• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Release Need some towns in a pinch? Plug and Play Towns is out now!

Howdy, Game Masters! Have you ever wanted for your towns to feel like more than a cardboard cutout? Are you struggling to come up with fantastic locations to fight in or NPCs with captivating motives? Have you spent hours creating a fantastic location with a living ecosystem only for the players to leave immediately? As a GM myself, I've struggled with all of the above. After searching for a product to satisfy my needs, I found the content lacking. Therefore, I decided to create it myself!

Plug and Play Towns contains TEN pre-generated towns with MAPS, each about 2-3 pages long. Inspired by TSR design, each town is jam packed with content for a GM in a pinch. Within this book, you'll be able to quickly ascertain the following information:
  • A Quick Synopsis of the Town, including its size, population, government, defenses, and trades.
  • Five Important Facts to summarize the location as quickly as possible (for those last minute preparations).
  • Five Important NPCs that you can use to delegate quests, tasks, or shops. Each NPC includes a stat block and brief description of their personality and character.
  • Five Places of Interest within the town that your players might want to gravitate towards, such as cultural centers, financial centers, taverns and inns, and interesting areas.
  • Local Specialties to bring the roleplaying aspect to life. This includes anything from favorite local foods to tool proficiency benefits.
  • Nearby Locations with surprising magical effects to make local random encounters more interesting and fun for your players.
  • Ten Town Rumors if you’re struggling to find inspiration for your next game.
In addition, the appendices contain:
  • Custom Stat Blocks based on classes. These stat blocks are Open Game Content, so you can use them in your own 5e books!
  • NPC Templates for all full spellcasting classes in the SRD. Take any ol' stat block and give it spells!
  • Six Magical Materials with Magic Items that might appear in your games.
These towns can be inserted into your homebrew campaign or woven together to create a world. Tear them apart, smash them together, and easily rewrite sections to better suit your campaign. As someone who is passionate about bringing their all to the table, I hope you’ll be able to use this supplement to ease part of your burden as a GM!

You can use the link here and check it out. The first town is available for preview if you want to inspect the quality beforehand. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I've also been sending out review copies to reviewers, so don't be afraid to ask. Thanks for your time, and happy gaming!

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