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Free Free RPG Day, ZEITGEIST Hardcover Funded, 13th Age Pre-orders, plus Mystara Plagiarism!

Free RPG Day Today is Free RPG Day. The website, freerpgday.com, has a store locator which can help you find a participating location near you. There's only a handful here in the UK, unfortunately, but I imagine those of you in the US - especially in urban areas - should be able to find several nearby! One great bonus is Green Ronin's M&M Hero's handbook and more, free for 24 hours; or...

[h=3]Free RPG Day[/h]
Today is Free RPG Day. The website, freerpgday.com, has a store locator which can help you find a participating location near you. There's only a handful here in the UK, unfortunately, but I imagine those of you in the US - especially in urban areas - should be able to find several nearby! One great bonus is Green Ronin's M&M Hero's handbook and more, free for 24 hours; or Paizo's We Be Goblins, Too! There's a full list of stuff on the website, including Frog God Games, Catalyst, FFG, and more. [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?337580-Free-RPG-Day-2013-Online-Compilation[/threadcm][/HI] Also, EN World member MerricB reports on D&D Game Day and Vault of the Dracolich. [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?337575-D-amp-D-Game-Day-Vault-of-the-Dracolich-was-awesome![/threadcm][/HI]

Established in 2007, Free RPG Day works with participating hobby game retailers and RPG publishers to bring new and exclusive RPG quickstart rules and adventure modules into the hands of gamers.

Consumers WORLDWIDE will be able to grab brand new material for a variety of RPGs --- no overstock, retail-priced or dead product here. The goal of Free RPG Day is to inspire gamers to play a new RPG, which will in turn, create sales through local game stores.

On Twitter, @Asako_Soh posts a picture of his Free RPG Day haul:


[h=3]ZEITGEIST Kickstarter Funded[/h]
The Kickstarter for the ZEITGEIST Act 1 adventure path hardcover compilation funded on its first day. Thank you! We do have a number of awesome stretch goals - the first of which is for additional art, maps, and other content in the Act 1 Hardcover. After that, we have NPC/Item/Monster cards, and then a bonus adventure in the dungeon known as the Vault of Heresies!

Thank you all for your support! We can't wait to print this hardcover! And with your help, we will be able to reach some of those stretch goals and print hardcovers for Acts 2 and 3, along with a whole slew of other exciting goodies! So if you haven't yet, please head on over and back the project! The more who do, the more awesome it will become!


[h=3]Pathfinder RPG News[/h]

[h=3]Dungeons & Dragons News[/h]
  • Art: Dragon 424 -- When you look at a dragon, you instantly see its size and power. What you don’t see but should be equally frightened of is its dark, inscrutable intelligence. Here now are a full set of the illustrations from Dragon 424.
  • Dragon #424 -- This month, meet the avalanche dragon and the typhoon dragon, the dragon that never died -- plus, earning achievements, and Martek and the Desert of Desolation!

[h=3]RPG News[/h]
  • Kobold Press' Deep Magic is on iO9.
  • Reserve your copy of 13th Age & get the PDF now! Order at the Pelgrane Shop or your local game store. And if you pre-roder from your retailer, you get the PDF and they get a discount!
    • In other 13th Age news, Rob Heinsoo will be at Gen Con on the Introducing 13th Age panel and at the Pelgrane booth running demos.
    • And check out some 13 True Ways art - the Ambush Bug!
    • Hot off the Press!


[h=3]Boardgaming & Other News[/h]
  • The Dice Tower's Tom Vasel has tweeted that he has the Lords of Waterdeep Expansion, Scoundrels of Skullport. It allows for a sixth player and has a new corruption mechanic.
  • It seems that a certain author, Tracey Alley, is being accused of plagiarism by the likes of Mystara's Bruce Heard and many others. [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?337573-Tracey-Alley-plagiarist[/threadcm][/HI]



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