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How to disable Twitter messages from appearing by default?


Is there a setting to disable Twitter messages from automatically loading and showing its contents? I flinch when I see random accounts with verified badges but they're not smart enough to turn verified badges off or at least let me turn them off. GameFAQs lets you turn off such messages from auto-presenting themselves and when this setting is used, you have to click on a message URL before the Twitter message loads allowing me to view who it is from and let me sort of prepare for the message. After seeing a Twitter message suddenly auto-loading on this forum, I did a quick search of the settings menu, but found no such setting. Is there a setting like I described that GameFAQs has that I can enable?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Xenforo (the forum software we use) doesn’t have that functionality to my knowledge. Sorry!


Yes, it is by far more practical to have your browser fix this, than ask each and every site to fix privacy settings such as this.

There are lots of extensions that clean out social media hooks from web pages. If the browser of your choice doesn't do it already by default.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Just curious why one would not want tweets to render? Is it a privacy concern or something? I don't use Twitter so maybe I am just clueless...

Just curious why one would not want tweets to render? Is it a privacy concern or something? I don't use Twitter so maybe I am just clueless...

Yeah, it's a privacy concern. If it renders through Twitter, you get (at least some of) the associated cookies and trackers. Blocking the automatic loading is a simple way to increase anonymity.


Every good ad blocker offers a "get rid of social annoyances" list.

This greatly helps in increasing privacy as well as security - ads being a very common attack vector for malware.

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