the cards, or even add new abilities such as turning a card into a wild or reversing the direction of the values (i.e. you are now playing lower numbers instead of higher) or making cards count as multiple copies of themselves, etc.

But since all of the cards are reshuffled and dealt to start a new round, the changes you made may end up with someone else (and vice versa), and the common distribution of values will begin to change and shift over multiple hands. Thus, a good strategy must factor in not just doing well in the current hand, but also managing your resources (card advancements) over multiple hands and maximizing their impact though well timed plays.

You earn points and more advancements based on your end of round position. Be the first player to go out each round and gain the most points, but draw fewer new advancements for the next hand. To win a player must first get to 10 points, and then win a hand.

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Return to Camp Apache
Last Friday Expansion
By Ares Games

Ten years after the tragic Camp Apache massacre narrated in Last Friday, in the nearby village of Spring Forest, an ancient evil is waking up again. Something that the people of the village tried to forget for years, a demon who can enter people's dreams and twist them into horrible nightmares…

After the unexpected deaths of their friends, a group of young men and women realize that they must try to stop this demon. They need the help of someone who truly understand what they are facing — the Marshall, who long ago was the "Predestined" who defeated Camp Apache's maniac. But the Marshall disappeared, and they must get to Camp Apache to find him.

Soon, the boys and girls will find themselves trapped in a new nightmare, with two supernatural, homicidal entities to fight. Will the maniac stop the demon, or will they work together to slaughter their mortal enemies? Will the Marshall be able to stop the horror again? It's time to go back to Camp Apache!

With the Last Friday: Return to Camp Apache expansion, you can play Last Friday with up to seven players, with two of those players controlling the evil demon and maniac. The box includes two new chapters, a new opponent (the demon), new clue tokens, new board overlays to represent a raging fire in the camp, new equipment, five new characters, and two new special characters: the Marshall and the Witch.

The original Last Friday chapters may also be played with the new contents, as well as with the new "Survival Horror" game mode, with real-time constraints to make the game even more exciting.

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2 players, ages 10+, 5-20+ minutes
By Fowers Games

Fugitive is a two-player card game set in the world of Burgle Bros. One player is a fugitive trying to make it out of town while being pursued by an unstoppable agent. The fugitive plays cards face down to the table trying to work their way to a goal, while the agent must guess those cards to uncover them. If all the cards are face up, the fugitive is caught.

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2-5 players, ages 8+, 25-45+ minutes
By Ludonaute

As you journey across the mysterious land of Luma, you encounter a nomad camp. You join them around the fire and share in the strange potion that the great Shaman passes around. The stories told by those around the campfire seem odd and disjointed, but with cleverness and insight you may make sense of the many legends of Luma...

In the dreamlike board game Nomads, players each collect disjointed pieces of stories. As you gather the story tiles, you can exchange them for a song or legend that makes sense of the seemingly random fragments. In the end, the player with the most points gleaned from song and legend cards and opal moon tiles — and with the fewest leftover story or joker tiles — wins!

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The Masters of Gravity
Ashes of the Phoenixborn Expansion
By Plaid Hat Games

Harness the power of gravity itself with The Masters of Gravity expansion deck for Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn! This deck introduces a new Phoenixborn, Echo Greystorm, to the Ashes universe, giving you the freedom to explore new deck-building strategies that fit his unique abilities. Take control of your opponent's every move by bending the very laws of physics to your will. Additionally, Echo is accompanied by a full deck of spell, ally, and other cards that can be incorporated into any Ashes deck, allowing you to supplement your collection and discover powerful new card combinations. With each card, you'll find new ways to customize your Ashes experience and fight alongside your chosen Phoenixborn!

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The Path of Assassins
Ashes of the Phoenixborn Expansion
By Plaid Hat Games

Return to the world of Argaia and see the world through the eyes of a new Phoenixborn with The Path of Assassins expansion deck for Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn!

Born in bonds, Jericho Kill now sits on the throne of Abylon. Trained in combat from a young age, she brings her unique skills to the Ashes universe, allowing you to experiment with new strategies and paths to victory against other Phoenixborn. Take command of powerful allies or overwhelm your opponent with magic that refreshes your exhausted dice. Every card in The Path of Assassins can be used to customize any Ashes deck, giving you the freedom to tailor the experience to your own style of play. Unlock Jericho's full potential with The Path of Assassins!

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3-5 players, ages 8+, 30+ minutes
By Z-Man Games

Night is falling and your tamed critters have somehow escaped their enclosure! Head into the forest and tempt them back with juicy lightning bugs in Smile, a game of gathering cute creatures for three to five players.

In every game of Smile, you and your fellow players attempt to lure your critters back by taking turns placing fireflies on their cards one at a time. But be careful! Wild critters are equally enamored with your fireflies, but will give you negative points. Wisely spend your fireflies to attract the best critters while saving enough to bid in future rounds. Just remember: In the end, you'll be surrounded by a collection of cute smiling creatures — for better or worse!

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1-4 players, ages 10+, 45-90+ minutes
By Z-Man Games

The castle is besieged! Hordes of monsters gather near the ancient walls and are about to smash open the castle gates. Mountain giants trample the fields, fire riders burn the surrounding settlements, and the ice dragon has nested on top of the citadel tower, horrifying the minds of the inhabitants of the bastion. Only a squad of stubborn heroes stands between the enemies and their ultimate victory.

Bastion is a cooperative castle defense game set in the Berserk universe, with 1 to 4 players taking on the roles of magical castle defenders. The castle is located in the center of the game board and is menaced by a great variety of invading enemies: dangerous beasts, ferocious warriors, terrible monsters, giants, mages, and even mighty dragons.

You will travel the bastion districts, draw energy from sources of magic, build obelisks, bombard the enemies by magical devices and learn new spells. You will be gathering specific mana that is required to defeat each of the invaders. Victories allow castle defenders to gain new abilities, build powerful artifacts, and perform magic rituals.

To defeat a monster you usually must travel to its location and spend a specific amount of mana of a required color. Each defeated monster provides you with a new spell. The tougher the defeated enemy, the better spell you will get. Castle defenders should try to be as efficient as possible. If you take too many actions to defeat your threats, the bastion will fall.

Bastion is a cooperative adventure: you either defend the city by concerted efforts or it will fall under the pressure of the attacking hordes. Bastion is a highly customizable and replayable game. There are several scenarios and difficulty settings in the rules, along with the solo mode.

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Through the Desert
2-5 players, ages 10+, 30-45+ minutes
By Z-Man Games

From the award-winning game designer Reiner Knizia comes a game of strategy, patience, and cool plastic camels! The desert is still treacherous, mysterious, and without mercy. But for those willing to risk the dangers of the shifting, sun-baked sands, the desert holds riches beyond compare.

In Through the Desert, two to five players each control a tribe of nomads vying for control of the desert. By establishing caravans and taking over oases, the players gain points as their tribes increase in power.

Strategy is essential in deciding how and where to build your tribe's caravans. There are multiple ways to gain points and several ways to win. Should you try to build the longest caravan? Or should you dominate the desert's oases? Don't forget to keep an eye on your opponents' caravans, or you may find your own tribe cut off from valuable water holes.

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Etherweave Expansion Deck
Tash-Kalar Arena o Legends Expansion
By Czech Games Edition

Arcane beings transform the arena, intertwining space and time, bringing visions of things yet to come. You play with the threads of causality itself when you embrace the tactics of


In the third expansion to Tash-Kalar, you will discover beings with effects that can travel backwards through time. These warp effects can be played even before the being's pattern is formed. But beware! Leaving loose threads does have its consequences. You must summon the being to fulfill the fate that your tactics have foreseen.

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Ratlings Enemy Box
Massive Darkness Expansion

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Noble Warriors vs The Cockatrix
Massive Darkness Expansion

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Bloodmoon Assassins vs The Hellephant
Massive Darkness Expansion

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A Quest of Crystal and Lava
Massive Darkness Expansion



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The Next Generation
Star Trek Adventures Miniatures
By Modiphius

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Klingon Warband
Star Trek Adventures Miniatures
By Modiphius

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Romulan Strike Team
Star Trek Adventures Miniatures
By Modiphius

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The Original Series
Star Trek Adventures Miniatures
By Modiphius

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Uthuk Y’llan Army Expansion
Runewars Miniatures Game Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Uthuk Y’llan Infantry Command Unit Upgrade Expansion
Runewars Miniatures Game Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Bucentaure 1803 / Robuste 1806
Sails of Glory Ship Pack
By Ares

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Neptune 1803 / Ville de Varsovie 1808
Sails of Glory Ship Pack
By Ares

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HMS Malta 1800 / HMS Tonnant 1798
Sails of Glory Ship Pack
By Ares

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Duc de Duras 1765 / Dauphin 1766
Sails of Glory Ship Pack
By Ares

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Bertin 1761 / Berryer 1759
Sails of Glory Ship Pack
By Ares

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Bonhomme Richard 1779 / Bonhomme Richard
Sails of Glory Ship Pack
By Ares



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The Pacific War: From Pearl Harbor to the Philippines
2 players, ages 12+, 90-120+ minutes
By Lock n Load

On December 7th, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy bombed the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, an unprovoked attack that, brought the United States into World War 2. Instead of delivering a fatal death blow that would give the Empire of Japan dominance of the Pacific region, the attack's ultimate consequence was to, in words attributed to Admiral Yamamoto, "awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

In The Pacific War - From Pearl Harbor to the Philippines, two players face off in an epic struggle for control of the Pacific area of operations. In action from December 1941 to June 1944, the Japanese player uses his forces against the Allied forces from the United States, Great Britain, Australia and the Netherlands. Aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, and land-based aircraft are all involved. With them, each player plans and conducts strategies out of a limited hand of resourcey cards to gain the initiative and defeat his enemy's forces and control crucial ports and bases across the Pacific. The Japanese are at their strongest at the beginning, and the Allies gain power and resources each turn. Few would debate Japan's chances of victory, but the goal of The Pacific War is to see whether the Japanese forces can achieve better military gains and delay its defeat. Or can the Allies win a quicker victory? It's up to the players to utilize their assets to turn the tide of the war!

Man, your battle station . . . It's time to fight The Pacific War!



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Rondeau of Chaos and Salvation Clan Booster
Cardfight!! Vanguard Expansion
By Bushiroad

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Messiah Dragon of Rebirth Trial Deck
Cardfight!! Vanguard Expansion
By Bushiroad

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Opus 4 Booster
Final Fantasy TCG Expansion
By Square Enix​

The above list has been compiled based upon distributor and retail new releases mailouts I receive. Please note that there may be some geographic differences in release dates and/or availability of items. Please contact your local store for more information.

Please note: Some of the links in the post above may be “affiliate links”. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item the author of this post will receive an affiliate commission.

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I am enjoying the recent products that demand a historically accurate game. (Including UbiquiCity with a plausible near future.)

Elizabethan Adventures is a gritty low magic game set in London of the Renaissance Era, contemporary with Shakespeare, along with the wide wide world around it. It is an interesting read. Even if you use 5e, the rules system for EA seems a gold mine for noncombat challenges, ideas, and mechanics.

For example, EA points out that adventurers are often ‘bastards’ literally. In some regions, bastardy is common and acceptable, but in other regions, such as London aristocracy, the status of a bastard is deadly serious. They lack the right to inherit, have little to lose, must survive by their wits, and often have something to prove to their families and themselves. Whence they are known for daringness, adventurism, and ill repute. The emphasis on exactly how one is surviving economically − who if anyone is minding home, the store, or the farm? which responsibilities are being shirked? which family members support the adventures and which are disappointed? − helps the players buy into the wider setting of their characters.

In this kind of setting magic exists but is low impact.

I would like to add, ‘fairy’ spirits are part of the Elizabethan worldview, and are described in remarkable detail by Shakespeare. Yet these kinds of phenomena are more like a ghost story − about a particular haunted locale − and otherwise have little impact on the everyday events of human society.

Elizabethan Adventures presents ‘witchcraft’ as satanic, but makes it distinct from ‘Heathenism’. But in light of the reallife Scottish witch trials that come later, the records show the situation is more complicated than that. The practitioners more clearly resemble shamans interacting with nature spirits, including dramatic dream encounters, personal transformation, gifts of healing, and so on. These traditions view such spirits as neither entirely good, nor entirely evil, being more like their human neighbors. Even church documents by clergy, sometimes had a more sympathetic view. One view was the elf queen was a feminine manifestation of the satan, but other elves were nonevil. An other view was, the devils are rebel angels in a civil war while elves are angels that declared neutrality. Elsewhere in remote Norway, of all places, a Jewish midrash was borrowed to explain the origin of elves and trolls as the ‘children of Lilith’, the ‘first wife’ of primordeal Adam, who was never exiled from the immortal garden. Shakespeare himself presents the view that these nature spirits are childlike, not yet mature enough to fully understand the difference between good and evil, or to fully understand the consequences of their actions. In all cases, the popular cultures are unanimous that these nature spirits are a mix of good and evil, and like humans, are capable of either. Christian theology is an important part of the Elizabethan setting, and the status of indigenous nature spirits is a puzzling enigma that defies traditional good-versus-evil paradigms.

It is probably instructive to consider one among several Jewish views that such nature spirits are a kind of ‘shedim’, a Hebrew word occurring in the Bible. This word, singular ‘shed’, is used to describe various kinds of nature spirits, including English ‘elf’, Latin ‘genius’, Greek ‘daimon’, Arabic ‘djinn’, and so on. All of these creatures were viewed as capable of good or bad, by their respective cultures. Certain rabbinic traditions viewed the armies of angels as coming into existence as the result of human behaviors, and shedim as coming into existence by bad human actions. Altho shedim are born in sin sotospeak, humans who return to the ways of God and especially who study the ways of God, transform the nature spirits into angelic spirits doing good, even bringing worldy blessings to humans, as long as humans continue the ways of God. In any case, various Renaissance (and Classical and Medieval) theologies could and did view indigenous nature spirits within a more positive framework.

Elizabethan Adventures focuses on the humans of the Renaissance Age, and does so in a vivid and thought-provoking way.
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Genesys from FFG is supposed to drop on the 30th, as well as the dice.
Some pre-orders have been received in the US, and we’re expecting it next week in the UK (and hopefully the rest of EU, too).

I am more excited about this book than any other in recent times. I love generic systems and I’ve yet to find the one with a perfect fit to my desired balance of fluff / crunch. Based on some play of Star Wars and what we’ve seen my hoped are high.


First Post
If Game of Thrones Catan has been released anywhere I sure as heck can't find it... definitely not on Amazon yet.

It's certainly out here in the UK and was also being advertised by Alliance in the States. New Releases generally start hitting stores mid-week so it may be worth checking again today. Amazon don;t always get game product straight away so worth checking with a game store (either your FLGS if you have one or one of the online sites).


First Post
Some pre-orders have been received in the US, and we’re expecting it next week in the UK (and hopefully the rest of EU, too).

I am more excited about this book than any other in recent times. I love generic systems and I’ve yet to find the one with a perfect fit to my desired balance of fluff / crunch. Based on some play of Star Wars and what we’ve seen my hoped are high.

Yes, Genesys is showing on next weeks distributor release sheets so should be hitting both sides of the Atlantic then :)

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